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I think I'll be tossing my micro now...

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:37 AM
Hmm, interesting. I think this may be plausible, but like many of you, I cannot just take the word of a science fair project's results. I am thinking right now of designing an experiment similar to this, and seeing what the results are. Anyone have any good ideas for relatively simple experiments that can be easily replicated?

If so, please send me a message letting me know. Maybe many of us could do the same experiment. Even the experiment detailed in the OP maybe...Thanks.
edit on 3/28/12 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by princeguy

I believe this plant thing has been proven hoax numerous times. Don't have time to search it up though. But you can always try that same test out for yourself, no need to be guessing whether or not to toss your microwave. I personally wouldn't, since there's no need.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 02:43 AM
I gave flag and star to you for bring this up.

I never found any difference in taste, so I'm skeptical, I shall test this and see the difference.
If there is, then the microwave successfully deconstruct water molecule and who knows, it even might be radioactive

Anyway thanks for the eye opener. This is bad news for me, I love heating up stuff with microwave.

p/s: On more info, theres report of UFO landing, grass/plants doesnt grow on the site where it land. The reports mention the grass have same effect as microwave when it land. - Boiled from inside.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:56 AM
That doesn't surprise me that microwaved water would kill plants. Who cooks with a microwave? I certainly don't. I still do all of my cooking with the gas stovetop or oven. The only thing I use the microwave for is melting cheese, thawing frozen food quickly, that sort of thing.

I noticed a long time ago that food cooked with a microwave gets cold much faster than food cooked on a stove. A stove actually uses HEAT, and transfers that heat TO the food.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:12 AM
I heard about this around 3 years ago, havnt used mine since and i don't miss it at all.

Cast-Iron skillets heat up really fast and are super easy to keep clean. thats how i cook pretty much everything.
i LOVE them... lol
edit on 28-3-2012 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by uggghhh
i think i remember this story.. didnt it turn out the kid was microwaving the water in some kinda plastic bowl, and the plastic was off gassing.. polluting the water...

That's my guess. You boil water on the stove in a metal container, but you can't put metal in the microwave, so she was probably using plastic. There's your hidden variable, right out in the open, if you think about it. And an experiment with just one experimental subject isn't very rigorous, either. Maybe good enough for a science fair, but I'm not going to modify my lifestyle because of it. (I don't think anyone else really is, either.) Finally, it looks like she took a pair of pruning shears to the plant between days five and seven. I'm not sure she did, but that's what it looks like. There are some residual, unhealthy leaves, but also some clean-cut stems. Another variable?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by FurvusRexCaeli

And an experiment with just one experimental subject isn't very rigorous, either. Maybe good enough for a science fair, but I'm not going to modify my lifestyle because of it.

i guess you missed this part:

Originally posted by princeguy

As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference, after the experiment which was repeated by her class mates a number of times and had the same result

you could easily try the experiment yourself with a glass container instead. it might be worth your time and your life to modify your lifestyle just a tiny bit.

"easy" is almost never "best"

the greater flavors i get out of food, alone, is enough to keep me from ever plugging that thing in again.
edit on 28-3-2012 by BohemianBrim because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:53 AM
Pretty neat science project. Hope the child goes far in life. While I do have a microwave, I reheat a few things here and there. Pizza is the worst nuked..blah.
One experiment can not justify them as dangerous. Already stated on page 1, multiple controlled tests would need to happen. Heck, the kid could have had a bad seed plant or a fungus in the dirt.
It is disturbing if this were to be proven. Keep the pacemakers away..that is proven harmful.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by sealing
Threw mine out 10 years ago.
I noticed I didn't feel that great after a micro meal.
My wife and I are only convection oven, which does
take a bit longer. Meals are about 15 minutes vs 5min on a micro.
But the food tastes so much better. Things get crisp and brown.
Not Chernobyl and soggy.

cracked me up.

Same here, havent used one in at least 10 years.
Thanks for the laughs.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 07:12 AM
Besides the health risks, microwave ovens are huge energy wasters. 99.9% of the time, it's just a huge clock. Think of how many hours the microwave stays plugged in, sucking electricity. Now multiply that by at least 50 million microwaves currently plugged in in the US alone.

If you're not going to stop using your microwave, at least unplug it when you're not using it.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:34 AM
I have a duel microwave that has convection and normal microwave im guessing they both emit radiation?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

Besides the health risks, microwave ovens are huge energy wasters. 99.9% of the time, it's just a huge clock. Think of how many hours the microwave stays plugged in, sucking electricity. Now multiply that by at least 50 million microwaves currently plugged in in the US alone. If you're not going to stop using your microwave, at least unplug it when you're not using it.

the only thing running while the oven isn't cooking is the digital clock, that takes next to no power. If you are concerned over that, better remove every power bar with a surge protector (led) every LCD tv (led standby light) every home theatre (led standby light) every pc (too many lights to count) and every other device you've got with lights telling you it's turned off.

I know that's off topic, but honestly, why does my tv have a light ON to tell me the tv is turned OFF?

Microwaves are safe. the science has been tested for several decades, you are in no danger from radiation from that device.

