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HC's Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku" DEVASTATED the show haters.

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by plube

I think you've missed the part where I talked about our ancestors being a great deal more well traveled than the current historical paradigm is ready to accept.

Did you miss the part about mummies in Egypt testing positive for a certain recreational white powder substance derived from the Coca plant, located in South America?

World Trade existed. World Trade existed 3000-4000 years ago. This world trade was wide spread and pervasive. More than just goods of cargo made their way into ports of call around the world, but, also knowledge, ways and means by which to do things.
Knowledge can be coin in trade.

More an more evidence is coming to light and gaining acceptance in the common paradigm that such a pervasive world trade network indeed existed in far antiquity.

It wouldn't take near as much effort as you might imagine. Yes, if undertaken by one person or one group to fashion a world trade empire, it would, but, not if all parties concerned participated and overlapped.
Ideas, knowledge, and instructions on how to do and accomplish many many things could travel the globe several times in the span of less than a decade.
Hundreds and thousands of years of this, and you achieve a homogeneous dissemination of knowledge throughout the entire cultured planet, with of course regional discrepancy and flavor.

When you pour aliens into the bucket, and state that as the answer, all learning, research, and attempts to understand how a mere primitive human could achieve wonderful things stops.
The alien poisons the stew.
Take the alien out, and search for ways that humans could indeed own their birthright instead of getting it sold to some shifty bug-eyed fellow with a penchant for probing, and you may very well learn/discover something wonderful and forgotten.

Gods? I'm pretty positive the Spaniards were welcomed and thought of as Gods when they arrived in the Americas with their shiny armor. They, however, were not.
Have you missed where I've quite clearly outlined the indications of Sumerians filling that role 3000-4000 years ago?
Blonde haired, blue eyed, fully bearded Sumerians in their bronze armor gleaming gold in the sun would have been quite the impressive sight.
Not all of them were blonde. some where dark haired, and other even red headed.

Please. Pay attention. Read. and then go back and try to read with reading comprehension turned ON.

We don't need aliens.
Aliens, do, however exist. You can rest your little head soundly with all the little .................................... you want running through it with sound assurance that aliens do indeed exist.

The Milky Way Galaxy has roughly 500 Billion stars. if you could travel to every single star in this galaxy instantaneously, and spend just ONE SECOND at each star, it would take you over 12,000 YEARS to visit each and every star for just one second.
The universe is VAST.
Now, we've also got somewhere around a rough bunch of 500 Billion Galaxies, each with around that same number of stars.
Statistical probability alone puts the number of alien civilizations of all sorts of different levels of maturity and advancement well into the thousands if not more.
Out of 500 Billion glagies, there could very well be and entire galaxy setup just like Star Wars, or Star Trek, with galactic empires.
Thing is, however, the very same enormity that makes all this wonderful alien life assured possible is the very same thing that makes the statistical probability of any alien life visiting us quite very very very very improbable down to almost near impossible.
The universe is really just THAT vast.
Finding alien life, due to this vastness would be equal to finding a specific needle in a stack of needles, in a needle factory full of stacks of needles on a whole planet that has nothing but needle factories full of piles of needles.

Anyway, yeah, aliens are a nice thought and all, and it'd be great, but, sorry, the statistical probabilities for there being any interactions are so low as to be ridiculous.
Have at it though if you like.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by bottleslingguy
The show keeps making referances to what these cultures said about their gods coming from the sky as proof of aliens yet deny out of hand Ninex's information linked to where locals (decendants of those very people) descibe a rock softening process.

