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Look if you doubt China's might

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 07:22 PM

To me they look ike they care more about surface than efficiency at this point.
But do not discount them.
edit on 3/1/2012 by Kokatsi because: embedding

edit on 3/1/2012 by Kokatsi because: embedding

edit on 3/1/2012 by Kokatsi because: trying to embed

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi


If this logic was true, then how could anyone get a job in that field? They would have to work at the job to first get experience.

And why do professors teach? From my experience, because most of them are too old to do anything more active. And even then, most of them were smart enough to make their own choices about not doing things that they didn't agree with.

I learned from a very young age that most of my teachers and Professors....Hated the fact that they were teaching rather than DOING. This unfortunately brings a bitterness to the STUDENT and finding a Teacher that does both...that is TEACH and DO WORK in their field of the Teacher or Professor you should PAY ATTENTION TO! This person actually knows what is going on and you can tell as they will not hang in the same circles as other they have WORK TO DO!

I don't know why you are lecturing me on this. I'm not particularily stupid or inexperienced. Do you think that I got into university after living some boring upper-middle class life in the suburbs, earning squeaky clean marks in high school? University was the last place that I expected to end up in considering what I was trying to do with my life.

It is not your Professors fault that they do not know how deep the Rabbit Hole Runs between the two is just that they were never good enough to be placed on the SPLUNKING TEAM! LOL!
Split Infinity

I think that you are severely mistaken. I'm not American, I don't live in the US. We have an entirely different culture here, and our academic system is far different. The same education that I am getting now is the universal standard across Canada, whereas any American attempting to get the same level of degree would find themselves in a six-level system, meaning that you only get the highest level if you have the money to pay for it. Somebody like me would not be earning the same education in the US.

And quite frankly, it doesn't even matter what the national systems are because the education that I am getting is clearly not the standard, and we cover the reality of the situation. I'm not going to bother getting into details about my own education, but I can tell that I definitely scored with what I stumbled into.

And really, I shouldn't even have to explain myself. The fact that I am able to hold up such arguments through realist arguments, whereas most people are forced to fall back on ideology or fantasy, shows that I am already capable at what I am doing, just as I was trained and raised to be. It's not as if I suddenly jumped on the strategically-minded path when I started going to university- I've been on it my whole life.

And quite frankly, I would be what you consider "working in the field" if my own military would have taken my application seriously. I busted ass to apply for my military career, spent years preparing and studying and thinking, and then when it came down to it, all they saw was some worthless punk who apparently fluked out on their testing and wasn't worth any more consideration. They didn't care about me because I didn't fit into their pathetic universal standard system for recruitment (meaning that they wanted stupid recruits who could easily be mentally controlled and manipulated- and its not like they would ever consider a common Canadian citizen like me to be an officer where I could maintain some degree of conscious thought either).

But enough about me.

I still don't agree with anything that you're saying. You have absolutely no proof for your claims, whereas I have seen a lot of records about US-Canadian military ties. We do not have such American weaponry here. We have not torn down all of the DEW network that was established during the Cold War- in fact, we've upgraded a lot of the sites specifically so we could compromise with American ambitions to place their weapons there instead. Plus we said no to US ABM system because, of various reasons, it was barely effective.

Not only is there no official system as you have suggested, but the ability to maintain it and keep it secret from political rivals of the current American bedfellow Harper regime would be immense to the point where if you already know it, then it would have already been a major scandal here.

Canada is not enemies, nor is it a major rival of Russia, in modern times. We have no intention of signaling our military response to them in such a way. Our formation of arctic brigades is enough to maintain sovereignty over our northern islands for now.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!? Not only was the music bad but what was going on with the puzzle or ANYTHING for that matter?

CANADA...and...THE UNITED STATES....are connected by BLOOD! People with families who live in both. It is near impossible to find a U.S. Family that does not have Canadian relatives and vice/versa.

