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Get Your Popcorn Ready! New Movie Exposes the Radicals Behind OWS!

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by rebellender

They are proven to be rich kids of Daddies who run the big Corporations. Their college is paid either by their daddies or they fit an Immigrant status and their education is paid for.

Everyone who supports Occupy is a rich kid with college paid by Daddy?

See what I mean? Your comments could not generalize any more than that, and could not be more off base.

My local Occupy was a good mix of a variety of people. It was about discontent, not liberal hippies that show up because they have nothing better to do.

That my friend...was ignorant!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Who do you think is behind OWS?
Just curious.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by rebellender

They are proven to be rich kids of Daddies who run the big Corporations. Their college is paid either by their daddies or they fit an Immigrant status and their education is paid for.

Everyone who supports Occupy is a rich kid with college paid by Daddy?

See what I mean? Your comments could not generalize any more than that, and could not be more off base.

My local Occupy was a good mix of a variety of people. It was about discontent, not liberal hippies that show up because they have nothing better to do.

That my friend...was ignorant!

where is your local occupy?
You are correct about one thing, This movie is being played out every day.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

The minute I experienced things I did not agree with I pulled my support. I have admitted it, but I still support the underlying premise that spawned the movement.

Well Sheep,because you pulled your support doesn't mean this movements underlying premise is a good one.

Some may say that the purification of politics in America is a good thing. The "second" KKK of America preached it at one time,but that didnt make their organization any better.

Some may say that radical hippies in the 60's brought change,and awareness to America.Didn't stop some of the radicals from going a step further.

See,if the premise of Occupy is to "change" America,it didn't work. All it did was galvanized its movement as one that is unorganized at its lower levels. Now the top level of it,is being exposed. I for one would cut my ties all together,if I found even one part of an organization dishonest.The underlying premise is not what America needs. We have a political process that changes what the occupy movement supposedly wanted. You want to change whats wrong? Change those making the laws that are making this country, into a third world country.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Kali74

At first it was the discontent and anger of the American people themselves that created the movement. Adbusters could do whatever they want, but if the people were not fed up they would not have shown up.

Then after the Right began to demonize OWS and make claims of Unions and such, lone behold the unions showed up and communist supporters that were not there before.

Then I pulled my support.

People started it, not a political ideology.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

No, your supporting it before you watch it. That is clear by your comments.

I am at least willing to watch it first before I make a judgement.

You didn’t catch me! I admit that I support the film! It’s my thread!

I presume it will expose the disgusting civil disobedience that I’ve documented in numerous posts (and people still excuse) and the big-money-Soros left conection to OWS (which people still deny).

I can’t wait!!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Well enjoy your thread. I will shy away and wait to watch the film before I make a determination on whether or not it's worth a damn.

I have faith that most members will do the same before they act rashly.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Communists have been on the scene since very early on, but they have no more say than anyone else does and they most definitely are not running anything. The people that attend and speak up at GA's run things, by consensus. As far as Unions go, we realize Big Labor bosses are just as guilty as the rest for ruining our economy and corrupting our government, but yes, we support Union workers 100% as well as the concept of Unions, Union workers get screwed by their bosses the same as many get screwed by their corporate bosses.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Communists have been on the scene since very early on, but they have no more say than anyone else does and they most definitely are not running anything. The people that attend and speak up at GA's run things, by consensus.

What some people will never understand (apparently) is that AMERICANS will never stand with COMMUNISTS. America is a constitutional republic that doesn’t favor communism, socialism, Marxism et al.

As far as Unions go, we realize Big Labor bosses are just as guilty as the rest for ruining our economy and corrupting our government, but yes, we support Union workers 100% as well as the concept of Unions, Union workers get screwed by their bosses the same as many get screwed by their corporate bosses.

Supporting unions (or union workers) is supporting the corruption. Sorry!

Unions are partly to blame for rising costs and the decline of manufacturing in America.

Union thuggery + overbearing federal regulation = economic destitution IMO

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by seabag

Right...because only the bankers and corporate big wigs can put a dollar amount on their "work"?

I stand by the Constitution, that doesn't mean I don't see room for SOME socialism. Now just because of that does not mean that you get to label me as communist or marxist, well of course you are free to but it wouldn't be correct or very nice.

