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Let's Talk about David Wilcock's 2012 Claims

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
reply to post by Realtruth

somthing big will happen in 2012 that is when the revolutions will happen and the worlds govormets will be overthrown

And you need a mayan calendar and new age energies to see that?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by DarkVeela

Originally posted by Jason88

Originally posted by jaws1975
Are you telling me that you don't think it's a little more than a coincidence that right now there are so many weird things that are going on right now? Just look at the global awareness uprising like occupy, or the arab spring movements, look at the global economy on the verge of collapse, look at the potential ww3 situation developing, look at the solar activity predicted by NASA scientists, which will have huge potential impacts on the earth, look at the political system falling apart because of the growing awareness of it being a complete scam, look at the growing totalitarian state, look at the weird weather, look at all the fish, bird, dolphin and whale deaths, look at all the earthquakes and volcanoes, listen to all the weird noises in the atmosphere that are being reported, look at the record amount of UFO sightings, i'm sure there are a lot of things i'm forgetting but you get the point.

I think everything is coming to a head and I am hoping that it is the old system in it's death throes, and we are on our way to a different paradigm in this world. Anyway's I don't think Wilcock is 100% right on everything, but I think he is on the right track and at least has a positive attitude to how he approaches this subject. I guess we will see shortly how this grand drama is going to play out! Peace!

More accurately, the Internet is maturing and information is shared more easily. The sky is not falling, instead you're experiencing information overload, or data asphyxiation, from too much Internet use and time spent on ATS. These things you mention happen regularly (with the exception of the banking crisis), but now you can read about them on a minute-to-minute basis. For example, here's a really bad year that our ancestors survived (1927):

I completely agree with what you say. I think a lot of people are allowing themselves to be led by this artificial feeling of 'too much happening' without relating it to the information overload technology has brought upon, making them easy targets for these 'merchants of enlightenment', the ones who always seem too keen on taking people’s money and ‘donations’ for their cause. I’ll never forget when I found out about the Venus project, how they were asking for money to build a ‘theme park’ to ‘educate the masses’ on their new ‘resource-based’ economical system. I mean, really?? A theme park?? What about using that money to help build houses for the refugees in Africa or maybe, just maybe, feed the hungry kids in Mumbai? I reckon that would have a much more immediate, quantifiable effect than building a theme park based on some crackpot system that for all intents and purposes will not be possible to establish for at least decades.

The way I see it, the world is just as it has been 40, 50, 100 years ago, people have the same providential struggles and needs and problems; that will simply never change. The world has always been in a state of perpetual unrest, one way or another; we just learn the details quicker and more comprehensibly today. In the last 100 years we've been on the verge of apparent annihilation more times than we can recount, yet here we are, nothing actually happened. I reckon it will be the same for the next 100 years, as well.

You sure presume to know a lot about how other people think! There are 7 billion people on the planet, and 7 billion different realities. For you to be pigeon holing people into these stereotypes is ignorant! I have read dozens of books and done plenty of research in metaphysics, there is a lot of info that did not resonate with me and I let it go. Like I said earlier there is a lot that I don't agree with David Wilcock on. In your mind people like me believe everything that everyone in the new agey circles has to say. Wrong! I once was blind like you, but I decided I wanted the truth no matter what direction it came from. It takes a big person to step out of your box and go against the grain of society's beliefs, cause society will portray you to be wacky just cause you don't think like them.

"tis strange - but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction." Lord Byron

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by bottleslingguy

Actually McKenna didn't settle on the December 21, 2012 date until after 1984. In the first edition of The Invisible Landscape he gives no exact date for when his Timewave Zero reaches its end. It was not until the 2nd edition, which was published in 1994, that he claimed Timewave Zero came to an end on December 21, 2012.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:28 PM

I have found David Wilcock to be kind of egocentric and given false information. He has a good heart and a good motivation but I feel he has flawed information and thus makes his agenda quite 'off' if you will.

