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Charges of Racism for Chanting USA…In America!

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by seagull

thank you seagull, a lot of people on here are saying they know they intent behind the chants was racist when infact not one of us know the intent behind the chants

the fact that everyone is becoming PC and the for lack of a better word "pussification of america" is happening is a major thing that is ruinning this great country

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by seabag

Problem is that the US Federal Government favors illegals especially in the school system. I am not saying this is right. But do consider how they have flooded the land and education system. Its a big problem and it unfortunately will lead to violence in the future.

Now me personally I have nothing against them, unless they are criminals. But if I walked down my own street I could not count the number of illegals on both hands. Not to mention that many of them don't speak english nor even attempt to learn it or anything about this country.

Interesting, how do you know someone is an illegal immigrant without checking for paperwork? What's that, you 'know'? How do you do that? Oh, you assume, that's right, you assume don't you? How else would you know? Do you know that kind of thinking is what the topic of this thread is ultimately all about?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by bphi1908

Are you seriously going to compare that to chanting USA?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by seabag

In San Antonio, Texas, students and their school are getting some negative publicity over the audience chanting “USA USA USA” after a high school basketball game. Apparently one of the teams was predominantly Caucasian while the other team was predominately Hispanic. Both teams represent American schools and have American students!!

It's nationalism to chant "USA, USA, USA" at a sporting event. It's not racism, the USA is a melting pot of races and cultures. The only way a person could think that was racism is if that same person is operating with the presupposition that the USA is only for whites. In which case, the true racist and his colors are manifest for all to see. It's the ones crying "racism!"

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:56 PM
And is there more to the story that is not being reported.

Then there is the issue of how the media reported this incident. When the story broke on Sunday evening, the reports gave the impression that all Heights students were guilty of chanting. Furthermore, no Heights students were interviewed to give their version of the events. It appears some Edison students were chanting “Alamo Whites”, however that was not reported. The unfortunate portrayal that was given by the media was that of “mean racist whites against poor victimized Hispanics.”

Chances are that there was more going on in the stands than this politically correct story wants to admit. The media always wants to portray that whitey must be guilty.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by caf1550
reply to post by getreadyalready

so if the other team was chanting Viva Mexico it would have been ok though right


If they were a Mexican team it would have made perfect sense, but since they were a US team it would have been very odd.
Supposedly they were chanting something about "whites" and that was also uncalled for and out of line, but that wasn't part of the original story.

Once again, it is always about the intent of the words, not the words themselves. I can use the n-word in certain company, both black and white, but I wouldn't dare use it in other settings, both black and white. Some white folks are offended by it, and some black folks are offended by it, and some are not. 99.9% of the time if I were to ever use it, it would be in jest, but I'm sure I could make it apparent if it was meant to be hateful, and I'm sure it would be received exactly as I intended it.

I slipped in a jab about "black quarterbacks" on my friend just a few nights ago, and it didn't even hit him until about 3 sentences later, and then he stopped and said, "Heeeyyyyyy, what the hell?"
Of course, it wasn't meant hateful, and it was obvious sarcasm because Griffin is going to be a hell of a QB, but everything has to be taken in context and with knowledge of the intentions behind it. I probably wouldn't have said the same thing to someone that didn't know me, or someone that is extra sensitive to that type of thing, even if it was a white someone. I've found white folks are the quickest ones to get offended by racism even when the targeted party hardly notices.

I do not believe the High School from the OP had anything except for hateful intentions when they started this chant. At least not the few instigators, now the majority of the crowd probably just joined in and was oblivious to the undertone, but the handful of folks that started this chant had hateful intentions, guaranteed.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by seabag

the intent was? The intent behind the chant is what determines whether or not it was bigoted.

Awfully hard to judge that from second or third hand...

PC'ness is running rampant...but sometimes it is bigotry. Is it in this case? Surely looks like it to me. But a second or third hand account makes it hard to know with any certainty.

