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.Dinosaurs Never Existed.

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:31 AM
Most days I check the 'recent headlines' on ATS just to see what's up.

Then I get gems like this thread that pose, errr, state emphatically that Dinosaurs never existed.


Fossil records, bones, skulls, skeletons...all preserved in rock and tar and dirt....all was a giant hoax. Throw in anecdotal stories of "Adam and Eve" and voila, it all makes sense. I keep thinking I've heard everything , but ATS never fails to disappoint.

Simply AWESOME!!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith

Here is a theory....

If you read Genesis, then you will see that God created the Earth etc. out of "The Firmament" He starts with the words "Let there be light...."

So is it possible that the firmament is something that was already here, and in the 6 days of the creation, he was really just "tidying up" to make it inhabitable by humans, and the first step in that was to allow the sunlight to hit the ground.

So the dinosaurs could have existed and been wiped out by an asteroid as in the commonly accepted theory, which created a similar situation to a nuclear winter. Then God rolled up, parted the clouds (to let there be light..." and then "created" an inhabitable Earth from the ruins of the planet (the Firmament). that was here.

As I said, just a theory. I am not religious and I do believe the dinosaurs existed. Just wanted to show that bvelief in one is not exclusive.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:35 AM
"Eve" as in the Biblical "Eve" No, but We can be traced back genetically to one "Eve" Here is a link that explains it.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:37 AM
Said it before going to say it again.

Why cant the both have existed. Why does it have to be this or that?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:37 AM
Ummm Dinosaurs are still with us today.

They are called Birds.

End of discussion.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by diamondsmith
reply to post by Arken

The common people are not ready for this.

And the real war is a war fight agains the KNOWLEDGE and AWARENESS.
They are too many,and when the time will come I don't want to think about,so much crying will be.

Oh, this for sure. This for sure....

I certainly don't believe they're not ready. In some very heavily programmed theocracies, they may not be quite ready, as so much has been done to keep certain nations back in the past, then use them as scape goats for NWO goals, and they are suffering so much. Perhaps in Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, and various nations, it would be hard to inform people.

But even Indigenous people's are far more advanced in getting this than anyone knows. Natives will share, if you get into their circles more, that its very common for them to be interacting with ET for example, this is common, and frequent for many of them, and well known by all of them.


Its the way information comes out that is so sleazy and underhanded.

Since ancient times, before Sumar, they buried the knowledge, they knew what the progression was and hid it all under lock and key and heavy symbolism, codes and control, in everything, bible, sculptures, paintings, myths, fables and right out in plain sight but only for the gifted, the rest were consider fodder, though not by their Families who are freeing them, and have some very good methods for doing this, with real cosmic laws behind them, the traps are being sprung.

So for example lets put the progression this way. Matrix is a Womb, School, Testing Ground. Earth fell in her frequency, or souls did, so the fallen one symbolism. It may have been a moon of tiamat before. Wherever it was, it was higher frequency.

Father's energies ie seed gives the spirit freedom and free will, also creativity and invention, yet, instantly that makes sides and negativity and peter pans lost boys. To be born form the matrix's womb and become the light being we're meant to, or progressed soul from spirit child, we must learn of Mother's energies, EQUALITY, turn the pyramid upside down, service to others, and overcome war and starvation and forcing anyone, see through our politics, economics and religious traps are very helpful.

Thus the ancient wisdom is Sophia/Mother is the tree of life and intercessor. And progression or infinity is a Spiral, also relates to hyperdimensional physics and torsion fields.

There are many ways of putting this story. Following Christ's example for fundamentalists, if they can stay out of the old testament and Paul's writings, which were sexist.

Chakra systems, to engage the energy spiral of kundalini. The masons have the 33 degrees the 33 vertabrae in the spine. Its all metaphor. It activates Isis, the pituatary, and thus Ra the pineal, and opens the third eye of Horus. But they missed the heart and shine your light higher chakras, and used substances instead, so they're badly distorted.

But they hide all the ancient knowledge behind the doors of a Dragon, or Serpent. Sophia isn't pictured with an infinity spiral. No, thats a dragon/serpent. That scares many off right away.

Really sleazy. But of course following Christ alone will do the same, many different ways to progress. Christ was very much into equality. Buddha too! There are good teachers.

Today they put really good info out behind other doors, they lock up with the symbols of: KGB agent/agents, Fool/Joker, and think they have satisfied cosmic laws and got our permissions to do bad things, because, look, look they've put it out there. YEAH RIGHT!

