posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Not really. I am quite psi, and have brown eyes, hair was naturally fair until about 13, then it darkened to a kind of chesnut brown, but in reality
I keep it blond (ish) because its usually long, suits my skin better lighter like childhood, and usually naturally streaks out anyway, so would look
blond ish from the front and if up, auburn from the underneath. Pathwork quilt hair, alot like my father. I carry the blue and green and aqua and
hazel eye everyone else seems to have, and passed the blue and green eyes on to 4 out of my 5 sons.
My son with his ebony eyes, looks like his father's side, is 1/4 native, with some Irish from my father, is very psi as well.
My best friend, native and Scottish, is also psi, and astrally travels at will as well.
Natives and Irish are considered the most psi of all races, from what I've read.
But an insider told me, that the reality is, the psi ones are starseeds. Definition meaning, those who come in and haven't been stuck here long,
because really everyone is, and this is one of the things children are scanned for that results in abductions.
And starseeds enter into a variety of races and situations. Love rolls up its sleeves and often goes to the trenches to help out.