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Dalai Lama Consults Trance Channeled Entities! Rare Video

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posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

the Pope has a big trance hat too.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
...Looking at the headdresses brought a question to mind: are what we see in ancient carvings of what have been described as "war helmets" actually ceremonial headdresses? What is their function? It's not for show as they wear in them in private ceremonies. Do they somehow facilitate the process of mediums/oracles? Are they gateways to allow consciousness to flow from and into ourselves? This film has me wondering.

That's a great observation. Totally escaped me until you mentioned it.

It does bring to mind the universality of the headdress in carvings & reliefs that span the globe from Egypt to South America. Not to mention the elaborate regalia worn by pretty much all "ritual" practitioners.

And even, as earthdude pointed out, the Pope! I think y'all are on to something.

I wonder if the material making up these headdresses contain any metallic material? I'll refrain from any tinfoil hat comments.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by The GUT

It looks like they put it on right after he goes in to trance. Psychic safety helmet?

It appeared to be made of brass with semi-precious stones inlaid (crystal power).
Big hats seem to be the hallmark of kings and priests but I think they are less functional and more decorative to make the person look taller, more important etc.
Orthodox jews will wear something with a block on the front (origin of "blockhead"? - Charlie Brown).
I'm just listing a few head ornaments that come to mind here - also Lakota chiefs who wear the headdress with many eagle feathers.
The old form vs function argument. At least it's an alternate explanation for space helmets (think UFO guru Greek hair guy).
I really do appreciate all the interesting things you post Gut. Without ATS my mind would rot with boredom.

One more thing - the Tibetans blowing horns had the tall, yellow crested hats. They look remarkably similar to hats of traditional Hawaiian royalty.
edit on 23-2-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 03:55 PM
Nothing that can not be done by anyone on drugs. These people crack me up. All they do is get high and summon demons or just act like they are. Either way there is nothing good about it.

True possession does not look like what these people are faking. When they start bending limbs backwards, start speaking in Ancient languages that has not been heard for 10,000 years and start levitating let me know.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 03:56 PM
hats are very symbolic. even buddhist sections are divided into this hat or the other hat (yellow, red, black and white). they are very antagonistic towards each other. it’s almost as if the hats are signs of threats. the bigger the more authority they demand. like raising your voice. (in general over all cultures)

i can attest the comments in the video fully. once i was lucky to hear of one of these truly kept secret until the last few minutes performances of the DL’s oracle. more than the oracle itself i was amazed with the belief people displayed. what a strange energy of want and doubt and fear and obedience it was.

I was very surprised to hear the dorje shugden affair being mentioned in the video. that is an episode the DL and his followers like to keep very hidden from the western followers. but the core of the gelukpa is extremely shaken by this.

you have to dig deeper than this link to understand the full events.

maybe it is a good sign though that the DL gets into the open with this.
imagine tibetan buddhism and openness and honesty would be synonymous

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by bestintentions

Wow, great commentary, Thanks.

Sounds like we could learn a lot from you about the subject. Where are you at these days on your experience with Buddhism?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Just wanted to say I can relate... having my own personal extraordinary experiences, I am the last one to dismiss that which we do not see. I am grounded and a believer in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit... so powerful, loving, healing and wonderful. Only thanks given by me to Him and All that Is... whatever it may be. The journey continues.


posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 04:26 PM
It seems the frontal lobe is turned on high durring these states, this could explain the violent looking behaviour. The hat may serve as a sort of insulator, and it is the icing on the cake as far as adornments.Would a powerful and benevolent spirit seem demonic on earth?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by The GUT


Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Looking at the headdresses brought a question to mind: are what we see in ancient carvings of what have been described as "war helmets" actually ceremonial headdresses? What is their function? It's not for show as they wear in them in private ceremonies. Do they somehow facilitate the process of mediums/oracles? Are they gateways to allow consciousness to flow from and into ourselves?

Something I have recently been reading about when time permits is about the psychoacoustic resonance of ancient headdresses, helmets and instruments to stimulate kundalini energy. Could this be the conduit that allows the oracle to focus the channeled energy into the body?

Not saying this is the case here but interesting nonetheless.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:03 PM
They certainly have some function other than ceremonial imo.

The Oracle of Nechung

"When he had gone into a trance, a huge bonnet weighing eighty to ninety pounds was lowered onto his head. It was actually a tall headdress built on an iron base. I twas decorated with peacock feathers, cock feathers, and vulture feathers (especially the fluffy feathers from the legs of the vultures-but when these were not available, cotton was substituted), gold, precious stones and in the center of the crown, an odd piece of red glass said to have an unearthly glow when the oracle was in a full trance....

90 pound! That's 40 kilos! Some weight to have on your head!

