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Let's Talk about David Wilcock's 2012 Claims

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Oxize
Some years ago David Wilcock had some credibility in hiself, but latetly he talk more about nonense. It seems how more conferences he is doing how more nonense he tell.

This goes the same for Steven Greer, which i liked alot in the past, but last years, he he talked also like David. He talked about channeling with UFO and other stuff.

I am an believer, but there need to be common sense to their talkings. If David or Steven Greer starts talking how they met an UFO or can make contact with it, ill skip to the next chapter.

To bad their ruining their own reputation.

Steven Greer had alot of credibility, but smacked himself with the UFO contact nonsense and the energy device he was working on with some scientists.

I hope there or some good ppl left which care about truth, instead of telling crap.

you pictured the process of his ´fan fishing´ very well. I liked his films some years ago, too, but the whole picture gets clearer. He and others like Fulford, Greer, Green etc seem likely work for the other side.
These guys try to fish as many believer souls as possible. And their victims dont get it, because he still is their ´spiritual guidance´ or ´credible channel´
...once on the hook..

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

So which crazy theory regarding space are you referring to? Is it our position in regards to the galactic plane? We passed the galactic plane three million years back and will not be returning to it for another 30-40 million years. Is it our position in regards to the galactic equator? We align with the galactic equator every year. For the past few decades that alignment has occurred on December 21. 1998 was the ear where we had the most accurate alignment for that date. Since then we have been moving closer and closer to the alignment occurring on December 22. Are you referring to the crazy Nibiru theories? Those have been debunked over and over and even Sitchin didn't believe the 2012 claims made by Lieder and crew. You're going to have to be a bit more specific than "space." There have been a lot of crazy 2012 theories related to "space." It would be helpful to know which one of these nonsense theories you are subscribing to.

On another note, 2012 has no real significance for the Maya. It is just as significant as the end of the 12th baktun, 11th baktun, 10th baktun, etc. Apart from that there are no other ancient prophecies dealing with 2012. Unless of course you have stumbled across some obscure prophecy that I have not been able to dig up in my countless hours of research. I so I would love to hear about it. While you're at it, since you have done so much research, you must know of an example of the Long Count that ends after the 13th baktun. Would you mind telling me what that example is since I have not turned up any and apparently neither has anyone that believes in this 2012 nonsense.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:04 PM
He's not the only one making these claims, check out these changelings that promise changes will begin in the next few days:

What about Hidden Hand and Illuminator13 they both talk about 2012 being legit. Check them out at:

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by AnonymousKid

It's amazing that with how many people are currently making predictions about 2012 none of them were doing so before 1984. Why is 1984 important? That's the year the GMT correlation was created. That's the correlation that gives us the December 21, 2012 as the end of the 13th baktun. You'd think that since it seems like every alien, spiritual being, prophet, etc are saying that 2012 is the turning point of human history they would have been able to know that and mark it as significant before the GMT correlation.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:17 PM
Experience is the product of the mind, the spirit, conscious thoughts and
feelings, and unconscious thoughts and feelings. These together form the reality
that you know. You are hardly at the mercy of a reality, therefore, that exists
apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you. You are so intimately connected with
the physical events composing your life experience that often you cannot
distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts,
expectations and desires that gave them birth.
If there are strongly negative characteristics present in your most intimate
thoughts, if these actually form bars between you and a more full life, still you
often look through the bars, not seeing them. Until they are recognized they are
impediments. Even obstacles have a reason for being. If they are your own, then
it is up to you to recognize them and discover the circumstances behind their
Your conscious thoughts can be great clues in uncovering such
obstructions. You are not nearly as familiar with your own thoughts as you may
imagine. They can escape from you like water through your fingers, carrying
with them vital nutrients that spread across the landscape of your psyche — and
all too often carrying sludge and mud that
• xvi •clog up the channels of experience and creativity.
An examination of your conscious thoughts will tell you much about
the state of your inner mind, your intentions and expectations, and will
often lead you to a direct confrontation with challenges and problems.
Your thoughts, studied, will let you see where you are going. They point
clearly to the nature of physical events. What exists physically exists first
in thought and feeling. There is no other rule.
(9:40.) You have the conscious mind for a good reason. You are not
at the mercy of unconscious drives unless you consciously acquiesce to
them. Your present feelings and expectations can always be used to
check your progress. If you do not like your experience, then you must
change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You
must alter the kind of messages that you are sending through your
thoughts to your own body, to friends and associates.
Each thought has a result, in your terms. The same kind of thought,
habitually repeated, will seem to have a more or less permanent effect. If
you like the effect then you seldom examine the thought. If you find
yourself assailed by physical difficulties, however, you begin to wonder
what is wrong.
Sometimes you blame others, your own background, or a previous
life — if you accept reincarnation. You may hold God or the devil
responsible, or you may simply say, "That is life," and accept the negative experience as a necessary portion of your lot.
You may finally come to a half-understanding of the nature of reality
and wail, "I believe that I have caused these ill effects, but I find myself
unable to reverse them."
If this is the case, then regardless of what you have told yourself thus
far, you still do not believe that you are the creator of your own experience. As soon as you recognize this fact you can begin at once to alter
those conditions that cause you dismay or dissatisfaction"


posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

I think David Wilcock and the other people who are pushing this 2012 Supernatural Ability stuff are not accurate in saying that this applies to everybody. Sure, some of the population inhabiting this Earth may have the metagene but it is not all of us. It seems to be the hybrid humans that claim to have all the mystical stuff going on and not so much the ordinary humans.

I think all the books that purport to teach people how to wield psychic abilities are mistaken in assuming that everybody can have them while there is a clear running thread in the conspiracy community that many of the people walking amongst are us product of top-secret eugenics programs coupled with abduction case accounts of hybrid humans with telekinetic powers.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:24 PM
Check out this article I just found, it gives evidence/argument that 2012 is happening and the changes are beginning.

They say the members of the illuminati are about to get arrested.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by MamaJ

So which crazy theory regarding space are you referring to? Is it our position in regards to the galactic plane? We passed the galactic plane three million years back and will not be returning to it for another 30-40 million years. Is it our position in regards to the galactic equator? We align with the galactic equator every year. For the past few decades that alignment has occurred on December 21. 1998 was the ear where we had the most accurate alignment for that date. Since then we have been moving closer and closer to the alignment occurring on December 22. Are you referring to the crazy Nibiru theories? Those have been debunked over and over and even Sitchin didn't believe the 2012 claims made by Lieder and crew. You're going to have to be a bit more specific than "space." There have been a lot of crazy 2012 theories related to "space." It would be helpful to know which one of these nonsense theories you are subscribing to.

On another note, 2012 has no real significance for the Maya. It is just as significant as the end of the 12th baktun, 11th baktun, 10th baktun, etc. Apart from that there are no other ancient prophecies dealing with 2012. Unless of course you have stumbled across some obscure prophecy that I have not been able to dig up in my countless hours of research. I so I would love to hear about it. While you're at it, since you have done so much research, you must know of an example of the Long Count that ends after the 13th baktun. Would you mind telling me what that example is since I have not turned up any and apparently neither has anyone that believes in this 2012 nonsense.

So anything that doesn't feel good to you is deemed crazy? What crazy theory I am referring to is not any you have mentioned.
Why should I be more specific with you when all you will do is not accept it even if it slapped you in the face.

You seem to know a lot about the Mayans yet you dismiss the Golden Age they speak of. The Precession means something to them. While I would love to spill the beans on all of my research I too have spent countless hours doing your arrogance makes me want to run from you. Why? Because in my 40 years an arrogant man is someone who is the opposite of who I am and who I strive to be. Come at me another time with a different tone and you may learn something. I may learn something as well.

The times ahead of us not only this year but the ones that follow are indeed times we have yet to explore. We do not know everything about space nor do we know everything about our Earth. We have been exploring for answers though for some time now. The ones before us knew this time without the technology because the were in tune with the cosmos. We are far from it! With new discoveries there will be newer news to comment on. For now though I take a back seat but in time I will put all my studies out in black and white for all to see.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

somthing big will happen in 2012 that is when the revolutions will happen and the worlds govormets will be overthrown

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Sorry if I sound arrogant but it only stems from countless encounters with 2012 believers stating outright false information. As I mentioned previously I have asked many 2012 believers to provide me with an example of the Long Count that ends on December 21, 2012. Not a single one has been able to meet this challenge. This is a premise that is key to every 2012 theory and not a single person can back up the claim. Many of these 2012 believers aren't as discerning or open minded as they claim to be. They are simply buying into an alternative theory for the sake of it being alternative. And this isn't a problem just endemic to 2012 research. It's a problem with every facet of "conspiracy" research. People are willing to be extremely critical of mainstream sources but as soon as fringe author publishes something people are willing to buy into it hook, line, and sinker without verifying anything in it.

