posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 08:43 AM
I have had a lot of these kind of experiences. I personally find them to be cognitive slips. They tend to occur more when I am stressed. You swear
that something was there, but it wasn't all along. Most often they relate to things that you are most familiar with.
I also relate to all of the connections that we have with people. Its like if I think of someone enough (especially in a quasi-dream like state, you
know when your mind wanders, I am bound to bump into them in the street.
Yesterday, I thought of calling a friend that I have not spoken to in a while, and then though nah. Then last night had a close friend of hers ask me
if I had contacted her that day!
I think it is a natural process of conciousness that happens all the time. Once we lived in a quieter, slower world, where people had time. Phones
didn't exist, and people were more in tune with the natural rhythm of nature. So thinking of others would initiate some kind of communication between
people where they either met, or heard of them in direct correlation to the way they were thinking of them. People probably used to meet each other,
and go so far as to say, "I've been expecting you!"
We have probably all had those experiences of picking up the phone already knowing who the caller was (even though it was unexpected).
When I had a partner, I always knew when he had had a bad day, I even felt the level of intensity. This also included when he was having a good day. I
even sometimes knew when he was being a "naughty boy", as we had an open relationship.
He was never that perceptive, only very rarely. Which makes me draw the conclusion that those of us that are more empathic are certainly more prone to
getting these telepathic/psychic experiences. For example when my friends are in great need, whether on the phone or the same room, I can pick up on
all sorts of things, and on rare occasions they will ask how I knew stuff that they never told me, that always surprises me. But have dwelt on as to
why or how that happens, and the answer I have is that its almost like there is a deeper part of them that speaks to me, like nudges/hunches, and
sometimes an external energy that communicates to me which I think is their guardian angel or perhaps a loving, not aways departed person in their
life helping out.
I also get fired from a lot from jobs, because I am always ahead of the game, and it pisses my bosses off like mad when they are trying to screw their
staff over in the name of "business", ie trying to manipulate me or others (or simply manage, ie do their job). I kind of find managers silly like
that because to me, everything is plain obvious, when others just blindly go along with company BS.
I have also noticed that when I am in a pro-active loving mode/mood, all kinds of amazing stuff happens. One day when I was being like this, I was on
my lunch break and a £20 note just blew in the wind at my feet, it was one of the best "well done's" I have had in that mode, along with getting
my best job offer.
Examining life at this level has always fascinated me because the way things work is just jaw dropping sometimes.
But before you think I lead a charmed life, may I also add that at the moment life is crap for me right now. But no matter what my experiences, there
are always important lessons to be learned, and the one I am learning now is gonna be a big one.
Also I have some Biblical quotes that relate to this phenomena, "Knock, and the door shall be opened", "listen to that still small voice (you know
the one that gets crowded out by life) and "If your eye be one, then your body will be filled with light..." (when your mind wanders, and you think
about something or someone with your minds eye, "light", being a reference to "knowledge/understanding").