If this video is someones concept that there is a RIFT between the U.S. and Canada....then they are VERY STUPID! The two countries are FREE so a person can say what is on their mind. There are Bad Apples in both countries as well as people who have different views....but as far as MILITARILY.....all our adversaries connect both countries in their threat assesments and with the exception of a few people in Quebec....and I have been all over Canada....Canada and the United States are AMERICANS...NORTH AMERICANS to be precise....but AMERICANS.

If any country were to attack any Canadian interest or territory....the U.S. would be there in a FLASH to help. An attack on LAW is considered an attack on the U.S.

It is true that some Canadians suffer from a Phobia of being considered the 51st state....but I have been all over Canada and have never EVER been asked if I was a U.S. Citizen. Unless you are part of the French Speaking one in the U.S. would know you were any different from any other U.S. Citizen.

I sometimes fly out to see a Red Sox game in Toronto....the people are very nice and even in the event when my team....the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup....there is a kinship that is always underneith....I may be from the U.S. and you maybe Canadian...but there is ALWAYS that feeling of KINSHIP. No other two countries in the WORLD have this even as close as Great Brittan is to the U.S. and Canada...the U.S./Canadian bond goes far beyond politics or Military relationships or anything else....we are BLOOD. There is no bond greater.
Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

This is what I mean about what people are told and what the REALITY of an issue. I am in a position...and this information is not secret in any is just not discussed much for obvious deep Military Integration between Canada and the U.S. Militaries runs. It is immense.

Any Russian ICBM or Bomber or Cruise Missle launches from Bombers or Subs in the Arctic...must travel over Canadian Airspace. This fact alone makes Canada the front line of Defense as far as ABM's or the FEL. Any Bulls#!% that is said to be different is just what I said it is.

I have family that is Canadian as well as French Canadian....the latter has a very good sense of humor and was in the Canadian Military. This person was active during the early years of the Cold War when the U.S. had Massive in both power and number....Military Equipment and personel stationed all over Canada. At the time...HUGE Over the Horizon Radar Arrays were consructed as a way to detect CCCP Missle and Aircraft. The U.S. even had plans....which were toned down after a Huge Leap in Tech. in the development of Solid Fuel as this made U.S. Missles smaller and capable of immediate launch...where as the CCCP still were constructing GIGANTIC LIQUID FUELED MONSTERS....known as the R-7...the same missle they launched Sputnik into orbit.....the U.S. plans called for MOBILE NUCLEAR ICBMS...with solid fuel propellent to be moving around Canada.

When it was discovered that there WAS NO MISSLE GAP and the CCCP had only 10 ICBM's that were all liquid fueled and this took along time to fill....the U.S. Military dropped the Mobile ICBM plans. The R-7's were so large that it took over 24 hours just to fuel them up before a launch. The U.S. was a unbelievable technical leap infront of the then CCCP but we did not know this until we started flying U-2 Spy Missions over the CCCP.

Reguardless....since the R-7 and then R-7a were of such poor design...and they carried a 3 MEGATON SINGLE THERMONUCLEAR WARHEAD...the odds were 50/50 that these Nukes would hit Canada or the U.S. I think you can see how a 50% possibility of Canada being Nuked with a 3 MEGATON Warhead would allow the U.S. and Canada to cooperate in a very close integrated way.

Just so you know...a 3 Megaton Blast say airbursting over Calgary....would have enough radioactivity carried by the North American Wind patterns to kill 65% of all Canadians over time and at least a Million or two Americans depending on how low the Air Stream Dipped into Central U.S.

You talk to me as if I am some programmed Warmongering....Lecturer of Canadians. I am telling you what was REALITY not wishful thinking or things that you could burry your head in the sand about. These types of things are STILL going on to this day...and the only way to stop bad things from to be prepared and do what is necessary...even if some people think it is Imperialism.

I think it is a good thing that you have done something to better yourself on your merit. Please do not assume that I have not done the same and more...and although I lead a good life....I have ways that you could never understand unless you were there. THIS is your one failing....EXPERIENCING LIFE OF OTHERS IN THEIR COUNTRY IN THEIR REALITY! You cannot learn this from a book or from a have to go there. Only then will you get a true understanding of what is going on. And when you finally get this reality BURNED INTO YOUR MIND....THEN you will understand why I do what I do....and why other also do it....not for themselves....but for the people they have met with and ate and drank tea...and who are scared beyond understanding...yet they met us....because someone else...unlike you...tells them what they can or cannot eat or go or who to talk to or what to read or if a are not allowed to read at all or go to school.