Some more interesting reading about the state oracle

Each part of this costume: the robes, the headdress, weighs a considerable amount. As mentioned above, the helmet weighs around thirty pounds. The robes themselves weigh over one hundred pounds. (Avedon, 1997 p192)...
That means the Kuten is supporting approximately one hundred and thirty pounds of extra weight when he is in trance ...

In order to reach the level of trance in which the deity is able to achieve complete control of the medium and transmit his message clearly, the medium has to make sure that,
"the 72,000 psychic channels upon which, according to tantric theory, consciousness is mounted in the human body [are] clear of all obstructions."

And here's a groovy one
I wonder what it sold for?

Thanks for the thread
I find it intriguing.

edit on 23/2/2012 by Netties Hermit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Netties Hermit
Great input Netties! I'm deep into your heads-up about the psychoacoustics now.

I wish I could imbed the pic of the headdress from your link above but the new beta uploader doesn't work for me. That's a pretty serious piece of work and rather mysterious as well.

The weight of the ritualistic gear is fascinating too, you're right...there must be a reason for it. Although the idea did occur to me that these oracles in their possessed state are so strong, the monks figure that the more they weigh them down the easier they are to handle.

I look forward to more of your input here or elsewhere on the boards.

edit on 23-2-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Buddhists do not practice philosophy, they practice methods of waking up.
edit on 23-2-2012 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Visitor2012
Buddhists do not practice philosophy, they practice methods of waking up.
edit on 23-2-2012 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)
Well excuse moi. It that the way the Dalai Lama--or any other recognized Buddhist teacher--defines it, or is that your own interpretation? Is Spirit worship, then, a Religion of waking up?

Wouldn't one be practicing a Philosophy in following a prescribed tenet of "waking up?"

Two more questions, mebbe three depending on your next answer:

What distinguishes the Buddhist awakening from any other non-specific claim of the "enlightenment" sort?

Are you "awake" because of Buddhism?

If so, can you give me any real-world example from your life of how this awakening leads to a superior existence?

Note; I use the word "superior" only to denote the difference in the aware and unaware state.

edit on 23-2-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by AussieAmandaC
Ahoy Matey.
Interesting experience you had and that whole vibration experience seems to be attached to the "real thing" in reports and literature.

The Astral travelers also mention body vibration before the disconnection of body and consciousness.

Had you, prior to your experience, been involved in anything that we might term "shamanistic" practices?

Glad you got your balance back.

Yeah we'll see about the balance bit later, I don't think it's over yet....

No I haven't, and honestly I had to look that up to know what it even means really, shamanistic.
But it's a perfect fit and confirmation from me this exists and is correct and is being used, I felt it, both sides.

I have never dabbled in either white or dark and this includes all religions and wica or the like. I had a healthy fear and was cautious about myself and what I believe, because I've always had questions, always. I'm sure I'm not alone.

I was pretty stupid on new years eve declaring, with ego to my husband, I was going to discover the secrets of the universe.
(Take note: Unless you really really want to know don't throw it out there! Because you have to go through yourself first, so sort out your closets.)
I was confidently excited that I could, even so, since the weeks preceding this I was able to understand certain things better, I didn't have to think about it or re-read it, I just knew it. Then my mind would fill in the gaps, like it was a given. It was pretty exciting to begin with. Felt like the secret was on the tip of my tongue.

I was dizzy when it hit me the most, coupled with the vibrations and it comes in waves and with it the thoughts that follow. Much the same as when I slip under the layer which allows me to see when I'm at rest. Mostly that's colours and some pictures, sometimes faces, amazing faces though and until this experience never conversation.........diabolical mind, like a puzzle that traps you in yourself.
I perceived what I thought was the beginning, and I know how we ended up the way we are and where we're going to next, a possible outcome perhaps, I still have questions there too.

My person was attacked first, but I did ask for it, then systematically my family and home, which never occurred to me I'm sorry to say.
I was told to rely on no one, and this was true when I did try to get help from friends and the local indigenous elders. I could see/tell who could hear me and who could not, their own shadows prevented dialogue.
The magic exists but to use it opens yourself to all of the shadows, and if you have some yourself, you are very weak against it.
I guess I wanted help protecting myself and my family but in the end it seemed to just come to me.
It was only after my own shadows forced me to 'walk' and what I discovered on the walk, that I was able to protect myself being pulled from bellow and above, I didn't know which one was worse to tell you the truth, not at the time.
Those shadows wanted me to kill myself, no word of a lie, with an "It's easy!" attitude.
Now if you know me, you know I would never suicide ever. It's not that I haven't thought about it but I have beautiful children and a wonderful husband living in paradise, so I was not depressed or down or even thinking about killing myself.
It was like crawling back from the brink of the most foetid putrid pit of sludge and stink of decay, and truly I smelt like it too. It was a sisters reassurance which saved me, (which expanded to become mothers, sisters and daughters and their eternal sacrifice) and it was a battle.
There was beauty in the bog because without it nothing goes back whereto where it comes from. There was a connection to the earth and the energy in all things.
I was reassured that provided I respected man law and mother law (Oh yes! There's a Mother Law indeed) then nothing could touch myself or my family I used this mantra around our house, also that I had all the time I wanted here, as it's always been my choice.