Can you have it both ways like that?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
I love the show, but can you put up some links to where the millions of haters wrote, I'm DEVASTATED by this!

the nervous jokes and character assassination are loud and clear proof. Could also say "flailing around hysterically making up nonsensical vague attempts to explain alternative ways of cutting stones as found in the show. How come they didn't use the same techniques at Tiahuanacu? because they didn't feel like it?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:53 AM
So this proves space aliens?? All it proves is that ancient man wasn't a dumb cave dweller, perhaps this show should dedicate itself to disproving the Darwinian religion.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Also didn't read this thread to long. One thing I believe you must realize is being up there the air is very thin this location would be hard for any Human Being to survive in........... but as for Aliens even though they can't survive on our land because there is to much oxygen in our air they can breathe thin air ....just a thought

edit on 18-3-2012 by observe50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by colin42

so why aren't they still using those techniques? they liked the rustic look of piled stones better? you guys are totally making up this whole "forgotten technology" thing. you have absolutely no basis for it.

you can go numb and just put your mind on hold but at some point it has to sink in. it's not a religion it is looking at history with a mature, rational conceptual framework. Not only is it something we have to accept but it is also the answer to our problems as far as technology and pollution. How can people NOT think it is a good thing? Fear is the only thing I can think of. Childish fear.... or greed. or both

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by nineix
reply to post by plube

Finding alien life, due to this vastness would be equal to finding a specific needle in a stack of needles, in a needle factory full of stacks of needles on a whole planet that has nothing but needle factories full of piles of needles.

Anyway, yeah, aliens are a nice thought and all, and it'd be great, but, sorry, the statistical probabilities for there being any interactions are so low as to be ridiculous.
Have at it though if you like.

This reminds me of the movie Dumb and Dumber, where character played by Jim Carey asks the lady out and she said something along the lines of maybe 1 in a million.

He was so happy, because their was a chance.

Just because the probabilities are against it doesn't mean it can't or won't happen.

Wow 19 pages, awesome! I haven't seen a debate like this about a show in the past before (though my searching is like a laser out to space, so it could be there).
edit on 18-3-2012 by calnorak because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:09 AM
I have to disagree about it being the same. Great video, lots of new ideas here. They added a new twist being that Pu.P. was direct alien and MP is a tribute to Pu.P.
These type of things are amongst my all time favorite videos. But I really would LOVE to see an A.A. video on Mars - Gary Wilcox - white uniforms. (Book Aliens in the Forest) Lonnie Zamora - April 24 1964 - Mars tubes, Mars face,Mars underground civilization, Nasa leaked blurry mars artifacts (gadgets by the TONS).. CONNECTION, SERIOUS CONNECTION !!!!

Gary Wilcox saying two mars astronauts visited him on his farm in New York April 12 1864. Also Ernest Normans account.

Could indeed make the best A.A. show EVER but A.A. show has to wake up and smell the roses! But do think A.A is one of the best show on TV. Way to go A. A. !

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by bottleslingguy
That is like asking why the Mayan are still not here. That civilisation fell and with it many of the beliefs and technology was lost.

I dont think the numbers of people before and after the fall would mean whatever technique was used to build these wonders the later population would be more focused on surviving than building.

Also as we still do today technology is hoarded by those in power and I doubt many of those secret keepers survived the mob at the collapse of the civilisation.

I understand what you wrote in your post but the very same argument can be made by those on the oposite side of this discussion

edit on 18-3-2012 by colin42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

We HAVE evidence that man has had knowledge of simple machines for many thousands of years.
How many thousands are we talking about? Many sounds like a half dozen, a dozen or more. Are we talking about the Antikythera mechanism here? Well that is thought to go back to the first century.

You have just proven beyond all doubt that you are no engineer.

Go ahead and educate yourself here

I would be very surprised if an engineering student in their first year didn't know what "simple machines" is a reference to.
se you did not answer a single question yet
Thanks for proving that you are just another person on the net spinning BS.


