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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: veracity

There are definite common types of people who experience poltergeists. Some like them, some don't, but all of them I've personally witnessed or investigated have been caused by extremely heightened emotional states by a specific individual.

Another example: a friend once brought me by her grandmother's friend's house to witness the pot-throwing poltergeist. The woman was a widow and from Mexico originally, but had married and raised her family in the States. Her eldest child had just decided to move to Mexico, which filled her both with loneliness and dread that he might face the same circumstances that had made her emigrate. Shortly after he moved out, pots and pans started flying around the kitchen anytime she thought of him or someone mentioned him. She believed it to be her dead daughter, angry at her son for leaving. I believed differently. She was on her own quite upset enough for both herself and her dead daughter, and she wasn't putting the emotional energy anywhere. I noticed various candles and incensio that smacked of brujeria, so anything she may have been doing to alleviate the situation was likely worsening it. However, she rather loved the poltergeist, so I wasn't about to tell her that if she started going to bridge night again instead of praying to the Saints to bring her son back from Mexico, things might get a little easier.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: NotEntirelyEvilSpock

she liked to posts being thrown?

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: veracity

She thought it was her dead daughter. It could have set her house on fire and she'd have had affection for it.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: NotEntirelyEvilSpock

Welcome to the thread, NEES. May I call you NEES for short?

Yes, puberty has a way of birthing a poltergeist when a teen (or whomever causes it) holds emotions inside.
They start out faint, but over time they can manifest into a Being all their own.

As you said, meditation is good, and over time the poltergeist will lose it's energy and disappear. It's always better to catch them before they ramp up to the level of being a separate entity.

Thanks for stopping in and sharing with us.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: NotEntirelyEvilSpock

That's what I thought

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: NotEntirelyEvilSpock

I agree. I believe most poltergeist activity is caused by the individual(s) experiencing it or someone within the vicinity and not spirits.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: sled735

Indeed I'm pleased to post, this is probably the largest single compilation of detailed first-hand paranormal experiences I've ever seen. It would take me years to comb through it.

NEES, Spock, hey you, etc, I answer to anything.

posted on Dec, 23 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: NotEntirelyEvilSpock
a reply to: sled735

Indeed I'm pleased to post, this is probably the largest single compilation of detailed first-hand paranormal experiences I've ever seen. It would take me years to comb through it.

NEES, Spock, hey you, etc, I answer to anything.

Yes. I have had many compliments on keeping it going for so long, and with little to no ridicule. It has become "the place to come to" for those who have paranormal experiences to share without fear of judgement. It has slowed down, but it still keeps on ticking, just like the energizer bunny.

There are so many mind-blowing stories in this thread that will be skipped over because they are in the middle somewhere, and that is the only bad thing about the thread continuing for so long.

Oh a more positive note, if anyone is obsessed about reading paranormal (true) stories, they just landed in "Heaven" here.

posted on Dec, 30 2016 @ 11:10 PM
I'm watching tv shows on the history channel talking about possible doomsday scenarios or the end of the world. Suddenly I remembered a dream where I was the only one seeing someone I call Death but I remember in my dream I got too close and suddenly transformed and became Death. Death wanted to retire. I thought maybe I had that dream because I once read a book about someone planning to commit suicide but at the last moment, he saw death coming for him and stabbed Death and he became Death. Then he had to travel around and guide souls out of their bodies into the afterlife.

I once imagined I saw death. I can't remember anymore if Death was riding a horse in the sky or just flying. Death was not alone in my dream or vision. I previously posted information on my dream or vision. It turned out to be a tornado approaching the house I was in. I was attempting to sleep but over half my life at the time flashed through my head before I had the dream or vision. I previously stated it was a dream but I was awake and seeing or imagining something else while trying to sleep. The wall started shaking and I heard a rumble so I don't think I was sleeping. I started praying because I didn't want to go yet. Then I imagined a giant hand was placed over the entire roof of the house.

The tornado didn't cause any damage to the house but went right over the roof snapping a two or three foot diameter pine off at the end of the house at roof level. A pine tree with 4 or 5 inch diameter branches overhanging most of the roof within a few feet of the roof got shaved off at the trunk of the pine tree. All branches on the house side were gone.

Across the street two large diameter pine trees maybe 3 feet in diameter each got snapped off just above the ground and stuffed upside down in the ground like a giant toothpick. The trees were inverted and standing upside down.

This is all old stuff from years ago for me but thought I would share again since the tv show made me remember all this.

edit on 30/12/16 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

Good to see you're still with us Orion.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say "Happy New Year" to everyone who has contributed to this thread to make it the best paranormal read on the internet!

HIP-HIP, HOORAY! CHEERS! (Raises glass for toast)

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 01:19 PM
Happy New Year!

This year is starting off good. It's Monday and I'm still on vacation.

I do feel sad that not everyone overseas started the year off well. There's too much violence and hate in this world. I heard about the violence in Turkey. I just don't understand why the perpetrators believe anything will end up better for themselves or others doing all their evil. I suppose their only intent is to do evil and hurt as many people as possible. That is just evil and I am aware there are a lot of naive people here in the US that believe evil is not real.

Well anyway, happy new year. Most of us like a reason to celebrate something and hope for better times.

