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Incompetent People Too Ignorant to Know It

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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 06:47 AM
Well here it is morning and here is this thread. I'm about to drive to work and get a graphic demonstration of the truth of your thread.
People will cut me off, look me right in the eye and pull out in front of me. They'll be in a hurry and and pass me even though I'm doing the speed limit or a little over. They'll pull out to pass me with oncoming traffic very close and cause the other driver to almost go off the road. They will park illegally and cause a problem by blocking the road and on and on.

Driving isn't rocket science, but people just don't know the rules of the road.

As Forrest Gump said"Stupid is as stupid does".

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

I can't believe you like money too. We should hang out.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Another10Pin

I've read alot of comments here. I've heard tossed around descriptives like "Dumb, Stupid, Moron", etc. You guys and gals aren't familiarizing yourselves with the mental infrastructure and terminology of the 1%ers I hear you screaming about so that if the opportunity presents itself, you can step right into their shoes, are you?

The only one I saw around here that had something relevant to say about the subject at hand was 'Thought Provoker'.

TJ's claim that "All men are created equal" is both true, and not true. We all deserve respect and dignity ... and the same rights as everyone else, because we are all human beings. But, we aren't all the same. We all bring different skill sets. Some more profound than others. Those who have more have a responsibility to help those along that have less. We should value everyone's contribution, no matter how inconsequential you might think it may appear to be. Living is hard folks, for everyone.

We are all in this together, and we will all live, or die, together.

Just my opinion.

PS. How many morons, do you think, are wondering around in the gene pools of the people that made those denigrating remarks.

Wierd sort of irony in this post...???

edit on 29-2-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:00 AM
Its like this article came from Dr sherlock from the No s@# * institute. All you need to do is watch American Idol and watch all the people that think they can sing but are absolutely crap but when told they are no good they go mental. Is it a mental disease I don't know . Some people have one good talent but are no good at anything else or maybe they don't want to be good at anything else and it makes them self important. Maybe it is people being dumb down with all the chemicals and are blissfully unaware which sometimes I wish I was.Or it could be from the years of programming the populace to not to think for themselves and I can see it in a certain family member that is in a religion and there is no critical thinking what so ever and just blindly takes it all in as truth even with other things not related to religion. Or a combination of all of the above which leads back to the people that did this article thinking they are smarter that most because they have a PHD after their name which means Piled Higher and Deeper in Bull. Should they have done something more important to study I think so

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:00 AM
I agree with the good professor that human as a whole are stupid, but is it because of our societies insistence on rewarding mediocrity to boost the confidence of the less intelligent? Also, I would submit that it is a farce to correlate a connection between a belief or non belief in global warming and intelligence or as he calls It “climate change denialism” because this is a highly controversial science that has not been proven to be fact or fiction. And there for cannot be measured is a guideline for intelligence. Knowing this I would have to submit that the professor has an agenda and he let his personal ideology contaminate his research

BTW nice new fraise for global warming “ climate change denialism “ ?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:06 AM
Yeah, most people are too stupid to form their own opinion on it would only make sense that they're too stupid to know they're stupid.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Another10Pin

PS. How many morons, do you think, are wondering around in the gene pools of the people that made those denigrating remarks.

I'll bet many of us are wandering the same thing.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Has any one else here ever noticed how a person, say a manager in a company, gets promoted up the ladder over others who are easily more qualified ?

The next time you are at work, watch and think about this.

A person is normally promoted to the highest level which they cannot preform. If they can do a job well, they would be moved up as a reward. If they cannot, they are left in this position so as to not do any more damage than can be managed by their bosses. But, they are rarely demoted.

This can often be seen as them being raised up to the jobs which they are least competent to handle.

Either that or, and often more so, they are really good at "brown noseing" a higher boss.

Man, I hope my boss doesn;t read this.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:23 AM
I cry faul, and i can prove it too you. I will give each one of you a Plumbing upc test in which only the segregated people in my class know anything about it, and have you answer an intense foreign test. Bet, you, and everyone that does not know a lick about plumbing will fail miserably, and ultimately i could label all of you ignorant, right?

So, we have a group of pseudo-scientists, giving information out, which only they have regurgitated, not even knowing if the information in which they where taught is correct
As technology always changes roughly 3-5 years

Again, I cry faul-and bu-shizzle on this incompetency test

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:34 AM
This also goes the other way.