The quality of food is the key, most stuff you would "nuke" is GARBAGE and it really doesn't matter how you cook it.

I used to only use the sucker to defrost stuff, melt butter for baking, and heat up coffee. i do none of those things now, and once we have a good stint of warm weather, i'm taking the thing out to a field and going office space on it, then posting it to youtube.

Before you cry foul, i WILL be taking all of the mangled innards to the recycling center here, so no worries.

This decision comes after a long period of not using the thing at all, not because of the health aspects (there are NONE) but because the method of cooking simply sucks, use it for heating sure, but not cooking. bland food, crusty meat, not my thing.

We try to do everything from scratch, we buy about 90% local goods, local natural meat with no hormones or antibiotics, free range chicken and eggs, local organic fruit and veggies, etc etc...

Why on earth would I take that quality food and zap it?


for those still convinced a microwave is emitting dangerous radiation.....

If you cook on a gas or charcoal grill, you have doubled your chances of getting cancer right there, no radiation needed.

you mad bro?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:52 AM
I don't own a microwave just because it spoils the taste of foods, even a tea made using boiled water from a microwave tastes awful. I love cooking and as any chef I make my own stock for instance. There are a few easy basic techniques of oven cooking, simmering and frying that must be followed to have a nice tasting meal with great texture, color and flavor. My advice is to trow away your microwave and learn these techniques and you will not only have healthier meals, you will find great pleasure and fun cooking.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:54 AM
ATS is embracing ignorance today. Guys do you listen to the radio? Then you are encountering radio waves. That's a kind of radiation. Furthermore, the radiation emitted by mircowaves in non-ionizing, therefore it will not cause cancers of any kind. Microwave ovens contain this radiation in the oven itself.

You stovetop lovers do realize the heat from your device is a type of radiation right?

This thread is one gigantic facepalm.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:35 AM
cant say whether a microwave is good or bad for you but this experiment is far from scientific, cant believe it quite yet. There needs to be more of a control, with different plants and of a healthier size and age.

if anyone here has grown plants, you know the smallest things can kill them, especially when they are young. Sometimes its a genetic or disease problem in the seed, sometimes its something as dumb as the water being too cold or hot, watering them too much, not watering them enough, packing the soil too tight, etc. and I cant trust that a little girl did all of it 100% the same every time, and correctly.

I want at least 30 plants of a mature age all in good health with the same soil, pots, and environment, then feed 10 regular water, feed 10 boiled, then feed 10 microwaved, and the water must be heated to the same temperature in boiling and microwave, then cooled to a set temp before feeding, they must also be heated in the same container type (dont boil water in the microwave in plastic or something that can leech). This is still far from a proper experiment but I would be more inclined to believe it.

I just cant completely buy into the idea that microwaves "alter DNA" from agitating molecules yet.....heat makes molecules move faster so they will be agitated and fast moving either way, and not like it matters with water since it has no DNA.

maybe if I get bored this spring/summer I will do this myself.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:46 AM
It reminds me of the experiments done about 30 years ago on the effect that high power pylons and wires had on the vegetation beneath it, it was a very similar outcome. Plants are a very good early warning system for dangerous environments, which we should observe.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:47 AM
I microwave my cats food every night and they're unfortunately still alive. This project gives me hope that maybe one day they'll die. haha


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by lacrimosa


Did you know chocolate can cause cancer? Yeah. Thing is, you have to eat a full car-sized load of it. Even then, the chances of actually getting cancer are uncertain, and you'll barf it up before that anyway.

The point is, there is a noticeable lack of statistics and numbers in this research. How about we wait for the big boys at Harvard and Stanford to do their own tests before we make any calls on whether our beloved technology is doing more harm than good.

After all, we're taking it on faith that her tests were fool proof. I see no data other than her conclusions. Derp much?

Here's some more info on microwaves...

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Microwave radiation is electromagnetic radiation. It does not irradiate food and it can not modify DNA. If you feel sick from food you put in the microwave, its the food, not the microwave. Many "microwavable" foods are heavily processed and aren't that good for you to begin with. Microwaving leftover meals does not modify the meal. Period. All a microwave does is cause water molecules to vibrate at increasing rates (thus increasing their temperature, which is just a measure of the vibration). Microwaves do not cause any of the purported issues in this thread.

edit on 28-3-2012 by Orderamongchaos because: Typos

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by antonia
ATS is embracing ignorance today. Guys do you listen to the radio? Then you are encountering radio waves. That's a kind of radiation. Furthermore, the radiation emitted by mircowaves in non-ionizing, therefore it will not cause cancers of any kind. Microwave ovens contain this radiation in the oven itself.

You stovetop lovers do realize the heat from your device is a type of radiation right?

This thread is one gigantic facepalm.

Right there with you man...this thread is filled with more scientific malarky than I've seen in a while. And people seem to be buying it...doesn't anyone here remember high school chemistry? I guess I forgot that the cool thing on ATS these days seems to be to reject 'mainstream' (well established) science in favor of literally anything that points to the contrary, regardless of the credibility of the evidence presented.

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