You have failed again. You see I used the Antikythera mechanism as an example

see here

Since you did not emphasize what machines "many thousands of years ago" you were talking about the Antikythera mechanism is a good example so I used it. Now Simple machine is easy, easy to create. I overestimated your intellect in using the Antikythera as a example. I gave you a chance to make your case time and again but expected the worst from you troll. But of course you did not answer a single question yet since you are not interested in dialogue and discussion. Only using spray and prey attacks at my credentials "I have not named yet" and my character... in turn completely discrediting yourself. For I do not consider myself to be a "expert" to begin with on the matter at hand. As an engineer does not qualify me to necessarily be an expert since this is an are for archeologist. I do not work with stone. I work with buildings. If i was head of NASA it would not be relevant in anonymity.

Your agenda is clear, your pissing in the wind fail of an argument is pathetic. You keeping digging a deeper hole for yourself. Now you get to eat crow... bon appetite. Since your leaving now and have nothing to use to prove your empty claims then so be it.

My opinion makes you furious I wonder why?

edit on 18-3-2012 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:19 AM
I watched that last night. It is amazing that they were able to cut stone so finely back then. Some say the site is over 25k years old.

I am starting to believe that every few thousand yrs the human race is all but wiped out and tweeked and a new breed takes over.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Since you did not emphasize what machines "many thousands of years ago" you were talking about the Antikythera mechanism is a good example. Now Simple machine is easy, easy to create. I overestimated your intellect in using the Antikythera as a example.

Are you trying to say that a device for navigating was used to cut and carry masonry?

But of course you did not answer a single question yet since you are not interested in dialogue and discussion. Only using spray and prey attacks at my credentials "I have not named yet" and my character... in turn completely discrediting yourself. For I do not consider myself to be a "expert" to begin with on the matter at hand. As an engineer does not qualify me to necessarily be an expert since this is an are for archeologist. I do not work with stone. I work with buildings. Your agenda is clear, your pissing in the wind fail of an argument is pathetic. You keeping digging a deeper hole for yourself. Now you get to eat crow... bin appetite. Since your leaving now and have nothing to use to prove your empty claims then so be it.

Seriously, you have just proven yourself to be a fraud and you say that I digging myself in deeper?

FYI "Simple Machines" is a common term used in engineering.

Any engineer worth his/her salt will tell you the same.

Nice try.....No cigar.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:28 AM
I’m certainly no expert on stone cutting but I will share with you what little I know about the subject. To cut diorite you do not necessarily need diamonds, you could simply use smaller pieces/shards of diorite or similar very hard stones/minerals (other possible options would be beryl, topaz, chrysoberyl, corundum, sapphire, or diamond) and place them as teeth in a saw-like-tool. Another method would be to use a fine powder of the same hard stones/minerals and use it as a form of abrasive, which together with water and a string can be used to cut very precise angles etc. The abrasive powder will do the cutting work together with the sawing motions of the string. Both methods will require great time and great patience. There was an interesting article I found some time ago which discussed this very technique (in a medieval context), but with not as hard rocks as diorite and with sand as the abrasive medium, will see if I can find it again.

Source to stone cutting techniques

Also some interesting info about diorite, it was valuable in many cultures around the world, from Tiwanaku to Inca and Maya in South and Central America to Ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria and Sumer in the Middle East. In early-modern times diorite was commonly used as cobblestone in many European cities.


Some interesting links about Tiwanaku and Pumapunku

Tiwanaku 3D Data

Geophysics and Geomatics at Tiwanaku

Archaeology of Tiwanaku

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by colin42
I dont think the numbers of people before and after the fall would mean whatever technique was used to build these wonders the later population would be more focused on surviving than building.
...I understand what you wrote in your post but the very same argument can be made by those on the oposite side of this discussion

so these earlier people who have only recently evolved out of the savanna living in barely huts had nothing better to do so they devised some unknown method of construction and all that it incorporates and built these amazing buildings? it's not like the buildings provided them with sustenance or that all the people lived in it like public housing. It makes no sense.

and yes the opposite side can make their argument but so far it is nothing but hysterical speculation with no basis in reality.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by colin42
reply to post by nineix
Hi Ninex

Just read your link about softening rocks. Very interesting and I have not come across this before.