A lot of his beliefs and understandings stems from the Law of One material or the Ra Channelings. This material is material that I have read twice and am currently reading it for the 3rd time as it's extremely powerful information that is close to me.

David Wilcock actually says he's channeled Ra - yet these recordings from him do not seem remotely close nor hold that 'resonance'/'feeling' that the original material recorded in the early 80's held.

In my opinion Wilcock is a mix between a good person trying to serve the world for a greater cause, a misinformed person, and an entity that is getting a little high of his own ego.

Anyway take care. The Ra Material (all 5 books) are free; however, because almost everything by the group is free I'd recommend buying the books to help them out as they have helped me and many others out.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Well...with the video in the OP I would say that I agree with Chandlers Wobble, Edgar Cayce, shift, mayan calender, reincarnation and I could go on.
This though is my opinion and I do not claim to be in the KNOW of all things.

What I have done is I have read countless books over many years that have to do with energy, the body, space, prophets, the Bible and its history, clouds, light, Earth, death, nde's, ghosts, anything paranormal, philosophy, Schumann Resonance, vibrations, physics, metaphysics, anything related to science, and so on and so on.

I went through a period of time in my life where I read about two books a day for five years. It was therapy for me after losing a child.

My mind, my way of thinking is not aligned with society as a whole.

I am a very spiritual person...mystical type of person.

The unknown is something I have always enjoyed so therefore I research a lot of subjects. A lot is unknown.

There are many truths and what I have done is combine the truths as I see it. Keywords: AS I SEE IT!

I think there are a lot of people such as David that is possibly banking on anothers pocket but who am I to judge...I HAVE NO IDEA what his intentions are as I am not him.
People are becoming more aware and people are jumping on the same band wagon but saying different things....but it smells the same.

This in my opinion could be because it is preparing the way for the real deal.

You either feel it or you don't.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

As I have stated previously on this site everything 2012 related stems from the claims regarding the Long Count. There is a reason why no 2012 predictions existed before 1984 when the GMT correlation was originally published. It was only when archaeologists gave this date some kind of significance that the New Age authors picked up on it. The entire reason anyone has placed some kind of significance on this year is because of the GMT correlation. Ergo, the Long Count is the cornerstone to all 2012 theories whether these authors want to admit it or not.

Now I do agree with you that the world is constantly changing. I have expressed this in many 2012 threads. However, I see this as a reason for why these 2012 theories are nonsense. Just because some major event happens in 2012 doesn't make it special. Major events occurred in 2011. Major events occurred in 1376. Major events will occur in 15,947. These events are not caused by some prophecy or cosmic, New Agey event. They are caused because that's what the universe does. It changes and then reacts to those changes. Here's an example. People keep pointing to the social upheaval currently occurring around the globe as evidence for 2012 theories. What sets these social revolutions apart from the ones in the 60s? What about the numerous successful revolutions that occurred in the 18th century. How are what we experiencing now an different from those? Anything that happens this year won't be because of higher vibrations, transferring to higher densities, or whatever. It will simply be because of human nature and Mother Nature.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975

Originally posted by seedofchucky
My thoughts are wilcok and that japenese princess will all be put out of business once this 2012 passes nothing happens , and we all laugh it off in 2013.

This 2012 thing is the last chance because of all the historical correlations with it . Once this passes any fool that comes with another revelation , will be referenced to failed 2012 predictions and mocked.

We will continue to mock untill the real dooms day comes and nobody is the wiser, We will mock till the last hour till we know something is wrong , enjoy our last hour and move on

Screw wilcock and his claims. everyone just milking the 2012 with the less then a year count down to go !!

Where will you all be ? party at my house?

Are you telling me that you don't think it's a little more than a coincidence that right now there are so many weird things that are going on right now?

Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:54 PM
The idea of a utopian society, is just that. An Idea. People wanna believe that the world will change for the better all by itself. That suddenly and miraculously a new dawning of conscience, will elevate the mind and body. Won't happen. Utopia won't work. My version is different then yours. Yours is different than someone else's. Two opposing ideas can't occupy the same space. You can't argue compromise, cuz well that's not utopia. Is it!