This is where my attitude comes from. I have yet to actually meet a 2012 believer who can back up their claims with legitimate facts. Of course I'm always open to someone proving me wrong. You can start b providing an example of the Long Count that ends after That's all I'm asking for right now. This is the core premise of all 2012 theories and yet no one can provide an example. If no one can prove this as being correct why should we listen to what they have to say on the topic of 2012?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Dollores Cannon-earth will give birth to a new earth
Geoge Kavassilas/Bonacci- Earth is becoming a star
Stewart Swerdlow-says 2012 is disinfo, predicts ice age
Bob Frisell- around 7-9% will ascend into the 4th dimension in 2012
David Icke-2012 is a distraction, 2016 is the year of awakening
Wilcock-everyone will ascend in 2012
Collier- in 2013 earth will ascend to the fifth dimension

I could continue but there is no need.You see what i'm pointing out here? The main goal of the new age is to get you confused as much as possible.Each one of these predictions could happen but they could also all be false!
The ascension process is i believe real but when exactly it is occuring NObody can give you a correct answer so i don't believe in his prediction.He already gave a false prediciton about 2000 ascencion(that was also a name of his site).Fool me once shame on you,Fool me twice shame on me.
edit on 27-2-2012 by Immortality76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:04 PM
I don't pay much attention to folks like Wilcock, Icke, Sitchen, Von Daniken...etc...etc...etc. Together, they represent two wings of the same bird of prey. One wing is selling hope to the optimistic that are expecting the coming of Utopia and grand ascension of mind and spirit...and the other half is selling gloom and doom to those that are anticipating world shattering cataclysms and a violent end of the world...or at least this period of time.

I really don't want or need their input, I have a mind and an imagination of my own and I prefer to ponder the madness of infinite possibility on my own without the aid of snake oil, crystal balls and reptilian aliens

I prefer to read Carl Jung, Stanislov Graf, Karl Pribram, David Bohm and even some Freud. Michael Persinger's study into electromagnetism and the human brain is pretty fascinating stuff.

So based on science theory and infinite possibility, I can imagine my own future...I can't say that I don't enjoy "some" other points of view as the do somewhat engage my curiosity and I might even entertain the idea...but...just look at my signature and that will say all that needs to be said about my position of people like this and the "products" they peddle...
edit on 2/27/2012 by Damrod because: spelling, punctuation...etc.

edit on 2/27/2012 by Damrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

So what half are you defending? So far you have tossed out a number and have not defended anything that Wilcock claims.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by ProstheticWearingShills

Sounds like the X-files TV show and about as truthful.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

So anything that doesn't feel good to you is deemed crazy? What crazy theory I am referring to is not any you have mentioned. Why should I be more specific with you when all you will do is not accept it even if it slapped you in the face.

You were vague before and now you find some odd excuse as to why you to continue being vague.

I suggest you had nothing to offer in the first place despite some comment about having all of the links.

While I would love to spill the beans on all of my research

There is another claim followed by another poor reason for being vague.

We do not know everything about space nor do we know everything about our Earth.

Typical suggestion from those that can't figure things out. There is no need to know everything if you know enough to understand a particular issue.

For now though I take a back seat but in time I will put all my studies out in black and white for all to see.

Do you mind if I do not believe you?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254

The truth of the matter is the only reason anyone places any kind of significance on 2012 is because of the Maya. There are no claims regarding 2012 that predate 1984 which is when the GMT correlation was created. Yet there is not a single Mayan prophecy associated with 2012. Nobody has even been able to provide me with an example of the Long Count ending after the 13th baktun. So anyone that claims something is going to happen in 2012 are merely piggy backing on false claims made by New Age authors in the 80s. That is the most accurate way to describe the 2012 phenomenon.

how 'bout this guy? btw his Timewave-Zero idea came about before the Mayans were chic

the resonances he's talking about at 4:00 have to do with the resonance field around our brains and the Earth's Schumann resonance- which is where the human collective unconscious is stored

this is the jist of TWZ

edit on 27-2-2012 by bottleslingguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I wish I believed him.

Being a psychic myself, I really don't see any of that happening for 2012. This year won't be much different than any other year, there will be natural disasters, tensions, good things, bad things, war, peace, frauds, miracles, etc. Just as there have always been.