Except for the simple fact that it cannot be bigoted because both teams comprise people who CHOSE to live in the U.S.A.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Malcher

Originally posted by bphi1908
reply to post by popsmayhem

Everyone has a different idea of what "good fun" is. The story below details what a couple of guys in Jasper, TX did for fun. ife/t/years-later-dragging-death-changes-town/

There is no excuse for racism whether masked or not. I am all for getting rid of this PC culture that has developed in recent years but this is not political correctness this was racist, shameful and stupid.

So then the other team could have chanted U.S.A as well because that is where they live. If a Polish person went to Mexico and people were chanting 'Mexico' at a high school event should the Polish person be offended?

If you had a school with Korean kids in Mexico, the korean kids live in Mexico, is it racist to say the word 'Mexico'?

exactly what should have happened but where this got into the news is when somebody played the race card on the school. This is called Dirty Pool by some people and Speculation of Propaganda by others.
This subject needs to be talked about more often so as to bleed out racial Fobia,
I am White and proud of my heritage, so what!!! myself I am 3 generations removed from Ellis Island. So What.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Of course not, because they are chanting the name of their own team. It is not intended to be racist, it is intended to be patriotic, and it is part of the festivities, and it makes perfect sense.

The idea or false presupposition that "USA is for white people" is the real racism here. We're a melting pot of religions, races, cultures, and people from all walks of life and nations on Earth.

The USA is NOT only for whites.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by amongus

What the hell are you talking about? NO it wouldn't and you know that.

This is about CONTEXT and being a decent person.

the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.

Do those kids in question chant USA after every game? I doubt it. The fact that a mostly hispanic team shows up and then they chant that phrase means that the team's presence was the catalyst that caused the student body to chant that, NOT patriotic pride. Therefore one can reason that this phrase was said out of malice! It isn't a stretch, but your no national anthem is and a weird one at that.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

And is there more to the story that is not being reported.

Then there is the issue of how the media reported this incident. When the story broke on Sunday evening, the reports gave the impression that all Heights students were guilty of chanting. Furthermore, no Heights students were interviewed to give their version of the events. It appears some Edison students were chanting “Alamo Whites”, however that was not reported. The unfortunate portrayal that was given by the media was that of “mean racist whites against poor victimized Hispanics.”

Chances are that there was more going on in the stands than this politically correct story wants to admit. The media always wants to portray that whitey must be guilty.

Whitey is always guilty, that is if they cannot find a Jew to blame of course.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:08 PM
Busy day at work so I only read a few pages, but I get the trend in the conversation.

I heard this discussed last night on a news program and those commenting were withholding comment one way or the other.

It seems that the story left out other things that were occurring during the event. As I understand it one team was all White or nearly all White and the other all Minority. During the game apparently the Minority team was harassing the mostly White team with comments of a racial nature the other way.

In my opinion this was a non-event blown out of proportion by peoples insane desire to create needless animosity between us.

If I were to place blame it would be on the Obama Administration, the DNC and the radical Progressives who never miss an opportunity to divide and cause trouble with their PC MADNESS
This should not even be a news story.

I also blame the stupid idea of people dividing themselves with this nutty I'm a (fill in a nation here) - American, instead of an American which is what we ALL are.

Chanting USA when both teams are in fact USA teams is hardly an issue worth all these pages and venom. USA has nothing to do whatsoever with skin color.

The sad part is what these children are being taught by the irrational bigoted adults around them.
edit on 3/8/2012 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

Racism is displayed in many forms, so yes. Although a very drastic example I'll give you that.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:09 PM
This Racism thing is getting old. When you become a Citizen to the United States of America , you hold only loyalty to America. If you do not hold only Loyalty to America , then perhaps you should not own citizenship.

However .... Chanting USA at a High School basketball game without some kind of reason , its sort of like ..... "What ...?". I mean if i was at the game , i would be in the "Wtf Mode". How about chanting the team's name or schools Initials? I wouldn't have been offended but i would certainly be confused.