I have little more than a passing interest/knowledge in this subject. Little more than a builder that marvels at what the ancients achieved.

I wonder if you have the knowledge to answer this question. I understand that pyramids built later on were very poor copies of those that preceded them so I wonder. Was this after the accepted date of the fall of the S American civilisations?

I ask this because your making the connection of trade between the two cultures also mentioned in the show made me think that maybe the 'rock softening chemicals' may have been imported by the Egyptians which stopped after the Myan/Inca fall and resulted in a severely reduced ability to build things they managed with such skill to achieve before.

I hope the above makes sense and you can help out in either ruling out or in a possible link to the use of these agents

I actually had not considered that and your proposition holds with some very interesting implications.

What we're by gradual degrees coming to understand is that there was a well established interconnected world trade network of civilizations well beyond what current paradigm is as of yet ready to embrace.

This interconnected world trade network some 3000-4000 years ago brought knowledge, and 'technology' all over the world. When I say 'technology', I'm talking in the sense of bronze age technology and equivalent. Some of this knowledge and tech, however, has been lost, and was lost when this established worldwide trade network was interrupted, broken, dissolved.

I postulate a series of world disasters brought about this disarray.
There's evidence inside the Great Pyramid at Giza of something quite tremendous occurring such that blocks deeps inside are cracked, features are warped by heat, and other such.
The Santorini Event in 1500-1600BC was certainly significant in effecting trade routes in the Mediterranean, Wiping out the Minoan culture, and whole cities in coastal areas close enough by for direct effect by tsunami, not to mention the worldwide effect the ash plume would have had in plunging the planet into a long winter for a couple of years.

Other events may have also coincided with this to break up and kill the world trade network such that ties were lost, and for decades people stayed home to nurse their societies back up to health after the down turn caused by long winter famines.

Once done, the old trade networks were forgotten, and the world plunged into what could essentially be like the dark ages after the fall of Roman influence during it's hey day.
Without the former interconnections of the world trade network, the world simply forgot, and continued to forget.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by calnorak

I wonder where people get their statistical odds from? aren't the odds getting more in favor with all the Earth like planets we are finding? I don't know where life originated in the universe but it is totally improbable that it originated here.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by nineix

I love your art but that postulation is total nonsense

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982
So,where did the upright tail come from?
Not from birds ,but maybe fish?
As I said several times (this is the third time on this thread), I think those look more like flying fish, like this one.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Are you trying to say that a device for navigating was used to cut and carry masonry?

I thought you were leaving?

Is it that you suffer from poor comprehension or? I was using it was an example of ancient machine all the while of unknown origin. Where does it state it was used to cut stone? Do you wear glasses? Do you wear them?

Seriously, you have just proven yourself to be a fraud and you say that I digging myself in deeper?

Again straw man tactic is all you have. As I said my field and what i do for a living is irrelevant. I am not even applying it to the case at hand. Yes I am a engineer since you are so obsessive over what my career is/isn't in your world deal with it.

FYI "Simple Machines" is a common term used in engineering.

Yes and? And subtraction is a term commonly used in mathematics and...

Any engineer worth his/her salt will tell you the same.

Yes and what does this have to do with anything?

Are you OK?
edit on 18-3-2012 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by thetiler

I am interested in a lot of those things too but people have to first accept the basics and then pursue the specific issues of which I'm sure there are many. You can SAY you believe we are not alone in the sentient being department, but actually swallowing it as truth is quite another. A lot of debunkers here have staked their lives on the lies we've been told and once they accept these other truths the validity of their lives' work goes down the tubes as one big joke. It means they've been on the wrong side all their lives and that is an assault to their egos. That's where the denial comes in.

I would love to visit mars in a space ship. I'll bet it's like being on Google Mars. You wear a headband or use a mouse and watch the screen and can go wherever you wish instantly.

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