I believe I experienced evil in a dream so I do understand evil enjoys hurting others. If evil people didn't enjoy being evil, I think we would have a lot more peace on earth. If you hurt others and don't enjoy it, you may not be evil but you are working for the wrong side.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 05:18 PM
Not necessarily paranormal but weird and I figured I'd share since there's a bit of a lull.
I woke up randomly the other night then immediately my power went off... It was so strange. So the questions is, did I wake in anticipation of the power going out... or was it just a noise prior to the power going off that woke me up? It wasn't thunderstorming or anything.

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: Rinella
Not necessarily paranormal but weird and I figured I'd share since there's a bit of a lull.
I woke up randomly the other night then immediately my power went off... It was so strange. So the questions is, did I wake in anticipation of the power going out... or was it just a noise prior to the power going off that woke me up? It wasn't thunderstorming or anything.

If there was a power surge before it went off, it could have affected your electrical body (aura), and caused you to wake up. That's the rational explanation.

Did you learn why the power went out? Was it just in your house, or the entire block/neighborhood?

If just your house, then it could have been paranormal. I don't know why the ghosts would want you to wake up, unless there was something that needed to be fixed after the power outage. Maybe they didn't want your alarm to not work and cause you to be late for work. LOL

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: sled735

It was the area from what I could tell. I don't think it was ghostly... More like a precognitive thing... But yeah, more than likely maybe a surge but the timing of it was weird. It was dead silent when I woke up but then immediately, boom... Everything went off and I was left in the dark. (not cool) Work was rough that day. lol (didn't get much sleep)

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 02:31 PM

How's everyone doing?

Things have been quite here lately. Surely the ghosts haven't gone into hiding?!

Anyone have any updates, or new stories to share?

Not much going on in my house lately either, but my girlfriend who works at a haunted location said things have really gotten active there since a fellow co-worker died.
She said that just the other day, some loud footsteps were heard in the hallway, but no one was there. Others heard them to, so it wasn't just her. There have been many other things, like shadows, etc., but I forget the details now.

She seems to think that the man who used to haunt the lobby is gone now that she used to write about, due to no activity in such a long time. Hopefully, he has found his way to the other side.

She used to update us here on this thread, but she hasn't had internet in a few years to continue. Her name is Scribe611, if you remember seeing any of her earlier posts.

I miss a lot of members that used to share here. If any of you see this, please stop in and say hello just to let us know how you're doing.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: sled735

Hey! I saw another fairy

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: veracity

How exciting! Tell us all about it.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 05:18 PM
I don't have many experiences anymore. I've been experiencing a lot of synchronicities lately though...
A weird thing did happen on Saturday but I'm not really sure what to think of it. (probably nothing) I woke up really early for no reason this passed Saturday at 8am. That is extremely early for me as I am a night person so I'm usually up fairly late and sleep in til around noon on the weekends. I couldn't go back to sleep so I stayed awake for a couple of hours then did manage to take a little nap around 10 am. It was a weird sleep though. I was like I was in/out of sleep. I wouldn't say it's an out of body experience but it acted like what it's described to be. I was (this is going to be really weird) basically being fondled by an unseen force in the dream. This isn't totally uncommon to me. Sometimes I have trouble visualizing certain aspects in a dream... what WAS odd is that every now and then I'd hear an almost growl... which I didn't like... and I felt like my spirit was trying to be pulled from my body. (a very weird sensation) It felt extremely real to the point where I had to keep waking myself up... but then when I'd quickly fall back asleep, it just continued happening. So I don't know if that was an "Incubus" or just a really weird dream but it finally did stop happening when I changed sleeping positions. This has never happened to me before and the growling definitely unsettled me.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Rinella

For sure, hearing growling would be unnerving!

You could have been about to have an OBE; sounds like it.
I've heard many people say that the darkness we face the first time we have an OBE is the dark forces inside ourselves that we need to overcome. It's like these "things" are there as a lesson that we have to make it through in order to get to the better side. I don't know how true that is, but a lot of people have said that.

A friend of mine said he saw a big black shadow figure standing at the end of his bed during his first OBE. He said he approached it with curiosity instead of fear, and when he reached out to touch it, it vanished. After that, he had some amazingly beautiful OBEs flying all over the universe.

I don't know that I would be brave enough to reach out and try to touch a shadow figure, so I'll leave the OBEs up to my guides to come and get me during sleep when they want to communicate with me. LOL

If you felt you were being fondled, it very well could have been an Incubus. Not good!
Next time, if there is a next time, ask your guides and angels to come protect you, and then BELIEVE that they will.
They will come, I promise.
The only reason they wouldn't come is if you need to experience something so you can grow in spiritual awareness... like a soul lesson you need to pass. They can't/won't stand in the way of your progressing to a higher level.
If this truly is an Incubus, they will come protect you if you ask. If they don't, it's something inside you that you need to overcome.

Hopefully, this won't happen again. Keep me/us updated.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 11:58 AM
The only reason I don't think it was an OBE, is because the inside of my room didn't look normal. I don't know what you're supposed to see when you're having one, but even in the dreams I have where I'm a spirit... when my body feels different (it feels like a heavy weight or a pull) my surroundings never look as they should, so I know it's not real.
The incubus thing was just weird. I wasn't really scared until I heard growling. However, my cat does snore so I'm thinking it could have been her too. She lays right next to me.
I just wanted to share because it was odd and for something to discuss. Like I said before, I don't have many experiences of any sort anymore so I kind of have to take what I get.

edit on 18-1-2017 by Rinella because: clarity

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