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Let's Cut to the Chase - Iran Must Be Stopped

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posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:41 PM
We get it, most you people don't care
if Iran has a nuclear weapon.
Probably because your sitting in a posh
flat and know even if they have a nuclear weapon
you personally would not be affected. Your personal
views are that Israel is the cause of all the problems.

You could care less if Israel was wiped off the map.
Pakistan has nukes, Israel has nukes, so why not Iran?
Do you really think arming the middle east with more nuclear
weapons is a good idea? Israel just wants to be left alone now.
They are attacked with suicide bombers and threatened relentlessly. The only reason
Israel has not been invaded and attacked by other middle eastern countries
is because they know they would have there ass handed to them.

The only ally America has and the only middle eastern country
with a democracy is Israel. Even if Israel was gone from the map
these islamic countries would still be fighting each other over the shiite and sunni issue.
Israel is the only non-islamic country in the area, they are surrounded by
Islamic dictatorships that hate them, want them dead, and want the land.

Iran is making a nuclear weapon and will use it. There is no conspiracy there.
There is no military in the midde east that can defeat Israel in war. That is the only
thing keeping them alive. Israel has proven they are mature enough to have nuclear weapons.
Iran is just not there. Pakistan and Israel having nuclear weapons is enough.
Would you give a loaded gun to a 2 year old to play with??
Excellent thread OP S and F right on the money...
Lets quit playing with fire (iran) and PUT IT OUT once and for all.
edit on 23-2-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Thank you, i agree with you %1000. Israel is a danger to world peace, hopefully the American and UK governments can reign them in this time? If not we should cut ties with these religious maniacs once and for all.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

You are misinformed good sir. Iran is no where near a nuclear weapon, this is a FACT. All of the talk in the media and from our good old buddy (?) Israel is what we call propaganda. Get a grip, before you go off starting WW3 we have to ask ourselves are we ready for a full scale total war scenario with Russia, China,Pakistan,Etc..?? Were do we get the money from? Do you think China will lend it to us?? This is not as simple as you think it is my friend, this is not a video game we are talking about. Its real easy to say "go get em" while you are sitting safely on your sofa watching FOX news.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by redoubt

Originally posted by elpistolero1
Zionists and war apologists must be erased form the face of the world

Translated: Jews and Jew-lovers must be exterminated.

Sorry. I hate word games.

Your translator is broken. Israel is wrong claiming all Zionist are Jews because they are not and Israel always seem to forget that there are Christian Zionist as well. And you will also find there are a lot of Jews that are against Zionism and there will always be. Simply because according to their faith at the end of times there is supposed to be a Jew verses Jew battle. This couldn't happen if all of them were Zionist.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:07 PM
Seabag.Still beating your pro war drums? Kill or be killed mentality? Rick Santorum must be getting to you.There's a bogey man muslim under everyone's beds.
You are relentless in your pro military preaching .War and killing is the only solution. You always keep pushing your "Isreal must be wiped of the face of the earth" argument. It's so ridiculous.What is your interest in Isreal anyways? What scares you the most? Isreal has more nukes and missles to take care of herself in any situation. Iran has nothing. Give me a break. You come across as being very insecure, or very gullible.
Here's what works and has worked in the past without having to bomb the hell out of a sovereign country. I believe in sanctions and careful watching of certain muslim and non muslim countries.I believe in the sovereignty of all countries whether we like them or not . I believe the time has come for Isreal to take care of her own interests. I believe America needs to clean up her own back yard before she tries to go clean up others. I believe in defense spending not war profiteering. Why the big rush to go to war ? War is money.Pure and simple. All the other factors are purely fiction and drama meant to create some level of justification for the further killing of fellow human beings. I just don't get why you think your purpose is to be here and try and convince others that war in any form is a justifiable solution to any conflict. I don't get it. People like you scare me more than some muslim living six thousand miles away.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:27 PM
Just a few questions come to mind.

Has Iran ever attacked Israel?

Has Israel attacked Iran? Possibly through assassinations and covert ops, yes.

