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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Nov, 27 2016 @ 12:52 AM
Heres an interesting little story for anyone who is interested in demonic influence and knows of references to the bible.

This story is about my best friends brother. His name is chaske, a young native boy who was a year older than me, I believe grew up on the reservation, and then moved into my small Midwest town around high school age, I spent a great deal of time in his present (unfortunately). Chaske was very a very violent and angry kid, he often would just hit one of us, or threaten us. My best friend told me that Chaske had an imaginary friend growing up, and that he would often to thinks/take suggestions from this friend. I learned that this friends name was GOG, and that he looked like a man with blue skin, who would usually sit in a tree calling down to Chaske.

My friend said that after some quick research he saw that GOG was the name of a demon with blue skin, I did some googling but I havnt found anything to support that theory, only something from comic books. However I did find mention of a Demonic entity in the bible named GOG.

So on chaske- he got more and more violent until he was a young adult, he spent some time in a delinquent center for threatening his girlfriend. He got into gang violence and local thug problems until he finally went over the edge and stabbed a man to death. Chaske lost control and stabbed the man 70+ times, he was sentenced to life in prison.

So I pose a few questions, Do you think that this "gog" could be in reference to a demonic entity? and if so-

do you think that this intity may have influenced Chaske and added to, or perhaps caused his violent behavior?

has anyone else ever hear of a demon/entity called gog?

side note- I hope you guys don't mind me blowing up the thread lately, I just have a lot to share.
hopefully I can tell a few more stories from my friends in the next few days.

posted on Nov, 28 2016 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Kittor

Great stories Kittor.

I don't blame your friend for moving out of that place! I would have been gone when the microwave kept running without being plugged in!

I've had strange experiences in the bathroom when I was staying at a large facility for training. It was late at night and everyone was in bed when I had to "go".
The room had several stalls and three sinks. As I was "taking care of business" I heard a noise in the stall beside me, then the door opened and closed back by itself. I had looked under the doors when I first went in just to see if anyone else was in there. No one was. I could see through that little crack in the door and tell no one left the stall, but there was a lot of noise! My hair raised on my arms and I hurried and got out of there!
There was a rumor that some people had seen a little girl ghost roaming the halls sometimes at night.
I don't like "little girl ghosts" because they can be a demon trying to trick people.

The post about your friend being possessed by a demon sounds spot on to me. I have never heard of GOG, but I have some demomologist friends I can ask, if you would like?
Too bad he didn't get help to get rid of it before it ruined his life! I wonder if he ever played with a spirit board or did some kind of ritual as a child that made this demon attach itself to him?

Thanks for the stories. I look forward to more.

posted on Nov, 28 2016 @ 07:36 PM
thanks sled!

I have never been scared in the hospital until that night, i was already on edge because the guys had been talking about seeing ghosts in the halls. I said that's dumb i have never felt scared or seen anything, and then this happens. I guess maybe it might be a case of seeing what i expect to see- after being told the ghost stories.

Also now that you mention the spirit board it makes me think of something that happened to an old friend of mine.

Her name was Elizabeth, and she was obsessed with paranormal. She always wanted to go to creepy places and try and talk to spirits, IE: the graveyard, anyplace she thought was haunted, always used spirit boards to try and talk to things. I would never be around it, I always distance myself from trying to speak with the paranormal, I prefer to hear stories. So eventually I heard tell that she and her roommate had seen something happen in her trailer, and that no one would go into the back room, and other visitors stopped going to her place.

Elizabeth on the other hand tried to speak with it and would go into the back room frequently trying to communicate. I don't know exactly what happened from here, but me and my close friends believe she was possessed by something. In the book "hostage to the devil" there's a short story called "Zio's friend and the Smiler" it is about a girl who is "befriended" by an entity, and it eventually takes over her body. I came back from the military after 4 years and noticed a great change in Liz, and it immediately reminded me of the story. She had stopped taking care of herself, insofar as to stop bathing, stop working, stopped paying her bills, and just sat at home alone all day. She has nothing in her trailer, and prefers to keep to herself, the one time I ran into her she attacked me physically with no provocation. It was a chance meeting in public, and the police were called, we were both given citations, and she just laughed maniacally like it was the funniest thing in the world.

The doctors say it is a thyroid condition, we a convinced it is something else, she has turned into a completely different person, and there's just a feeling about her that makes me uneasy.

posted on Nov, 29 2016 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Kittor

Oh Man! Yeah, stay away from her. If you ever do see her again, ask if she wants to get rid of the entity that has overtaken her and see what she says.


