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The Real Trayvon Martin(pics) what the MSM doesent want you to see

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:42 AM
First off some facts

Zimmerman is not white he is hispanic
You have no obligation to follow the suggestions of 911 operators
Zimmerman had every right to follow Martin
Martin had every right to walk through the public spaces of the neighborhood
Martin was dressed in what is preceived as a "thug" manor and thus elicited suspicion.
Zimmerman had every right to ask Martin his reason for being in the area
Martin had every right to refuse to explain that reason to Zimmerman.
Once Martin and Zimmerman began to fight they both had the right to defend themselves with the best means possible.
Age and weight do not require you to utilize a lesser form of defense if you reasonably fear for your life

Now my opinion
This case is being blown out of proportion to fill a political agenda. For futher reading on that matter fllow this link
I do not believe that Zimmerman should have shot Martin as I am a long time proponent of a layered means of self defense. Zimmerman seems to have nothing that prevents him from utilizing other means of defense so that he could respond to all levels of attack. Unarmed combatives, edged weapons, sprays and tasers all are options for respond to attacks. All that being said just because a man in unarmed does not mean he is incapable of killing someone. Even unintentionally people have been killed by single blows to the head. Zimmerman thought this young man was a potential threat. He had no obligation to involve the police so he followed the young man. He confronted him and this young man replied. They fought and Zimmerman responded to the fight with his only means. The young man died. had he used other options the outcome would have been different.
Now Zimmerman made bad decisions, he should not have confronted the man but he was under no obligation to stop following him. He had every right to make sure the young man was not involved in some kind of criminal activity. Martin however probably made bad decisions as well. We dont really know what occured at the outset of the fight but its quite probable that Zimmerman confronted Martin maybe he even crossed the line and put his hands on him and Martin responded to that confrontation violently. I dont blame him but that turned out to be a bad mistake.
The bottom line to this story is it has nothing to do with race beyond the fact that the two individuals are of different races. It has nothing to do with the "stand your ground law". It has nothing to do with firearms or concealed carry.
It has everything to do with two people who took a dangerous path, a path with a number of cascading poor decisions. I cant say that Zimmerman did not fear for his life and thus was not entitled to self defense. We dont really know what happened at the onset of the fight. I would offer the analogy of a young women who dresses in the most revealing outfit and walks into a biker bar, gets drunk and passes out on a table. Would anyone say she deserved to get raped? That analogy works for both men in this situation. Zimmerman carried. He patroled the neighborhood. He confronted a suspicious male. He got into a fight with that male. Is he not entitled to defend himself? Martin dressed in a manor preceived as suspicious, he walked alone late at night in the rain to a store. He was confronted by an unknown man and got into a fight was he not entitled to defend himself?
All of these individuals would be placing themselves into dangerous environments with expected outcomes, I cant say this is anything more than a tragic accident. Much like two drivers who are distracted and cross the centerline to crash head on. Both share some level of responsibility for the outcome of this incident.
It is not however deserving of the media firestorm that is being manufactured by race pimps, talking heads and the anti-gun crowd.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
I find it fascinating that black kids shoot black kids every day, but it isn't until a white kid is involved that anybody takes notice.
Thats what algore would call " an inconvienent truth"...just a by product of living the much sought after thug life

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by JBD1979

as much as I'd love to read all the mindless ramblings in this thread, I'm just gonna say (having only read the OP) that those pics look like your average black kid. Hoodies and black beanies make you a thug? Man everyone in my neighborhood is a criminal then, white and black...
edit on 26-3-2012 by Bigfoot12714 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by milominderbinder

Originally posted by

Originally posted by SwissMarked

Originally posted by

Originally posted by SwissMarked

Originally posted by

Nobody has explained to me yet what "looking like a thug" is.......

Dark hooded sweatshirt... pants belted off around the knees... sideways flat brimmed off color Yankees hat... untied $400 shoes... can't ever look anyone in the eye unless they're in a pack... and fit the description of every crime committed in your city... while they'll never mention the color of the perps skin... because giving an accurate description would be "racist"...

