reply to post by awakendhybrid
This is actually a really great thread. My husband and I have been together since I was 16. I am 31 now. Ready?
His birthday is 318 (march 18th 1976)
My birthday is 813 (august 13th 1980)
My name is Nicole, my brother's name is Joseph
His name is Joseph, his sister's name is Nicole
trivial..but cool..neither of us grew up with our biological grandfathers, both "real" grandfathers had died of cancer, but each of our grandmothers
both married the grandfather's best friends (both grandfathers were also mechanics) our non biological grandfathers worked together for lockheed separate states. His Grandfather was from Ohio and worked in Florida. My grandfather was from Florida and worked in Ohio. .... no, I'm
not kidding, LOL. It gets weirder.
Both our moms are 51.
further down the line...remember the birthrates? Well, our oldest daughter's birthday is 3-6-01, (her due date was 3-8-01) our youngest is 8-16-07....
Now, I realize, there are only 10 numbers entirely to use... but all the 8s, 3s and 1s???
Not really anything, but something I always thought was cool. My birthday as I stated is August 13th. The beginning date for the Mayan calendar. My
husband's mom's birthday is December 21st. LOL. I always tell her, I'm first! LOL.
And the ending.... Whenever my husband and I go shopping for birthdays... my mom's, his mom's, sister, brother, kids, etc etc etc.... He can be an
isle over from me...and we'll each pick up a card and go to show the always, always always ends up being the same card. This has never NOT
happened. In fact, this occurs so much, that its how we define if we have found the right card or not. I send him to one isle and I'll be in another
isle..and only if we find the matching cards, do we buy them
Whats so weird about that ... is it means,...someone had to put a card back in the
wrong place for the cards to be in different isles! LOL.
I've notice another weird thing with my 11 year old. Since she was 6, her favorite animal has always been the sea otter. All of a sudden, everywhere
we went, there were sea otter items....stuffed animals, shirts, snow globes, paper, etc etc. This past year, she fell in love with, they
are everywhere! bedroom decor, tshirts, craft items at Michaels and hobby statues...etc. I recently wanted to redecorate our kitchen in
cupcake decor.. but couldn't find items anywhere....I wanted the whole shebang...curtains, tile, canisters, sugar bowl, creamer, you get the picture.
I searched the internet, but couldn't really find items I had in mind. I walked into hobby lobby just the other day.. and there they were...a whole
isle of cupcake kitchen decor...even measuring spoons and cups! Again....most likely nothing..most likely...the fact that we began liking the items
simply caused us to see more of them and take notice of them more..,kinda like a start to like a certain car with a certain color..and you
see it everywhere, right? but it was still a bit disconcerting.
I think what happens is, we are with certain people for so long that in a sense, yes..we can read them.
I do want to say one thing though.. but I hate voicing this thought..only because, it makes me feel creepy and a bit scared. Every night, I put my
youngest daughter to sleep. Since she was born, its always been the same. She likes me to hold her for a little bit, but when she starts to get
sleepy, she wants to be put into her bed. She will literally tell me "mommy, I'm ready for my bed now." every so often the feeling comes..she'll be
laying there sleeping and I'll keep sitting in the rocking chair, and I get the feeling like reality is not..reality. did she get here? I
feel like her being here is unreal. It scares me..I literally worry that I'll wake up and discover she was not here. And there are days when I'll get
ready to leave and drive to pick each child up from school, and I get the feeling that they won't be there... I can't really explain it, only that,
there are days where I am in this fear that I do not have children. Again, I have not voiced this to anyone, only because, I fear they would think I'm
edit on 22-3-2012 by Nkinga because: (no reason given)