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Aliens and Spirituality (Starseeds are exiles from their home worlds)

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posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 02:25 AM
I've been around starseeds and contactees quite a bit. I've noticed that at a certain point on the journey in finding out your a starseed or contactee like myself, that certain beliefs are then pushed on you by the beings who contact you. I never took to these belief systems since they seemed an awful lot like New Age from the 60s being reworked for the new millennium.

Some people believe there are only good ETs, but I know this to be false. I'm drawing from my personal experience of course. It seems that you have to be a certain way in order to be astarseed. When other starseeds find out I'm not a vegetarian nor do I give a hoot about the Earth, they then claim I can be a starseed. Starseeds are being told that they are here on Earth to perform a specific mission whose general idea is to heal some part of the Earth or humanity. If they really wanted to heal Earth or humanity, they could just do it with their vastly superior technology, right? I personally think that all starseeds are actually outcasts are social rejects, prisoners are whatever part of their society they wanted to remove. The idea is that aliens vastly outlive us and they know the soul is immortal, so to punish or remove someone they find unpleasant to say the least, they must erase their memories and trick them into thinking they are on a mission to save Earth. Even when a starseed remembers who they are, the aliens they last were, will return to contact that person and tell them they have a mission to keep them from wanting to return home. When a starseed like myself doesn't do this mission and completely reject the idea and finds out what actually happened, the aliens will go as far as to threaten violence to keep them trapped on Earth.

I know there is an equal and opposite side to this love and light crap and I'm at the extreme end here. I'm not sure if this is even the right category for this, but anyway, I'm sure I'll get the same anywhere on this site.

Now comes the good part. My observations about ETs and the kinds of spirituality they push. First of all those who admit to being starseeds except for one, believe in purging the ego and joining the universal mind. In my way of thinking this is the same as giving up control of my destiny and giving up my individuality to an alien hive mind. I might be exposing the basics behind the starseeds or the children of hippies who didn't grow up. All this love and light and a blind fear of the dark doesn't make any sense from the outside of their shrinking box.

If they are if fact in contact with aliens that are masquerading as light. Those people are being duped. The government never attacks these cults for one reason, because the darkest beings are actually creating this false security in a brighter bliss to hide the fact that they are planning to harvest those who have been duped into that life style. Vegetarians probably taste very good to those reptilians who mastermind this thing. The New Age Movement is the first stage, to create the ideas. The children born into the New Age Movement will be taught the lies that will leave them docile as new born lambs. Yummmm; I'm getting hungry just thinking about.

The Repitlian harvest can't be far off, at least for those who fell victim to the love and light crap and gave up their egos to serve a higher power which is an elusive force at best. Good shouldn't have a reason to hide, but clearly these forces have aren't anywhere when they need them.

Last thought for the night. If all those millions of starseeds were actually doing any good then why is the state of our liberties at an all time low? Answer this starseeds if you dare. If the world is being healed then why is the health of humanity, the ecosystems all over the planet, and the general decline in the health of all species continuing to plummit despite all those effort to meditate the problem s away?

Since I'm a starseed I'll answer the question myself. It's simply because we were duped into believing this planet matters to the ETs and that humanity has a future in the Galactic Community. It's because the only tool that will fix this planet is not meditation, but our vast numbers and resolve to create a better future. The polarity of light and dark is just a distraction to keep us from actually achieving anything and to keep us working forever for a goal that is beyond the scope of light and dark.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by ramle

First off, THANK YOU !

I too was beginning to fall into this love and serve this higher power. I am not a vegetarian and i don't give a hoot about this planet as I know things fall into place eventually. I believe star seeds and contactees are misled because they see their difference and seek answers from people who look to misinform them as we are so naive and seeking answers.

Namaste, brother.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:10 PM
Things will get really bad before they start to get better. I know where you stand as far as a higher power so I will not even go there with you. You are wrong about the "forces" of good not being around to help, we would not be here now if that was true. In order to recognize the good you require faith. Maybe you do not "see" the good around you because you have been blinded by the darkness. I can agree with you that we all have been deceived, and when the truth comes to light the impact on humanity will be monumental. If grey aliens come to harvest my way I will be ready...............