You're welcome...

Thank you for your last sentence... it confirms to me that the origin of this whole thing is racist...

Of course it's all racist... that's what Democrats have been about for... oh... I don't know... well over the last century... but they were smart enough to put their white robes in the closet and put on a suit and tie... they were smart enough to hang out with "Margaret Sanger Preachers" like Jesse and Al... they were smart enough to vote for a "black President" (still not sure where this black President is... but that's a whole different topic)... all so they could eventually fill those FEMA camps with all the brown people...

I've been trying for years to wake people up to the fact that it will be blacks and Muslims headed to the FEMA camps... but hey... if they don't care enough about saving themselves... why should I care enough to save them from themselves...

I guess I'm all screwed up as a black muslim huh? See y'all in the camps..

Don't worry, dude. If they try it, I'll spring you out. There are at least a couple white American males who still have a soul in this festering wound of a country.

Also...on the bright side, pretty soon all the baby boomers will die off and the rest of world won't have to be held hostage by their idiotic extremism and ideologies any longer.

FYI. Please remember this clowns comments when social security and medicare is defunct in the next ten years...and whites will be outnumbered by everybody else. After all....why should YOU have to pay for this guys medical care when THEY'VE been warned for years that the system is failing? I mean...if THEY don't want to help themselves then the hell with them, right?

I really am quite embarrassed for my race, gender, and nationality when I realize that there are people out there spouting such nonsense seemingly unaware of how treasonous and loathsome it is.

So let me get this straight... I'm a "soulless idiotic extremist" for not wanting blacks to get rounded up...

I'm a "clown" for not only knowing social security and medicare is already defunct and there's no need to wait ten years for it...

If you can explain what is "treasonous and loathsome" about wanting to be left the hell alone by everyone and wanting EVERYONE to be afforded that right... that'd be great...

I don't care what color you are... if you don't want to help yourself... the hell with you... period...

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by DOLCOTT
Mental Check

While walking down the side walk just about evening time, you look ahead and see a group of young males on the corner. The closer you get you see the following:

It appears they are all black and are wearing suits and bow ties, wow looks like the muslim brotherhood is on patrol, I don't care for them but I feel safe.

It appears they are all white, dressed like skaters, long hair, funny clothes and they talk funny. Sure wish their parents made them get a haircut.

It appears they are all black, dressed up like those gansta guys on TV, some have hoods on to hide their faces. As I continue to approach my stomach starts to tighten and I grip my purse a little tighter. Should I cross the street?

I am betting that the above described reactions are what 99% of people feel, black or white. If you do not want to be sterotyped then why emulate what is portrayed as negative. The simple and plain fact is that 90% of all violent crime is committed by the 15% of our communities which is young black males. That is the truth. The young black men who are dressed reasonably do not make people fear them based upon sight alone.

When you emulate a style which brags about it's violence and you have just a little bit of common sense, maybe you might even watch the news it would be absolutely stupid not to be concerned when approaching or being approached by these black males. It is not racist to be skeptical or afraid, it is just your human nature not to be a victim, just as it is theirs to be a predator.


Also...since when do "gang" members prey upon innocent bystanders? The VAST majority of "gang" violence is directed TOWARDS COMPETING GANGS. Do innocent bystanders sometimes get caught in the crossfire and bet. However...HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES KILL A LOT MORE AMERICANS EACH YEAR BY WEASELING OUT OF PAYING CLAIMS THAN EVERY "GANG" IN AMERICA COMBINED.

Do me favor..."grip your purse" a little tighter the next time you walk into a bank, doctor's office, or a gas station. Those pricks have gotten so good at mugging people over the years that they HAVE YOU TRAINED to ACTUALLY WANT THE "MUGGING".

