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Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Originally posted by ramle
I've been around starseeds and contactees quite a bit. I've noticed that at a certain point on the journey in finding out your a starseed or contactee like myself, that certain beliefs are then pushed on you by the beings who contact you. I never took to these belief systems since they seemed an awful lot like New Age from the 60s being reworked for the new millennium...
Originally posted by ramle
...believe in purging the ego and joining the universal mind. In my way of thinking this is the same as giving up control of my destiny and giving up my individuality to an alien hive mind. I might be exposing the basics behind the starseeds or the children of hippies who didn't grow up. All this love and light and a blind fear of the dark doesn't make any sense from the outside of their shrinking box.
Originally posted by ramle
If they really wanted to heal Earth or humanity, they could just do it with their vastly superior technology, right?
Originally posted by lsnypvcs
reply to post by ramle
First off, THANK YOU !
I too was beginning to fall into this love and serve this higher power. I am not a vegetarian and i don't give a hoot about this planet as I know things fall into place eventually. I believe star seeds and contactees are misled because they see their difference and seek answers from people who look to misinform them as we are so naive and seeking answers.
Namaste, brother.
Originally posted by eyesontheskies
while i think it would be really cool to be part of the galactic community i do think it is very fishy how there seems to be random conditions for doing so like what you said being a vegetarian thats kinda stupid. So its for the greater good to not eat meat? lol I know that some wont agree with me but i believe the people that are all "save mother earth" and claim to be starseeds are either lying or they just want to seem like starseeds. I really do believe that these otherworldly beings are telling some people all this stuff because they know they will believe it. I mean when you think about it, a highly advanced being talking to an earthling is sort of like an adult talking to a child. I think its time for us earthlings to put on our big girl panties and save our selves instead of waiting for the love and light to save us. Now that would be a sure fire way to prove that earthlings are mature enough to join the galactic community.
Originally posted by lsnypvcs
What is it we must do in order to complete what we are here for?
Who should we not listen to?
What should we follow?
Do we find our own path?
How do we break away from control?
How do we stay protected?
All of these questions are things we all wonder, can you help figure this out?
Originally posted by Lono1970
So, who are you really railing at-- the aliens you feel have abandoned you, or your fellow asshole starseeds?