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To the modern christan church, throw down your pagan ways and return to your first love

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:02 PM
This topic is to address the apostacy modern christianity has fallen into at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. This is how deep their corruption has run, to where they would damn us all by hiding from us their deceptions and lies so we would all be damned. These are just 2 ways we have been infiltrated. They have done more damage to the faith than most christians even know or even suspect. They would have us believe that we can worship other gods and that it would be ok with Jesus the Christ for us to disrespect him and his Father Yahweh.

Even today most christians celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter when the first 3-4 generations of christians refused to celebrate. The R.C.C. changed the name of the Roman pagan holiday Saturnalia to "christmas" and dolled it up so that chrstians would feel ok celebrating that holiday. Reality though, would have them celebrating the birth of Sol Invictus/Mithra both of whom were based on Nimrod as those gods were born on december 25th. Early christians didn't even celebrate the birth of the Messiah Jesus.

"On your day of gladness, we [Christians] neither cover our doorposts with wreaths, nor intrude upon the day with lamps.
At the call of public festivity, you consider it a proper thing
to decorate your house like some new brothel.
We are accused of a lower sacrilege because
we do not celebrate along with you the holidays ..."
- (Tertullian, (A.D. 155-220), 2001, p. 1176).
(quoted by David Bercot, A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs,
1998, p. 342).


""In the days of Christ, December 25th
was sacred to the pagan Romans..."
-The Xmas Story Part 4
"Heathen Holidays" by Denise Snodgrass

"Familiar to early Christians was the Saturnalia,
an ancient Roman festival celebrated during the
last days of December in honour of Saturn, the god
of agriculture. The Saturnalia...was diametrically
opposed to the teachings of Christ."
- Hidden Truths About Christmas
UCG; Australia

"To the pagans, the Saturnalia was fun.
To the Christians, the Saturnalia was an
abomination in homage to a disreputable god
who had no existence anyway."
-4,000 Years of Christmas:
A Gift from the Ages (1997)
Earl Count

Jesus wasn't born December 25th, but every pagan god based on Nimrod was. Jesus was concieved near the end of what we call December during the biblical hebrew month of Kislev. The year Christ was born Chanakuh (when he was conceived) fell on december 20th-28th just as it did in 2011. Count 9 months forward for atypical human gestation period and he is born during the month of Tishri (between september and october) near Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles). In fact, according to Tertullian early christians didn't even celebrate the day the Messiah was born.

The Christian holiday of Easter is derived from the babylonian goddess Ishtar (pronounced Eashter). Mythology has it that Ishtar decended from heaven in a silver egg and was brought forth naked from the waist up. She would cause rabbits to lay eggs and her worshippers would sacrifice children and dip the eggs in the blood of those children and eat them, then the Ishtar Egg Hunt would begin and if a person found the Silver Egg of Ishtar they could take it to heaven and become a god as reward for finding the silver egg. This same ritual is practiced every year on easter by the boiling of eggs an dipping them in the dye and consumed and by hunting for the silver easter egg for the reward in it.

Modern christians no longer remember where these holidays came from, but they were brought into the church by apostates, like the Popes and other heretics who sold out to Satan. The entire reason the R.C.C. was branded the Whore of Babylon by early christians was because the Messiah had only been gone about 2 hours by heaven's reckoning when the R.C.C. jumped in bed and began to fornicate with paganism.

If we want to fix christianity we need to return to the ways of the first and second century christians, otherwise we will all be destroyed by Christ when he returns because we will have the Mark of the Beast on us, the mark of apostacy. You cannot serve yahweh and worship other pagan gods he will not have it because he is the same now as he ever was in the old testament, he is unchanging.

Here's a website that helps detail how deep the apostacy has grown:

paganism in the modern christian church

The way back home will not be an easy way, but if we want to fix this we must return to how the original Apostles designed us, what Jesus Christ desired of us. Heed the warning, the great deception has not be one of the people whom gets caught by a thief in the night unawares.

edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Brothers and sisters, start learning to say "Bah humbug". Stop lying to your kids about Satan Claus, you give glory to some pagan Ideal instead of tellign them th truth, you may think it is "just for fun" but our King frowns on worshipping and celebrating that which is not of our Father.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Well one of the worst things for Christianity was when Constantine's 2nd successor made Christianity the official state-religion of Rome. Then you had unregenerate, people leading and teaching the church. these men removed their pagan amulets and replaced them with crosses and kept teaching the same pagan stuff with just a Christian flair to it.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Well one of the worst things for Christianity was when Constantine's 2nd successor made Christianity the official state-religion of Rome. Then you had unregenerate, people leading and teaching the church. these men removed their pagan amulets and replaced them with crosses and kept teaching the same pagan stuff with just a Christian flair to it.

