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Aliens and Spirituality (Starseeds are exiles from their home worlds)

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posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: ahnggk

I agree with you on everything except it sounds like you've already given up on humanity. It HAS become infected and corrupted, no arguments here but do NOT give up on them if you can help it, otherwise the dark has already won. Each and every one of you has the ability to rise above that and be your own hero in your own story, even the ones who have cast themselves as villians in this lifetime. We can ALL turn it around. How do I know? I nearly became a serial killer at one point, and the only thing that saved my happy ass was the light. Nothing else did that, just the light
it's more than possible they can be liberated, so don't throw in the towel just yet. Yes as a whole humans kinda suck.... But as individuals we can change the direction of the tides with our own pure energies.... Sorry if I sound new-agey, that isn't my intention

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: trustnoone07

I've had all the above working in unison, to the point I cannot ignore it. Meditation, messages in the shows and movies and music (ever wondered what the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons is about? Check out the lyrics. Hard to ignore) messages from my spirit guides and then seeing exactly what they just said to me on other sites where ppl are saying the same things. Signs, feelings, visions of talking to these beings and feeling nothing but love and warmth unlike anything else I've ever felt, just pure acceptance and consideration for who I am, they do not impose or force anything, they always tell me I am free to believe whatever I wish about them, they do not judge and in fact, never once told me I HAD to save anybody or be on a mission... They let me know this was my prior agreement and if I so wished I can walk away if I want. I have never felt anything less than pure love from them
so I sound crazy or like it's just wishful thinking and I've considered both of those possibilities, but to explain on any level what I've been experiencing as a whole there is no word for it, it is above and beyond awesome and I'm not going to assume I'm crazy about the first REAL thing I've felt besides loss of loved ones since I incarnated here. They do not tell me all at once, some things come through meditation, feelings mixed with visions... And then outside of that, I'm seeing signs and messages everywhere. There's a lot of subtext in the shows and movies like it's done in cryptic code.... Almost like the truth is trying to sneak back in bc it knows the dark will use every bag of tricks it can and that sometimes involves innocents getting caught in the crossfire, which the light likes to avoid and the dark loves to exploit.... If you are awake, you will just KNOW. The messages will be all around you, saying things like 'wake up' and mentioning dark vs light and bad vs good and corrupt conspiracies and things going on behind the scenes. There are lots of movies out all of the sudden and in a consistent manner speaking of being a hero, having courage, standing up for what's right. I see these signs all the time. I've had many upon many things happen to me that are above and beyond extraordinary and I feel honored to witness any of it
that is my personal experience. I hope this helps
another thing is I've seen white star-like orbs in my house, my mom AND boyfriend have seen them since I 'woke them up' and they will play with our puppy Kira on occasion. We'll see her pawing at them while they swirl above her head and she is being happy and playful with them.... They say animals have a sixth sense for bad things and bad people, and I believe this to be true since animals are the purest form of life, no ego and nothing but unconditional love and instinct driving them... They know bad and my puppy was playing with these things, completely content... I also doubt VERY seriously that a dark being would waste any time with an animal unless it was to hurt them. I am not surrounded by dark beings pretending to be light, they ARE the defenders of light and life and love and I will never confuse them with anything malevolent. I assume they chose me bc of my loyal nature and deep need to heal the world (something I felt as a child only to have it ripped from me by the dark forces that drive this land of confusion). I do not care if anyone says they are frauds, that's fine and their opinion. What they believe and what actually IS are like apples and potatoes in the wide spectrum of things.
edit on 17-1-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: forgot to add something is all, sorry

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: ArcturusRising82

Should have put this in one of my comments sorry guys but if you want to understand any of this better, check out this video I came across on YouTube... It's over 6 mins long and it's basically a song/rap about all of this. The best one is Kirk Nugent (Answer the Call, I NEED you to Remember part 3) there are 6 parts total, but when I saw this video, every fiber of my being sprang to listen and be aware, every cell in my body was on fire and it was SO moving and I was crying by the end of it. Kirk Nugent has been waking ppl up since 2001 and is on a very profound mission. If what he says in that video doesn't wake you up, it's doubtful anything will. If you are a starseed, you will know by the end of thayt video. Please watch it, if not to believe, to just be curious.... It can only expand your mind if nothing else. I personally vouch for this video bc it is the first tangible thing to grab onto after I woke up, it was quite a rush to wake up and to see that video put things in perspective. May the Force be with you all, even those who doubt and judge, you know what? You may be wrong about us, but we love you anyways
you're welcome...

