reply to post by timidgal
Wow timidgal,
Just from reading your post responding to mine, I feel the connection as well. My arm hairs literally rose on end when I got through your paragraph
about being diagnosed as well. I am going to come out and be honest and say straight forward, this answer, what you just presented me with. Might be
what I have been looking for, for a long long time now. And I have no idea how to thank you, except to take your advice and further my knowledge.
To be honest, I recognize your avatar and am a tad familiar with you, (long time lurker) but I do not know you well enough and that has to change!
Therefore, I will take a trip to your page to see what your first posted on. & Heck what you last posted on! Jk. But seriously.. I could not thank you
enough for taking time to read my story. And to not judge me from my beliefs/theories but supporting me on them. I do feel like on ATS you can be
ridiculed easy and quick, without people taking time to realize you are a real person posting real predicaments. (hints first thing I got was
ridiculed for spelling error) But I realize to further my life and journey I have to block them out, just as I do with negative nancys I block out
every day, offline as well.
Just knowing that I got this kind of response from you after literally shaking my booty off trying to post this, make me very at ease.
I do not know how long, I have been waiting for an accepting answer such as this. Just know that you gave a young girl hope and a pretty good feeling
about her future. And gave me a pretty good feeling to further investigate what I need to do for my own life.
You do not know how good it feels to get an actual, meaningful response.
I do feel for you and share with you the pain of Lupus, mine being discoid. It is physically taxing and I admire you for being so strong and trucking
through it. I do believe with a lot of my heart that the enviroment you and I have been put in and the weather manipulation has helped extremely deter
us away from own naturally healthy state, into this one.
I also commend you for staying so strong when your husband tried to pull the crazy card on you, with your kids as well. That is one of the huge
reasons I refrained so long from posting anything. I have had many un-open minded people do the same to me, and say very rude things to me because of
it. It hurts and makes you feel exactly how you described it to me. It literally burns inside.
I do sincerely thank you for taking your time to read my story, and especially thank you for ignoring other post before you posted yours. It lets me
know that nothing the others said affected what you wrote to me. I do wish to further learn about you and your story, since I feel it may help me with
mine. Also I just have this feeling of wanting to know more about you..
How can I thank you again for taking me seriously and sending me meaningful replies. This is what I am here for. You are the kind of person I have
been looking for. & I am so happy I found you in this way. ATS I believe is the sight I needed to further my individual self.
I have been looking for some one like you for a while, timidgal..
Thank you for helping me and supporting me to start the first page of the rest of my life.
I feel welcome, when talking to you.