We need to eat to..........


posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:54 AM
I hope we've got enough "United States" left that they'd be welcome here.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Statue of liberty song

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by ramle
I've been around starseeds and contactees quite a bit. I've noticed that at a certain point on the journey in finding out your a starseed or contactee like myself, that certain beliefs are then pushed on you by the beings who contact you. I never took to these belief systems since they seemed an awful lot like New Age from the 60s being reworked for the new millennium...

My impression is that's a conclusion "weeker-minded" individuals usually seem to have for a few years, especially those in fear of major change... till they learn to go with it and trust their instincts. It appears to stem from fear of "letting go".

In stark contrast my impression is individuals like Tesla, Einstein, and me get encouragement. We even seem to merge it with a hope in the Jesus's teachings too (not so much the "church" teachings with quote after quote to control your a$$).

And yea, "son of man" is a creation of man (Skynet Rising, Son Of Man (ATS)). Skynet!

But if we can't let go of our dominance we will get killed (individually), harvest time is near. That will happen to a lot of us and it will be painful seeing that actually happen to those we love. Like watching an ancestor die --- regardless of their going to heaven we FEEL the loss of their love now.

Of course if there's any delay in them getting here or governments and corporations are ready to start the harvest for Pete's sake.

edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: reword

edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: +

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by ramle
...believe in purging the ego and joining the universal mind. In my way of thinking this is the same as giving up control of my destiny and giving up my individuality to an alien hive mind. I might be exposing the basics behind the starseeds or the children of hippies who didn't grow up. All this love and light and a blind fear of the dark doesn't make any sense from the outside of their shrinking box.

Not quite. Rather we've been abused and called "Gay" "Nigger" "Spic" "Jew" "#"[female body part] and just about every other nasty thing you can think of. Ego isn't part of us. Finding a way to TRUTH is. "hippies" aren't so much about being socially hip either (that's the Holly-wood californication). Rather they're about God's love. SMELL that!

edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: [female body part]... with good intentions not to hurt anyone's feelings

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by ramle
If they really wanted to heal Earth or humanity, they could just do it with their vastly superior technology, right?

Wrong. I've been there done that. Have over a dozen patents and found truth channeled by my favorite star-seed in 1994... of course mentioning it in a smoke room nearly got me fired and it DID get me checked out by the CIA, FBI, DIA, and even my bosses... as I escaped via saying "what, I just meant if FELT like music does"...
But now? Well yea unemployed... after all, Satan lies. What some truth? Try something from MY favorite channel-er!

Or the more worldly virsion...

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by lsnypvcs
reply to post by ramle

First off, THANK YOU !
I too was beginning to fall into this love and serve this higher power. I am not a vegetarian and i don't give a hoot about this planet as I know things fall into place eventually. I believe star seeds and contactees are misled because they see their difference and seek answers from people who look to misinform them as we are so naive and seeking answers.
Namaste, brother.

Good post - flag 4U. I'm not a vegetarian anymore either.

I was from 1994-2001. But started hunting again. I DO FEEL channeled PAIN and agony in SOME of the store bought meet (others wouln't have lived if it werent for our meat-lusts cumming from dept of agriculture manipulated by big $$$... eat your meat... drink your milk... advertizing).

But mostly my meat is venison - killed with love.

In 1994 my "last deer for a while" was a channel from me to him. I meditated, flew, became the deer, climbed the hill back to my center, then awoke and shot me/him... while he died he looked at me and said get a clue a-hole! It took 7 years to figure it out... live and let die, kill on benevolent tums in order with the nature of this world, and especially DON'T take pot-shots (military drones similarly suck too).

This year I really felt terrible. I did get 1 good shot deer and am enjoying it. But I also shot a doe right through the belly - but it got away (yea my shirt-tail got cut off by buddies 4 it too). There was a blood trail but no deer (searched for hours the next morning too). Sadly its unlikely a 50 yard shot broadside shot through the belly like that would heal for her to survive the winter. I should have aimed a bit more toward the rib cage. And I pray for that deer's spirit now. Still I have a sense that's deer's life is in way better shape than the chickens and cows getting drugged and confined and treated with no respect. The animal's conditions, especially "harvest" change how it feels.