Was a statement made by Ahmadinejad about wiping Israel off the map taken out of context? Sort of, they feel Palestinians have rights, as well. Do they not? After so many Israeli massacres, how could we blame Ahmadinejad's stance on defending Palestinians? Interesting to note, Listverse thinks the founding of Israel was one of the top ten most most terrible decisions of the 20th and 21st century. There must be some good reasons for that. Having Israel as an ally to the U.S. does little to benefit our interests in that region, quite the contrary.

Is there proof that Iran is seeking to build a nuclear weapon and deploy it against Israel or the US? No. Was there proof of weapons of mass destruction, or mobile chemical weapon labs leading up to the regrettable war in Iraq? No.

Do we ever learn? Apparently, not quickly enough. How soon we forget.


posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

We get it, most you people don't care if Iran has a nuclear weapon. Probably because your sitting in a posh flat and know even if they have a nuclear weapon you personally would not be affected. Your personal views are that Israel is the cause of all the problems.

Iran is surrounded by countries that have nukes if I were Iran I would want nukes too. Israel is the problem because as much as they claim Iran is saying they want to wipe them from the map Israel is currently trying to wipe Palestine from the map. So which is worse saying or doing?

Do you really think arming the middle east with more nuclear weapons is a good idea? Israel just wants to be left alone now.

Israel just wants to be let alone? Tell that to the people in Gaza and the West Bank not to mention the families of the scientist in Iran they have murdered.

The only ally America has and the only middle eastern country with a democracy is Israel. Even if Israel was gone from the map these islamic countries would still be fighting each other over the shiite and sunni issue. Israel is the only non-islamic country in the area, they are surrounded by Islamic dictatorships that hate them, want them dead, and want the land.

Who cares if Israel is a democracy. Last time I looked at a map Israel was a long way away from America. America is what I care about I could care less what happens to Israel. After their attack on the USS Liberty their constant spying on America so they could sell our secrets along with the weapons we donate to them. I can think of no reason why I should care about Israel.

Iran is making a nuclear weapon and will use it. There is no conspiracy there.

There is no proof Iran is trying to build a bomb. The conspiracy is why do you still believe they are trying to get one?

There is no military in the midde east that can defeat Israel in war. That is the only thing keeping them alive. Israel has proven they are mature enough to have nuclear weapons.

Israel has said they would not hesitate to use nukes if they were defeated that's the only reason why there is still a Israel. Iran hasn't started a war in 300 years how is that not mature enough.

edit on 23-2-2012 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM
Why in the hell should we care what happens to the state of Israel, its the oldest occupation in the world, it isn't even a real country.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:39 PM
How to wipe out Iran...

Make them eat McDonalds for 49 hours in a non-stop situation...

But, Iran COULD be like a WW2 Germany...
OR, just be like USSR crap talkers...

Easy to take em' down.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:44 PM
Well in that region they DO see israel as a cancerous tumor. I can very naive but, clearly one thing I've learned from reading up on history and the things that are going on right NOW, is that life is SOOOO unfair that THERE IS no good or bad side. If you want to root for Israel fine but, if you want to root for Iran that's great too. WHO CARES if iran attacks israel, it's not fair but, it's also not fair that Jews waltz in, kill a bunch of people and take there land and build nuclear weapons illegally. this is why i think it's dumb to choose a side in this conflict because neither side is RIGHTEOUS.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:44 PM
I am all for peace and prosperity but one day the insanity between Iran and Israel will do something that will cause mayhem to the rest of the world.

Its been going on for years upon years and will only get to the point where if they can't exist, no one can.

IMO let these lunatic, corrupt, and religiously blinded men fight til the end of time against each other with their nukes and weapons of mass destruction. Just evacuate the people that are not part of this brain washing and let them carry on in the name of Allah, or which ever god that believes that slaughtering one another is right.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by seabag
I have always been against Iran acquiring nuclear weapons but I hoped this could be achieved through peaceful means. However, the more news I read about Iran’s intentions and the more I watch the leaders of Iran thumb their noses at our peaceful attempts at nonproliferation the more at ease I am with backing an Israeli strike to remove Iran’s weapons and regime.

