posted on Feb, 8 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to:
Do not ridicule something bc you have very little knowledge of it, you sound like those people who laughed at the idea the Earth was round. Ignorance
may be bliss, but knowledge is power. There are things about this Universe man knows very little about and as I can see from your comment, you are
going nowhere fast in expansion of the brain or evolution. Just bc you scoff at something and think it's silly isn't the final say on things you
humans don't even dare to know bc it's too scary or too outside the box. SOME of us don't LIKE to be inside boxes. Some do. That is the difference
between sheep and wolves, the difference between conformists and nonconformists. You will believe whatever mommy or daddy or anyone in society tells
you as long as it doesn't make your fragile little mind come outside the box. I am so sorry you've been conditioned to believe nothing outside
yourselves could possibly care, and that's your own silly misconception along with everyone else's. Why do they want to help? Bc they created us, in a
sense. History has shown they've always been here and have always staged evolutionary steps in our development. To think otherwise makes you one of
the sheep. You are looking at this all wrong and you have much to learn.... Letting your OWN doubts dare to destroy the hopes of others. We are not
the loonies who think we're dragons and fairies, and even if we WERE, why are you so threatened by something you don't even believe? You see how silly
that is? You speak out of FEAR, not anything that counts.... In the end, it is your opinion and your own beliefs that TRY to dictate all of us, and it
is up to the individual whether or not they want to ascend or evolve, however, if your ideas are just to keep people INSIDE the box with the rest of
the brainwashed zombies, this is harmful to those that want to learn something NEW. History has shown humanity's arrogance doesn't show its intellect,
in fact, just the opposite and many great minds who thought outside the box ADVANCED us as a whole and STILL we get naysayers when a new idea is
presented. The ego is your enemy and you are infected by ego. I hope you wake up soon, for your own good and the good of those who listen to your
ideas. So your face for me thinking I'm an E.T. is >_< ?? My face for your ignorance?
edit on 8-2-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: (no
reason given)
. (PS I'm sorry I sound so snippy about it, I'm trying to stay balanced, I just get defensive when people ridicule. No one ever
benefits from this, other than ego itself and it makes no sense to me that when humans don't understand something or have all the facts, why they're
so quick to judge and make fun... I almost became infected myself, using your own methods of mocking on you, with the stupid smiley faces... This is
all trivial and not important. What IS important, whether you want to believe this or not, is that not just one, but many races of beings are warring
over the fate of this planet. There are ones with harmful and enslaving plans, which are against Universal Law and therefore required an intervention
of sorts. The starseeds are just one of many plans in progress to reverse those harmful plans, and it's going to require more than a few methods.
There are MANY happening all at once, just as they are with the methods of the dark side... Sorry to sound all Star Wars on ya, but that IS the jist
of it. You don't have to believe it, it is happening nonetheless.
edit on 8-2-2015 by ArcturusRising82 because: because I'm an ass and needed
to apologize... :-p