Maybe that's not such a good idea!

posted on Nov, 29 2016 @ 10:50 PM
I haven't seen her since she got us in trouble with the police, I was very angry with her. It's been since 2008 but I heard that she hasn't changed. I wonder what she would do if I handed her a crucifix or something of the sort. In the book hostage to the devil the girl who is possessed falls on the floor and starts twitching when she is secretly touched by a holy item. It was written by a priest who had inside knowledge on exorcisms in America, and is supposed to be 5 true stories, including the famous story from the exorcist movie. But you never know...

Here's the biggest case that I ever heard of, its all the stories I was told from a close friend I met in the army. He experienced everything with his brother who was one year younger, they grew up together. He said that as far back as he could remember he and his brother would wake up and see a dark shape standing at the foot of their bed, and that they would hide under the blankets until it would go away. As they got older this continued, and eventually progressed to things moving, the faucets turning on, and the doors slamming. They lived with this their entire childhood, and he said that eventually they would yell at it to go away, and that seemed to help.

At the height of their experiences they were 18 and 19, living in a small town nearby where they grow up. The town they moved to was called "dune" and it is a known center of spiritual activity in the area, people say it was built on top of an ancient burial ground. I was told that in this new house haunting would happen frequently, and it progressed to instances of sleep paralysis, and the feeling of being shaken awake. At one point my friend was awaken by something grabbing him by the face and pulling him from the bed. One night they had friends over and someone stayed in the room with them, so there were three people sleeping in the same room. The friend woke them in a panic pointing to a dark figure standing in the corner by the foot of the bed. My friend yelled at it to go away, it swooped across the room, took a 90 degree turn, swooped across the room in the other direction into the closet, and then slammed the door as it entered. The friend left immediately and would not return to the house.

They could not understand the increase of activity in the house, until they searched the attic. And this is corny and unbelievable but it is what I am told. The attic was full or mirrors and markings. The mirrors were removable and their were runes and symbols drawn onto the walls behind them. There was melted wax on the floor and piles of ash in the corners. This scared them and they moved out as soon as they could. Since then he saw a steady decrease in the number of hauntings, in the past few years he has had nothing happen. In 2010 I asked him to recount his stories to me and a group of friends, and the story behind that can be seen here .

posted on Nov, 30 2016 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: Kittor

That's scary indeed!

There is a new guy coming on the scene named Jason Quitt. He states that he has done time traveling, but in his younger days he described something very similar happening to him.
He tells how he finally learned to overcome the fear. I'll leave it at that because I don't want to give his story away.

This book is just awesome! I can't recommend it highly enough for those seeking answers for some of the strange events that have happened in their life.

The title is Forbidden Knowledge.

Here is a link to the Amazon sale page: Forbidden Knowledge

I'm only about 3/4 through it because of the holidays taking up much of my time, but every time I pick it up, I have a hard time putting it down. It's full of awesome information!!

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 05:58 AM
OOOH that's interesting and scary! I don't try and find the answers, I am not really a seeker of answers, just a seeker of stories. I often feel like if you really opened your eyes and looked around, or really listened to the sounds around us we would see a lot of things we don't normally notice, and probably a lot we wouldn't like to see/hear. I like to ignore it, I feel like if I give them credence I give such entities permission to enter my life, which is just scary.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 06:31 PM
To be brief, yes. I have experienced at one time or another:
- Apparitions/Ghosts, some accompanied by poltergeist activity
- Clairvoyance
- Telepathy (only a couple of times)
- Telekinesis (only a couple of times during high amounts of emotion or stress)
- UFO sighting
- Possible ET

To be honest sometimes I think it'd be a shorter list to list the things I haven't experienced. However, once I reached about 23 years old, the activity drastically decreased. I rarely ever see/experience paranormal events anymore.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:26 AM
A few more updates on the weird stuff that has been happening at my friends house (the story I already told about dreaming of a entity holding me and the door opening in the middle of the night). So for a few weeks nothing has happened, and I thought maybe I was just crazy. But over this week a few more things happened. Two days ago I went to take out the trash, and when I came back in my friend was standing there shocked and said "omg those things just flew off the shelf" The things were a large hard covered book and a picture frame with a pic of her nephew in it. They were pretty large so I don't know how they would just fall off the shelf, but I shrugged it off and just laughed that something must be after he nephew.

