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HC's Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku" DEVASTATED the show haters.

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Wolfenz
Well Folks

Something to think about

Someone said a Sumerian like middle eastern Connection

Atlantis Bolivia - page 4, conclusion

and this to think about through the Legends & Tales of Atlantis

See Image Below to big to put on ATS

SO Leif Ericson & Columbus were not the First from the Old World ?

edit on 18-3-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

I think it's interesting that you post the connection to Atlantis as I've also done so much earlier (without links though), in this post in this thread : HERE

I've strong confidence South America was indeed the Atlantis sensationalized in sailor stories with such supporting evidence as the Fuenta Magna bowl with cuneform, as well as the mummies found all through Egypt and Asia that test positive for a certain white powder derived from the Coca tree, and well known for it's 'medicinal' effects, but, only existing in South America.
Further evidence for a world trade network involving South america lies with indications of Maize another plant formerly only available in South America in far Eastern Asia, in China.

The argument for South America as Atlantis has a number of decent points of fair and strong interest.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by plube
reply to post by nineix

As opposed to arguing point for point with snippet answers and questions down to the lowest denominator, please, as opposed to arguing against people that are attempting to provide a reasonable answer, how about you prove the existence of aliens?
If you can prove the existence of aliens, then, all this picky juvenile bickering can stop.

Ok lets reverse this.....because this is why there is prove that there isn't you see the conundrum there ....Really?

Argumentum ad ignorantiam.....

The one who makes the statement is the one that has the burden of proof. If one says there are aliens then they must prove it, and not the other way around to disprove it.

It's like if I say there are purple flying elephants all over the place, and you say no there is not then all I would need to do to make them real is say well you can't disprove it....

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Also didn't read this thread to long. One thing I believe you must realize is being up there the air is very thin this location would be hard for any Human Being to survive in........... but as for Aliens even though they can't survive on our land because there is to much oxygen in our air they can breathe thin air ....just a thought

edit on 18-3-2012 by observe50 because: (no reason given)

Depends...I suggest that earth is most likely poisonous to any advance alien life. We are the way we are because we evolved on earth. If you take us just a little out of that zone we would die. An alien most likely evolved with a different eco system, air mixtures, gravity, temps, radiations etc... not to mention viruses and bacteria. I would bet that they would need a support system the whole time they were here.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

IMO Puma Punku is our best chance to prove early man had "HELP" from some one ,thing or force ..There is just no way you can state that early man did what was accomplished there and when you add to the fact that it was surrounded by cities with huge amazing structures ..To me Puma Punku is where whatever it was took the early craftsmen and architects in the region and taught them how to build , it is amazing simply amazing ..Was it Aliens i dont know , was it man using time machines i dont know was it any millions of possibilities well i hope one day we learn the truth ...

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by nineix

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by nineix
Touched on briefly in the episode under discussion, the bowl mentioned does indeed have Sumerian style cuneform writing, as well as proto-semetic script; two different forms of writing totally out of place and seemingly out of context with the area and cultures associated with it.

As I said before, if it's a know writing, what does it say?

The translation is in the link I provided.
I will, however, source back to the link in an edit to this post with ex-text of the translation ...

Okay, the following, listed under Chapter 3 of source document Investigations of Bolivia's Fuente Magna ... details this translation:

Decipherment of the Cuneiform Writing on the Fuente Magna Bowl by Dr. C. A. Winters

This translation of the 3 panels of the cuneiform writing reads as follows:

"Approach in the future (one) endowed with great protection the Great Nia". "[The Divine One Nia(sh) to] Establish Purity, Establish Gladness, Establish Character". ("This favorable oracle of the people to establish purity and to establish character [for all who seek it]".) "[Use this talisman (the Fuente bowl)] To sprout [oh] diviner the unique advise [at] the temple". "The righteous shrine, anoint (this) shrine, anoint (this) shrine; The leader takes an oath [to] Establish purity, a favorable oracle (and to) Establish character. [Oh leader of the cult] Open up a unique light [for all], [who] wish for a noble life".

There are further translations listed also under Chapter 3 of the sourced document.

edit on 18-3-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

Interesting that this word written in the bowl, "Nia(sh)" phonetically sounds a lot like "NHSH" or "Nahash", which means "Serpent of wisdom", an epithet of ENKI. As far as Quetzalcoatl's depictions totally fit the Sumerian prince Ningishzzida, ENKI's son, this is something that makes you go hmmmm.... Anunnaki in the Andes??

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by nineix

how is this difficult....leave the door open to possibilities..knowing that what you yourself is presenting is NOT FACT....therefore open to logical and critical thinking.....if you have a technology of rock softening....and molding....then why on earth at the same site....go through the process of drilling and cutting and if we accept there was drilling and cutting of stone going on then one would ask how was this achieved.....then one would look to the tools available at the time as far as we are aware.....ARE you in agreement.

So when we look at this....and we say with he tools available at the time was this do able......

SO the question is was it?

