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Leon Panetta wants to execute the soldier in the Afghanistan massacre

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:49 PM
whatever happens to him, I hope his family sues the bejesus out of the government. they did this to him, and he inturn did it to those innocent people.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:55 PM
I personally disagree with capital punishment.
But I do agree with 'when in Rome......'

It's not as if this was as a result of a military operation gone wrong.
This soldier went out and knowingly murdered 16 civilians, by all accounts including women and children.

Yes, he may be mentally disturbed etc.....but that should be for the Afghanistan courts to decide.

And he should pay whatever penalty they decide, regardless of how unsavoury that is.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:57 PM

edit on 15-3-2012 by beezzer because: never mind

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
I personally disagree with capital punishment.
But I do agree with 'when in Rome......'

It's not as if this was as a result of a military operation gone wrong.
This soldier went out and knowingly murdered 16 civilians, by all accounts including women and children.

Yes, he may be mentally disturbed etc.....but that should be for the Afghanistan courts to decide.

And he should pay whatever penalty they decide, regardless of how unsavoury that is.

Completely agree. Why the hell is he being tried by the military or whoever. He didn't commit crimes against them, his crimes were against the Afghans.

Personally I can't turn my nose up at anything the Afghans say. It's bad enough we've been there almost 11 years, but now this??

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Leon Panetta wants to execute the soldier in the Afghanistan massacre

:shk: Jump right to execution without an investigation eh? Is he worried that it will show that the US has had our troops over there too long .. and in too many mentally straining situations?? The fault for this will land right on Bush43 and Obama for leaving them there too long and not ending this thing years and years ago. No wonder he wants to jump right to killing the guy off. Investigations can drudge up so many things .... (snarky sarcasm).

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Well apparently I'm crazy ....

Oh don't get me started!
Just kidding ...

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The Ft. Hood shooter gets a trial, a lawyer a jury.

Penetta came with a damned rope!

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by onequestion

How can you judge someone in a warzone for killing people?

Because he was killing people who weren't a threat to fact, most of them were sleeping in their beds....that's how.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:22 PM
People have been executed for far less in the States , given the nature of his crime ... executing 9 children amongst the others I see no reason why he shouldn't face the death penalty .
Kids are kids regardless of the skin colour or religion .

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

See, many Afghans may say they want us out of there but the internal politics are more murky. Karzai says one thing publicly for the consumption of the masses but privately it's a different story. If the US is so terrible then he should probably have fought to keep the Taliban in power, we all know that's not what he did. Afghanistan in its most far flung rural regions reminds me of some of our more rural regions. You have a conservative population that fears outsiders and anyone they don't know really. In Afghanistan these people are easily swayed by whomever is the local power wielder and has the most influence in their lives. Like many of our least educated and poorest they claim to want a simple life without government instrusion but this is only partly true.

In the US there are many "conservative, religious, traditional" folks who vote republican every time and claim to hate the government and yet they collect welfare and are supported in many ways by the Federal and State governments. Afghanistan has a bit of a case of this bug too. In these far flung regions they flock to State supported centers and vie competitively for handouts from US military programs and Afghan programs alike. I was there and have personally seen this. The Afghans are torn between truly supporting the US backed government and having to face the reality that every night the Taliban come down from the hills and play to their religious and cultural sensibilities. Kinda like the way a guy in the US collects his welfare check and then complains about all these damn inner city good for nothings doing the same thing he is.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:43 PM
Marines Disarmed In Afghanistan For Leon Panetta Visit?!?

Video Links -

VR To - Panetta Disarms Marines In Afghanistan By TheShowmebby

Marines In Theater Ordered To Disarm By MOXNEWSd0tCOM

Disarmed Marines Look Pissed By TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC

Story In Print (MSNBC)

Also See -

U.S. Marines Ordered To Disarm? WTF? By Stoney65100

Moral Collapse By Crabbydogtrix


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Did anyone else notice the human sacrifice by fire to 'empower' Panetta's visit?

All this following the ritual human sacrifice of women and children on the anniversary of the Madrid bombings. . . .

US soldier accused of shooting Afghans, reportedly killing at least 16

2004 Madrid train bombings

Is anyone out there?

Evil is here manifested and in your face!

Non serviam

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:54 PM
they should at least identify the suspect so an opinion can be formed.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:04 PM
he should be executed

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Hillarie

Yup thats the point. Mind controlled us soldier kills civilians. Afghans ask for his head on a pike. Viewing forward. They somehow manage to execute him. This enrages America. America goes to war.

That wasnt planned by the CIA at all. No never :/

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Hardstepah
yeah this poor poor soldier. nevermind the people he massacred, he's a good ol boy "defending" us from "terrorists".

