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Two Fmr US Senators File Statements With NY Court Connecting Saudi Arabia With 9/11 Attacks

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:41 AM
What position did those goverment officials hold ?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
What position did those goverment officials hold ?

Senators. One from Kansas and one from Florida. Read the press release. Google their names.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Graham is no flake. He was a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 10 years (including 18 months as chairman), member of the CIA External Advisory Board, chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, 18-year U.S. senator, two-term governor of Florida, co-chair of the national commission on the BP oil spill, and member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.

well he sure got to the truth on the gulf oil spill and the financial crisis

Lieberman also received the strong support of former Senator and Democratic stalwart Bob Kerrey, who offered to stump for him

well you can bet Kerry won't be investigating zionists or the dancing Israelies
edit on 4-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:10 AM
OK, by the time I got to pg 42 of The Big Bamboozle, I felt the same emotions that would probably occur with finding out my husband had for years had been sleeping with my sister. Sick to my stomach and ready to do a Lorena Bobbitt.

As the author (contract pilot, airline pilot, researcher for this book) followed the dots, I found out that Saudi Intelligence (it hadn't before crossed my mind that the Saudis had such a service) gave the hijackers their final flying skills in the same type aircraft they would fly, using an airport in Arizona (the same airport used for other dark projects, for ex CIA, Blackwater in their day) that stored commercial airplanes. This group of intelligence and flight instructors/trainers flew out of the US on chartered jets after 9/11.

In fact it was Saudi intelligence who met two highjackers when they arrived in Calif, and at least one Saudi citizen with flight capability was in CA at the time.

Something I was unaware of at the time it was occurring was the Saudi connection to the IranCont 1980s affair. Apparently Reagan was out of the loop on IranContra, but Bush Sr in the loop, as would later another (self-appointed) Vice-Pres, Dick Cheney, be in a loop directly with his own personal shadow govt/operations. (Of course Bush Jr, being POTUS, was also in the loop, which explains his strange behavior with My Pet Goat...but I digress.)

Duh, there was talk at the time about most 9/11 highjackers being Saudis, along with the push to label them bin Laden's al Quaida, but what this trial should bring out are the direct connections to Saudi Intelligence. Will the trial lead to saying that 9/11 was a Saudi covert op? I hope so, because then discussion will start about The Big Bamboozle.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:53 AM
I don't really think this comes as a surprise, right? 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis (i believe). Like Iran, Saudi has state-sanctioned terrorism. Hell, the U.S. has state-sanctioned terrorism. Who doesn't these days? No one's hands are clean.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

I would agree. However, WHO were the Saudis responsible for 9/11? At the time, Americans were lead to believe it was Osama bin Laden, not Saudi intelligence agents.

What I remember from 9/11 is that Saudi nationals were allowed to leave US airspace. I, as many Americans, believed the charters were filled with bin Laden family members, who were trying to leave the country before harm came to them here, because of what one of their family members did. Some of us believed that, because Saudis had "special relationships" with the Bush family, the planes were allowed to leave because a govt agency (FBI) or Pres Bush intervened on their behalf. That alone stunk.

Marshall asserts that Saudi Intelligent agents flew out of the Southwest. OUR secret shadow govt (set up by Bush Sr decades before starting with Ollie North and leading to Dick Cheney and 9/11) allowed this to happen, because OUR shadow govt and intelligence were complicit in 9/11.

Why? According to Marshall...

The Saudis would benefit greatly not only from the targeting of their nemesis al-Qaeda, but from an American invasion of Iraq, one that they had promoted after the first Gulf War. Dick Cheney would guarantee Prince Bandar that America was going to invade Iraq months before anyone informed the U.S. Congress.

pg 38 from The Big Bamboozle

If all the Senators do is succeed at proving Saudi intelligence/govt complicity, then, at minimum, Americans must question the billions and billions of money thrown at OUR security establishment that didn't protect us. However, there are darker truths out there to discuss. As Marshall said about the 1980-90s BCCI scandaL, "It was too bad to be true" in the minds of Americans. Unfortunately, Americans need to confront their "shadow" side.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by desert


All of 9/11 stinks. I hate to admit it, but a lot of people/nations benefited from those attacks. It's disgusting but its true. I'm not a hardcore conspiracy theorist but the evidence of a conspiracy is substantial and overwhelming. Bush needed his war; he needed a reason to invade Iraq. Unfortunately America was blinded with rage and vengeance that no of us saw the deception the American government pulled off. Not a single hijacker was Iraqi, nor were there any resources or monies traced back to Hussein. All the major intelligence agencies knew who the hijackers were, knew that they were living in this country. We knew they had a plan. And we sat by...because, Bush, like President Johnson before him, needed his war. How else could terrorists pull off an attack against a super-power nation that spends over $700 billion dollars on its defense budget. They lied to us about WMD's. Hell, "Scooter" Libby outed CIA agent Valerie Plame because the administration didn't appreciate her husband's (joe wilson) assessment or article, "What I Didn't Find in Africa."