To follow that I just got a text from her that she was sorry she hadn't been replying but she had fallen asleep on the couch. But she was freaked out because when she woke up the door to her room was shut and latched. by latched I mean she had to turn the handle to open it. As I stated in a previous post her bedroom door is broken so it wont latch on its own. you have to push the door shut and then lift straight up on the handle with a lot of force in order for it to click shut, which is scary because something would have to shut it purposefully, it could not latch on its own.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Prowler77

Been there done that.

The house I'm living in right now has a very rude ghostie type who loves to wake me up be yelling in my ear. I'm over the scary part, and well into getting mad at it.

That's all she does, and don't ask me how I know it's a she, 'cause I don't know...she just is a she.

There's also a little cat who patters up and down the stairs at odd times during the day and night.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Rinella
To be brief, yes. I have experienced at one time or another:
- Apparitions/Ghosts, some accompanied by poltergeist activity
- Clairvoyance
- Telepathy (only a couple of times)
- Telekinesis (only a couple of times during high amounts of emotion or stress)
- UFO sighting
- Possible ET

To be honest sometimes I think it'd be a shorter list to list the things I haven't experienced. However, once I reached about 23 years old, the activity drastically decreased. I rarely ever see/experience paranormal events anymore.

Welcome to the thread Rinella.

Yes, you have quite the list there!

If you would like to go into some details of what you experienced, I'm sure we would all enjoy reading it.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Kittor
A few more updates on the weird stuff that has been happening at my friends house (the story I already told about dreaming of a entity holding me and the door opening in the middle of the night). So for a few weeks nothing has happened, and I thought maybe I was just crazy. But over this week a few more things happened. Two days ago I went to take out the trash, and when I came back in my friend was standing there shocked and said "omg those things just flew off the shelf" The things were a large hard covered book and a picture frame with a pic of her nephew in it. They were pretty large so I don't know how they would just fall off the shelf, but I shrugged it off and just laughed that something must be after he nephew.

To follow that I just got a text from her that she was sorry she hadn't been replying but she had fallen asleep on the couch. But she was freaked out because when she woke up the door to her room was shut and latched. by latched I mean she had to turn the handle to open it. As I stated in a previous post her bedroom door is broken so it wont latch on its own. you have to push the door shut and then lift straight up on the handle with a lot of force in order for it to click shut, which is scary because something would have to shut it purposefully, it could not latch on its own.

Thank you for the update.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, these events are happening at her house? (Sorry, it's been awhile since I read all of your story.) It sounds like she has someone desperately trying to get her attention, for sure!
If you know any mediums, I'd say now it a good time to bring one in and see what this "ghost" wants to say.

Keep sharing the updates.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: Prowler77

Been there done that.

The house I'm living in right now has a very rude ghostie type who loves to wake me up be yelling in my ear. I'm over the scary part, and well into getting mad at it.

That's all she does, and don't ask me how I know it's a she, 'cause I don't know...she just is a she.

There's also a little cat who patters up and down the stairs at odd times during the day and night.

That's the same with me. I KNEW the ghost living in my closet was a little old lady that lived in the house before we bought it and renovated. I "felt" the energy around her was female, and got a faint picture in my mind of how she looked. She hasn't been around in over a year, so I think she "moved on".

I have others here now. Some are family that pop in and out just to check on me. But one stays here a lot.

Just last night there was a loud bang on the wall in the kitchen. Another family member was here at the time and looked at me like, WTH?! I told him it was just ___________ saying hello to him. He said hello back and went on with what he was doing, although he did seem to be rattled just a bit. LOL

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 09:15 PM
no thanks to the medium, I don't want to know what it has to say. She said she was a little freaked out and wants to burn some sage or something, I commented im not sure that will do the trick... We speculated that maybe something is being attracted to our negative energy because we have been watching a lot of shows on possession (the exorcist) and she has been reading the book hostage to the devil. The door latching is the only thing that really raises a flag for me, I can write off the door opening in the middle of the night (maybe the cat) and things falling (maybe the air from the fan or gravity) but theres no way anything could shut that door unless they put a physical effort into it. The door latch isn't lined up in the frame properly so if you just shut the door normally it will just push open. You actually have to hold the door closed and apply upward pressure to it so the latch will be able to go into the hole, the amount of force necessary to do this might be ten pounds or more, so you actually to put a bit of effort into closing it. There is literally no possible way for it to latch on its own.

this morning I talked to her about it and asked her how she slept and she said horribly, that she woke up a bunch of times from bad dreams, and that she couldn't remember what they were, but she knew they were bad. It sounds weird but I can relate, the same thing has happened to me before as well. Ill keep updating with anything else that happens.

posted on Dec, 11 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: Kittor

If this thing is causing her nightmares, she needs to do something NOW. The longer she puts it off, the worse it will become.
There are plenty of sites that tell how to use sage, and she can also research placing crystals around the house to keep bad spirits out once this one (or these) is gone. The one I've read that works the best on negative energy is Black Tourmaline. There are more; all crystals have a specific area they help with due to the frequency they emit.

