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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

It must be pointed out that a prisoner of war and the colonialism, racism and slavery brought by western powers are two completely different entities. They aren't even in the same ball park. That's a weak european excuse to take the blame off of them for causing the attrocities all people of color face accross the planet. Europeans didnt' take slaves from Africa along. Blacks are all across the globe and wherever Europeans went they destroyed the land, enslaved the people and took over. Lol the more you all speak the more it shows that you actually dont study.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

Also BET is controlled by VIACOM. So that is a very weak example of discrimination lol. Wow. Studying and research will take some of you a long way

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by TheBlackManIsGod7

I dont care who runs it. The fact it says "Black entertainment channel" is racist. Lord forbid if we have a "White Entertainment" channel.

(Again note , racism have little value in my life , this is simply for argument and discussion)
edit on 9-3-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:31 PM
List of Black American Presidents:


List of White American Presidents:


Oh wait, where do we place OBAMA and WHY?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

BET is racist agianst whites when it is owned and controlled hands down by whites. Yea thats real racism. Lol that doesn't even make sense. What's racist the name. Once again the more u talk the more you show and prove the lack of intelligence.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by pagan_night

You know what? Nobody has any manners any more. My mom taught me to curtsey and shake hands and say "How do you do?". (and I batted my eyelashes too a bit, but I was 7 then)
Today people are so in their own little cloud you can go through the grocery and people won't move out of the aisle for anything. People just ignore you like you are not there. Nobody cares about any body else and most people are just plain rude. It's the entitlement mentality gone wild. It's worse at Wal Mart and places like that. I remember going into one discount dept store and people just threw stuff on to the floor. There was stuff on the floor everywhere and even the cashiers were rude and mean. I have never been back there since. It was Ross store I think.

Gone are the days when people behaved civilly out of kindness and generosity of heart.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

You do know that the moors invaded Spain well before then. That is how a blonde hair fair skinned population turned dark hair and brown eyes. Then the Crusades happened and regained certain lands. Know your history as people here have been saying today.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

The moors civilized spain and europe. They brought europe out of its dark ages. Read a book titled "The Golden Age of the Moors." They brought mathematics, classical music, language, science, agriculture and taught them how to build and establish major cities that thrived. Do the history? The moors ruling europe for 700 years was the best thing to happen to Europe.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by pagan_night
reply to post by CriticalCK

Well that would be fine with me. As long as everyone leaves the history out of it. All I'm trying to point out is that re-arranged history by government has played a huge role in racism.

I've talked about revisionist history before here. The late Professor Antony Sutton wrote that the Order of Skull and Bones made sure that history was written to bring their desired outcome. History is being skewed today in the public schools for desired outcome and values clarification. Sutton mentions The American Historical Society as a tool of Skull and Bones.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by pagan_night

You know what? Nobody has any manners any more. My mom taught me to curtsey and shake hands and say "How do you do?". (and I batted my eyelashes too a bit, but I was 7 then)
Today people are so in their own little cloud you can go through the grocery and people won't move out of the aisle for anything. People just ignore you like you are not there. Nobody cares about any body else and most people are just plain rude. It's the entitlement mentality gone wild. It's worse at Wal Mart and places like that. I remember going into one discount dept store and people just threw stuff on to the floor. There was stuff on the floor everywhere and even the cashiers were rude and mean. I have never been back there since. It was Ross store I think.

Gone are the days when people behaved civilly out of kindness and generosity of heart.

I agree with everything you said, though the entitlement part was a bit off topicish. We are taught/told that our fellow human beings are strangers that cannot be trusted; all are potential pedos, murderers, thieves, weirdos. We are also taught survival of fittest and that everyone is a possible competitor. So we act on what we are taught by our media, law enforcement/government and fellow human beings. This gets compounded in large metro areas with high population.

But you are right, there's no trust, no connection, and no respect. Not everyone is like that but it's certainly worse now than in the past imo.
edit on 9-3-2012 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:21 PM
So the Spanish on whole get their olive skin and dark hair from Moor/African blood/genetics, not being Mediterranean instead of Northern European?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by TheBlackManIsGod7

The Berbers (original Moors) were white .. mostly Latin/North African. And a blend of Arabic and Latin by the time they invaded Spain (Arabs/Semites are technically Caucasian) due to the Arab kingdoms invading Berber controlled territory prior to their Iberian campaign.

Hence why if you were to go to Libya, or Morocco, you'd find "arab" looking people with "white" genetic markers, such as blue eyes.

Iberians (erm, "Spanish" which is a loose definition of all Iberian people) were always "darker" .. a product of their climate. Just as Italians (Mediterranean, Latin) and Greeks were always "darker" than North Europeans.

The Moors were also the largest trafficker of European slaves outside of Europe.. millions of Slavic people from East Europe were trafficked through Berber kingdoms and the Ottoman Empire.