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: archaeoprophet

The beings I converse with DO all KINDS of things that speak of their works.... For me and my loved ones. They also tell me I do not have to fulfill my purpose if I don't want and can practice my free will at ANY time. Sounds like to me, you are a victim of the double agent beings, who work both sides for their own means. They will tell you go this way, go that way, no wait, go THIS way... And you blindly follow it. They already proved enough to me, and I'm okay with you thinking I'm a fool, that is your misconception to bare. If we're meant to be slaves then why do they tell us to break free? Why tell us to meditate if it's to direct us away from them? Just as you are taught they only mean to enslave us, we are taught the dark uses old tricks to plant doubt, they've done it before and it continues to work. This is merely another trick but you are led to think WE are being tricked.... Anything to get the hero to think he's doomed and will never be free.... Another mind game. It's okay you believe this, there is nothing anyone can say and apparently your purpose lies more with independence of spirit than uniting of spirit and if so it isn't your lifetime to ascend and that's cool, just know that WE tried warning YOU as well. They set up this elaborate confusion JUST to watch us argue over it.... I only intend to exist in the best form of spirit I can, not to argue, however, I DO want ppl to understand that any reasonable doubt the darkness can muster, oh they will just like any slimy lawyer looking to get his guilty client off the hook.... Whatever plants doubt is what has worked wonders for them before.... And as a result, you're all still slaves to the system and the only slave system is the system that was already put in place, need I remind you of all the slaves in history? That was your doing, not ours.... And as far as blacks being left out, perhaps you've heard of Kirk Nugent, one of the lights finest warriors and he's black, okay? He sees everything opposite of what you are trying to portray and in fact the message of the light is race makes NO difference, we are all equal. Chew on that for two seconds, will ya? What's it taste like? Slavery or liberty? Hmmm, what does history say? That your way of doing things has never advanced anyThing besides your own selfish needs and of course ppl who are scared of the unknown are going to jump to the worst conclusion possible. They do NOT force, they do NOT judge, they do NOT look down upon anyone or anything, they do NOT KEEP information from you, on the contrary, your own people keep information from you.... You can argue white is black all day and that light is dark, say whatever free will grants you but that does not stop the truth from being the truth. And if the truth always comes out, well then, we'll all just have to wait and see huh? In the meantime, the misinformation you're spreading does more harm than good. Thankfully they've got me and the others to deflect such silly notions... :-p

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 04:06 PM
Spirituality can be many things, except cruelty or pride, in todays ideas of it.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Specimen
Cruelty and pride... A weakness of ego, and as a result, dimming of the inner light and since the inner light is in every way the essence of the soul.... Dimming isn't a good thing. Yet here we see potential defenders of the light dimming their souls down bc of fear, pride, ego, and other self-serving confusing paradigms. Enough is enough. Do they not see they're slaves already? Working to make ends meet, making money to pay bills until they die. Fun, fun. You should not have to PAY to live, yet they've got you all willing to do JUST that. So who's liberating who and who's enslaving who? Say and feel and think what you will but actions speak louder than words. I see fellow starseeds out there picking up trash and protecting the environment, CARING about more than what Kim Kardashian is buying for her wardrobe, caring more than what some guy down the street has that THEY don't. Yes, but you say we have no works to speak of. You are blinded by all the little silly things the dark dangles in front of you like money and fame and WE are trying to corrupt you? HUH? Yeah, I don't get it, how you can so easily give up on something that NEVER gave up on the people of this planet, no matter how stupid things got. I am defender of light and we will NOT be deterred, not like the doubters... We are rising to the challenge. Go ahead, ridicule and judge. Because it's worked SO well for humans before. Tsk tsk. Please wake up already. It's infuriating to think anyone could possibly believe we're evil, stupid or crazy. Guess what? So was Ghandi, so was Buddha, so was Jesus (yeah, you forgot that didn't you? They made him into a monster when all was said and done and you still haven't learned a damn thing from this, have you?) So was Einstein, and the list goes on and on.... Btw I am not talking about you, just people in general...
edit on 17-1-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: once again, forgot to add something... lol

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: ramle

This issue is very complicated, it is important to see that they (advanced civilisations) have the capacity to remember their past lives, and when this occurs, prisoners or wrongdoers will remember their pasts, and also, others around them will also remember whom they were. Because of this simple "knowledge" they are able to imprison or detain souls to prevent further incarnations. Many of these civilisations are based on a collective will, and thus, they have rules and penalties. Funny thing is, is that when you cannot remember your past lives, even if you were a criminal, you get a fresh start and can make new choices without your past bogging you down. The one thing that I find naive about these races, is that they believe an individual to be the sum total of his or her memories, and, they can only really trap a soul when that soul defines his or herself as being a set of memories.

I feel that many regular humans have caught wind of the "star-seed" theory and desire to be aliens from other planets, the reality is is that no, not everybody can be a star-seed, no matter how much you want to believe it. When it comes to the "light" this only really applies to certain kinds of beings that are "light souls" that are spiritual primarily, as opposed to what we are, physical primarily.

I can sense them, it is in their eyes, they are very fragile souls and are quite timid/special when they are here in human form, you can tell that they are not meant to exist in a world such as ours.