BTW, that buck who was me felt gr8 after he told me to get a clue. He swirled around me and ascended - it was one of those most amazing in life experiences, yet another seed. His death wan't near as bad as it coulda been since my last shot got his lungs.

edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: and it keeps me searchin

edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: redo
edit on 3/25/2012 by reitze because: fix vid link

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:44 PM
while i think it would be really cool to be part of the galactic community i do think it is very fishy how there seems to be random conditions for doing so like what you said being a vegetarian thats kinda stupid. So its for the greater good to not eat meat? lol I know that some wont agree with me but i believe the people that are all "save mother earth" and claim to be starseeds are either lying or they just want to seem like starseeds. I really do believe that these otherworldly beings are telling some people all this stuff because they know they will believe it. I mean when you think about it, a highly advanced being talking to an earthling is sort of like an adult talking to a child. I think its time for us earthlings to put on our big girl panties and save our selves instead of waiting for the love and light to save us. Now that would be a sure fire way to prove that earthlings are mature enough to join the galactic community.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Minori

Sherry is a great cooking addition. I, too, am not a vegetarian. BT

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by eyesontheskies
while i think it would be really cool to be part of the galactic community i do think it is very fishy how there seems to be random conditions for doing so like what you said being a vegetarian thats kinda stupid. So its for the greater good to not eat meat? lol I know that some wont agree with me but i believe the people that are all "save mother earth" and claim to be starseeds are either lying or they just want to seem like starseeds. I really do believe that these otherworldly beings are telling some people all this stuff because they know they will believe it. I mean when you think about it, a highly advanced being talking to an earthling is sort of like an adult talking to a child. I think its time for us earthlings to put on our big girl panties and save our selves instead of waiting for the love and light to save us. Now that would be a sure fire way to prove that earthlings are mature enough to join the galactic community.

I know on this forum I share a lot of things on how to do evil and such, but I know plenty about the other half. It just doesn't sit well with me to throw my hands up in the air and let fate take over. Destiny and all that doesn't bode well either. I'm the kind who will take control of life by the horns and stare the beast in the eye. Being of the light is all about letting other forces take control of the situation, by fearing darkness to the point where even eating meat becomes a fear rather than just a day to day sort of thing. Aliens being millions of years ahead of us are smart enough to manipulate humans to their will without us even knowing it.

By telling people through religion to act a certain way is a form of control. If something wants to work with me on my terms, fine I'm game, but if not, go away. The whole thing about getting humanity to do the right thing and step forward is going to be a long shot, but I'm sure when this planet hits rock bottom like an alcoholic in a comma, we will then see the light. I just don't want to know what rock bottom is for a planet if it's that bad for a single person. When we do hit rock bottom as a society, lets just pray to whatever gods that we don't all die as a result of acute environmental collapse. Earth is pretty d*** drunk right now and she need to stop before it become alcohol poisoning.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:31 AM
Reply to post by ramle

it is difficult for us starseeds to get into office. we try, but alas the cranjibular reasoning system implanted in us makes it hard if not impossible to get elected. i love the earth and want to protect her, just as i would protect a clutch of my eggs. but genetically modified foods have left my reproductive organs about as useful as chudkones on a flambergam. off to do human things!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:31 AM
Reply to post by ramle

it is difficult for us starseeds to get into office. we try, but alas the cranjibular reasoning system implanted in us makes it hard if not impossible to get elected. i love the earth and want to protect her, just as i would protect a clutch of my eggs. but genetically modified foods have left my reproductive organs about as useful as chudkones on a flambergam. off to do human things!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 02:21 PM
What is it we must do in order to complete what we are here for?

Who should we not listen to?

What should we follow?

Do we find our own path?

How do we break away from control?

How do we stay protected?