You however don't seem to stand by the Constitution as you are continuously perpetuating propaganda that makes it easy to take rights away or restrict them. Propaganda is how we ended up with the Patriot Act, the TSA and now the NDAA and HR347. So thanks for helping America become Authoritarian. Don't worry though, I still got your back if they come for your guns.
edit on 5-3-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by seabag

Great find Seabag. So this is what they offe...I mean this is what he had planned to expose. Some here just don't want to admit the OWS is truly a radical leftist communist socialist agenda promoted by certain people in high places.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Don't forget the liberal Democrats in Congress voted for the Patriot Act before they pretended they were against it. Democrats are as Totalitarian Statist as you can get. You will have oBamacare and you will like it.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by tw0330

Seems Breitbart had the Obama connection. Strange he died of "natural causes" just before this is released. Shades of Clinton Chronicles.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

You say that as if I still support the democratic party. Funny how quick you all are to label me but never read a damn word I write. Seems to be a trend for you lot. Eat up your propaganda who needs facts anyway?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by seabag

Right...because only the bankers and corporate big wigs can put a dollar amount on their "work"?

I hear about "keeping money out of elections" and how wall street bribes politicians. But, truth be told, labor unions peddle more influence in DC than anybody. 

Jonathan Collegio tells Newsmax.TV that an American Crossroads study debunks several “media myths” about super PACs and other groups that traditionally have supported conservative candidates and causes.

“What we found was really stunning,” said Collegio, communications director for American Crossroads.

The biggest spenders for campaigns and elections — literally going back to the 1930s — are not outside groups like American Crossroads, or super PACs, but labor unions,” he said during the exclusive interview with Newsmax.

It's ok when unions do it, right? As long as it's not bankers or the supposed 1%.

Like I said, supporting unions is supporting the corruption of government. OWS doesn't occupy the moral high ground on this issue. 

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 12:59 AM
Whatever "radical" is behind OWS wasn't radical enough.


posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 03:13 AM
This looks like the biggest piece of propaganda ever made. They've simply cherry picked every single questionable aspect of the occupy movement to create an unsubstantiated propaganda piece of epic proportions. "Who is really behind occupy"... looks to me like thousands of every day citizens who have been screwed over for far too long are behind it. "Oh but this group here were funded by *insert rich corrupt guys name here*"... eat it up sheeple. Eat it up until you are nice and full and think you really understand the truth of these "radicals"...

edit on 6-3-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by seabag

I presume it will expose the disgusting civil disobedience that I’ve documented in numerous posts
You know you're right seabag. Civil disobedience is disgusting. We should all just shut our mouths and go back to acting like good little sheep. We must be obedient to the puppet masters, for if we ever try to rise up and show our discontent we'll just be accused of "having no direction", we'll be called "radicals", "terrorists" and "communists" who hate America and the American dream. I guess we should all just go back to bitching on ATS about how utterly backwards and screwed up this world is... I mean what is ATS for right? We shouldn't be making a "nuisance" of our selves and "disrupting" public affairs by trying to make our voices heard. We should just log onto ATS late at night and posts rants about it without ever actually doing anything. Then the next day we should just continue our routine like nothing is actually wrong with the world. That's how we should be. Obedient.

edit on 6-3-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 03:34 AM
more of the same?
are you goons only capable of retaining an incredibly small amount of information
or do you just get your kicks in repeating
over and over and over and
these same tired
see i can't even bring myself to finish my sentences anymore.

seriously where does this whole "dark rulers of OWS" thing come from?
does someone need to tell YOU what to believe and how to act all the time?
do YOU have some evil puppetmaster pulling your strings?
my support was derived from my own research and participation
not in some single pivotal OMG SOROS ORGANISED IT demonstration
but through all that i have seen in my years on earth
and when my local occupation drifted from what i felt important i distanced myself from it.

wow, that story sounds eerily like
just about everyone else on ats who went and participated
and yeha, 'brainwashed rich kids'. that's totally what i get out of it. right.

what i'm trying to say here is that [apparently] THE EVIL SHADOW ELITE have been in on every level of life
for my entire life
slowly and painstakingly feeding me little bits of information
the culmination of which is an open and independent, questioning mind in favour of abolishing hierachies and economies, and personal accountability for every human on the planet.
and of course they planned it so that it would all kind of disintegrate
and that my poor brainwashed empty skull would continue in the quest for knowledge and a better way.

i'm sure this film will blah blah blah
since i seem to get blah blah every time i blah
are you not BORED of this cycle yet?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by decepticonLaura

are you not BORED of this cycle yet?

Tell 'em Laura!

Great post!

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