Let's see who the scum bags were in this case....Attorney General Ashcroft, President Bush (who commuted his conviction/charges/jail time), Scooter Libby, Karl Rove, Vice Pres Cheney, etc. Even the civil suit was dismissed.

Disgusting...pure and simple.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:30 PM
Hey don't forget these hijackers were flagged at the border on the way into the states and the security was told to let then in they were working for the US

just like the underwear bomber

Blackwater Director Let 9/11 Hijackers into US, then Killed, Tortured the Remaining Witnesses

This is...a good time for the country to make some assessments of the 9/11 Commission. Recent revelations from the military intelligence operation code-named "Able Danger" have cast light on a missed opportunity that could have potentially prevented 9/11. Specifically, Able Danger concluded in February 2000 that military experts had identified Mohamed Atta by an al Qaeda agent operating in the U.S. Subsequently, military officers assigned to Able Danger were prevented from sharing this critical information with FBI agents. Why? The Able Danger intelligence, if confirmed, is undoubtedly the most relevant fact of the entire post-9/11 inquiry. Even the most junior investigator would immediately know that the name and photo ID of Atta in 2000 is precisely the kind of tactical intelligence the FBI has many times employed to prevent attacks and arrest terrorists. Yet the 9/11 Commission inexplicably concluded that it "was not historically significant." This astounding conclusion--in combination with the failure to investigate Able Danger and incorporate it into its findings--raises serious challenges to the commission's credibility and, if the facts prove out, might just render the commission historically insignificant itself.

Note: This amazingly blunt article is written by former FBI Director Louis Freeh! It is a valuable, critical summary of the twists and turns of the Pentagon's Able Danger

Sibel Edmonds, a 32-year-old Turkish-American, was hired as a translator by the FBI shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her knowledge of Middle Eastern languages. She was fired less than a year later in March 2002 for reporting shoddy work and security breaches to her supervisors that could have prevented those attacks.
edit on 4-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

It doesn't matter who they were its who they were working for...
and of course several of the Hijackers who were supposed to be on those planes

At Least 7 of the 9/11
Hijackers are Still Alive/
edit on 4-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:39 PM

All trust is lost in our government and its institutions and the Mega Companies and Banks.

The old adage applies well for these criminals.

If their lips are moving, they are Lying.

Which is why I would never back this criminal regime in the US against another country.

They do not represent the American people so let them go fight their own wars.....hand to hand, not with my tax dollars!

Originally posted by The_Seeker
No longer believe anything they say anymore. US Gov is blaming everyone for the 9 /11 attacks. They are now using it as an excuse to create war with other countries. I mean really how many countries are they going to keep accusing the 9/11 attacks on. Next they will be telling us the Aussies were involved....
Just over it...

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic911
reply to post by desert


All of 9/11 stinks. I hate to admit it, but a lot of people/nations benefited from those attacks. It's disgusting but its true. I'm not a hardcore conspiracy theorist but the evidence of a conspiracy is substantial and overwhelming. Bush needed his war; he needed a reason to invade Iraq. Unfortunately America was blinded with rage and vengeance that no of us saw the deception the American government pulled off. Not a single hijacker was Iraqi, nor were there any resources or monies traced back to Hussein. All the major intelligence agencies knew who the hijackers were, knew that they were living in this country. We knew they had a plan. And we sat by...because, Bush, like President Johnson before him, needed his war. How else could terrorists pull off an attack against a super-power nation that spends over $700 billion dollars on its defense budget. They lied to us about WMD's. Hell, "Scooter" Libby outed CIA agent Valerie Plame because the administration didn't appreciate her husband's (joe wilson) assessment or article, "What I Didn't Find in Africa."

Let's see who the scum bags were in this case....Attorney General Ashcroft, President Bush (who commuted his conviction/charges/jail time), Scooter Libby, Karl Rove, Vice Pres Cheney, etc. Even the civil suit was dismissed.

Disgusting...pure and simple.

I agree with much you say but does it not seem odd to you that if the US administration, or parts thereof, were involved in implementing 9/11 or even letting it happen no Iraqi connections were found despite trying ?

It seems to me likely that Bush junior wanted to tackle Iraq from day one in office but 9/11 didn't help him at all. The links to Afghan terror training camps and public anger required action against Afghanistan which was really an unwanted diversion from dealing with Iraq.

As you know, the invasion of Iraq had to wait and was subsequently based on non-compliance with UN resolutions and suspected wmd.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by Cassius666
What position did those goverment officials hold ?