All of these questions are things we all wonder, can you help figure this out?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by reitze

Are you saying Kurt Cobain was an alien channeler?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 02:49 PM
I think any beings supporting the LIGHT and not artificial will be supported by the BRIGHTEST.. As far as deception being done to some here who are emitting the LOVE LIGHT energy then may that deception FACE or be mirrored that what it has deceived. Its a world of darkness YES and YES some energies may be hiding in the mist awaiting to destroy those who are trying their best flesh. Again it depends on the FAITH within 1 and the strength of their conscious ability. I haven't named myself a starseed or any other Creator Creation label within this little universal energy containment full of VARIOUS energies playing mind and body games. 1 is though a strong believer in LOVE and the ability for LIGHT to share warmth and support those in dark and feel its sad that many are given hippie or some new age name to compact their energies by outside observers who are doing what emitting negative vibes countering the LOVE. 1 also feels there are beings that are evol and negative vibrating BUT ALSO FEELS/KNOWS THERE AR MUCH MORE DESTRUCTIVE LOVING BEINGS CREATED TO GATHER-CHAIN AND CAST THESE ENERGIES OF THE NEGATIVE SIGNATURE so its kind of not fair to label and talk about the starseeds in a negative way. If warning them of deception then use the energy to WARN them better with evidence to stray them away from being deceived and mind wiped again instead or WAR FOR THEIR SOULS to better protect them in their maturing phases. YES I post this out of LOVE for those you speak who are being deceived and also feel not ALL* Creator Created energies of the cosmos recognize the FORCE until the LIGHT not artificial but REAL LIGHT approaches their/your kingdom of current dark. So have faith OP and if your right WORST CASE A UNIVERSAL WAR BREAKS OUT AND THIS UNIVERSE CLOSES WITH ALL ENERGIES EVOL STUCK LIKE FLY PAPER..... Consider some evol manipulated EA*RTH to be a trap for Creator Created energies. Now these unknowing energies begin to gather here on EA*RTH which in turn calls the Negative vibrating beings with their positive vibes.... NOW PAUSE-------- Now the negative vibrating energies have concentrated in or around EA*RTH and just by their negative vibrations they CALL another energy -think protons neutrons electrons for a second being the good energies bad energies and neutral or balancer energies and the trap for some became a bigger trap for another. Have faith and remember what many may consider ANGELS HAVE TO BE MORE DESTRUCTIVE THEN WHAT MANY CALL DEMONS.


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by lsnypvcs
What is it we must do in order to complete what we are here for?

Who should we not listen to?

What should we follow?

Do we find our own path?

How do we break away from control?

How do we stay protected?

All of these questions are things we all wonder, can you help figure this out?

The answer is read more and more books till you figure it out. For me the combination of Starseed, Starhawk, Redfield, Zen, Sun Tzu, Mormon, Christian Science, Dianetics, Crowley, Kiballa, ... 500 more,... and the Bible was finally enough.
edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: +2

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:35 PM
So, who are you really railing at-- the aliens you feel have abandoned you, or your fellow asshole starseeds? I'm betting it's the later, unless you've been personally told by aliens to become vegetarian, save the world, give up your individuality, etc. I myself am starseed (so I believe), and I've never been told those things. I HAVE, however, been chastised ad nauseum by self-righteous, fanatical New Agers for not towing the line. None of those people have been starseed, IMHO. Just jerk-offs who want to feel like they're superior to others. So much for letting go of the ego!

My ego is my friend. It's a necessary component of my being that allows me to differentiate myself as a distinct personality. I do acknowledge the importance of mastering it and not the other way around, but I in no way want to destroy it. Every person I've ever known who claims to have gotten rid of the ego has had the largest, most duplicitous one around. Every person who claims to be without anger is seething with rage. Every person who claims to come from a place of "nothing but love" is boiling with resentment and pretentiousness.

That being said, I do believe I have a purpose. I also believe it does not involve "doing things" for and with these groups. I only have too be. Am I vegetarian? For the most part, but not strictly. This is not because I fear retribution or want to look good to others, but because I have a soft heart for animals. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Lono1970
So, who are you really railing at-- the aliens you feel have abandoned you, or your fellow asshole starseeds?