He's a 'good old boy?' I guess that means he's someone who can be blithely dismissed as being not as smart or hip as you, so what happens to him doesn't matter. I used to deliver pizza and in that capacity I met some of these kids, neighborhood boys who usually were looking for a leg up in life when they didn't have the means to go to college. Some of these kids were the most decent, down to earth nicest people I ever met. There's a certain kind of person who chooses the military. Maybe they're naive. Maybe they're brainwashed. I don't know But for the most part they're decent kids looking for something better. After you've been on three deployments and seen things more horrible than most people can imagine and seen your buddies get blown to bits in front of your eyes, get back to me and let me know how you're doing.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I say, get him home and check him out in the U.S...but home is where he needs to face whatever justice may be coming.

Absolutely bollocks.

If this was an Afghani committing a similair crime in the USA I can guarantee that you, along with the vast majority of US citizens, would demand that he be tried and punished in the USA.
What is so different about this?

He committed the crime in Afghanistan which is where he should be tried and if found guilty punished in accordance with Afghani law.

There is absolutely no comparison here. Not even a little bit. If an Afghani killed 16 civilians in an American city, you bet your tail he would be tried here. He'd be TRIED here. That is where there is no comparison. IF the guy survived citizens helping arrest him.....He'd be safe and sound through his processing and criminal trial.

If the Afghanis get this guy in their hands, a slow death by decapitation with a dull knife may be something we WISH he'd had the mercy of. This isn't hype, B.S. or just pure imagination. The Soviets experienced the full fury and unthinkable brutality of the Afghan people and getting their heads cut off was the least of their fears, should they be taken alive. He WILL NOT receive any trial as the rest of the world knows it, in Afghanistan. End of Story.

If some Marine walks out the gate of a U.S. base in Japan or South Korea or Germany tomorrow and, God Forbid, does something like this...I'm all for the locals trying him under civilized justice systems. ....BY may be accurate that Afghani's have the right to our guy here. I'll support seeing our men fight our allies to prevent that from happening though, and the above reasons are why.
edit on 15-3-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:30 PM
They guy should be listed disabled by mental problems, given a medal for all the deployments he has been on and recieve a nice disability check and free medical care while living in a mental institution until such time he recovers if ever. Our government no longer supports its people or its troops unless they are serving their own purposes. USA is on a dangerous course.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by insanedr4gon
I believe that I'm not alone when I say next time Obama and any others who call for war should go themselves.
As for the soldier, I think that an execution may be justice done. If one of the people killed was a daughter, mother, brother, etc. I know many would be tying the noose for this guy. I sure would be. The whole mental health thing is a way for him to pass the blame on someone else. He should not have been sent there so many times, granted, but the fact that he was sent does not excuse the fact that he took the lives of many innocents.
A letter of apology would be salt in the wound, at least for me. He killed many people, and just because he is sorry everything is okay? No. I support an execution for this man, an eye for an eye, a life for a life.

Your wrong friend. Had the us government not exposed him to war zones he would likely never have harmed a soul in his entire life. The thing is you just can't know for sure so you can't kill him for his actions. Gov needs to hire and use more shrinks to accompany these guys daily, so their mental health can be constantly accessed and people taken out of action that exhibit mental health problems. You have no idea how badly seeing people killed daily including friends and enemy and possibly even having killed people yourslef can screw your mind up to the point you no longer really the same person.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:40 PM
The irony, now we most kill our mental disable veterans because they serve the profiteer government purpose.

The ones that should be executed are the doctors that ignore the signs of trouble on this soldier and many others still in the front lines in the two countries that our nations profiteers are invading

When the US were bombing left and right Iraq and Afghanistan everybody here in the US were praising the missions, even when it was known that hundreds and thousands of Innocent civilians were been killed during the raids, but hell the corporate government sold the propaganda that they were killing terrorist and that civilians were collateral damage.

Still an Innocent victim is and Innocent victim regardless, now one soldier metal disability and instability is to pay back for all the senseless killing and damage done in Iraq and Afghanistan

Shame on the American government and shame on anybody that doesn't see the irony and the hypocrecy.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

So it's ok to try someone in a foreign country as long as their legal system meets your moral code and values?
Who the hell are you, or anyone, to impose your values etc upon anyone else?
That is exactly the attitude that turned Iraqi's against the US and why the whole region despises the US.

How can a country that still practices capital punishment moralise to another country about it's judicial system?

I understand that the Afghanistan judicial system is still under construction but this arrogant disregard for procedure and Afghan interests shows a complete lack or care or respect for the victims, their families and the Afghan people as a whole.

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