A very short account of the most amazing experience of my life, next to birth of course but even that enhanced after my re education.

Everything is different after that

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Thanks. It's ahh - kinda been a hobby/research thing of mine for a little while now.

And yeah - I can't get the picture uploading to work for either atm.

The weight of the ritualistic gear is fascinating too, you're right...there must be a reason for it. Although the idea did occur to me that these oracles in their possessed state are so strong, the monks figure that the more they weigh them down the easier they are to handle.

lol indeed - I never thought of it that way.
I did read somewhere that this is how they know the medium is deep in his trance and the oracle has entered his body, as the weight of the outfit, harness & headress would otherwise be almost impossible for him to walk in, let alone dance and swing the head around.
So, not sure if this is reason for the weight of the gear.
Trying to find where I read this ... or was it in the video?
I can't remember.

edit on 23/2/2012 by Netties Hermit because: too much time spent on google today

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by The GUT

you’re so kind ! but, please don’t get me started on the subject…………………. it’s vast. too vast.

but, well, I try to keep it short, the other interesting bit that I’m surprised to have heard mention in the video is the true history of how padmasambhava conquered the for centuries unbendable bön (the belief system in tibet prior to buddhism) deities into submission. kind of letting them live but half imprisoned. as long as they would not be against buddhist doctrines and uphold the dharma, which supposedly is a big honour.

all a political arrangement of course because the tibetan king of that time was losing power to the bön shaman priests who of course were shameless in their privilege. those bön mountain gods, goddesses and their shamans were (and are imo) too cunning for untrained and indian (where buddhism came from) minds even as clever as padmakara and it is interesting to observe how 'shamanistic' tibetan buddhism is and how ‘buddhist’ bön faith turned into and who really ruled feudalistic tibet to the end.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

i followed your narrative with spellbound interest.

It was a sisters reassurance which saved me, (which expanded to become mothers, sisters and daughters and their eternal sacrifice) and it was a battle.

could you please please elaborate on this, if it is not too personal ?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by bestintentions
reply to post by The GUT

you’re so kind ! but, please don’t get me started on the subject…………………. it’s vast. too vast....

Yeah, I'm just starting to get a feel for the complexity of the subject.

So, and correct me if I'm wrong, Buddhism of the Tibetan variety anyway, is significantly about the spirit world.

Either venerating them, consulting and learning from them, or even battling various entities into submission?

And after reading your above link and your commentary/analysis, you suggest the bon mountain entities basically subverted the Tibetan Buddhist thrust for their own ends?

That is fascinating if I understand you correctly and after watching the film, I do have to wonder just who it is that's really in control: The monks or the spirits?

So many western folk like to say they're Buddhist...but methinks, now, that many of them are just armchair babblers doing some meditation-lite.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I hope this isn't too off topic. I'm not an artist, but I've been trying to do some art lately. When it works best, I get into a passive observant state of mind where I'm watching the art make itself. I'm sure that's very common.

So how is that different from being possessed really?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Buddhism of the Tibetan variety anyway, is significantly about the spirit world.

i’ve seen just as many shinto relics alive in japan
and in korea i’ve seen hardly any temple (if any) without dedications to a sanshin or what not of times when people were so much more reverent toward animism
china is quite bare of old symbols since the cultural revolution but not of ancestral worship in the heart of the people
shamanism is growing in mongolia
all in all i think that westerners can only grasp the extent of buddhism by understanding more of how asian minds tick. red and white always just makes pink.

and of course there is more to meditation than buddhism

however i do find the tactics fascinating how masters send pupils into caves to contemplate on silly little phrases finding how everything fits with everything but really there is nothing to it and leave them the masters with ample time to…………..
some stay monks forever and others advance to influential lamas. even the DL is a puppet in the hands of some lamas, a humble monk as he calls himself

that’s why the shugden affair is so unheard of. the 14th ocean teacher might be revolutionary despite of his methods. i find it rather significant though that he (or his superiors?) did not go through with his announcement that he will not incarnate anymore. the masses just could not do with that change. now, is that true compassion or weakness on behalf of the ocean teacher ?

i reckon that’s what happens when one does not understand LOVE properly.
but, oops, i’m getting carried away…………..

just who it is that's really in control: The monks or the spirits?

we might never never know
…………………whether there is a difference
2=1 1=0
in our reality anyway ?
the only reality we can truly observe
we are still lacking the key
too much is speculation

Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Hua Hu Ching, Verse 52: Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear. Integral awareness is fluid and adaptable, present in all places and at all times. That is true meditation. Who can attain clarity and simplicity by avoiding the world?

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