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Earths magnetic pole reversal is happening NOW!!!

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Anyone here know anything about magnetism? I have some questions, for instance:

1. I know that a magnet is magnetic because the electrons in it are all aligned in one direction. When the magnet weakens it means the electrons have become scattered, but they once again realign when electricity touches the magnet. So, how can a molten, bubbling, boiling, flowing, mass of liquid iron create any type of magnet field when the electrons are scattered all over the place?

2. I'm pretty sure if a magnet is held over a hot, smoky fire, the heat and smoke will pass right through it's magnetic field (right?) So, what is the sun throwing at us that doesn't pass through the earth's magnetic field? And, why doesn't it pass through?

edit on 3/23/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

So, how can a molten, bubbling, boiling, flowing, mass of liquid iron create any type of magnet field when the electrons are scattered all over the place?

I believe the fact that the molten iron is spinning answers your first question.

What do you suggest creates Earth's magnetic field?

edit on 3/23/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Measure for yourself each night. Polaris or The North Star can be easily found and oriented to a landmark for measurement. If Polaris moves drastically from one night to the next, then think about sticking your head in the ground, but until then, take the chill pill.

Finding Polaris

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:19 PM
What effect is Haarp pumping all the electricity into the ionosphere have on this magnetic field.

Does this increase or decrease the field, or neither.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by googolplex

HAARP doesn't pump electricity.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Plotus
Earths magnetic pole reversal is happening NOW!!! ****************************NOW THATS PRETTY MISLEADING WOULDN'T YOU SAY BUBA Three exclimation points to emphasize it too. It's you constant doom and Gloom people who SUCK, why don't you take your mental garbage somewhere else, or better yet, refrain from your absurdaties all together...

Perhaps only people like you see threads like this as doom and gloom. Maybe the rest of humanity would feel empowered to receive any knowledge that may assist in survival. You are perfectly free to roam the entire internet if you desire, rather than resting on a topic that you disagree with!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by primus2012
Measure for yourself each night. Polaris or The North Star can be easily found and oriented to a landmark for measurement. If Polaris moves drastically from one night to the next, then think about sticking your head in the ground, but until then, take the chill pill.

Finding Polaris

Or am I thinking you're thinking geographic pole shift? Would the geographic pole be altered by a magnetic pole flip?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by christina-66

Originally posted by christina-66
reply to post by burntheships

for me being rude....that was not my intention. Nor is it now.

My impression was you basically accused him of not wathcing the OP video.

The op asked if a magnetic pole shift could be behind mass the end of the op's own video the 'experts' state quite clearly that the end of the human race or any other mass extinction will not occur because the Earth loses it's magnetic shield.

Right, which is why its a good OP and a great video, produced by reputable
scientists, and the information I posted on page 2 supported the OP, and
the fact that this is a long out event, and we dont know the complete story yet....
however that should not prevent someone from asking questions.

As for Phage, well I dealt with that on page 2, and he backtracked. So....

Had this story appeared in the newspapers it would have been described as a non-story. Yes the poles will they don't know when. The answer to the 'so what question' is being sought here......but there is no 'so what' dire potential mass extinctions. The worst that will happen is that our compasses will no longer work.

The news is full of non event news, I would say 95% of msm news is non event.

No one said doom and gloom, and the OP did not say doom and gloom.
Certainly not me.

edit on 23-3-2012 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by ToneDeaf

I read somewhere that the north pole has increased movement
from 10km per yr. to 10km per month (since 1970)

* I tried to insert a ^ graph, but ats has censored it

As for any connection to previous extinctions, I think that volcanic
activity and weather changes, earthquakes and floods
could have very well been a result of magnetic-field disruptions.


Perhaps this will be assistance:

Fig. 41. Graph of velocity of North Geomagnetic Pole movement
(N. Olsen and M. Mandea, 2007)

Fig. 41 contains a graph showing the movement of the North geomagnetic pole. As can be seen from the graph, [color=Chartreuse]the North geomagnetic pole’s drift rate had increased almost fivefold by the late 1990s as compared to 1980.