Oh yes, i have begun plumbing the depths of that treachery. The great deception is that we all think our way is the right way and were all wrong. Every religion thinks they are the right way and right path and every one of them is dead wrong.

Every old pagan religion has a Trinity of Father, Mother and Son. This is derived all the way back to Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. Satan has been a busy bee the last several thousand years. If it weren't for watchmen we'd all perish. Satan has worked diligently to create false messiahs and false trinities to deceieve unwary people. We need to fight back.
edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:19 PM
I don't mind people celebrating either way, but I've been reminding Christians of these ironies for a while, and it seems the knowledge is now becoming mainstream.

The self-styled "Messianic Rabbi" Michael Rood introduced me to this in his book The Pagan-Christian Connection Exposed (Bridge-Logos, Gainesville: 2004).

However, somewhere in the book Rood also intimates that God made Adam a "party animal", and He commanded many days of celebration.

Instead of just saying what days Christians shouldn't celebrate, what are the days you would like them to celebrate?

Tell us a bit more on the alternatives?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:21 PM
IMO after questioning this so called "Bible" for 30yrs.

Truth? Heres the truth about your "Bible"
"This" book that has been "the weapon of the elite, motivator of wars,the oppressor of populations,the divider of people for aeons."

3000 BC Egypt...Horus (the light) Born 25th Dec, born of the virgin Isis(Mary),accompanied by a star in the east,was adored by three kings,at age 12 was a prodigal child teacher,At 30 baptised by Anip and began his ministry,Had 12 Disciples and travelled performing miracles,healing the sick and walking on water,was known as the truth,the light, the lamb of god,gods annointed son,the good shepherd and many others,after being
betrayed by Typhon was crucified,dead for three days and resurrected.
1200 BC,Greece...Attis,Born Dec 25, born of the virgin Nonon,crucified,dead for 3 days,resurrected.
1200 BC Persia...Mithra,Born of a virgin Dec 25,had 12 disciples,performed miracles,upon his death was
buried for 3 days and was resurrected,known as the truth,the light and many others.His worship day was
900 BC,India...Krisnha,born of the virgin Devaki,star in the east,performed miracles with his disciples,
upon his death was resurrected.
500 BC,Greece...Dionysus,born virgin on Dec 25,performed miracles including turning water into wine,
was known as the king of kings,Gods only begotten son,the Alpha and Omega and many others and upon his death was resurrected.
There are numerous examples of this including,Chrishna of Hindostan, Budka Sakia of India,Salvahana of Bermuda,Zulis or Zhule,Osiris and Orus of Egypt,Odin of the Scandinavians,Crite of Chaldea,Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia,Baal and Taut of Phoenecia,Indra of Tibet,Bali of Afganistan, Jao of Nepal, Wittoba of the
Balingonese and many more.

Why the similarites?

Lets start with the birth sequence which is completely astrological.

The star in the east is Sirius(the brightest star in the east).On Dec 24 it aligns with the 3 brightest stars in the Orions belt known as "The Three Kings" which all point to the sunrise that will happen on Dec 25.Thus the "Three Kings" follow the star in the East in order to find the sunrise or the "Birth of the Son(Sun)".
The "Virgin Mary" comes from the constellation Virgo (virgin in latin).Virgo in latin is also refered to as the "House of Bread",represented as a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat.This represents the time of harvest around August/September.Bethlehem's Literal translation is "House of Bread" which is a reference to the
constellation Virgo a place in the sky,not on earth.
This time is also the winter solstice (The shortest day),which symbolised death to the ancients or the "Death of the Sun(Son)".On Dec 22 the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and stops moving south at least
perceivably to the naked eye for 3 days (22,23,24 Dec).At this point the sun is in the vicinity of the southern cross (Crux Constellation).On the 25 Dec the sun(Son) moves perceivably north.
So "The Sun(Son) died on the Cross, was dead for three days, only to be resurrected or born again"

This is why the many religions share the same concept of "Sun(Son) Gods Birth, Death and Resurrection"

The Resurrection Of the sun (son) was not celebrated until the spring equinox or Easter.When the sun(son) "officially" overpowers the "Evil Darkness"as days become longer than night bringing the onset of spring and "Salvation from death" and the revitalizing spring bring new "Life"

The 12 Disciples are simply the 12 Constellations of the Zodiac.

