First of all I'd just like to make sure you understand that I am not in ANY way trying to attack you, I just feel very differently about everything
you said about starseeds. Where do you get this impression we're afraid of the dark? In fact, just the opposite, there is no fear involved. We were
given warrior spirits and THAT is what they ask of us, not for us to give up our wills... To fight spititually, we only seek to become united bc
duality has done SO much damage over centuries, it NEEDS to change, and the humans have been doing a pretty bang up job saving anything as well, so
let's not throw stones... Another thing about this vegetarian business... Nowhere on any site I've been to do they REQUIRE vegetarians, they only
want you to cut down on the processed meats bc Monsanto and all the other corrupt bigwigs are poisoning everything we eat. They say to switch to
mostly organic foods bc it hasn't been as tampered with, not bc of some silly (YES silly) conspiracy of flesh hungry energy consuming aliens that
only want to feed off of us.... WOW. So you say WE'RE the deluded mislead ones but you immediately jump to the worst possible scenerio and you know
what that says to someone like me? FEAR. You are speaking out of fear. And as far as the spirit guides being asleep on the job, mine were NEVER
asleep, I have felt them in my life since I could FEEL and I have almost lost my life a few times but bc of something helping me out, I always manage
to emerge barely scathed... I feel I am blessed. And I'm sorry but all this talk of harvesting.... Didn't the bible mention something about god and
his 'harvest'? One of two conclusions here... Either this whole thing is part of god's plan and this IS god and a GOOD thing (harvest of souls
means to gather them and bring them home not EAT them)... Or the bible lied about what a harvest even IS to a god.... I also feel a lot of jealousy
here with some of the comments I've seen on these types of sites.... The only way any of this could be real is if we're being DUPED? Sounds like to
me the conformists of this planet thought THEY had control over such matters of Earth and realized the galactic family doesn't CARE about popularity
contests which is what this planet drives on/thrives on.... Money means power and popularity, trends and the newest phones mean you're one of the
herd and our galactic brothers and sisters do not CARE about such silly little things and this pisses off the conformists, doesn't it? Someone's
clothes and cars and houses and money mean NOTHING to these beings bc they EVOLVED past such things... I was ALREADY a snob toward society, not bc
they shunned me but bc their BS never made sense to me... Even at age 6 I was already doing things no other kids were and I got called 'unique' and
'special' a lot... Oh yes and I know what most of you are thinking "yeah, you're special alright, special enough for a strait jacket or for the
losers club... That's fine, I got over that forever ago... Ego is parasite that feeds on inner light, so these beings say "be free of that parasite
and let your inner light shine through." Um, what's so weird/crazy/wrong/misleading about that? It seems as though there is a lot of jealousy and
fear, not just willful ignorance involved in these forums. These beings also teach "forgive even your enemies" and this is a trick? What is
deceitful about benevolence? Not a DAMN thing. When it comes to the ignorance, jealousy and fear of the masses, I scoff at THEM when they think
they're scoffing at me.... Fear change all you want, it is going to happen.... Not bc I say so, but bc the light always wins in the end... And it IS
winning, contrary to the ignorance of the populace.
we will prevail and not bc we're full of ourselves, but bc darkness has ruled this planet LONG
enough. You are entitled to think and believe what you want, but you have to know that the dark does not want you to go into the light, it can't
reach you there and they have tons and tons of agents and writers and spirits of their own who were sent to give out false information about these
beings, things well within the human brains capacity to fear and blow out of proportion, like eating us and duping us and all these other silly ass
ideas. Like a criminal lawyer in court there to put reasonable doubt inside the jury's mind, it doesn't have to be true, only plausible enough to
make someone doubt. Well the dark is all about doubt... Whatever it can do to get inside your head so you cannot connect to Earth or this wonderous
Universe. The universal mind isn't about a hive mentality, it's about OVERCOMING duality.... Duality has done nothing good for humanity....
Different genders equals who's the better sex, money divides us into poor and rich, religion kills our ability to read our intuition bc in fact, when
you start relating to organized religion, you are handing over your will to a god that says do this and do that if you want to earn my favor. Divine
only asks you take care of yourself, others and this planet as EQUALS. Oh yes,SO sinister and misleading... You think they want you to stop eating
meat bc they like the taste of vegetarian, no, they say that bc they want you to get back to the basics of connecting to Earth the way the Native
Americans did before events changed their fate... Bc the foods and products we use and eat are killing us slowly.... You can put a negative spin on it
all ya want, say we're nuts, we're duped, we're exiles, we're evil, WHATEVER, none of that even MATTERS in the bigger picture and I know that, Idk
why some of YOU don't understand that. Maybe I sound bitchy, but please understand that I get sick of the ignorance that spews forth from so many
moronic minds... We are taught as starseeds to be tolerant and I usually am, but just let me say that the judgemental points of views, the need to put
a dark spin on anything that loves light does NOT serve mankind in the long run. Look where it's gotten all of you thus far. Killing in false gods
names, condemning ppl who love the same gender, treating others races and backgrounds like they are beneath you.... None of that serves anything but
ego. It is ego that makes man want to lash out, to harm, to control, to dominate another, to feel like it's okay to steal, kill or lie bc it has been
done to you.... THAT is ego and if any being tells me "hey, let go of that bc it kills your inner light as you become more dark" and that is exactly
what history has shown time and time again, well then I'm inclined to listen bc I don't care for the way humans do things on this planet, I knew
from the moment I COULD know this world wasn't what it seemed and I'm not going to ignore that bc of some little ego driven fear. Don't get it
twisted, we are warriors who don't fear the dark.... That's what our spirits tell us and bc we are connected to the universe, we know we really have
nothing to fear. To fear anything in this world is to attract it to you. The laws of attraction are not far off on that matter... Your mind can create
its own fears and problems and the beings of darkness know how easy it is to get you to doubt. To doubt is to stay ignorant and to stay ignorant is to
let fear in... So I'll just stick with the light on this one, I really have no time for doubts, that is a weakness of ego, no matter which way you
spin it. Everything any of these sites have to say in a negative manner about the beings I am in contact with is NOT what I've experienced AT ALL.