I'm actually feeling it more from the aliens. I don't really want anything to do with starseeds since they don't seem to want to return home like I do. I've done just about everything to force some action from aliens, but they clearly don't care what I do, even when I use my gifts to attack their worlds.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 08:48 PM
AGREED (Archaeoprophet)


HUMAN HACK PORTALS: Fear, Peace and Love

First thing, human psychological behavior has its weakened portals (fear, peace and love). This new-age movement is just another recycled manifestation of the typical..."God loves you and will save you" philosophy. As I always have said, humanity does not evolve in terms of getting better; rather humanity adapts to a given environment. Anyone can give an example of how love is used in terms of manipulation and control (e.g. a young man seeking to get into a young lady's pants). Generation after generation continues to fall for the classic trap: GOD IS COMING TO SAVE YOU, yet these same people don't learn from the generations prior...all men have died waiting for that salvation because it's obviously a lie.


Next, according to the Mesopotamian records; we were created by genetic experts which themselves were already living in this system before even our solar system existed...what makes you think these guys aren't psychology experts?, what makes you think they don't know how to fool humanity?, if a Sunday Church preacher can get a degree in psychology and fool millions of people through the usage of the greatest control tool ever designed (The Holy Bible), what makes you think the opposing forces aren't the very ones behind this or that they know that human psychological manipulation comes in the form of layers? These opposing forces know exactly what they have to do and they know every human weakness. Worse, nobody (except for research investigators like me) are bothering to validate anything.


My personal philosophy is that you should always judge by the tracks they leave behind. Believe me, these tracks may be invisible but they are all over the place. For example, here are these so called professional psychics with their own radio shows, books and media materials proclaiming that Angels love us all unconditionally. They tell us that these loving Angels are waiting on the side lines by the thousands...waiting for us to call upon them. If you bother to listen to the people that call into these shows...what is the first thing the Angel says through the psychic?, the Angel gives them excuse after 'excuse' is a condition....I thought the Angels were unconditionally loving? The invisible tracks are all over the place...stop and look.

GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT - mind job paradigm agenda

It is clear to me by now that yes, there is a government out there and it is one that is behind the program they call 'Divine Plan'. As it has been said, if there are opposing forces trying to manipulate us so that we produce certain energies, what makes you think there aren't so called good forces doing the same thing but to produce good energies?, in other words, this is not a matter of 'good' and 'bad' as much as it is a matter of the harvesting of living energies. Each of these groups are taking their lots behind the scenes and they will lie to you at whatever cost.


If this so called Ascension movement is all about the human race, why is it that mysteriously only the white race is out there proclaiming this ascension?, what about the black races (which includes Latinos)? Why are these so called Angels only providing wealth to the catalyst psychics?, why is the psychic hooked up and the rest of the poor working class is left at the bottom of the well?, I thought these Angels were unconditionally loving?

If you will notice, when a person becomes a Reiki master...mysteriously their life opens to all sorts of blessings. Why didn't this happen before the sign up? Doesn't this sound like the signing up with a local gang?, if you join the gang you will get all the benefits...if you don't join you couldn't be more alive than an empty match box on the street. This clearly shows that whoever is behind the Reiki power is obviously using discriminative methods because if these were unconditionally loving Angels, the world would obviously be hooked up.


The reason why Angels will never be the unconditionally loving beings they are proclaimed to be is that if all of a sudden everyone were blessed with 300 thousand dollars, absolutely NOBODY would work their jobs...if you don't work a job then you can't pay taxes...if you don't pay taxes what will happen to the economy?, the entire structure would fall apart. Are you beginning to see the fraud here?, are you beginning to see the invisible tracks I am talking about? You've been had...period.


After 30 years of investigative research, I will advise you that the concept of Starseed, life contract, life mission, unconditionally loving beings is all a BIG FAT FRAUD. These are all advanced forms of psychological control to keep humanity where they are. We are literally the pigs in the farm house being raised for market value.

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