Senators. One from Kansas and one from Florida. Read the press release. Google their names.

I was talking about the part of the Saudi goverment involved in the 911 operation. Which position did the people within the Saudi Goverment hold, that alledgedly were involved in the attack?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Rafe_
reply to post by Immune

Yeah lets ignore the fact that there were mainly saudis identified as the highjackers, lets ignore the fact that there has been suspicions towards saudis from the start ,lets ignore the fact that the saudis killed all our friends ,family ,brothers and sisters...

..because you want to top of your car.

Well do not worry because if they did it then it has been ignored all along.

And B.laden has denied doing it since day 1.

you're damn right....3000 lives or 8 dollar gas?? 3000 lives were sacrificed for hundreds of billions in profits with our wars. we are a war country...don't think so?...what other country has a TV station called "the military channel"? just be glad it was "only" 3000 that were time it might be an entire football stadium containing 50,000 or more

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by ProudBird

there goes another truthers comment....stop categorizing all truthers please...It still shows cover up...and i have seen your posts many times backing up the if this is a cover up does that not reinstate how the towers fell....who had access to the towers at the time...If the Bush family and the Saudis had an aspect to it....then it is an inside job.....don't go on and say i told you so that is a straight out cop out.....I have seen you towing the Os line in several threads.... now....If there was a cover up of any kind then it completely re-opens the fact that there needs to be a further proper investigation.

You see they can swing to the Saudis all they want.....but there have and always will be so many answered may be the resident pilot....but that is all you can if it was found out that the plot was very elaborate...and they did find out there was the possibility that remote piloted aircraft was used....then are you going to say...i knew it all

because just that all of a sudden they say there ma have been a Saudi Bush connection the whole plot would still therefore have to have been executed would it not?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:47 AM
just a quick note to people who it seems may all of a suddenly be changing their tunes....what makes anyone anymore sure they were Saudi....because some gov people are saying so...the same ones who lied in the first place...Amazing....You see i know a few on here who have been consistent in what they think and and they continue to push for the truth....Now something comes out that show there may have been some gov cover up yet they are not willing to go that step further and take in what many truthers have said throughout the years....

CD......Remote aircraft......inside job.......falsified flt manifests.....Faked passports...

But hey we truthers are all off our rockers anyways.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:21 AM
After reading all of the replies to this thread, I can clearly see that many are not fooled by such a media statement.

I am myself am more of a forensically detailed oriented conspiracist and as such, I feel I can add a few remarks to this thread as a means of discussing this issue from a very different perspective.

While some of the many ATS replies to this thread are more correct than others, I feel that whenever two former Senators from Washington, and from previous administrations begin talking in such a way about Saudi Arabia on such a sensitive subject as 911, then it behooves us to look more closely to the media release, because what we have been told and encouraged to now think is that Saudi Arabia was somehow involved with 911.

I see this as either some insider loose ends being played for monetary gain by the two former Senators or as I strongly feel, it as a intentional Zionist distraction and perhaps for the political extortion that the current administration is now using such a 911 linkage allegation to gain such a secret concession from Saudi's.

The start of a serious scandal on an issue such as 911, could be for the purpose of getting some type of political or foreign policy concession or perhaps some secret Iran attack planning agreement or perhaps the covert use of Saudi lands and or storage of nuclear weapons that Saudi citizens would never allow and that only blackmail and extortion type tactics could solicit from any belligerent ally of the sitting administration.

Anytime two former Senators from previous administrations in Washington make such an allegation, well, it raises my eyebrows, because such an implication leaves out any information about why these two former Senators waited so long to say anything and if they were not allowed to say anything, how about some discussion about why after so many years in silence have they come forth to speak the so called truth?

This whole affair is in my opinion an attempt to get something from Saudi Royalty that only extortion and the silence that comes with extortion provides.

I have always felt that the Saudi types were somehow involved, but not knowingly at certain levels. Secretly framed to appear guilty as a distraction is what I am implying.

In the world of intelligence, using assets from other nations to "train terrorist" could also be used to implicate such a country if those who orchestrated such linkage use such knowledge that comes from perhaps joint military training that later somehow is used in pictures or some type of historical record to prove that Saudi's were involved somehow with pre-911 or that some real Saudi's nationals while involved.

Perhaps the Saudi participants are Zionist tools, lackeys to Zionist interests who paid them to do what they did, so that years later, such an allegation could be pulled from the NWO 911 bag of lies and tricks to gain some type of ill gotten political or military concession in writing from the Saudi Royal Family.

Just ask yourself, who needs a serious distraction from all the many unraveling problems in financial fraud, war mongering and Zionist Imperial activity abroad with outright threats of attack by nuclear bombs against other nations and a very short list appears, which is of course no surprise to me that Israel and the Zionist controlled USA top that list.

