posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 05:25 PM
I have been lurking around, reading this thread since it started, and have decided that I would post. Many interesting supernatural things have
happened to me, but one really takes the cake.
I am almost reluctant to share this, as it sounds really far fetched, and out there.
First some background. This happened in the first week of May this year, finals week. My school is pretty isolated, with the exception of its sister
town 10 miles east, you pretty much have to drive at least an hour each way to get to another town. It’s just basically rolling hills and farmland.
As it is small and isolated, nothing really happens here that would make one uncomfortable walking around in the dark.
Anyway, I was hanging out with a friend, we had been studying, neither of us had another final for a few days, and it was actually decently warm
outside, so despite the fact it was already about 11 pm, we decide to walk off campus to look at the stars. It was a really clear night, and both of
us growing up in big cities loved to go stargazing anytime we could.
We ended up walking to the little observatory. It was closed, but that hill was awesome to star gaze from anyway.
So we walk and chat, until we come to the base of the hill. The road circles the hill to get up to the top, and until you get near the top, you
can’t see anything other than the tip of the observatory. The street light was out, but the moon was really bright, so we could see really well, and
if worse came to worse, we did have backlight on our phones.
We hike up the hill, until we are nearly to the top, by now, we could fully see the observatory, and something else. I see it first.
The first thing my mind recognizes the shape as is someone crouched fully hidden in a black cloak, but then I rationalize it as some sort of equipment
covered in the equivalent of a black grill cover. Still, I call out to my friend.
“ hey! That almost looks like someone is up there, all crouched like they are stalking us!” ( yes I really did say that, to try and scare my
friend). my friend, who was looking at the ground and hiking up the hill behind me then looked up to notice it. She replied that yes it sort of did.
We laughed it off and walked closer.
Then it stood up. Suddenly, we could no longer rationalize it away, as this was clearly some form of humanoid in a creepy black robe. We stopped and
stared at it, and it brought its hood back and stared at us.
Its face was now visible, as were its hands. Any visible skin it had was paper white and glowed. It had eyes, but they were like black holes almost,
and it had a mouth with sharp teeth. I instantly had that fight or flight instinct, and pure adrenaline rush. My friend was doing no better. We
backed away slowly down the hill. It looked at us once more, and then sort of levitated, flew up into the sky so fast my eyes had trouble tracking
it. We full out ran from there until we were back under a street light.
We ran across campus from that light to the most lit up outside area between the outskirts and my dorm ; the stadium. In there, we tried to catch our
breath and rationalize what we saw. It couldn’t have been a prank, the observatory is closed, and out of the way, you might wait up their for a week
without the opportunity to prank someone, and besides, it was finals week, the college campus was like a ghost town. It wasn’t a trick of our eyes,
as we saw the same thing ( confirmed it by conversation, and sketches, drawings), and were looking at it for a significant amount of time.
To this day, I have no idea what it was, ghost, demon, alien, phantom, vampire, something else, unknown? All I know is that experience has stuck with
me, and every time I see that observatory, I get a pit in my stomach, as I remember how that thing looked like it wanted to kill/eat us.
Has anyone else heard of anything like this happening to anyone else? Or experienced it yourself?
Sorry, for the long post, but I am terrible at being concise! Would love to hear others insights/ answer questions!