The 12 Disciples (Constellations) and Jesus "being the Son(Sun)" travels about with.
The number 12 is mentioned many times in the bible.Examples are...
12 Tribes of Israel,12 Sons of Jacob,12 judges of Israel,12 Great Patriarchs,12 Kings of Israel,12 Princes of Israel etc

"The Cross"(Crux) is a pagan spiritual symbol of the Zodiac or Sun often pictured behind the head of Jesus the Son(Sun) The Son of God, The Light of the World,The Risen Saviour,who will "Come Again" as it does every
morning,The glory of God who defends against the works of "Darkness'(Night) as he is "Born Again"(Daylight"
who will be seen "Coming in the clouds" "The Son which is in Heaven","With his Crown of Thorns"(Sunrays).

The "Age"(Aeon) lasts approximately 2150 years of which we are now in the age of "Pisces" symbolized by the fish.The fish symbol is often used in Christianity.
Moses was angered by his followers for worshiping "A Golden Bull Calf" which is the astrological symbol of Taurus the Bull. Moses represents the new "Age" of Aries the Ram and "Upon A new Age we must shed the old Age".Jews even today blow the Rams Horn. The pre-Christian Deity Mithra kills the "Bull"in similar symbology.
The Symbology of the Fish is used extensively in the Bible.It is a Pagan astrological symbol for the Suns(Sons) Kingdom during the age of pisces.Jesus' assumed birth date is the start of this age.The Age of Pisces
the fish.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:21 PM

When the 12 disciples ask Jesus when the last passover shall be Jesus replies "Behold,when ye are entered into the city,there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water.Follow him into the house where he entereth in".The man bearing the pitcher of water is Aquarius the water bearer,who represents the age after
pisces.So when the Sun(Son) leaves the age of pisces he will go into the age of aquarius (A man bearing a pitcher of water).Jesus said "I will be with you even to the end of the (World) age".
All that was meant is that after the age of Pisces is the age of Aquarius.
Jesus is the personification of the age of Pisces the Fish or the literary astrological symbol for the age of pisces.
The concept of "End Times" and the end of the world is a misinterpreted astrological alagory.

Inscribed 3500 years ago on the walls of the temple of Luxor of Egypt are images of the announciation,the mirical conception,the birth and adulation of Horus the Sun(Son) God.
The similarities of the Egyptian religion and the Bible are staggering.

The story of Noah and the great flood is mirrored in the "Epic of Gilgamesh" written in 2600 BC right down to
the release and return of a dove.

Moses was said to be placed in a reed basket and set adriftin a river to avoid infanticide was rescued and saved by a daughter of royalty raised as a prince.This is mirrored exactly in the story of Sargon of Akar around 2250 BC.Moses is known as the "Law Giver"who climbed a mountain and was given commandments.He is one of a long line of law givers in mythology as was Manou of India, Minos of Greece, Mises of Egypt.

The Ten Commandments were taken directly out of Spell 125 of the Egyptian book of the dead.

The Egyptian Religion is the primary foundational basis of Judeo-Christian Theology.Baptism,afterlife,
judgement,virgin birth,death and resurrection,crucifiction,ark of the covenant,circumcision,saviours,
communion,great flood,easter,christmas etc are all atributes of Egyption ideas.Long Before the Bible.

Even in the Old Testament,Joseph was of a miracle birth, had 12 brothers,was sold for 20 pieces of silver,
judah suggests sale etc etc.Same as Jesus.

Is there any non-biblical evidence of the existence of Jesus? The one who was of a virgin birth,who went around doing miracles,while travelling aroud with 12 followers,turning water into wine,walking on water, healing the sick,rising from the dead with the name Jesus.There were at least 20 historians living in and
around the time and area of Jesus.Not one of them even slightly mentions him.If he had done what was written
he would have been the most famous personality in his time and area.

Claims of his existence primarily come from 4 biblical scholars.Three of them, Pliny the younger,Certonius and Tasitus mention briefly of a Christ,Chrestus or Christus which is not a name but a title meaning "The Anointed One" The 4th is Josephus which has been proven to be a forgery for hundreds of years.

There is no record because he did not exist. There was no Jesus of Bethlehem, Period.

In the words of Thomas Paine 1737-1809...

"The Christian religion is a parody
on the worship of the sun, in which
they put a man called Christ in the
place of the sun,and pay him the
adoration originally payed to the sun"

I no longer Worship the sun.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

I've watched some of Micheal Rood's material and he does seem to be right. One thing is for certain we should not have anything to do with any holidays that were dedicated to pagan gods. No Holloween, No Christmas and no Easter, at least not on the days they have been done.

Long ago christian holidays fell on the same days the jewish feastdays fell on because christian roots are jewish in nature. Constantine and Eusebius changed our saturday sabbath to sun-day worship for the sun god Sol Invictus. Granted you should worship everyday but Yahweh established the Sabbath at the foundation of the world forever.