Wishful thinking.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:41 PM

This is where my attitude comes from. I have yet to actually meet a 2012 believer who can back up their claims with legitimate facts. Of course I'm always open to someone proving me wrong. You can start b providing an example of the Long Count that ends after That's all I'm asking for right now. This is the core premise of all 2012 theories and yet no one can provide an example. If no one can prove this as being correct why should we listen to what they have to say on the topic of 2012?
reply to post by Xcalibur254

For ME though it is not about the Mayans nor is it about the calender although it does give credibility to the calender.

As I understand the culture of the Mayans it was about their ancestors coming back. It is about this year being a pivotal year for our civilization and about a new beginning. A reboot if you will. The world will be a different type of experience according to the Maya.

Depending on perception one may not perceive any change while another sees, hears, tastes change beyond their imagination.

My beliefs about the upcoming years are based on scientific facts along with the mystics before me. The prophets, the ancient texts do indeed say something about changes within this Planet.

Im not one of these people who is running around screaming the world is ending nor am I saying this year is when all hell breaks loose. Im only thinking that this year along with the years after is going to change on a drastic scale. I am not psychic and I do not claim to KNOW what the future holds but I can add 2 and 2.

What I have researched and have concluded will take many pages and references. I do research in my spare time. I have three kids and a man that needs attention as much as the kids do. So..I am limited but I do plan on gathering as much as I can and hand it over to ATS to decipher at will.

Science is cool to me. Beliefs are equally as cool to me. Philosophy and metaphysics also... high on the list of interest. When I combine my interests there is a puzzle that is put together starring at me right in the face. I am in awe really. A bit flabbergasted.

I think the first thing to know is where we are at in Space and how our Planet and other bodies in our Solar System react to certain points in space. This is a study in itself that takes a lot of time and understanding. Questions arise and send the seeker on a long goose chase that at some point can be perceived differently depending on how long it is studied and what type of information is sinking in while other tid bits linger to another seeker.

The second direction is to study the Earth all the way to its core. What is at the core?

Then we can veer off and study the different periods of climatic changes experienced by the Planet and skim through the different pages of what we think we know happened at different stages within a cycle.

It just goes on and on.

My studies did lead me back to ATS to a thread created back in 2005.

It also lead me to a few other links that sum up almost what Ive concluded.

Long story short everything in the cosmos is undergoing "change" as change is constant. Its law.

For any of us to think nothing can happen to our way of life... is arrogant at its best.

IMO it is happening, been happening and will continue to happen. The question is...will it PEAK. Will there be a point in time where it not only peaks but shifts to a new way of living? I think so.

Every single living organism is connected to where it came from....via Space!

There is soooo much scientists do not know. They want to know and are striving to know but do not have the answers. Nasa, Esa, and Ibex, and so on are working to find the answers day in and day out and they are the ones to watch. Keep an ear on them and read between the lines. I have references from Nasa dating back to the 70's and 80's. Its not always what they are finding out today but more so what they have known. Piecing a puzzle together is what a good investigator/researcher/seeker/analyzer does and this is what I enjoy. I stumbled upon more and more information that lead me to believe truth is stranger than fiction.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by MamaJ

So anything that doesn't feel good to you is deemed crazy? What crazy theory I am referring to is not any you have mentioned. Why should I be more specific with you when all you will do is not accept it even if it slapped you in the face.

You were vague before and now you find some odd excuse as to why you to continue being vague.

I suggest you had nothing to offer in the first place despite some comment about having all of the links.

While I would love to spill the beans on all of my research

There is another claim followed by another poor reason for being vague.

We do not know everything about space nor do we know everything about our Earth.

Typical suggestion from those that can't figure things out. There is no need to know everything if you know enough to understand a particular issue.

For now though I take a back seat but in time I will put all my studies out in black and white for all to see.

Do you mind if I do not believe you? have assumed wrong. Ha! Who would have thought YOU are wrong?

Here is the deal....I choose who I speak with and people with your kind of attitude do not go far with me. See the name? MamaJ? I am a mom and I will school you!
I am also a southern woman so I would rather pick and choose who I talk to whereas I keep my composure a positive one.

I could care less what you believe....thats on you and no skin off my back.

David is not someone I put stock into nor anyone else for that matter. I make my own mind up cause I am a free thinker and free to have an opinion.

If I think the world is going to end with flying unicorns then that is my opinion. You got yours... So be it.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

I think the first thing to know is where we are at in Space and how our Planet and other bodies in our Solar System react to certain points in space.

There are no fixed points in space. Everything is space is relative.

What is at the core?

Iron, nickel, and other metals that form a strong alloy with these metals.

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