As I white man, I personally have feel MUCH SAFER walking around by myself at 2:30am in Compton, Long Beach, or Santa Ana than I normally do in the presence of a police officer.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by DOLCOTT

It appears they are all white, dressed like skaters, long hair, funny clothes and they talk funny. Sure wish their parents made them get a haircut.

That was my son, the cops harassed him continually for being on his skate board, it happens, even arrested him twice for skating in parking lots, and once right outside of my house for being in the street,


You would have thought they would have worried more about the crack dealer across the street.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM
REply to dragoon o1

is trayvon not allowed to protect himself from an armed man who is following him for no reason whilst he feels vulnerable and unarmed?
as has been pointed out florida state statute actually does not allo the pursuance of a "suspect" in self defence cases ,.... this will blow the self defence laws wide chase some one when u could of otherwise escaped unharmed then that is not self defence ...self defence "castle law is more along lines of... you have been backed into your bedroom by house invaders and have no other choice but to defend yourself not chase them down the street then shoot them...
edit on 26-3-2012 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM
This is hilarious. We have the closet racists on one side, and the liberal patty-cakers taking the opportunity to show how open-minded and caring they are. Sad sight to see. It's funny, normal white people are robbed, shot, and killed every single day by black males. I was mugged just the other day here in Philadelphia by a black man (I am white.) Nobody seemed to care about that. All I was doing was taking some money out of an ATM. Of course if I said anything I would be an evil racist, smh. I work in Public Housing, I manage a site with over 500 tenants (all black), I never bring up anything about race when an argument occurs - they always do. Every single time.. Think about it for one second, if the roles were reversed do you really think things would be the same? No. Not at all. The NAACP wouldn't care, nor would anyone else, I could see more black people defending the supposed shooter without even questioning the OS.


In my opinion, not enough is known about the story to make an official statement - this should go for all sides TBH.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by JBD1979

Thats why you don't believe mainstream anything, because it's all lies and propaganda. Mainstream media, mainstream science, mainstream history, lies. Every bit of it.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Bullypulpit

So now everyone wearing sunglasses is a thug and deserves to be shot?

How bout her?
Wouldn't trust her either on a dark street..just because she's a hirl means nothing...a female thug is what she is projecting

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Kali74

I doubt it was the hoodie, what I heard from the dispatcher tape, was he wasn't sure what race he was at first, but this has been repeated a dozen time, I guess.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:50 AM
Aside from ANY personal feelings or emotional reactions any of us have about the Martin/Zimmerman debacle, just step back from it all and look at this thread from a purely objective rational. We are arguing with each other, attacking each other, and dividing and conquering each other over one small isolated incident that the media has put into the spotlight. It was THE MEDIA and now politicians and interest groups that have made this story what it is logn before all the relevant facts started coming out. Why is that? Perhaps they've done their job brilliantly and creating yet more unneeded division amongst as all so we don't go after the real "thugs" which are the elitist private bankers and corporate masters who buy off the government and make decisions about world events with no regard for anyone else but themselves.

IMO, we all have been duped once again into putting forth so much energy and time into a story that doesn't deserve it. Do you know how many people were shot just last night in the United states? Hundreds of people most likely.

Don't fall for the trap of stories like this, especially when the media first tells us it was a white guy against a black kid. Zimmerman is Hispanic! And now they're completely using this to rile up black vs. white and vice versa racial tensions.

DON'T FALL FOR IT. United we stand, divided they conquer us.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by kaoticf8
Depends on the way you look at it i guess, if you saw some white kid dressed up trying to look all ghetto-faboulous complete with loose clothes hanging round their a$$ gold chains complete with doo-rag you'd just laugh, but because he's 'coloured' 'oh no he's a thug' funny isnt it.... or is it not =/

That depends on the person. Like it or not that manner of dress is as synonymous with trouble as a pinstripe suit, regardless of ethnicity. I've met white people dressed like that, that were just as much trouble as Trayvon was. If he wasn't trouble, he wouldn't have attacked someone that was clearly not a threat. I think it's time everyone owns up to the fact that the sweet boy Trayvon Martin was, was lost a long time ago.