Iran openly and continuously proclaims its intentions to annihilate the Jews yet people still deny this truth:

Just read the words of Alireza Forghani, a former Iranian governor and close ally of the regime.

In the name of Allah Iran must attack Israel...

Today, the first Qibla of the Muslims has been occupied by Israel, a cancerous tumor for the Middle East. Today, Israel is causing division using all evil means. Every Muslim is obliged to equip themselves against Israel. ... and since the potential danger is facing the foundations of Islam, it is necessary for the Islamic governments in particular and other Muslims in general to remove this corrupting material by any means. All our troubles are due to Israel! And Israel results from America too.

The leaders of Iran continue to spew propaganda to the people of Iran and anyone who will listen. They have been beating the drums of war as leaders from around the world have tried to resolve the issues peacefully. Iranian leaders have been publicly justifying their intent to destroy Israel and people still dismiss it as harmless or try to justify this rhetoric.

The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.

Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a ‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

The article, written by Alireza Forghani, a conservative analyst and a strategy specialist in Khamenei’s camp, now is being run on most state-owned conservative sites, including the Revolutionary Guards’ Fars News Agency, showing that the regime endorses this doctrine.

Personally, I am tired of the debate. I’m tired of defending my position of keeping Iran nuke free. I’m also tired of the complete lack of logic from so many here defending Iran by pointing at US actions as justification for Iran obtaining nukes. Anyone still claiming Iran is a peaceful nation is either ignorant or dishonest IMO. My disgust with Iran's cheerleaders is best summed up like this…

I do not expect those who have chosen evil to understand, but again, if they had any dignity, if they had respect for humanity, then they would not support a regime that stones women to death, a regime that rapes and tortures Iranian boys and girls to suppress their desire for freedom, a regime that chops off hands and feet in punishment for stealing, a regime that lashes Iranians as punishment for not adhering to Islamic rules and savagely attacks anyone opposing it. This is a regime that is at the helm of worldwide terrorism in which many of its officials are wanted either by Interpol or courts around the world for terrorist acts and assassinations.

How is anyone to reason with THIS:

The time has come for Israel to take care of these sick leaders in Iran and prevent the rise of Islamic fundamentalists.

What say you?
edit on 23-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

I LOVE the Iranian People. Love them. They are the true masters of the earth. It's about time you bow down and worship their leaders. The US government should just admit they've lost and call it a day. Everyone loves Iran and everyone thinks they deserve a nuke. They earned it. In fact, as a show of good faith and love the USA should give Iran at least 10 of their biggest nukes.. To get them started.

I think it's a crime that US citizens are denied dual citizenship with Iran. I think everyone in the USA should automatically be a citizen of Iran and vise-versa. That is the only solution. Same with Israel.

Peace and love to all the good people of Iran. We love and support you 100%!

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by seabag

Peaceful attempts at non-proliferation? Seriously? Are you bloody kidding me? You call the assassination of Iran's top nuclear physicists peaceful? My god if everyone thinks like you we are in for a world of trouble. You need to wake the hell up, my friend.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by FlyersFan

Let's cut to the chase ... if anyone is going to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, it should be Saudi Arabia. It's not our job to police up every rouge nutter country on the planet. Let Iran's neighbors take care of Iran. The Saudis have the manpower, the money, and they are living right next door.

I don’t care who does it, I just think it needs to happen sooner rather than later. If Israel (or anyone in the region) chooses to attack Iran I believe they are fully justified based on Iran's actions.

ANY country trying to develop Nuclear weapons,when the world ALREADY has enough to destroy itself,many times over,needs to be stopped.

There is NO reason to have hidden facilitys,unless they are trying to hide the intentions of producing one.


posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by matty1053

You do realize that all of their so-called crap talking was relayed to you by the very people that are looking for justifications for yet another war eh? Don't be daft. Look at all sides of the argument, not just that of the big bully in the playground (which is what the US has devolved into, sadly enough, nothing more than a big bully).