Then we look at when at the time these structures were built what is the significance of positioning on a global scale......Which becomes astounding....because they go far beyond that....Do they not?

they are on a universal scale....beyond what we comprehend of the universe even to this day.....then we look at the relation between drawing a circle around the inner and outer base of the giza pyramid....subtract the two and voila....the speed of light in m/s you then need to decide was this coincidence or not....pretty spectacular coincidence though.

You see the difference here....i am not saying it is one way Aliens or one human...or GODS or possibly all three.....the fact is....there are a high degree of mathematics involved here....which is not conclusive to what the historians of the day would have us believe.....we are told these are primitive people...yet highly intellectual enough to build these you cannot have it both ways can you....they are either primitive and had help.....or they are highly intellectual and had machinery which enabled them to do it themselves.

So if for one min you are able to acknowledge the discrepancies then you might be able to move forward.

now kudos to you for presenting the translation of the dish....but does that not in itself scream more questions in the translation in is for worshiping......worshiping a higher being at that.

So i ask there a problem to imagine that there might have been another advanced race other than humans at these times.....To me it is a we have the just because we don't understand does not make it possible.

I'm more than open to consider aliens or unicorns.








Okay, I've considered it.

If you do not see the derogatory statement here then i don't no one mentioned unicorns....but faries were on the table......

now my point is there is a consistency in the structures on a global scale....that merits further understanding of how this knowledge traversed the if you believe we just walked around the world on camels...parting this vast knowledge of building techniques to the nations of the world so that tribal humans could all build thee structure that is great....but please explain the hows and why for it to make sense....and if you will be so much further than all the great intellects before you.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:56 PM
Whether the stone is diorite or granite or some other 5-9 Moh's Hardness, insets are extremely difficult to cut into ANY stone.

Imagine the difficulty of trying to make straight, perfect 90 degree angles working in a 6-12 inch space with even a super duper sharp bronze axe, which is the height of the tools this culture is credited with currently.

Look around for stone with three or four levels of sharp angled insets.

Not alot of examples, even in our laser assisted stone cutting culture.

A half inch wide, perfectly straight line, a full inch deep with perfect circles cut into the bottom surfaces of the line exactly four inches apart and running for two yards?

Yeah, try that.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by plube

why are the building techniques so similar....and many structures are built at different periods.....with the same precision and the same skill ....

A Possible Answer One World Civilization , One Communication One Language
as the Biblical & Babylonian Legend has Said The God or Gods Were Angry
before or After the Flood and Cause the Confusion of Our Language And Culture too Many
different Language's and Culture

So what time frame the Flood The Biblical Deluge Suppose to be ?

6 thousand 12 thousand + ?

well to some the site Tiwannaku is said to me at least 17 thousand years old
and Puma Punku is said to be Older

How Long doe's 'it take for Granite Diorite to Pit and Weather ?

and the Carbon Dating in different locations tho the Ruins have been moved around many times

One Show with Charles Heston as the Narrator and Host
that said how theyFound the Possible Age of Tiwannaku

This is where I took a great Interest in the Bolivian Sites !

well just see the Video ....

you will understand ..

Note : most of what ive mention Here in this Thread and previous Threads
is from partially from this Video well the Full Video

Called : The Mysterious Origins of Man

( How they found out the Age of Tiwannaku & Puma Punku )

Was Tiwanaku Built by Ancient Astronauts_.flv

( The Full Video )
The mysterious origin of man

edit on 18-3-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-3-2012 by Wolfenz because: missing differnt lanquages

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by essanance

And the whole point is that Puma Punku is not an actual city. Ancient Aimaras and Incas never lived there. They started to use it as pilgrimage place for "religious" purposes, thousands of years after it was already abandoned. That place was not built for housing purposes. And the gigantic structure of the blocks as well as their mechanic-functional layout suggest it was built for logistical purposes. Perhaps a cargo terminal of mining operations.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by jimnuggits

Imagine the difficulty of trying to make straight, perfect 90 degree angles working in a 6-12 inch space with even a super duper sharp bronze axe, which is the height of the tools this culture is credited with currently.

Look around for stone with three or four levels of sharp angled insets.

Not alot of examples, even in our laser assisted stone cutting culture.

A half inch wide, perfectly straight line, a full inch deep with perfect circles cut into the bottom surfaces of the line exactly four inches apart and running for two yards?

Yeah, try that.

Actually the stones do not have perfect right angles, that is another aspect blown out of proportion, like the hardness of the stone needing a diamond to cut. There is a video of a guy walking around with a metal right angle and he could not find a single stone that was 90 degrees.

Stones can be rough cut then sanded... as I said before it comes down to how much time is needed. The fact that the stones are a Mohs of 5.5 to 6 means that there are many common natural materials that can be used as an abrasive. The further fact is that once we have abrasives then the stones can be cut or worked as they saw fit.
End of story....

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by nineix

South America was not Atlantis, but I assume most Meso-american aboriginals were survivors of the Atlantis cataclysm, evacuated for Central America and highlands of the Andes. The Nahuatl word "Aztec" comes from "Az-tlan", which sounds a lot like "Atlantis" and means "people from Aztlan". The original land of the Nahua people.