Alfred said it best. Some men just wanna watch the world burn.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by MamaJIt doesn't take a rocket scientist to see things are "quirky".

It doesn't take a theologian to know we are living in strange times (end times as some call it).

It doesn't even take a mayan elder to know what kind of space we find ourselves in these days.

Look around, get in tune with the Planet and the Universe, become aware of the massive global changes happening every day all day long and research the cosmos.

Please explain to me what massive global change happened today.... hell this week... pfft, do ya one better, show me a massive global change that has happened this year. Just one.

Originally posted by MamaJ
I think he is 50% correct.

You would think if this were correct then we could find at least one of his prophecies to be correct, and he's made plenty that were supposed to happen before 2012.... so.... 50%? Really?

Originally posted by MamaJ
He is not alone with the mind set of this year (2012) and the years that follow. Not only do the maya talk of this time and day and age but so do many other ancient texts. If one is interested in knowing the truth then I can guarantee you they are or have been doing their due diligence to know what, if anything is going to happen within this planet and or solar system.

Well, you seem to be harping on about those who research, I give you the benefit of the doubt in thinking that you are not a hypocrite and have done research yourself. Can you then share one of these ancient texts that speak of this "time/day and age". To be honest, I've never seen these texts, not even Maya, would love to see some credible cited/sourced material on this.


Nevermind, I see here that you are already unwilling to do this, as you suggest....

Originally posted by MamaJ
Do your own due diligence.
I have!!!

Sorry, I've been on that wild goose chase once before.

edit on 27-2-2012 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)


Really MamaJ?

Originally posted by MamaJSo anything that doesn't feel good to you is deemed crazy? What crazy theory I am referring to is not any you have mentioned. Why should I be more specific with you when all you will do is not accept it even if it slapped you in the face.

Why are you posting? Just to tell us all how it is, but back out of providing anything to back up that nonsense? Kinda lame

Originally posted by MamaJWhile I would love to spill the beans on all of my research I too have spent countless hours doing your arrogance makes me want to run from you. Why? Because in my 40 years an arrogant man is someone who is the opposite of who I am and who I strive to be.

I think you've got a long way to go, but keep striving.

edit on 27-2-2012 by Lighterside because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Lighterside

I am not a one to argue.
I like peace.

You either sense something on the horizon or you don't. I for one have never felt this way nor have I went out of my way to try and prove to myself nothing is happening.

One of the posters continues to speak of the Maya. The Mayans are not the first nor are they the only "ones" who spoke of this time. I will keep saying this.

I have countless years of research under me and I cannot within one page tell you ALL that I have pieced together but I can say right now on this page that it was an eye opener to say the least. Could I be wrong? Could I be feeling and seeing something that is not there? Sure.

I'm quite hesitant to lay everything out for ATS. Why? Do you really want to know what the future holds? I didn't and I don't. Now though...I have no choice. If it is what it looks to be then I am spot on...if not then harm done. What if the future is peace and paradise then you would surely want to know. What if it is doom and may not want to know.

I think for any one person wanting to know the truth about our future one must first really know within their heart what they will do with information once its laid out before them.

Any free thinker can take all of my references and split the hairs just as I have done. Once it starring you in the face its hard to deny.

Space is unknown for the most part. How much of it is dark? Where is our Solar System? Have we been here before? What do we know about the Sun, Heliosphere, Interstellar Cloud and its materials, ionosphere, magnetosphere, and so on.... there is a lot of speculation, theories, and what have you.

I tell ya what I noticed the other day I have never seen before and neither has my Grandmother of her 85 years and that is a punch hole cloud. It was an amazing site and I expect to see more amazing sites as our atmosphere becomes more energized.

Do you think the Sun has always been in the same place since its conception? It hasn't.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Why are you posting? Just to tell us all how it is, but back out of providing anything to back up that nonsense? Kinda lame
reply to post by Lighterside me...your attitude is lame. Why would I want to have a conversation with someone whom if we were face to face you would not say such a thing.