On the other hand, there are many extra-terrestrials that were physical beings that have incarnated here, seeing that they also came from worlds where one must eat flesh and also kill, they generally fit with the rest of us, although some can be a bit peculiar.
edit on 2-2-2015 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 02:07 PM
was he a starseed n if so??

some time back 2002-2003 i used to have a friend he had these strange dreams where he talked of strange stuff(strange beings-yellow eyes e.t.c,wheat in large fields being rolled into patterns),ringing in the ears e.t.c.

i was very young then so i didn't have any notions of aliens or other new age stuff,n-way i remember he was RIDICULED,and after some episodes( screaming at night,saying he cud see strange creatures others couldn't) was suspended from school for 2 weeks for being "AN ATTENTION SEEKER ,SOCIAL-CALM DISRUPTOR".

n-way he did confide in me a few details others didn't bother to listen. one thing that !struck!! me later on when i discovered the web n went all NEW AGE was that description of wheat being rolled into STRANGE PATTERNS --i can remember him vividly sketching the drawings-- even after 12 years.

cud those sketches have been crop circles??? F.Y.I i Live in a small corner of the world so the likelihood that guy knew crop circles then is nil.

i just wonder what it might have felt for him to be treated that way at that tender age esp now that i know his experiences then --to be true.

just so u know around the same time of the HAPPENINGS there were things i was told by a young teacher at that school regarding future occurrences that make sense to me now .

I cud tell u all about my own para~~ experience n-way maybe some day soon .bye.bye

posted on Feb, 5 2015 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: ramle

I've been called a starseed and an indigo.

My response: laughing my butt off with the hilarity of it all.

My real name is even an anagram for alien lol but even still--I'm not an alien. I'm human. How does being sensitive and intelligent make one an alien? Sheesh. It's hard enough to connect with most people already. People are special enough already but now they want to believe they're extraterrestrials >_<

Now someone's going to say those loonies who think they're dragons and mermaids are actually legit.

We are the stewards of the earth. We being humans. Nobody is coming to save the planet with alien hugs and kisses and confetti, okay?

edit on 5-2-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: rukia
Do not ridicule something bc you have very little knowledge of it, you sound like those people who laughed at the idea the Earth was round. Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power. There are things about this Universe man knows very little about and as I can see from your comment, you are going nowhere fast in expansion of the brain or evolution. Just bc you scoff at something and think it's silly isn't the final say on things you humans don't even dare to know bc it's too scary or too outside the box. SOME of us don't LIKE to be inside boxes. Some do. That is the difference between sheep and wolves, the difference between conformists and nonconformists. You will believe whatever mommy or daddy or anyone in society tells you as long as it doesn't make your fragile little mind come outside the box. I am so sorry you've been conditioned to believe nothing outside yourselves could possibly care, and that's your own silly misconception along with everyone else's. Why do they want to help? Bc they created us, in a sense. History has shown they've always been here and have always staged evolutionary steps in our development. To think otherwise makes you one of the sheep. You are looking at this all wrong and you have much to learn.... Letting your OWN doubts dare to destroy the hopes of others. We are not the loonies who think we're dragons and fairies, and even if we WERE, why are you so threatened by something you don't even believe? You see how silly that is? You speak out of FEAR, not anything that counts.... In the end, it is your opinion and your own beliefs that TRY to dictate all of us, and it is up to the individual whether or not they want to ascend or evolve, however, if your ideas are just to keep people INSIDE the box with the rest of the brainwashed zombies, this is harmful to those that want to learn something NEW. History has shown humanity's arrogance doesn't show its intellect, in fact, just the opposite and many great minds who thought outside the box ADVANCED us as a whole and STILL we get naysayers when a new idea is presented. The ego is your enemy and you are infected by ego. I hope you wake up soon, for your own good and the good of those who listen to your ideas. So your face for me thinking I'm an E.T. is >_< ?? My face for your ignorance?

edit on 8-2-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: (no reason given)
. (PS I'm sorry I sound so snippy about it, I'm trying to stay balanced, I just get defensive when people ridicule. No one ever benefits from this, other than ego itself and it makes no sense to me that when humans don't understand something or have all the facts, why they're so quick to judge and make fun... I almost became infected myself, using your own methods of mocking on you, with the stupid smiley faces... This is all trivial and not important. What IS important, whether you want to believe this or not, is that not just one, but many races of beings are warring over the fate of this planet. There are ones with harmful and enslaving plans, which are against Universal Law and therefore required an intervention of sorts. The starseeds are just one of many plans in progress to reverse those harmful plans, and it's going to require more than a few methods. There are MANY happening all at once, just as they are with the methods of the dark side... Sorry to sound all Star Wars on ya, but that IS the jist of it. You don't have to believe it, it is happening nonetheless.
edit on 8-2-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: because I'm an ass and needed to apologize... :-p

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: ramle

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