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Well for what it's worth here is an article with video on Israel funding a terrorist group.]

Here is a blogger's thoughts on the deadly backlash Iran would dish out to Israel and the US if attacked.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by mark1167

Seabag.Still beating your pro war drums? Kill or be killed mentality? Rick Santorum must be getting to you.There's a bogey man muslim under everyone's beds.

If you think Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs are harmless rather than evil SOB’s in dire need of a whooping then you must be listening to Ron Paul too much.

You are relentless in your pro military preaching .War and killing is the only solution. You always keep pushing your "Isreal must be wiped of the face of the earth" argument. It's so ridiculous.

What’s ridiculous is that the Supreme Leader of Iran is the one that keeps saying it…not ME! I’m simply reporting!!

What is your interest in Isreal anyways?

Why do you have such a deep seated love for Iranian leaders?

What scares you the most? Isreal has more nukes and missles to take care of herself in any situation. Iran has nothing. Give me a break. You come across as being very insecure, or very gullible.

I’m a realist. The fact is that there is evil in this world and the leaders of the Muslim world (especially the Iranian leaders) epitomize evil. They brutalize their own people as I've pointed out on this and numerous other threads, so why is it such a stretch to think they’d do the same to people they openly despise? Do you realize that those crazy freaks can cripple the US economy (and that of many other nations) by closing the Straits of Hormuz or dropping a nuke on Israel??

Here's what works and has worked in the past without having to bomb the hell out of a sovereign country. I believe in sanctions and careful watching of certain muslim and non muslim countries.I believe in the sovereignty of all countries whether we like them or not . I believe the time has come for Isreal to take care of her own interests. I believe America needs to clean up her own back yard before she tries to go clean up others. I believe in defense spending not war profiteering. Why the big rush to go to war ?

Big rush???

You have absolutely NO IDEA how long we’ve been working on stopping this nuclear progress and negative aggression by Iran, do you??

War is money.Pure and simple. All the other factors are purely fiction and drama meant to create some level of justification for the further killing of fellow human beings. I just don't get why you think your purpose is to be here and try and convince others that war in any form is a justifiable solution to any conflict. I don't get it. People like you scare me more than some muslim living six thousand miles away.

So in your mind there is no justifiable war, huh? Got it!
People like you allowed Hitler to rise to power! Nice work!!

edit on 23-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by xXxinfidelxXx

Peaceful attempts at non-proliferation? Seriously? Are you bloody kidding me? You call the assassination of Iran's top nuclear physicists peaceful? My god if everyone thinks like you we are in for a world of trouble. You need to wake the hell up, my friend.

How about numerous UN resolutions? How about allowing Iran to sign the NPT and start a peaceful nuclear program. How about numerous and ongoing sanctions to bring them back into compliance.

What you speak of is a result of Iran’s continuous belligerence. You know not what you are saying, sir. When all other options fail then action is required. If the US didn’t have a measured response to the continual provocations by Iran over the years we’d have stopped them by force YEARS ago.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by seabag

Ever been to Iran buddy? Cause guess what, I have, and I can tell you from first hand experience that 90% of what the MSM tells you about them is just flat out lies. So what if they want a nuclear program. They are being bullied by the biggest of all of the bullies in the world and do not have the army to resist the US. What would you do? Just give in? That's exactly what you expect them to do, from what I can gather, and that is one thing that they will not do. They have a very strong sense of nationalistic pride, just as you do, and will not hesitate to protect that which is theirs, again just like most people over on this side of the pond. But that's ok, keep spreading your racist rhetoric, I'm sure you'll find someone who believes you and you can have a big back patting session.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:35 PM

So in your mind there is no justifiable war, huh? Got it! People like you allowed Hitler to rise to power! Nice work!!

Wow.. If you new anything about history you'd know that it's people like you who actually allowed Hitler to rise to power. Paranoid scared little bullies who think their way is the only way.Now America is acting more like the Nazi's than any country on the planet."Nice work!".
What a tool.

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