My favorite experiences are ones of a spiritual nature. Any of our senses or a combination of them can come into play when in a state of experiencing
(sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch). I mentioned in an earlier post that I enjoy connecting dots. I have seen things, smelled things, heard
things and things have touched me. After this happening quite a few times in my lifetime and once I really begun to immerse myself in the teachings
of the Bible, it finally dawned on me that most every miracle Jesus did had something to do with our senses! Whether he was feeding five thousand,
healing a blind or deaf man, healing a paralytic or resurrecting from the dead - all of these were done with the intention of playing on the followers
In Christianity we have three main ways God works mysteriously with us - prophecy, dreams and visions. All are unique and worthy of discussion but I
want to talk about visions because unlike a dream, with a vision you are wide awake.
There are two different types of visions - internal and external. An external vision would be seeing something with your eyes wide open and an
internal vision would be seeing something within the confines of the mind but your eyes are shut. You could be praying or meditating on something.
Now when I use the word meditate, I don't mean like 'ohhhhmmmm'.Lol When I use that word, I'm contemplating, dwelling, studying from different angles
in my mind. I do this all the time, whether I am cleaning house, planting flowers or lying down. When I lay down to go to sleep, I never go
instantly to sleep - I meditate on God and his ways.
An internal vision is usually just a fleeting glimpse of something. I've only had four over the last few years, three of which were at night as I lay
meditating and one upon waking in the morning.
The one that happened in the morning was really cool. I had been studying a teaching of Jesus called the Sermon on the Mount, which is basically a
discourse on the end of the age. I was extremely curious about a term that seems to crop up occassionly in the Bible - clouds of glory! In the
discourse Jesus gave he said he would return on 'clouds of glory!' I stayed focussed on this term and meditated on it all that day and into the
night. I fell asleep and the next morning, my three little yipers (who sleep with me) decided it was time to get up. They were stretching and I had
taken off my sleep mask (I know tacky habit) and I suddenly felt heavy. As I went to lift my head from the pillow it felt like someone or something
was gently but firmly pushing my head back down. I resisted for a few moments and then decided to go with the flow. It was like a knowing that I was
about to be shown something. I submitted, laid my head down on the pillow and closed my eyes. It was as if my eyesight was looking through a
telescope lens. Everything I saw was condensed into a circular pattern and at the end I saw the most majestic looking clouds. Huge cumulus looking
clouds, of different hues of marmalade.... and it was as if a pathway was cut in the middle of them. I was allowed to see for maybe ten or fifteen
seconds and then it was over. It was really pretty - like a painting.
The ones at night were a tad different. It's like suddenly your mind feels excited for lack of a better word and you just know something is about to
happen. The most intense one was when he showed me where my daughter is now. As a mother it just doesn't seem natural to bury a child. The way she
died was hideous enough and no amount of prayers saved her. I never got angry with him, but I knew it was in his power to answer my questions, which
were - where is she and what is it that she is doing? It was as if a real light was suddenly turned on in my mind and it was as if I was standing
outside looking up at a bright blue sky. Then the light went off. Then it came back on and this time there were clouds in the sky. Then the light
went off. On the third time, beyond the clouds I saw a cube. When I first described what I saw to family members, I told them it looked like a dirty
ice cube, but after researching the matter a bit, a more fitting description would be it was the color of Waterford crystal.
A very peaceful sleep came over me and I was back up at 4:30 in the morning to take my son to work. I'm sitting there drinking coffee, watching the
sun come up and pondering what I saw when I realized what the cube was. There is a passage in Revelation that describes this city, that is called New
Jerusalem - it gives it's dimensions as a perfect cube. It says it is 12,000 miles long, 12,000 miles wide and 12,000 miles high. It says that one
day this city will come down to the earth!
He didn't show me what she was doing, but he showed me where she is and that is so comforting.
edit on 19-3-2012 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)