When cleansing an area, tell only the bad spirits/ghosts they have to leave. Never demand ALL to leave. Some spirits are around us for protection, and some might be family who are there to help.

I wish her well. Keep us updated.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 08:38 PM
So spend a few days at her house and here's the update:

Soon as I walked in the door she said "babe.. weird stuff is happening again" She apparently had just noticed that the window was open. I asked her if she had opened it earlier and she laughed and said "you know I never open the windows" just as we were talking about this we both jumped because something fell in the living room. We went to check and found nothing, I would describe the noise as sounding like a soda can hitting the floor.

Nothing else happened for the rest of the day. That night I left the living room light on, because I was a little freaked out, and when we woke up the kitchen light was on as well. I settled in expecting to experience stuff for the full three days, but nothing else happened after this.

I took care to remember which doors were open and what lights were on, so that I could be sure to notice if anything changed, but noticed nothing. I asked my friend if she has been haunted as a child or if she had prior encounters and she told me about a time at the famously haunted menger hotel in San Antonio where the electronics would turn on and off, and the soap flew across the room, but besides that nothing happened to her.

Is it really bad that she has been having nightmares? I also remember having three separate nightmares one of the nights I spent at her house. I remember that I woke up three times and told her that I had a nightmare, but I can only remember one of them. I had been shooting people with a long range rifle, which isn't something I fantasize about. I don't even own a firearm. so not your typical night terror but still pretty unpleasant.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Kittor

Have you ever watched, The Haunting Of..., with Psychic/Medium Kim Russo? If not, may I suggest you and your friend both watch a few episodes? You can google it and watch it online.
These are not really scary shows, but demonstrates how "ghosts" try to communicate with people because they have an untold story, or unfinished business they need to make known before they can move on. Sometimes it's a family member that needs to communicate with the person being "haunted". When they are continually ignored, the activity ramps up until they get attention! When this happens, their message could be of importance.

During dreams, we go into the astral plane where these ghosts can implant thoughts into our mind, and we remember it as a dream, or nightmare.
The nightmare you had about shooting people could be something the ghost did during his life and he needs to tell someone; sort of a way to "confess his sins", if you will.

Not all nightmares are from evil people, but come straight from the demonic. It really depends on what is feeding them to you. That's why I suggest you and she get a medium in to find out what is going on... sooner rather than later. It could be all that is needed to allow this soul to move on, but if it's demonic, they will only get worse.

Thanks for sharing. Let us know if anything else happens.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: sled735

Ok. I will go into detail about some and y'all let me know if you want to hear more... I've had many experiences and some are long stories. I don't want to bore anyone.

