posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 03:03 AM
I have been throwing around in mind a similar hypothesis for a while now.
Here's my take on it-
I have noticed a correlation also, between blond hair/blue eyes, and heightened sensitivity.
In my family there is a clear difference, and it became striking to me when I moved to a mediterranean area, where blue eyed blonds like me are rare.
They seemed to have much less sensitivity in terms of more subtle emotions.
Some of our doctor friends have told us that there is a big difference in the skin and nerves of people with lighter skin/blond hair/blue eyes, and
those with darker skin, hair and eyes.
That in delivering babies, for example, they take this into account right away, considering that blonds usually need to have an episiotomy, because
their skin is more likely to tear and they will be experience more pain. One doctor friend said he finds repeatedly that having more sensitive skin
correlates with women that also have a personality that is very sensitive, vulnerable, emotional...
This makes me wonder if having "a thick skin" indicates both its metaphoric and literal meaning together! How much of our personality is actually
formed according to our physical traits and characteristics?
It maks sense that the more vulnerable you are to pain, the more you might develop ways of trying to "see ahead" or sense where possible threats may
lie.... in the future, in the darkness, in the shadows of mind.
See, my tentative hypothesis is that more physically sensitive people, (with lighter hair and eyes) might develop more their extra sensory abilities,
because of this physical trait- just as an extension of their survival instincts.
I haven't been able to find much in the way of studies to back that up though.