This fact might point to a substantial change in energy processes within Earth’s core, which form the geomagnetic field of our planet. No doubt the observed phenomenon may be indicative of the beginning of another cycle of surge in Earth’s endogenous activity.

To what further consequences may the vastly accelerated displacement of the North Magnetic Pole lead? Given that a decrease in Earth’s magnetic field intensity accompanies this process, it can be assumed that global climate change will be influenced as well.

There are so-called “cusps” in the polar ice cap areas – polar gaps that have increased in size in recent years. Radiation particles from the solar wind and interplanetary space enter Earth’s atmosphere and hit its surface through those cusps, which means that huge amounts of extra matter and energy get into the polar areas resulting in “heating” of polar caps.

Naturally, changing of the positions of the geomagnetic poles also causes shifting of the cusps and, consequently, displacement of the areas of high flux of solar energy into Earth’s atmosphere and towards its surface. [color=Cyan]This process is followed by a redistribution of cyclones and anticyclones across the planet, leading to serious global climate change (V. E. Khain, E. N. Khalilov, 2008, 2009).

Geophysical and Cosmic Factors

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]
edit on 23/3/2012 by thorfourwinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/3/2012 by thorfourwinds because: color

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:05 PM
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere once that severe solar storms can cause the poles to flip as well, and when the planets align perfectly it can cause spats of solar storms, it has happened in the past and the evolving eco system survived so theres no need to panic too much, yes some plant life will die, causing some animal life to dissipate, and certain eco systems will change drastically but we will go on, I'm pretty
sure of it!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by DARREN1976
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere once that severe solar storms can cause the poles to flip as well, and when the planets align perfectly it can cause spats of solar storms, it has happened in the past and the evolving eco system survived so theres no need to panic too much, yes some plant life will die, causing some animal life to dissipate, and certain eco systems will change drastically but we will go on, I'm pretty
sure of it!

Not to fear monger but, isn't this where the good guy gets shot in the back in the old westerns? Just when the bad guy deceives the good guy into thinking everything's "hunky dory" he plugs him in the back and BANG, bad guy's win! Never let your guard down people, sleep with one eye open. Certain elements in this world have proven time and time again they can not be trusted!

If there are elements who could gain by a reduced populace, they would not tell us of a coming disaster!
edit on 23-3-2012 by ajay59 because: to add

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Interesting thread OP and I do not know when the next magnetic pole reversal will occur, but I kind of hope it will in my lifetime, hopefully towards the end.

The reason I say that is because, I would actually to see if an idea I have been floating in my head for a while may be true. I won't call my idea a theory or a hypothesis, so as not to offend or bring the ire of the scientific minded members, instead I will just call it a proposition and that proposition is that, magnetic pole reversals may actually be a key part of the evolutionary process one which up to now has been overlooked.

One of the things that I have always found interesting is when you look at the fossil records, there actually seems to be two types of evolution at work. One, a slow gradual process of evolution, such as you see with birds or other animals that get trapped on an island and over time they evolve to be different then their mainland counterparts. The other type of evolution seems to be periodic rapid and radical leaps in a species, that is where you have massive changes, enough to classify it as anew species. The interesting thing is the radical leaps, seem to be fast rather then slow gradual changes, almost within the span of a generation, since we haven't found a lot of transition forms between the original species and the new one.

The proposition that I am suggesting is that the radical leaps could actually be from the effect of magnetic pole reversals, because if you think about it the OP is partly correct in that during the transition period the surface of the earth is bombarded with cosmic radiation; though I have heard the estimates of time of bombardment from scientists to be more around 50-100 years rather then 3000, but, then I disagree with the OP that it is necessarily "deadly" levels of radiation. Though I will say it will most likely be highly mutagenic levels of radiation. In other words, my proposition is when the field comes down so to speak all life on the surface may become subject to massive random mutations across the species. Some of these mutations are not beneficial and the new mutant strains die off, on the other hand some of the mutations are beneficial and the mutant strain survives to become a new species.