Then Pope Gregory came along and gave us the gregorian calendar and the days we celebrated christian holidays on (the jewish feastdays), our holidays were shifted a week+ in advance and christian holidays then fell on pagan festivals. We need to get back on the biblical hebrew calendar. We have strayed so far from God's calendar.

One main holiday we need is the commemoration of Pentecost. We can still celebrate the resurrection of Christ but do it on the actual day he was resurrected on Nisan 16.
edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I agree whole heartedly in your post and will add to that . This phenomenon runs much deeper than just the Catholics , many churches teach another form of deception , that being the rapture . Satan has taken over most religions weather one wants to admit it or not. When the false Christ appears he will be telling all what they want to hear .

Only two churches in the book of Revelation are approved of by Jesus , Smyrna and Philadephia because they teach of those who say they are of our brother Judah but are of the synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.

edit on 25-2-2012 by Azadok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Azadok
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I agree whole heartedly in your post and will add to that . This phenomenon runs much deeper than just the Catholics , many churches teach another form of deseption , that being the rapture . Satan has taken over most religions weather one wants to admit it or not. When the false Christ appears he will be telling all what they want to hear .

Only two churches in the book of Revelation are approved of by Jesus , Smyrna and Philadephia because they teach of those who say they are of our brother Judah but are of the synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.

Exactly, so what we need to do is wake people up. The great Deception has already begun and by the looks of it, we may be nearing the end of it which is not good for those still asleep. Many will likely refuse to stop believing the lie, for those we can do nothing for...but we need to address this issue and not balk from it and stick our heads in the sand.
edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Well, i must commend you on your research. It seems that there are a few of us who are waking up and realizing we have inherited lies. My own research has taken me 2 months to come to this conclusion. We were being lied to for 1700 years.

Martin Luther was just scratching the surface when he wrote his thesis. Peter Waldo and the French Hugenaughts amoung some other loyal believers in Christ are the only reason we can even catch a glimmer of this, if not for them we would have no inkling of an idea what those apostats have done.

I for one will not stop digging an i will even tell the preacher at my church and if i get thrown out then so be it, but now that i know what happened and see whats going on, i have to try to wake others up. I told a deacon at my church and he started doing digging too. We need to put the brakes on this or we wil lall be part of those who end up with the mark of the beast.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Exactly, so what we need to do is wake people up. The great Deception has already begun and by the looks of it, we may be nearing the end of it which is not good for those still asleep. Many will likely refuse to stop believing the lie, for those we can do nothing for...but we need to address this issue and not balk from it and stick our heads in the sand.

All we can do is try to plant a seed , most people are welded in place and will not change. I live on cape cod and just recently came out of the catholic church. God has truly peeled the scales from my eyes and unwaxed my ears. I can not find one church that teaches the truth of Gods word. I study on my own and try to help out where I can teaching the truth but most do not want to hear it.

I believe that most of Gods elect have been notified and the rest will have to be tried through the tribulation because they refused to study and learn how to put on the Gospel armor

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Lexx790

IMO after questioning this so called "Bible" for 30yrs. Truth? Heres the truth about your "Bible" "This" book that has been "the weapon of the elite, motivator of wars,the oppressor of populations,the divider of people for aeons."

2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Interesting how this book which was created by the elite to control the people seems to condemn 2 of the most powerful familys of the world we live in. Both the rothchilds and the windsors have that on there coat of arms. Heck maybe even a couple other royal familys.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by vaelamin

Interesting how this book which was created by the elite to control the people seems to condemn 2 of the most powerful familys of the world we live in. Both the rothchilds and the windsors have that on there coat of arms. Heck maybe even a couple other royal familys.

Thats because the bible remains true, even the Dead Sea Scrolls agrees with the bible about it not being changed save for minor spelling errors. The R.C.C. has been suffering for the changes they made using their heretical Latin Vulgate. Yahweh promised he would heap all the plagues in the bible on anyone who changed the scriptures and he's made good on that promise. Look within the R.C.C. and you see pedophile homosexuals who have a liking for raping little boys, alcoholism and there was even documented cases of human sacrifice being done by priests that caused the deaths of virgin women.

Now you can look within protestant churches and see the corruption growing worse with wierd sex cults like the one perpetrated by Warren Jeffs last summer, and Mormonism and the Lutherans asked the Pope to forgive Martin Luther for rebelling and both they and Presbyterians have fallen back in line with Rome and this happened at the very beginnign of the 21st century. It's like people would rather stay blind to the truth then face it and correct their error. What was revealed to me horrified me, and sometimes i wonder if asking Yahweh to show me the truth was really wise, but now that i know, i am better off knowing than not knowing even though it has caused trouble between my wife and i and my own brother has called me a fanatic when i tried to tell him.
edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Every old pagan religion has a Trinity of Father, Mother and Son.

