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Hair/Eye color correlation with extra sensory perception

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Myth024

Your theory makes a lot of would imagine that a person with a certain set of abilities would be drawn to people with the same abilities and would have an easier time finding people who shared the same abilities (kind of like the saying, it takes one to know one), and maybe certain abilities are related to certain hair colors, eye colors, blood types, etc.

I forgot to list earlier that I'm O+, which I'm pretty sure is fairly common (at least it is in the southeastern US) maybe that doesn't really count in my favor, LOL.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by jcutler12888

I wasn't so much as saying that specific visible genetic traits are an indication of ESP, but rather that one is drawn to individuals that have a specific trait AND ESP but not to the exclusion of other people having ESP and different genetic traits. I was proposing the possibility that the individual who started the thread may simply be drawn to specific types of people and that it may not be an indication that people with ESP have specific hair or eye color. However, a persons hair has been known to suddenly go white from extreme fright so I also wonder if it's possible that hair and eye color could change as someone uses an ability.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Myth024

Ah, I see. I wonder if the OP could give us any insight into whether they are, in fact, simply drawn to specific types of people...I'm not sure how long it's been since the OP posted on this thread or if they even follow it anymore, but it would definitely be interesting to hear their answer.

I would not doubt for a second that our hair color and eye color could change over time or, in extreme cases, instantly with the use of "extra" abilities. If our hair turns grey and white with age (which is basically just prolonged use of the body), and our eye color can change due to injuries and age, then our hair color and eye color surely could change with the use of abilities seeing as they must be tied to something physical within our brains and nervous systems and even our glands (such as the pineal gland). Every part and function in our bodies affects the other parts and functions in some way so if our abilities are just another part and function of ourselves, then they could most definitely change the colors of our eyes and hair.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by jcutler12888

Hey there! Sorry to take so long in my reply, but yes, my Cherokee ancestors were from North Carolina. I'm in Kentucky, myself. I got on a big genealogy kick a couple years ago and traced them back to there. The Cherokee is from my mother's side and there is likely more native american from my father's side but I haven't been able to confirm it yet.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by gemineye

Very cool! The Cherokee on my mother's side has been traced to the Upstate of South Carolina, along the SC/NC border so maybe one of my ancestors knew one of yours, LOL.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Bluesma
I have been throwing around in mind a similar hypothesis for a while now.

Here's my take on it-
I have noticed a correlation also, between blond hair/blue eyes, and heightened sensitivity.
In my family there is a clear difference, and it became striking to me when I moved to a mediterranean area, where blue eyed blonds like me are rare. They seemed to have much less sensitivity in terms of more subtle emotions.
Some of our doctor friends have told us that there is a big difference in the skin and nerves of people with lighter skin/blond hair/blue eyes, and those with darker skin, hair and eyes.

That in delivering babies, for example, they take this into account right away, considering that blonds usually need to have an episiotomy, because their skin is more likely to tear and they will be experience more pain. One doctor friend said he finds repeatedly that having more sensitive skin correlates with women that also have a personality that is very sensitive, vulnerable, emotional...

This makes me wonder if having "a thick skin" indicates both its metaphoric and literal meaning together! How much of our personality is actually formed according to our physical traits and characteristics?
It maks sense that the more vulnerable you are to pain, the more you might develop ways of trying to "see ahead" or sense where possible threats may lie.... in the future, in the darkness, in the shadows of mind.

See, my tentative hypothesis is that more physically sensitive people, (with lighter hair and eyes) might develop more their extra sensory abilities, because of this physical trait- just as an extension of their survival instincts.

I haven't been able to find much in the way of studies to back that up though.

^This^ makes so much sense! Wow, great theory BluesMa. I happen to be blond/blue eyed but I wouldn't say I'm powerfully psychic. I do have bad vision and also battle the bulge as another poster pointed out. (ugh~!) That does seem to insulate me from bombardment in a couple different ways. I was also told by a doctor that I have a low pain theshold (I thought I was doing great but my blood pressure was skyrocketing).
I'm a little intutiive and I'd say empathic with animals but thats about it. Two of my friends are quite psychic and they are both dark hair/ brown eyed.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:22 PM
To the OP ..was just thinking-- you could do this thread as a poll maybe, so people could stay anonymous but you'd get the info for your research. Hair color, eye color, paranormal or psychic experiences (or scale rating), bloodtype, nationality etc. Might be kinda cool to see the results!

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 02:33 AM
I have had an awareness of things that has freaked people out for as long as I can remember... When I was in the eighth grade the Texas history teacher walked into the film room and told us that something had just happened and that school may be letting out early.. All of the kids were speculating and blurting out things like we were being attacked by the Russians and other crazy stuff and were told no nothing like that was happening... As the teacher was starting to slip out the door we made eye contact and I said "the president has been assassinated"... The old man froze and i could tell by his expression that I had nailed it... Five years later while in Vietnam I was able to pick up on booby traps and tunnel openings that a whole platoon in front of me had missed and have feelings as to where an enemy mortar position and convince the C.O. to let me have an aerial observer check out the location or I'd feel like we were walking into a bad situation and see if there was any air support close by that needed to rid themselves of some ordinance... More times than not it had been the right thing to do and ammo caches were destroyed or there was a body count afterwards... I certainly didn't have long hair then but I was often called Red...Like other people have said already my hair was nearly white when I was little then blond, reddish brown and back to blond for the last 25 years... I have a full head of beautiful hair for an old man and have it cut every 3 to 5 years and donate it for cancer patients.. I don't think it had much to do with the awareness thing but it did bother the local rednecks, attracted women that were more open minded than the rednecks were scoring with and I think that is a good thing... I have been told for many years that I look like a Viking and was nicknamed Merlin when blowing blues harp in rock and blues venues.. I also have glaucoma which is common to Nordics and a couple of conditions that are only had by Nordics. One which is a build up of fibrous tissue on my palms at the first joint of 2 of my fingers and is known as the Viking disease.... For some reason I have always been very comfortable with Native American people and Mexican people, especially if they are into art, music, Shamanism, and holistic medicine.. A friends aunt who was a Curandera was freaked out by me because her meanest goat followed me around like a little puppy and would lean against me when I was standing still.... She was convinced that I had a power that was Satanic and told her two grown nieces she had raised to go and stay with a neighbor until we had left... Along with old age there is medical problems and prescription medications that screw you up worse than what it is they are giving you to treat. I think my mind isn't as receptive these days due to the medications I've taken over the last 30 years...