A handful of problems which can become very severe like depression is like the same thing taken in the opposite direction.

I support positive thinking, no matter what.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:53 AM
The treatise discussed in the OP goes a long way in explaining the recent zombie fad.
(To be more specific, the recent zombie fad in America)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by truthinfact
Does that mean if your dumb, and know it, You're actually smart?

Good question, I admit I'm stupid all the time and I get in trouble in conversations because if I don't know what you are talking about I say it. It irritates people when they have to explain themselves, but when you start talking about complicated things of which I have no knowledge you are just going to lose me. Hell, I'm fat, old and unattractive too. I have no problem admitting this.

Maybe that's why I've suffered from depression most of my adult life.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

I think an interesting result of this experiment is that once people reach a certain level of competence, they become more aware of their limits (humility) notice how at the very top people tend to underestimate themselves.

I would add to all this, as evidenced by looking online, that almost everybody thinks they know what's wrong with the world but very few do anything about it.


posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:55 AM
complacency the enemy of all

edit on 29-2-2012 by ZIPMATT because: qip

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:59 AM
This describes half the population of the U.S.A. Nothing new to me.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by allprowolfy
I cry faul, and i can prove it too you. I will give each one of you a Plumbing upc test in which only the segregated people in my class know anything about it, and have you answer an intense foreign test. Bet, you, and everyone that does not know a lick about plumbing will fail miserably, and ultimately i could label all of you ignorant, right?

So, we have a group of pseudo-scientists, giving information out, which only they have regurgitated, not even knowing if the information in which they where taught is correct
As technology always changes roughly 3-5 years

Again, I cry faul-and bu-shizzle on this incompetency test

OK, I'll admit I don't know a lot about the intracacies of the plumbers license test.

I've got a few seconds, tell me all you know about string theory. Waiting....Waiting.

The first thing we should all recongnise is the simple fact that we are all ignorant many things.

No one knows everything about everything.Only the greatest of fools would think they could.

However, I always like to point out the difference in ignorant and stupid. You see, as I said, we are all ignorant about something. So that has this point covered.

Stupid is best thought of as an act. You see stupid is when you know better and do something anyway.

Like these guys who ride a skateboard down a handrail. They know they are going to fall in a bad way, but they have to put it on tape to show off just how stupid they are.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:14 AM
This thread brings to mind a quote by John Wayne:
Life can be hard. If you're stupid, it can be really hard.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Thought Provoker

Now, whenever The Media says "climate change," they want you to think "man-made (anthropogenic) global warming." Just reading the article that Yahoo News (tm) linked to there will tell you that. So what they've done is subconsciously implant the idea in every reader's head that if you disagree with AGW, it just means you're ignorant about science and you should shut up and gleefully pay your carbon taxes. (Don't you love the earth?) But what if you're not ignorant of science and still don't believe AGW? Well, according to that article, your disbelief means you are ignorant of science, and anyone who denies AGW is an ignorant clod that shouldn't be listened to.

Indeed, it's probably true.
Unless you have direct professional experience doing climate research and have specific technical criticisms, then it's almost certain that you're an ignorant clod to be a denialist and disagree with what most of the people who do the work think.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Originally posted by Thought Provoker

Now, whenever The Media says "climate change," they want you to think "man-made (anthropogenic) global warming." Just reading the article that Yahoo News (tm) linked to there will tell you that. So what they've done is subconsciously implant the idea in every reader's head that if you disagree with AGW, it just means you're ignorant about science and you should shut up and gleefully pay your carbon taxes. (Don't you love the earth?) But what if you're not ignorant of science and still don't believe AGW? Well, according to that article, your disbelief means you are ignorant of science, and anyone who denies AGW is an ignorant clod that shouldn't be listened to.

Indeed, it's probably true.
Unless you have direct professional experience doing climate research and have specific technical criticisms, then it's almost certain that you're an ignorant clod to be a denialist and disagree with what most of the people who do the work think.

Au contraire, the people who think about whether or not it's bull are the relatively smarter people. So that means anyone who soaks up any news just like that, is relatively incompetent.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 09:29 AM
This is the thing that gets me about science.

is they need to have a special study to confirm what most people already know.


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