See this in person....then talk to me about REALITY and what you are being taught. Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 12:07 AM

You talk to me as if I am some programmed Warmongering....Lecturer of Canadians. I am telling you what was REALITY not wishful thinking or things that you could burry your head in the sand about.

No actually I am talking to you as if you are an American who assumes that Canada is some annexed state of the USA and therefore you know more about my country than I do

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

You talk to me as if I am some programmed Warmongering....Lecturer of Canadians. I am telling you what was REALITY not wishful thinking or things that you could burry your head in the sand about.

No actually I am talking to you as if you are an American who assumes that Canada is some annexed state of the USA and therefore you know more about my country than I do

OK...this is not ment to be many Provinces have you been to?

And as it applies to this topic...what studies have you undertaken to be able to express any knowledge of Military Capabilities of China or the U.S. or Canada for that matter?

Remember...I am not trying to be mean...I just want to see and understand where you are coming from.
Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

You talk to me as if I am some programmed Warmongering....Lecturer of Canadians. I am telling you what was REALITY not wishful thinking or things that you could burry your head in the sand about.

No actually I am talking to you as if you are an American who assumes that Canada is some annexed state of the USA and therefore you know more about my country than I do

OK...this is not ment to be many Provinces have you been to?

And as it applies to this topic...what studies have you undertaken to be able to express any knowledge of Military Capabilities of China or the U.S. or Canada for that matter?

Remember...I am not trying to be mean...I just want to see and understand where you are coming from.
Split Infinity

What provinces have I been too? None of your business.

I don't get the point of your posts.

Just because we both happen to speak English, doesn't mean that we have the same mindsets or share the same cultural methods. Because we don't. We are two different people. I have my ways of thinking and doing things, and you have yours. You telling me that I am not up to your standards doesn't mean a damn thing because I don't belong to your grouping of standards.

And quite frankly, I have no interest in continuing this discussion any further. With the questions you ask, and the shoddy quality level of your strategic understanding, I wouldn't be surprised if your some spook sitting in a office in the basement of the Pentagon. So have fun questioning other people who care, because I don't

edit on 2-3-2012 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:10 AM
I've seen these videos 1,000 different times featuring 100 different armies.

Then I watch videos of the US military... and wonder why we haven't been invaded yet.
edit on 3/2/2012 by Adyta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Wow, impressive.

It can bleed so it can be killed....and we have Chuck Norris.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

It's a reply on the topic of emerging China and their marches of their post-Maoist armies, as shown in the video 'Visions of China' by early British New Wave group Japan. (Is this the future we are going towards? Ssylvian asked in 1980 metaphorically while playing some Eastern rhythms in British New Wave.)
There are some visual rhymes about Chinese culture and their supposed uniformity and what is behind. But it is poetic and metaphorical.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Canada, I assure you. I love and respect Canada, and know some people there personally, from movies and social commentaries. They are basically very cool.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.


posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I do not mean to insult you, I am just merely pointing out the obvious....

Are you really one of 'those people' who sees some videos of Chinese/ North Korean soldiers marching, and automatically come to the conclusion that this is all they train for and that they don't train to fight?

What planet are you all from?

I get a feeling Chinese/North Korean soldiers are legit (obviously not as legit as US soldiers are...)but if you honestly watch these videos, and then deem yourself worthy of having a knowledgeable opinion......

Are you serious?

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by SheopleNation

I don't see China taking back Taiwan by force. You have to win the hearts and minds of the people. A pro Beijing head of state would be the way to go for now. China is observant and learn through experience. She has Tibet but the people are protesting and bringing unsolicited attention to that region. The same goes for western China where they have the Uighur problem. But if you look at Hong Kong its different. I think the take over will be like HK a SAR (Self Autonomy Region). Problems and differences can be solved without the need to impose yourself militarily on others. They have been consistent here so far.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Your termination of our talks and your obvious lack of Experiences with People in other Countries never mind other Canadians living in different Provinces is at the Heart of my posts you say you don't understand and it pertains to THIS TOPIC.