I really dont see how the Term USA came up at the basketball game without them meaning to say USA dominates Mexico. I dont see as racism in any way , i see them as saying our country is better than yours.

Humility is a very good thing to process. Mexicans are 100% fine in my book. Though illegal immigration needs to be addressed , i dont look down on the Mexican people. In Mexico it's either sell drugs or be poor it seems , so they come over here. They just need to do it Legally in my opinion. Mexicans and Hispanics are 100% okay in my book.

Also , forgive me. Racism has little value. Rarely do i look at a man or woman and go "Look at the black person or hispanic person". I see them as a person. Now if he looks like a thug .....
i have my weaknesses.

(Just to Clarify , i see all races as an Him" or a "Her". The only time racism ever pops into my mind really is when i see a person that looks like a "Thug" either white , black , or hispanic.)
edit on 8-3-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by bphi1908

The fact that a mostly hispanic team shows up and then they chant that phrase means that the team's presence was the catalyst that caused the student body to chant that, NOT patriotic pride.

This is an issue of nationalism, not race!!!! For Pete's sake, the USA is not "the United States of Blessed Whiteness".

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

see i agree and disagree with you, now we don't know the intent of the people who started the chant, we don't know if it was out of racial bigotry or just to show patriotism or national pride. the other team was also american which is why im confused they got hurt over it, now i know they were primarily a hispanic school but either way they were still americans so they shouldn't have gotten hurt over this incident.

now if they were chanting hateful words for example the "N" word or a derogatory term for hispanics they yes i see the racism but they weren't they were chanting USA

the major fact is being politcally correct is ruining this country if people weren't so PC this wouldn't have made the evening news and we wouldn't even be discussing it now

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by getreadyalready

Of course not, because they are chanting the name of their own team. It is not intended to be racist, it is intended to be patriotic, and it is part of the festivities, and it makes perfect sense.

The idea or false presupposition that "USA is for white people" is the real racism here. We're a melting pot of religions, races, cultures, and people from all walks of life and nations on Earth.

The USA is NOT only for whites.

True, and I mentioned something similar a few pages back, but our PC crowd is so worried about not creating a national identity that we fuel this racist fire.

If we would just name English as our official language, and admit that we were founded as a Christian nation, a Republic, and a Capitalist society, and then expound upon those ideals that even though we acknowledge our heritage, our forefathers were savvy enough to write a Constitution demanding religious freedom, freedom of speech, and tolerance and restraint in all of the government's dealings with the public, then we could create a national identity reflective of what we were, and what we are, and what we intend to be!

The US needs an identity, we are wallowing and lost at the moment.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Chances are that there was more going on in the stands than this politically correct story wants to admit. The media always wants to portray that whitey must be guilty.

The fact that the Edison students and fans where making racially charged comments to the other team has been brought up 4 times in this thread and nobody has really denounced it. I say if it’s OK for one side to get away with it then you’d damn sure better not punish the other side, especially when they only chanted 'USA'!

I think this proves your point – it’s only racism if it’s ‘whitey’ doing it. It’s easier to ignore racial insults if they’re directed at ‘whitey’ nowadays. That, my friends, is PC on full display. Reverse discrimination is STILL DISCRIMINATION! Racism is racism regardless what color the victim's skin is.
edit on 8-3-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

It seems that the story left out other things that were occurring during the event. As I understand it one team was all White or nearly all White and the other all Minority. During the game apparently the Minority team was harassing the mostly White team with comments of a racial nature the other way.

In my opinion this was a non-event blown out of proportion by peoples insane desire to create needless animosity between us.



posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Supposedly they were chanting something about "whites" and that was also uncalled for and out of line, but that wasn't part of the original story.

That's the fault of piss-poor journalism. The problem is you have media outlets who feel its their obligation to foment change instead of reporting the facts. They take pride in their ability to steer public opinion. If journalists would just report the facts and let the cards fall where they fall then we'd not have these stupid exercises to put fires out where there is no smoke.

edit on 8-3-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

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