Originally posted by Katharos62191
reply to post by Imtor
Thank you for your post! This is very helpful. And also a short thanks for taking the time to read my story. It really means a lot. I have started
a dream journal of my own. But the idea of level 1 type dreams and level 2, might help me decipher even more. I am not going to take your ways, but
learn from them, as if you are teaching me. Because I do have different levels of dreams per say. Yours are all very cool and interesting, my question
is.. Is the one in 2007 about walking into the Ocean for there to be no water? Have you had any more dreams like that one? And what is your opinion
that one was leading you towards? I will read your posts after this to learn more about you! And do not be surprised if I u2u a question or 2. You
seem very knowledgeable about your dream state. And I would love to learn more! Thank you for posting on my thread. It feels good, once again, to know
I am not alone!
Well. 'very knowledgable' hardly, but thanks ;> I'm doing a research of my own because I've had so many times dreams that I later experience, that I
decided 'Wait a minute... let's do this experiment, I will record some of the dreams that I have and that are likely to happen (not the ones related
to emotional state and being with no sense).
So the ones that were about cataclysm, no I haven't experienced them yet and I do not know if they refer to actual events or represent some emotional
state (I dreamed those completely randomly, not whenever I watch any movies or talk or post about them, it happens occassionally).
The once that I call 'Level 1' for related to more daily things - I was going in a weeks to a trip in the mountains, for some reason weeks before
that, I had dream of a valley just down a hill and in the same dream - how im passing around a cliff with a view of the mountain ranges around. When I
went to the trip. I saw the exact same places.
Or when even as younger I had a dream how I was at a gym with a very long corridor. When I dreamed it I must;'ve been a teenager, I do not do fitness,
gym and I have nothing related to it to dream it. At the age of 17 I went to West Germany, Saarland, on some youth program that I took part in. The
place we were to stay was a gym turned into sort of, a place for temporary living. The same corridors, I felt them familiar, then I remembered.
Or something more regular - I was in the US years ago and before that I dreamed I go to NY and I was standing there in Mangattan. Heck, I went there
and this was more informative as I knew it was gonna come, unless smth bad had happened, now dreams of anticipated places are nothing unusual but
places you've never been to, Anyway I consider those 'Level 1' to be normal dreams.
I started recording them in 2007, as a child I've had all sorts of nightmares from dead relatives to some other humans body parts, well the reference
I may relate to is - in case we've been in danger, in case I visited some friend who studies Medicine to see the human body for real on the Morgue, I
guess that's the connection why I dreamed those parts. However, I do not remember dreaming cataclysms before because these ones I posted on page 1
left a strong impression and I would've remembered them. Honestly no dream's been more disturbing to me than the ones I posted on page 1.
In the dream just days ago about the nuclear strike, feeling how you're standing there and you're gonna be blown away - the same feeling you would get
in reality - I don't even read or post about Wars, WW3 or anything related to it, im not interested in Wars ..
Now the dream about Denver airport DIA, I've already been there so it makes sense to dream a place you've been but maybe it is because I intend to do
a search on the place, last time I didn't even pay attention to these murals as I was in a hurry. But my biggest interest is Underground bases and
caves said to go deep underground and allegdly other beings, so I am on to doing the research myself when I have the chance in the future.
I'm very objective, so by saying all this I dont mean they are absolutely something more than just emotional state dreams, but it is possible, as I
was quite calm and far from underpressure when dreaming them, they happened at random night, nothing to do with the movie 2012 as some happened
before. Idk what it means.
edit on 13-3-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)