posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:26 PM
I'm a girl, and I agree with that dude who said you should pretend you are interested in what girls are yabbering about. Seriously, I just want to
talk, I don't even care if I get a response, so just sort of look interested. Girls will be too busy yabbering away to notice that you're not
listening. ^.^
Saying that, listen to the important stuff. Should be pretty easy to tell the difference. She's probably not going to catch you up on the fact you
eren't listening when she was telling you about some magazine article she read, or the gossip her friend told her, but girls are going to be upset if
you don't listen when she says something that actually matters.
Next, confidence is TOTALLY the universal turn-on for guys and girls. If you have it, you've got it. ;D
Also, the nice-guy, bad-boy thing, there's a time and a place for this. Girls DO like a challenge. They also like to feel secure and protected, and
to have a confident man taking charge. This is the bad-boy appeal. Cockiness is well hot, even a dash of arrogance, because for MOST women, dominance
is very alluring.
However, if you pull out the arrogant cockhead routine when she's looking for emotional support, she'll probably not want to see you anymore.
That's when you need to be sensitive and caring. ^.^ Knowing when to switch is essential.
Lastly, the hard-to-get thing only works for so long, and for more experieced chicks, it's plane annoying. Keep in mind that many women in today's
society are very insecure, and if you aren't showing them interest, they'll quickly assume they're not good enough and give up. Chicks are
constantly warned not to be clingy and needy, so they probably won't make the first move and will wait for you to call them. If you don't, they'll
think you're not into them.
These above only apply to the majority of women, and every girl is going to be a different chick.
Just don't try to be something you are not. Have confidence in who you are. Honesty is a rare catch these days.