The Berbers however only ever controlled the Southern Kingdoms of Iberia.. and certainly played little to no part of the Renaissance, or the feudal political system that redefined European culture, nor the Norman military fortification that would rule Europe until gunpowder was invented.

In other words... you're quite wrong.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:39 PM

edit on 9-3-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:42 PM
So theres WHITEs From North Africa? Cool.

Where else are there whites from besides europe and north america?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

"White" is a color. "Caucasian" is the definition of "Race"

Technically the vast majority of North Africans (Berbers in the West, Arabs and Semites in the East) are "Caucasian".

In the Middle East Semites (such as Jordanians, Palestinians, Israeli's, Egyptians) are all Caucasian.
Iranians (Persians) are Caucasians.
Arabs are Caucasian
Turks are Caucasian
And even Indians are in fact a variety of Caucasian.

Technically.. according to DNA research. There being 3 major genetic families, Caucasian, Asian and African.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Storm88Trooper
reply to post by technical difficulties

Actually the word "Cracker" has nothing to do with the white salty goodness of saltines. It means whip cracker and was originally a term used by black slaves as a derogatory term for members of their own kind who through obedience to their slave masters acquired the privileged possition of being the one who punished their fellow slaves in exchange for better living quarters and food. Most most blacks and whites are to ignorant to look into the history of this racial slur.
Even with that, it's still not on the same level, considering that you said it was an insult against blacks, and was used to insult those in "power" (which doesn't sound as bad as the reverse).

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by TheBlackManIsGod7

I dont care who runs it. The fact it says "Black entertainment channel" is racist. Lord forbid if we have a "White Entertainment" channel.

(Again note , racism have little value in my life , this is simply for argument and discussion)
edit on 9-3-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)
I've seen people say the same thing about gay pride parades and black history month, and they're all just as ignorant. If you want a "White Entertainment Channel", you can just watch any other channel.
edit on 9-3-2012 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:53 PM

if their ancestors weren't killed for knowing how to read(among other suppressing things) back then, maybe blacks of today would be in better shape? less crime?

If they were never brought here as slaves to begin with, do you think they would be in better shape?

Let's think about this... they would still be in Africa, not the best place to live right now. But they are instead here in america, enjoying living in a rich country. They have access to schools, they can start businesses, they can enjoy the american culture because they are Americans. But that isn't good enough. No, whitie needs to be punished now, even though almost no whites living today had anything to do with it. Even though the blacks were sold by their own people. The black slave owners in Africa. Maybe focus your anger at them instead. I think there are many blacks alive today that wouldn't be alive if their ancestors weren't sold into slavery to america.

The crime among minorities has nothing to do with their ancestors. It has to do with the american government holding them back by giving them handouts. The government teaches them that they don't need to work for the things they want, they can just collect checks. Bad grades in school? No child left behind. No money for college? No problem! No skills for a good job? Now you'll get hired instead of the white man just because you're black. So what are they learning? Well I'll tell you what they aren't learning. When you hit rock bottom, there is no where to go but up. But if your never allowed to hit rock bottom, you may never try to climb higher. There are many rich and middle class blacks out there that did go out and make it happen for themselves, but the ones who are in poverty because they choose to be in poverty while blaming everyone else around them, well they only have themselves to blame. Trust me, that goes for any race, not just blacks. But blacks are treated differently. They are treated like it's not their fault.

Now lets look at the double standards

Black Television Network - If there was a WET, it would be looked at as evil. Why? Are whites not allowed to watch programming targeted to only them?

Black History Month - If there was a white history month, there would be an outlash. Why? Are whites not allowed to celebrate their culture?

BlackPeopleMeet.Com - Ok, just saw the commercial and had to put that in there. Yet no one has bought WhitePeopleMeet.Com...why? We know why. (And yes, I just checked, the domain is available if anyone wants it.) However, there is an What's the message here? Are whites racist if they are only interested in dating their own race? Hmmm... but any other race can have their race targeted dating service and it's ok, because they aren't white.

Then there are the government laws and programs that while made to pick up the black race, will also have to hold down the white race. But that's a whole other paragraph I don't feel like writing out. Bottom line is there are double standards, there have been for a while, but at what point do we draw the line? When will it end?

I'm white. I have pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm told people like me may be extinct in less than 100 years. Who's the minority now?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Well you started your response with "The berbers were white"

so I just wanted to reiterate and clarify. Thanks for doing so in the followup.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:56 PM

If you want a "White Entertainment Channel", you can just watch any other channel.

I shake my head every time I hear this. There is no network that targets only whites through programming and advertising. They all target a mixture of demographics. BET, simply targets blacks. It's not the same.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Under Water

Devils Advocate here..

What about "Country Music Television"?

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