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 02:42 AM
I have green eyes. I see dead people.

Count it,
edit on 1-21-13 by Mugen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by jcutler12888

I got picked on for doing well...the Aryan, the Golden Boy, as if everything was handed to me. And, I always treated people with respect and never held myself as being better than them.

Try living in the hood in about racism, against me. What's funny is I'm not technically white. I'm part Syrian and could have qualified as a minority. But the government reinforces the notion of race and makes me present myself as white. I'm still looking for Caucasia btw.

I'm truly with the conclusion from the Council of Addis Ababa, as put to music by Bob Marley..."Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, there will be WAR."

And this cut's both ways, which is why affirmative action is a racist system. Too many disenfranchised offspring of those that were treated wrong can't let bygones be bygones and move forward as one society, one people.

Peace be with evabody

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by SunnyDee

Let's talk, mein broter.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Oannes
I've heard something from native american lore about the lenth of the hair determining psychic abilities. When trackers were sent into the field, the longer haired members faired much higher in detecting enemy presences. Is that why the military makes you cut your hair? Makes you less feeling, more numb?
edit on 23-3-2012 by Oannes because: (no reason given)

The hair for many reasons...most of which are practical. Here are my top three:
1. so that en enemy could not grab your hair during hand to hand combat
2. to prevent the spread of lice
3. Uniformity

Our best soldiers and Marines are in the field with longer hair...I'm talking about special ops guys, not regular guys

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ibiubu

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. =( Yeah, I definitely don't live in the hood...I mean, I've been to the hood but I've lived in an upper class neighborhood on the nice side of town my whole life, and I live in Charlesron SC which is probably as different from Detroit as a US city can get. The weird thing that I've always noticed here was that I always hear about bullying and cliues and racism being a problem in schools up north and out west but when I was in high school (just six years ago), bullying and cliques and racism just didn't exist. Everyone were friends with each other, no one got bullied or ostracized or put into a group and assigned a label. I went to private schools but even the private schools down here are very diverse and in a class with a couple hundred people, it's not hard to get to know everyone and to be on good terms with everyone, and everyone believes very strongly in courtesy and hospitality here so maybe all that's what made everything go so easily with one another. Who knows?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by jcutler12888

I appreciate that. I'm not bitter, just always been confused by it. I was raised in an affluent, planned community that was designed by the Olmsted brothers (did Central Park). I got picked on more there than Detroit, but lot's of rich, mean kids. And, it would have been worse if I was black growing up.

If there is one thing I believe is conformity destroys society by creating pressure to act a certain way and ostricize those that are different. Hence, bullying and hazing. That's what happened at Columbine.

I hope that I live to see the day where differences in physical appearance and opinions are embraced. If it wasn't for everyone's individuality, we would all be the same. Everyone needs to lose their moniker and affiliation, and be human. just my 2Cents.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by hottoboggan

I have green eyes and light hair colour...still haven't won that damn lottery though.

I did an experiment with a mate decades ago, where we tried to transmit a random number and pick it up from each was a kids version of the phychic card test i suppose..we were stunned to discover we got 8 out of 10 correct (with indepenent witnesses acting as referees)

It was weird.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by ibiubu

I completely agree with you...the pressure to confirm can have a very dangerous and damaging effect on people. Our differences are part of what makes each of us special...and the world would a very boring place if we were all the same.
edit on 1/22/2013 by jcutler12888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by hottoboggan

hmm well my Sister is blind and had (past tense) aniridia (BEK Kids
) = black eyes and she is incredibly psychic...

and has dark hair so not sure how this one will fit into your theory?

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:27 AM
sorry but I just had to come back...

had a big afterthought...

this thread is starting to remind me of the 'superior race BS'


posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by hottoboggan

hmm well my Sister is blind and had (past tense) aniridia (BEK Kids
) = black eyes and she is incredibly psychic...

and has dark hair so not sure how this one will fit into your theory?

Yeah I don't think hair color/eye color holds much water because I know that a lot of psychics are in many other cultures too, every ancient tribe had medicine men or shamans and they were believed to be psychics and I'm sure a great percentage of them were. I actually think that it is a prehistoric latent gene, that it is something which was necessary when humans could not light up the darkness and could not really defend themselves against predetary animals as well as today so they had a sixth sense to be aware of such in the evenings. JMHO.
edit on 22-1-2013 by ldyserenity because: clarify sentence

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

I don't know if the OP had any intentions of making this a thread to address any idea they or may not have regarding a "superior race", but I do know that they conversation hasn't run along any such lines.

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