posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:44 PM
I had actually just talked to my father about this today. now, I know none of you know my father. but I find him to be an EXTREMELY credible and
intelligent man. He studies a lot of law, business, and history, and was in the army. he never speaks on subjects that he does not know about, and if
he does, then he will tell you that he is not well informed on the subject. so he is never one to make himself look smarter than he is.
ANYWAYS. I asked him what he thought, and he said. "it was not the US govt. (which I still find difficult for myself to believe, after going through
this whole "never trust 'the man' revelation.") but Saudi Arabia. 9/11 of them were Saudi Arabians. yes, nine out of eleven
he has watched numerous documentaries on it, and has done his own research as well I'm sure.
that is just what he told me. and I will take it for what it means to me, and you can all take it for what it means to you.