Also the word "Tula" which refers to the African-like giant stonemasons who accompanied Quetzalcoatl, sounds a lot like "Thule", which was a place in Lemuria. Too many coincidences to be just coincidences.
edit on 3/18/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
reply to post by essanance

And the whole point is that Puma Punku is not an actual city. Ancient Aimaras and Incas never lived there. They started to use it as pilgrimage place for "religious" purposes, thousands of years after it was already abandoned. That place was not built for housing purposes. And the gigantic structure of the blocks as well as their mechanic-functional layout suggest it was built for logistical purposes. Perhaps a cargo terminal of mining operations.

Lloyd Pye would Agree

if it not from another world or dimension but this One !

but a definitely Civilization type 3

Question is ! Mining for What Gold ?

It would be Funny if there were Mining Cave underneath Buried Puma Punku

Seeing that the Site sets in a high place !! There's GOLD in Them Their Hills !!

Gold has so many Uses that most people cant fathom!!

Not just to Look at looking Pretty
Ask NASA what they can Used Gold For ....



The Many Uses of Gold

How Gold is Used in Space

Now thats if.... Aliens, Angles, Those from Heaven Came Down to Earth , another Planet etc..

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Rendier
Claiming that "anything can fly given a powerfull engine" doesn't dismiss the obvious aerodynamics of the object. I haven't investigated these supposed objects myself, and for that matter don't even know if they're real or hoaxed, but you don't need a degree in engineering to understand the people who build these had a basic understanding of aviation and aerodynamics.
If they were making the objects based on a flying fish, then it's no wonder it would be at least somewhat aerodynamic.

First post, yay!

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by nineix

I also decided that since you are so keen on the coca plant...what makes you think it was not grown in the middle east.....I see you feel it is all one way here......

Today it is hard to believe that in antiquity vast forests were growing in the Middle East. However, during the early part of the third millennium BCE, the mountain slopes of this region were covered with massive cedar forests. These forests disappeared in the millennia before Christ's birth about two thousand years ago. The destruction of the cedar forests of the Middle East is told in the oldest know, surviving written story in the world: The epic of Gilgamesh. The epic was written in Mesopotamia sometime during in the 3rd millennium BCE. The second episode of the epic is known as “The forest Journey” and is the story of deforestation in the Middle East2.

enviromental history
you see ....that now eliminates global trade of the cocoa plant as it is possible it was at one point a native plant of the region......So what way will you have your argument....was the coca plant shipped....or was it natural at the time.......

so here we have to consider the different vegetation in the area at the time of see not so black and white is it......

I just feel you my friend are not considering all possibilities in your replies.....I think your mind is made up...and if people say anything other that our great ancestors built them...then it is not acceptable to your way of thinking...which does not lead to open leads to denial of facts being presented.....But i am looking more and more into what your presenting...and is some good info....but have not found any intriguing fact to make it clear this is the case or not........just as with all others being presented...plausible.....but definitely not fact.

edit on 013131p://f19Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

edit on 013131p://f19Sunday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

I actually ask the question as a generalization because i think in the past when these things were being constructed there logically would have had to have been some sort of global communication going on....and if that was the case...then you need to ask how it was possible at the time of construction.

I would have to agree on to it leading to some sort of type 3 civilization.....

just so people get the idea.

hate to say WE ARE NOT ALONE......but does that mean they were here......who knows....but looking at our does tend to lean that way......

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I knew using 90 degrees was too big an oversimplification, but I was trying to make a point. Actually, the precise angle is around 82 degrees, which is even more perplexing than 90.

So, you're saying that the ancients used the equivalent of an emory board to make these gigantic, geometrically perfect building blocks? Have you ever worked with stone?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

I don't know about now, but in the past there were several deposits of gold in the Andes. Not only gold by many other metals valuable for industry, specially aerospace industry.

Quantitative information on the general locations and amounts of undiscovered porphyry copper resources of the world is important to exploration managers, land-use and environmental planners, economists, and policy makers. This publication contains the results of probabilistic estimates of the amounts of copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), gold (Au), and silver (Ag) in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the Andes Mountains of South America. The methodology used to make these estimates is called the "Three-Part Form.” It was developed to explicitly express estimates of undiscovered resources and associated uncertainty in a form that allows economic analysis and is useful to decisionmakers.

Well, if the US government is still onto it, so these deposits might still exist.

edit on 3/18/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:30 PM
this is some pretty cool stuff!

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by duality90

it isn't questionable merit per say. It is simply providing an alternative theory to what people have accepted to be common knowledge. Perfect example is the whole world is round, not flat theory. Or that the sun revolved around the earth. These thoughts were CRAZY when they were brought up. And I mean when people finally COULD bring them up without being persecuted by the church. I mean even I, Joe shmoe can go to a ancient ruin, see the structures and view the carvings and paintings or whatever and tell you my honest opinion of how I think they were made, and what they look like to me, but since I dont have huge credentials, or Nat Geo or other whatever programs backing me up, funding me, my opinion doesnt matter.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by nineix
The translation is in the link I provided.
Thanks for that, I missed it on your previous post (that's what happens when I'm doing several things at the same time

Do you know if anyone else translated the text? It's always better to have more than one opinion.

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