People are far more ready than they think, and proof is the very rigid control and locks and doors with monsters or fools on them to get to truth.

They have to go to those lengths because otherwise this world would be free.

edit on 27-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:41 AM
This is rather embarrassing. Statements like that is why creationism is misunderstood by most people. I understand that it's just a theory, but c'mon man!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by 00018GE

There is no genetic evidence that dinosaurs ever exist alive,so it's just planted proof and a lot of imagination.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Helmkat

Ummm Dinosaurs are still with us today.

They are called Birds
Therefore you suggest that we evolved from dinosaurs?


Then what are we?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith

There was no Aam and Eve

look up at the stars, they were there billions of years before man crawled on earth.

The same science that tells us how to make cures for disease, airplanes, cars and lasers tell us that the universe is trillions of years old. One day on one of those planets circling amoungst trillions of stars life evolved then that life evolved a brain and begain to question its surroundings. Those things that could not be explained were explained in stories which later turned to manipulation and religeon, then Adam and Eve and btw we are not the centre of the universe either lol.

But dont worry, all is not lost for surely we will all find out the truth in the end

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:48 AM
ahahaha.... I hate u diamondsmith.

Another meaningless, thoughtless thread. Controversy for the sake of attention.

Attention seeking + inability to type comprehensively = uneducated/young person

resident ATS dipstick, doing what he does best.

Dinosaurs are real, there are plenty of good reasons why they "suddenly disappeared"... geological activity, space rocks, disease... take your pick.

Not an ounce of critical thought in your post, as usual. Im surprised your allowed to get away with these empty threads.

You deserve a gold star!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith

There is no genetic evidence that dinosaurs ever exist alive,so it's just planted proof and a lot of imagination.

Who planted the evidence (dinosaur bones/fossils)?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ClydeFrog42
All I stated is true as I explained before and they are all related,because,

I never Lie.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by diamondsmith
reply to post by Helmkat

Ummm Dinosaurs are still with us today.

They are called Birds
Therefore you suggest that we evolved from dinosaurs?


Then what are we?

..... seriously....

You could easily answer this question yourself if you were capable of intelligent thought.

Unfortunately, these moronic questions will keep coming until you hit 9th grade.

"what are we?" lol. We are humanity, human beings, homo sapiens...

The evolutionary history of primates can be traced back 65 million years. Primates are one of the oldest of all surviving placental mammal groups. The oldest known primate-like mammal species (those of the genus Plesiadapis) come from North America, but inhabited Eurasia and Africa on a wide scale during the tropical conditions of the Paleocene and Eocene. Molecular evidence suggests that the last common ancestor between humans and the remaining great apes diverged 4–8 million years ago.

Of course, you would be abel to figure that out if you even cared to try. But I'm sure your enjoying the attention that comes with asking moronic and controversial questions... so keep at it, champ!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by ClydeFrog42

I hate u diamondsmith
I cannot hate.

Is an alien feeling for me.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith

All I stated is true as I explained before and they are all related,because, I never Lie.

Now your just being stupid

I think this is all a flag and star generating scam.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:58 AM
This is the biggest POS I have ever read on ATS, and that is saying something

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 12:01 PM
No it is not,there are many serious reasons for speeding the truth.I don't wear threads on my belly,I never did and I never will.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by diamondsmith

i sort of understand the gist or process of thought you are on diamondsmith, and that is to question everything. I do believe we do not know everything, yet. However, diamondsmith, there is some validity in the posts of our peers on Abovetopsecret. Although your reason is speculative, you do need to provide substantial reasoning for your thought process. Some may not be capable of wrapping their heads around this concept as their pride inhibits them to do so, but, you must try and explain your reasoning thoroughly. Me? i could care less about dinosaurs and such, my faith in God and Jesus Christ makes me wonder about different areas.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by diamondsmith
reply to post by Helmkat

Ummm Dinosaurs are still with us today.

They are called Birds
Therefore you suggest that we evolved from dinosaurs?


Then what are we?

Oh my.

Did I say we were evolved from Dinosaurs?


Birds are part of the Dinosaur lineage though.

Dinosaurs are not Mammals, Humans are. Do we share a common ancestor? sure but one so far back on the tree of life that said ancestor was neither one.

Also I myself have found all kinds of prehistoric fossils, including those of Dinosaurs. I would say that there is close to a zero percent chance that anyone put them in front of me to find...
edit on 27-2-2012 by Helmkat because: (no reason given)

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