Come at me with a sincere wanting to know and I will tell you all I know and then some. Come at me like this... talking # and I just want to flame you beginning with your tale!

I can't tell you how it all is.
I wish I could. I can only speak on behalf of what I have learned and what it means to me.

David is wishy washy but some things he says is in my opinion spot on.
How was that for telling you how it is...or would you like me to be meaner??

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:25 PM
I have to say that I'd be more interested what DW would have to say -AFTER- this year; Not much I guess, but I bet that if he is away for a few years and cook up with another fantastic story people would once again buy his books/videos and pay the fee to see him. Nothing wrong there though; he is making entertainment however if you listen to him, well, he is plain wrong with everything.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Nonesense and drivel, sorry, you seem like a really nice person, but there's no wieght in anything you just said. No one is asking you to lay out ALL that you've peiced together with your countless years of research. I think the questions given to you are pretty specific, and do not request what you know, but rather cited/sourced material to backup anything you're saying.

and as for....

Originally posted by MamaJ
Do you think the Sun has always been in the same place since its conception? It hasn't.

What the F does that have to do with anything? And no I do not, a basic understanding of cosmology is all you need to know that. Oh, by the way, it was also not in the same place yesterday!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:34 PM

These events are not caused by some prophecy or cosmic, New Agey event. They are caused because that's what the universe does. It changes and then reacts to those changes. Here's an example. People keep pointing to the social upheaval currently occurring around the globe as evidence for 2012 theories. What sets these social revolutions apart from the ones in the 60s? What about the numerous successful revolutions that occurred in the 18th century. How are what we experiencing now an different from those? Anything that happens this year won't be because of higher vibrations, transferring to higher densities, or whatever. It will simply be because of human nature and Mother Nature.
reply to post by Xcalibur254

I agree with "thats just what the Universe does" but I will expand on this premise. It is where we are in the Universe that sets this time apart from another.

If you are an energy being then do you not think you can be effected by Space?

Sure there were wars and uprisings in the past but nothing like today and the last 50 years at least!!! Do you talk to the elderly often about these times and hear what they say? What do they say about all the scientific discoveries, the maya, the wars, the children, the people, and so on?

Do you know what is going on with our climate and our oceans. What about the animals and the ocean life?

Yes...everything changes but change is happening quicker and quicker. One can barely keep up with the local news much less world news.

If you believe in Aliens...what are they communicating?

If you believe in a Religion...what are they saying?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
reply to post by MamaJ

Nonesense and drivel, sorry, you seem like a really nice person, but there's no wieght in anything you just said. No one is asking you to lay out ALL that you've peiced together with your countless years of research. I think the questions given to you are pretty specific, and do not request what you know, but rather cited/sourced material to backup anything you're saying.

and as for....

Originally posted by MamaJ
Do you think the Sun has always been in the same place since its conception? It hasn't.

What the F does that have to do with anything? And no I do not, a basic understanding of cosmology is all you need to know that. Oh, by the way, it was also not in the same place yesterday!

Exactly.. you just have no clue.
I will give you a two hour video ONLY if you promise to watch it all the way through. Its two hours but it may get you started.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

I like what your saying Mama, the only problem is that none of these people that are hating seem to be interested in learning. They want you to give out sources so they can bash those sources as well. Unfortunately they are only looking to reinforce their preexisting paradigm.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:54 PM


posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
reply to post by MamaJ

I like what your saying Mama, the only problem is that none of these people that are hating seem to be interested in learning. They want you to give out sources so they can bash those sources as well. Unfortunately they are only looking to reinforce their preexisting paradigm.

Are you daft? We want cited in sourced material that shows what she's saying isn't complete bull[snip]. I'd guess I would be defensive too if someone asked me for credible sources on a subject I speak about and can't deliver.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 07:02 PM


posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 07:03 PM


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