Anyway, I'll try to go in the order I listed. Apparition wise, the first one I saw was at a duplex my family lived in when I was in 5th grade. It was a large naked woman. I was on the computer very late at night (in a chat room, lol) and I kept hearing what sounded like someone wearing high-heeled shoes walking in the kitchen to my left. However, the only other person home at the time was my father who was sound asleep and doesn't make it a habit to wear heels. I brushed it off until the last time I heard that noise and turned, I saw that woman standing there. She looked just like the typical description of a "ghost". I could make out some features but she was completely transparent. She was looking in my direction but I couldn't tell if she was aware of my presense. There was no interaction and I didn't get any energy from it. (good or bad) I turned back to the computer to check the time (I think it was 1-3 am) and when I turned back, she was gone.
The other apparition was many years later. I was around 21-22 years old and I was staying over at a friend's house. We were on the couches in her living room and I was one the smaller one by the stairs. I don't know why but the stairs leading to her attic always gave me the creeps (later I kind of had justification for those feelings, which I'll get into) Anyway, I was having trouble sleeping and my friend was already passed out on her couch adjacent to mine. I kept hearing footsteps on the floor, which I mentioned to her earlier in the evening. She merely replied that she always hears that. She had told me many times her house was haunted and about all the things she'd seen and hear there but a part of me felt she was over-exaggerating or it was caused by stress. (my mind changed in the end) I also heard what sounded like something being wheeled around on the floor. (like a shopping cart) She had hard wood floors. Anyways, I kept trying to force my eyes shut to sleep but I just felt very uneasy and would keep opening them. On the last time I did that, I opened my eyes to see a women floating horizontally above my body. She was about 2 feet from me. She had long flowing hair and a white gown. I don't remember the face... I was frozen with terror even though again, she didn't give off negative vibes... It was just the fact that she was there. Eventually I turned my head to try to wake up my friend or see if she was awake and when I turned back, the apparition was gone. I told my friend about it the next day. She said that a lady died in that room and towards the end she was very sick. She was on IV's (with the rolling cart) and etc. So that's what the wheeled noises were... Creeepy!!!
Going back to the justification for hating her staircase... My friend caught something on her camera while she was taking a picture with her cat. (no I don't have the picture anymore, unfortunately) This was back when the Motorolla Razers were all the rage and having a camera on your cell phone was a big deal. She was taking a selfie on her couch (same couch she was sleeping on when I saw that ghost lady) and had her cat on her chest. She forwards this picture to me asking "What the hell is behind me?" The picture was fairly poor quality mainly because my phone was not as good as hers. All I could make out was a dark silhouette of a person. I replied that I saw nothing behind her. What is she talking about. She replies "how can you not see that?" So I send the picture to my email and lighten the picture on the Paint application. I still get chills when I think about it... The figure that I thought was her.... was not her. She was on the couch, lying down in front of it. This thing... completely black... no features... It literally looked like someone traced an outline of a person with black construction paper... was standing behind her. It was was roughly 4 feet tall. I tried to rationalize it... but it wasn't a shadow. #1... you couldn't see through it. It was solid. #2. The only light source was behind it. #3 it was just too dark. It was blacker than black and just looking at it... It felt wrong. I actually felt so compelled by it I sent it to some investigative team to be analyzed back in the day but never heard anything from it.
Briefly regarding the Clairvoyance, telepathy and Telekinesis.... There's been a couple of times, around that same girl with the messed up house, where I have thought something and she responded to it as if I had said it aloud. I've also had a co-worker/friend claim to have heard one of my thoughts... Small things but I figured I'd share anyway. The Clairvoyance is a little more interesting... Outside of many times where I've had feelings about something and they've happened... One time I saw a day into the future. It was very odd and even repeating it, doesn't sound real to me but it happened. I was very upset at the time and going through a lot of kid drama. I was not getting along with people at school. My parents just got divorced. My brother was moved out of state. I just felt lost and alone. I was also experiencing a lot of paranormal things and was just frustrated because I had no one to talk about it. So, out of frustration and sadness, I asked "God" (I was religious at the time) to give me a sign if I what I was experiencing was real and if I was "special". (corny I know but I was like 13) Right at that moment... I was not "there" anymore. I was somewhere else. It was similar to dreaming but I could still feel what was happening around me. (the air against my skin, etc) I was walking into the classroom and everyone was huddled around my one classmate. I went over and asked what was wrong. She said her uncle died... Then the "vision" ended, and I was back where I was...standing outside in my Godparent's driveway. It was very odd but I didn't think much of it... until the next day when everything happened exactly as I had seen it. It was not the most prolific vision... but seeing a day into the future is not normal. I have seen other minor things but that was the more intense.

edit on 14-12-2016 by Rinella because: typos

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:36 PM
The UFO and ET one I figured I'd do here so it's separate...
The ET... still creeps me out because I didn't even know what it was when I saw it... but upon researching years later and piecing everything together... there are too many similarities to "them" to ignore.
So, it was summer vacation and my best friend was sleeping over. We were on the sectional couch in the living room. She was on the side under the window to the porch and I was on the other. I, as usual, couldn't sleep and was just tossing and turning. Well, something brought my attention to the porch light. I noticed that it was left on and I was contemplating getting up and turning it off. I really did not want to because I am lazy. Well, while I was doing that, I noticed a figure walking past the porch window. Mind you, we were at the duplex I mentioned on the other story and on the second floor. There was no conventional way for someone to get up there. It was 3-4 feet tall... no discernible hair and the head was slightly large. The curtains were closed so all I saw was the shadow it cast... but it was walking to the left, which was towards the entry point to where we were. It walked very slowly and somewhat robotic now that I think back on it. I was too scared to really do much of anything. I looked at my friend to see if by some miracle she was awake but she wasn't. The figure kept moving slowly and when it reached the wall, I could no longer see it... which was kind of more unsettling than seeing it... From there I don't know what happened... It's odd... but I just can't remember. Now, for the longest time I thought it was a ghost... the ghost of a child because I had seen apparitions there already. However, this thing was solid as it was casting a shadow on the curtain/window. Also... it had no hair... I thought for a moment that it may have been a "grey" but discarded it because for some reason at the time, I thought they were taller. Then years later, I was reading a book and it indicated that the being I saw was the same height as the standard grey and fit the description. On top of that, there are other things I've experienced that coincide... such as the UFO.