This very same lame Zionist tactic is one we have come to see and hear so often in our history and is today being used on Saudi Arabia as extortion of the type that shows your ally that they can be framed and made to look guilty of something that while they may have been somehow actually involved, it may have been only because of existing training agreements with the US military and intelligence agencies and in no way a true conspiracy participant.

Saudi is begin "Framed" and set up to appear guilty, and while such a media release about 911 will begin the pressure which is sought, such a lie will work only if Saudi concedes to such extortion tactics. We will either soon see this issue quietly go away because Saudi conceded, or we will see it build up with new 911 lies added in to the mix.

Dirty politics is what many would call this tactic and yes, it is, but it is also a well know method used by those that use it to extort or put pressure on nations that may not be going along the exact way the Zionist demand.

This is a most interesting thread. Thanks again. I hope I added some food for thought to the matter.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

You have a great point, Alfie1. I have considered this. And as ominous as the answer is, whatever it may be, it still didn't prevent Bush from invading Iraq on false pretenses and a lack of evidence.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1

I agree with much you say but does it not seem odd to you that if the US administration, or
parts thereof, were involved in implementing 9/11 or even letting it happen no Iraqi
connections were found despite trying ?

It seems to me likely that Bush junior wanted to tackle Iraq from day one in office but 9/11
didn't help him at all. The links to Afghan terror training camps and public anger required
action against Afghanistan which was really an unwanted diversion from dealing with Iraq.

As you know, the invasion of Iraq had to wait and was subsequently based on non-compliance
with UN resolutions and suspected wmd.

9/11 was a two-fer. The Saudis could dispose of their inglorious son, Osama, by having US forces rooting him and his anti-Saudi al-Qaeda out in Afghanistan. (IMO Afghanistan was "the cakewalk" war.) The US
could establish puppet control over Afgh and use the Cheney Group in the Pentagon to concoct
disinfo in order to conflate Iraqi and 9/11 in order to get Americans' support for a war in Iraq
that was already wanted as a way to put geopolitical control in the hands of the West.

Saudi involvement in 9/11 was paramount. 9/11 was a Saudi intelligent covert op, assisted by
the, for want of a better term by me at the moment, the Cheney Group , who could use 9/11 as
a pretext for Middle East war with the resulting intended puppet govts in place in both Afgh
and Iraq..Cheney's Project for the New American Century certainly wanted to see American power
in the Middle East.

Colin Powell's UN speech was a disgrace and will haunt him the rest of his life. He (unknowingly at best) fed fabrications so the US could get what it wanted.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
Anytime two former Senators from previous administrations in Washington make such an allegation, well, it raises my eyebrows, because such an implication leaves out any information about why these two former Senators waited so long to say anything and if they were not allowed to say anything, how about some discussion about why after so many years in silence have they come forth to speak the so called truth?

This entry from 2007 refers to a 2004 article re Graham's speaking out

His words fell on ears deafened by propaganda put out to ensure the continuance of two wars.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 09:08 AM
Oops, I don't think I ever gave a link to Philip Marshall's book...The Big Bamboozle

Originally posted by NorEaster
I just watched a former CIA agent on MSNBCs Hardball claiming that the word has been that the Bush WH shut down the investigations to prevent a rift with the Saudi Royal Family as they were planning the invasion of Iraq.

What I am reading in the book points to a WH deliberately covering up, stalling, distracting away from Saudi involvement, because the investigation would lead to what Marshall asserts, a WH (Cheney Group and Bush) complicit (with Saudi intelligence service) in 9/11.

The trial would indeed show Saudi involvement, but, once again, there would be a reason (distraction) already put out: al Qaeda would be the driving force behind 9/11. This trial, rather than throwing the Saudis under the bus, would once again take the heat off 9/11 as a Saudi intel covert op. Once again, the hijackers would be falsely pinned to bin Laden.

And once again, the Cheney Group (and their shadow operations) and the Saudis would get away with it, as they had since IranContra in the 1980s. Once you "get away with murder", it's easier to try it again and again. And if you control the propaganda, you can deflect and thus evade the truth.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by desert

Yeah this bit pretty much sums up what you said.

WASHINGTON -- Two of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers had a support network in the United States that included agents of the Saudi government, and the Bush administration and FBI blocked a congressional investigation into that relationship, Senator Bob Graham wrote in a book to be released Tuesday. The discovery of the financial backing of the two hijackers "would draw a direct line between the terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia, and trigger an attempted coverup by the Bush administration," the Florida Democrat wrote.

Glad that after roughly 10 years of people pretending to be architects and structural engineers we can move on to more pressing topics.
edit on 6-3-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

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