The UFO and ET one I figured I'd do here so it's separate...
The ET... still creeps me out because I didn't even know what it was when I saw it... but upon researching years later and piecing everything
together... there are too many similarities to "them" to ignore.
So, it was summer vacation and my best friend was sleeping over. We were on the sectional couch in the living room. She was on the side under the
window to the porch and I was on the other. I, as usual, couldn't sleep and was just tossing and turning. Well, something brought my attention to the
porch light. I noticed that it was left on and I was contemplating getting up and turning it off. I really did not want to because I am lazy. Well,
while I was doing that, I noticed a figure walking past the porch window. Mind you, we were at the duplex I mentioned on the other story and on the
second floor. There was no conventional way for someone to get up there. It was 3-4 feet tall... no discernible hair and the head was slightly large.
The curtains were closed so all I saw was the shadow it cast... but it was walking to the left, which was towards the entry point to where we were. It
walked very slowly and somewhat robotic now that I think back on it. I was too scared to really do much of anything. I looked at my friend to see if
by some miracle she was awake but she wasn't. The figure kept moving slowly and when it reached the wall, I could no longer see it... which was kind
of more unsettling than seeing it... From there I don't know what happened... It's odd... but I just can't remember. Now, for the longest time I
thought it was a ghost... the ghost of a child because I had seen apparitions there already. However, this thing was solid as it was casting a shadow
on the curtain/window. Also... it had no hair... I thought for a moment that it may have been a "grey" but discarded it because for some reason at the
time, I thought they were taller. Then years later, I was reading a book and it indicated that the being I saw was the same height as the standard
grey and fit the description. On top of that, there are other things I've experienced that coincide... such as the UFO.
The UFO I saw when I was about 16. I would take walks at night with my Discman for exercise and because I found it relaxing. Well, I was on the way
back to the house, 2 streets over when I looked up and noticed how clear the night's sky was. I was admiring the view when I noticed a bright object.
I thought it was a star... but the moment that I thought to myself that it was very bright to be a star... it started moving... So then I thought to
myself that it must be a plane... The object then started moving in a way that airplanes cannot. So then I said, well it has to be a helicopter... We
did have a hospital nearby. Then the object started darting around faster than any aircraft I've ever seen or heard of... Then I thought to myself
that I had no clue WTF it was... and at that moment, it shot off to the left (which is North, I believe) and my music blasted into my ears, scaring
the crap out of me. I hadn't noticed but the entire time I was observing this thing, my music stopped. I was just too in awe with the object to
notice. It was just so surreal... I felt like it was responding to my thoughts... because the whole time I was trying to figure out what it was, it
would perform an action to discredit whatever thought I had. I also just felt that it was aware of me... It's weird... and I had never seen anything
like it before or after, unfortunately. I actually (unlike most of my paranormal experiences) really enjoyed that moment. It wasn't unsettling in
anyway. It was fascinating. I can't say it was an alien craft or anything because all it was was a light... but it was a UFO by the technical term. I
have no clue what it was but it seemed to be pretty far away.
Other experiences that may have been tied with ET:
My brother claims to have seen "people" in silver uniforms scanning our front yard with long silver rod-like instruments. He said they looked like
"us" but with slightly larger eyes. (he was in the front attic room when he saw them on the front lawn)
At the same house where my brother claims to have seen the "people"... I experienced something unsettling in the room we shared. Since my brother and
I were still fairly young at the time (I was like 10), we shared a room. It's hard to describe but basically we had this door in the room that looked
like a closet door but it was the door that led to the attic. Anyway, I was having trouble sleeping (notice a theme?) and while tossing and turning,
at some point I noticed a light emanating from under the attic landing door. There was a draw string light at the landing that sometimes my brother or
I would forget to turn off. So I jumped down, about to turn the light off because otherwise, my dad would scold us... and when I opened the door, it
was pitch black... No light.
One of the most unsettling possibly ET-related things happened only a few years ago. Admittedly, once I hit about 23 years or so old, I almost
completely stopped having paranormal experiences. However, about 3 or so years ago, I was trying to take a nap during the day. I have fairly bad
sleeping issues and sometimes have to take sleep when I can get it. Now, I have this thing where I need windows covered. I don't like to see out of
them, especially when it's dark. However, it was during the day and while it wasn't sunny... it was overcast but with enough light to keep the room
somewhat illuminated. So I left the window blinds open so my room would be somewhat lit. (I don't sleep in the dark, ever... and this incident was the
last straw that made me sleep with an actual light on) I also decided to lay on the opposite side of the bed thinking maybe I'd have better luck
sleeping that way. (another thing I will never do again) As I was tossing and turning, mind you I was wide awake... not in and out of sleep etc...
Something made me open my eyes... and on the wall I was facing, I saw the shadow of a large head... I jumped instantly and looked behind me... but of
course there was nothing there. I immediately turned the lights on and I don't think I was able to sleep... But whatever was behind me, casting the
shadow (due to the placement on the wall) must have been leaning over directly behind me... It scares me to even think about it...
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14-12-2016 by Rinella because: (no reason given)
edit on 14-12-2016 by Rinella because: dyslexia