I'm so sick of the public outrage, and the MSM causing it. It's taking away from actual issues that need addressing.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:51 AM
I swear, the US is just like the middle east.

We are never gonna change.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist
I swear, the US is just like the middle east.

We are never gonna change.

AMENNNN...the whole world is the 3rd world...

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by gambon

Yea he was following him. Doing his job as neighborhood watchman. The job the gated community in which he lived allowed him to do. Trayvon did not live there. Series of recent breakins. Un-known person walking at night in the rain. Don't any of you see this as a little odd? Hell i would have followed him too. any neighborhood watch in the country would have followed this young man and asked questions. It's why we have neighborhood watch programs.

Now that a witness has came forward and said he/she saw Trayvon on TOP of Zimmerman. Let me guess, if this witness is white or hispanic we automaticly say BS? But if this witness is black what will you all say? He's lieing also? The media is driving this to epic proportions. And now the Black Panthers are getting involved. and they want to " Do what the police want" . Gang mentality isnt going to solve this. It's just going to stoke the fires of racial hatred all over the damn country. one of the other poster's was correct in saying. If Zimmermans skin color matched that of Trayvon, this would'nt even have gotten a paragraph in the news papers. Just like the thousands everyday.

But what it does do is get everybodies mind off of the real problems this country and world faces.. Iran, Libya, Syria, Israel. Iraq, Afghanistan ( recent murders). Cost of gas, no jobs, etc etc etc.

I am out of this thread as I can't deal with the outright denial of some that the POLICE DID NOT ARREST ZIMMERMAN. They will now that the media has whipped everyone into a frenzy. If the media has whores, it;s obvious some of you are just that.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
It's easy to see,when looking at the thug problem objectively,that those folks are not used to living in rifle country.
edit on 26-3-2012 by Bullypulpit because: Snow on the tail of a wolverine

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Kali74

I doubt it was the hoodie, what I heard from the dispatcher tape, was he wasn't sure what race he was at first, but this has been repeated a dozen time, I guess.

Nope, he said "he's black" .5 seconds after the question......

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SwissMarked
I hated Bush too... congrats for showing your "disavow any opinion that isn't my own" mindset and showing just how "tolerant" you are of others that don't fall in line with your rhetoric...

Thanks for playing...

My "rhetoric" is actually pronounced "coherency".
You randomly started insinuating that all things racist = dem's fault.
What an absurdly retarded line of thinking.

I am in the deep south, in a little town that is candy apple red with conservatism. I know full well the mindset of at least these conservatives...and yes, racism is a deep part.
I am not saying all conservatives/reps are racists...but I am saying most racists are coincidentally conservative/reps (or neo-nazi skinhead types).
This is not a guess, this is an observed self evident fact.
Yes, plenty of democrats are racist...and no doubt 70+ years ago, the Dems were the party of racists and xenophobes..but you do realize the parties flipped since then.
Abraham Lincoln would not be part of todays republican party..the republicans were initially the progressive party wanting to push the urban agenda..the dems were the mouthpiece of the farmers and such. now it is the opposite, the bible belt republicanism and the urban democrat agenda...both parties are in name only of their former stances.

and you actually know anyone whom is currently being detained in a fema camp? or know a guy whom knows a guy whom has a cousin of a friend that is currently in a fema camp? don't (will answer that for you)..because its a paranoid delusion..but thats off topic, so won't push that too much.

Know your history
and more importantly,
do try to make sense...coherency is not an agenda, it is a mark one should try to attain when discussing anything with anyone.
edit on 26-3-2012 by SaturnFX because: speeling mastake

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:54 AM
this thread scares the crap out of me.

i Grew up in the Bronx and it seems if it were up to some people on here youd have some one following 80% of the youth there just based on how they dress.

Take it from me the vast majority of people ive met who wear doo rags and hoodies were actually pretty cool people, with a minority of bad apples.

some days i really loose hope for the human race.

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