The Topic is about a person who my doubt Chinas Might....yet you have said yourself you have never ventured anywhere. So by determine what is REALITY by what you read of see on the web or what another person including yur teachers...tells you what REALITY is.

I had no intention of insulting you or putting you in a specific BOX....what I WAS trying to do was let you know that there is no comparison or equivalent of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. This is how misunderstandings and even WARS break out....when one side thinks THIS...and the reality is something else.

In microcosm...our conversation reflects just that. It is unfortunate. It is also sad. Good Luck. Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi

I am a Musician and perhaps I over reacted! LOL! Anyways...I appreciated that you responded to my rant as I was incredulous as to what the heck was going on! LOL! I think it was the Guy singing in a Duran Duran voice style that sent me over the edge.

To make it clear to everyone...I KNOW as I have seen this with my own eyes....that China and it's people have a long and Proud History. Also GREAT FOOD....nothing like the take out crap we get here in the States....but an impressive diversity of food, people, Old and New intermix....if you ever get to go...go to these Herbal and animal part Healing Markets. They are family has a buisness in the Medical Field and some of the Chinese remedies are pure bunk but the shere quantity of items and with the one undesirabe exception of Rare Animal I find that a bit angering to a Guy like Myself who feels that Humans have a Duty to preserve endangered still was amazing.

The people are nice but there is always the undertone of Keeping Quiet when talking publicly or EVEN in is that ingrained in the Chinese Peoples consciousness....about anything to do about the Communist Party or Leadership. You will see alot of American Influence in just about everything....but the New...Hard Working Middle Class that has money....resents being treated as Children of the State....but to say so publicly is not recommended...and telephones and cells are all monitered.

China is not like North Korea...they want to ask you all sorts of questions and are very big on the NBA. Baseball is a growing interest and even Football to an extent. People are people everywhere unless they are Religiously intollerant. Not once was a discussion brought up about the U.S. and China as was always about Sports, Food, Do all Americans have Guns? Clint Eastwood....and American Movies as well as Music are AVATAR was a HUGE debate as the Chinese associated it with forced relocation of Rural Chinese people and villages over the YANGTZE RIVER DAM PROJECT. The Communist Government actually stopped showing the Non-3D version in local areas saying they were making room for the new Confucius Movie with Chow Yun-Fat....which is actually reversed in China as they present their Last Name First....Yun-Fat Chow.

The real reason for the Avatar Non-3D cancellation in Rural areas was because they don't have Theaters that can project the 3-D version of Avatar so allowing the regular Non-3-D was like not allowing people in the rural areas to see the movie at all which the Communist Party considered disruptive as Millions of Chinese compared it to Forced Relocation by their was a BIG DEAL. Split Infinity

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Adyta

US is separated from everyone by the Pacific and Atlantic ocean and the countries down south are not capable so sometimes I wonder why Americans are so paranoid and fearful of getting invaded. Its impossible to launch an invasion on US even by Russia or China. Invasion needs soldiers so tell me how to transport the hundreds of thousands over the pond. Nuke attack is a different scenario but who is gonna use that when it spells the death of all mankind. Enjoy your Starbucks coffee (incidentally its good) and live your life free from unfounded fears. Give peace a chance.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by EartOccupant
The guys at around 2:25 looks like a brigade of astronauts!

Blue suits, white strange helmets.

Space cadets

edit on 23-2-2012 by EartOccupant because: (no reason given)

I think they are and if I remember right the one in front row closet to the camera I think his name is Tang

Sorry, But any army with the will, idioligy and conviction to see orders carried out to the letter will be a force to be recound with.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:51 AM
China's strength doesnt lie with the military it is within what they can bring of benefit to the world. Each Nation imho has its own strength or positive piece, but the problem seems that the leaders would prefer these strengths to use in wars.

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