The UFO I saw when I was about 16. I would take walks at night with my Discman for exercise and because I found it relaxing. Well, I was on the way back to the house, 2 streets over when I looked up and noticed how clear the night's sky was. I was admiring the view when I noticed a bright object. I thought it was a star... but the moment that I thought to myself that it was very bright to be a star... it started moving... So then I thought to myself that it must be a plane... The object then started moving in a way that airplanes cannot. So then I said, well it has to be a helicopter... We did have a hospital nearby. Then the object started darting around faster than any aircraft I've ever seen or heard of... Then I thought to myself that I had no clue WTF it was... and at that moment, it shot off to the left (which is North, I believe) and my music blasted into my ears, scaring the crap out of me. I hadn't noticed but the entire time I was observing this thing, my music stopped. I was just too in awe with the object to notice. It was just so surreal... I felt like it was responding to my thoughts... because the whole time I was trying to figure out what it was, it would perform an action to discredit whatever thought I had. I also just felt that it was aware of me... It's weird... and I had never seen anything like it before or after, unfortunately. I actually (unlike most of my paranormal experiences) really enjoyed that moment. It wasn't unsettling in anyway. It was fascinating. I can't say it was an alien craft or anything because all it was was a light... but it was a UFO by the technical term. I have no clue what it was but it seemed to be pretty far away.
Other experiences that may have been tied with ET:
My brother claims to have seen "people" in silver uniforms scanning our front yard with long silver rod-like instruments. He said they looked like "us" but with slightly larger eyes. (he was in the front attic room when he saw them on the front lawn)
At the same house where my brother claims to have seen the "people"... I experienced something unsettling in the room we shared. Since my brother and I were still fairly young at the time (I was like 10), we shared a room. It's hard to describe but basically we had this door in the room that looked like a closet door but it was the door that led to the attic. Anyway, I was having trouble sleeping (notice a theme?) and while tossing and turning, at some point I noticed a light emanating from under the attic landing door. There was a draw string light at the landing that sometimes my brother or I would forget to turn off. So I jumped down, about to turn the light off because otherwise, my dad would scold us... and when I opened the door, it was pitch black... No light.
One of the most unsettling possibly ET-related things happened only a few years ago. Admittedly, once I hit about 23 years or so old, I almost completely stopped having paranormal experiences. However, about 3 or so years ago, I was trying to take a nap during the day. I have fairly bad sleeping issues and sometimes have to take sleep when I can get it. Now, I have this thing where I need windows covered. I don't like to see out of them, especially when it's dark. However, it was during the day and while it wasn't sunny... it was overcast but with enough light to keep the room somewhat illuminated. So I left the window blinds open so my room would be somewhat lit. (I don't sleep in the dark, ever... and this incident was the last straw that made me sleep with an actual light on) I also decided to lay on the opposite side of the bed thinking maybe I'd have better luck sleeping that way. (another thing I will never do again) As I was tossing and turning, mind you I was wide awake... not in and out of sleep etc... Something made me open my eyes... and on the wall I was facing, I saw the shadow of a large head... I jumped instantly and looked behind me... but of course there was nothing there. I immediately turned the lights on and I don't think I was able to sleep... But whatever was behind me, casting the shadow (due to the placement on the wall) must have been leaning over directly behind me... It scares me to even think about it...
edit on 14-12-2016 by Rinella because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2016 by Rinella because: dyslexia

posted on Dec, 15 2016 @ 05:13 AM
great posts rinella! please share whatever else you have experienced, I would love to read it!

As for updates on my experienced, I called today to ask her if anything else happened, and she said yes, but only one thing. A light that she had left on in the living room when she went to work was off when she went home. We have been taking extra care to remember what lights we leave on and doors we leave open, so unless someone came into her house just to shut the light off while she was at work.... for some reason this thing mostly like to mess with the doors and the lights, if anything else we haven't noticed yet.

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