That doesn't mean the God of the Bible isn't a Triune God, that just means satan is a counterfeiter.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Every old pagan religion has a Trinity of Father, Mother and Son.

That doesn't mean the God of the Bible isn't a Triune God, that just means satan is a counterfeiter.

Thats what i am saying. Our Triune God is 100% male, the catholic God the Father, God the Mother and God the Son. hence that whole Mary being the "Queen of Heaven" spiel that goes all the way back to Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Brothers and sisters, start learning to say "Bah humbug". Stop lying to your kids about Satan Claus, you give glory to some pagan Ideal instead of tellign them th truth, you may think it is "just for fun" but our King frowns on worshipping and celebrating that which is not of our Father.

So it's not okay to tell our kids that a man with presents can magically travel the world in one night delivering presents that reward good behavior? Which is also generally a fun holiday to spend with family and to give unto others.

Yet we are supposed to believe that a magical man who transcends our own dimensions can save our souls if we telepathically accept him into our hearts to forgive our sins that were passed down from a man and a woman 6,000 years ago? Yeah, makes perfect sense.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by novastrike81

Do you also tell your kids about krampus? A demon who travels around with santaclaus stealing naughty children and eating them? Also isnt Santaclaus the patron Saint Nicholas? A religous figure. Arent you against religion? Why would you let your kids need to be dictated by a religous man who breaks into houses through a chimney?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Azadok
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I agree whole heartedly in your post and will add to that . This phenomenon runs much deeper than just the Catholics , many churches teach another form of deseption , that being the rapture . Satan has taken over most religions weather one wants to admit it or not. When the false Christ appears he will be telling all what they want to hear .

Only two churches in the book of Revelation are approved of by Jesus , Smyrna and Philadephia because they teach of those who say they are of our brother Judah but are of the synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.

Exactly, so what we need to do is wake people up. The great Deception has already begun and by the looks of it, we may be nearing the end of it which is not good for those still asleep. Many will likely refuse to stop believing the lie, for those we can do nothing for...but we need to address this issue and not balk from it and stick our heads in the sand.
edit on 25-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)
There are many different reasons that Christians need to be "awake", this being one of them, do I do have doubt that this is The Great Deception as spoken of in the bible. IMO The Great Deception deals with the very core beliefs Christians cling to. I am speaking about sin. Christians believe that they can not be Christians unless they are sinners, first and foremost. THAT is whack. I believe that God sent Jesus to die on the cross because unless Jesus went away then the Holy Spirit would not be available to the general public. The Holy Spirit reminds us of everything Jesus says, and Jesus said that anyone who sins is a slave to sin and that a slave is not a part of the family of God but a son belongs to it forever. Christians today will tell you the opposite. They will tell you that anyone who is a child of God is a sinner, and if not, a hell bound boaster. I've got more to say, but will continue on for the rest of my life standing up for what I believe. Though, I know many self proclaimed Christians will try to stick my head in the sand, I will readily give reasons as to why I believe what I do, if others will do me the same courtesy. I am always happy to learn, otherwise I should not be here.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by novastrike81

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Brothers and sisters, start learning to say "Bah humbug". Stop lying to your kids about Satan Claus, you give glory to some pagan Ideal instead of tellign them th truth, you may think it is "just for fun" but our King frowns on worshipping and celebrating that which is not of our Father.

So it's not okay to tell our kids that a man with presents can magically travel the world in one night delivering presents that reward good behavior? Which is also generally a fun holiday to spend with family and to give unto others.

Yet we are supposed to believe that a magical man who transcends our own dimensions can save our souls if we telepathically accept him into our hearts to forgive our sins that were passed down from a man and a woman 6,000 years ago? Yeah, makes perfect sense.

The "santa claus" parents tell their kids about is a lie. St. Nicholas didn't dress in red, he dressed in the festive greens ancient romans would decorate their homes with during Saturnalia and he didn't fly around the world on a magic sleigh and Nick damn sure couldn't tell if kids were good or bad, the pagans gave him the attributes of Yahweh. There's nothing magical about Jesus, what he did, was done through the Ruach haKodesh that dwells in him...Yahweh's Holy Spirit. You do not telepathically accept Jesus, you open your mouth and confess your sins to Yahweh himself and you ask Jesus to forgive you for the things you have done, unless youre mute or had your tongue removed, in which case he can read your heart but there's no "telepathy" involved.

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