One of the things that has been making me think more and more, that this idea might be correct is the recent discoveries of more and more species of humans that all seemed to be alive around the same time, mainly the hobbit addition, but also possibly others. The interesting thing is if you think about my proposition, it easily explains why the human species suddenly seemed to branch off into many competing strains of human at around the same time and of course our strain was the one that was most beneficial of the mutations allowing us to survive and become the new species of human.

Anyway, I have no proof, experiments or evidence to progress this proposition into a hypothesis or theory, but if I see the magnetic poles shift in my life time, my idea may be vindicated by, direct experiential data.
edit on 23-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

edit on 23-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:35 PM
I have worked in heavily RF/EM attenuated glass jars for most of my career called level 4 R & D laboratories.

For those people who are scared and wealthy enough you can install a Faraday cage in your how strong the attenuation depends upon how strong your pockets are.

I know a few colleagues who have them in their homes. I can tell you from years of working in them as soon as you step in one you can literally feel the difference.

The market place sells everything from RF/EM attenuating paints to curtains and everything in between.

Although, I seriously doubt if any attenuation will help in the event of a catastrophic CME...for without an atmosphere to breathe O2 in you are dead.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by NewAgeMan

From what I see "Dr. Dean" is talking nonsense about lava solidifying beneath Earth's crust and thus reducing Earth's magnetic field. Never mind the fact that when lava is beneath ground it is referred to as magma, he claims that the iron in solidified magma diverts the magnetic field and traps it beneath the surface.

Funny. Quick! Go buy one of his magnetic pads!
edit on 3/23/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

No I think he was saying that it (the core) eventually stops and then reverses direction, and that that's the poleshift, at least that's what I gathered. Either way the gauss level is decreasing and will eventually drop to zero. It was an interesting lecture with quit a bit of info, regardless of what you think about his product.

Here's the link for those who will

edit on 23-3-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by ajay59

Originally posted by DARREN1976

Never let your guard down people, sleep with one eye open. Certain elements in this world have proven time and time again they can not be trusted!

If there are elements who could gain by a reduced populace, they would not tell us of a coming disaster!
edit on 23-3-2012 by ajay59 because: to add

Too true, too true..... you need eyes in the back of your head these days, just to see who's sneaking up on you!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by primus2012

You're 2nd post is correct. The OP concerns a magnetic pole shift... or your compass points south to antarctica one day... a pole shift where the earth flips a 180 is another story and is likely just that... a story.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:00 PM
People... if a CME were to hit the earth strong enough to blow away the atmosphere I suggest going outside and take a deep breath and enjoy your last day on Earth.

The earth's magnetic poles will shift and continue shifting this is a given...will the human race be here to witness, observe, record and SURVIVE it?

Who knows and who cares?

Celestial mechanics is an area of astronomy that man CANNOT control but only witness and marvel at the splendor and power of the grand scheme.
edit on 23-3-2012 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by maestromason

You don't get it, as the poles shift, there is a corresponding decrease in the gauss level of the earth's magnetosphere, unto a megnetic poleshift, by which point the gauss will be zero, and then it will increase again after the shift. This needn't effect the atmosphere, just our cellular regeneration and mental well being ie: we will go crazy in a zero gauss field.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Oooookaayyy....You must be talking about the natural harmonic background "noise" the earth produces that we as human beings physiology has evolved to be in sync with? The very same frequencies that scientific laboratories are attempting to "reproduce" for extended space travel, correct?

You know that the earth itself produces those NOT OUR ATMOSPHERE....don't you?

*You are no where near factual dude.
edit on 23-3-2012 by maestromason because: *

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:28 PM
In order to stop the Magnetosphere you need to stop the magma flow within the core of the earth.

Once again the EARTH produces the magnetosphere.

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