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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by cloudyday

I think it's way more likely to be the other way around (schizophrenia misdiagnosed for paranormal experiences), since a dozen people are not going to share a delusion all at the same time. If something flies across the room and 50 people see it, that's not a delusion. There are so many things that can be considered paranormal, not just fleeting images or whispers experienced by one person.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by cloudyday

Thanks, CloudyDay! I appreciate that!

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 08:51 PM
My favorite experiences are ones of a spiritual nature. Any of our senses or a combination of them can come into play when in a state of experiencing (sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch). I mentioned in an earlier post that I enjoy connecting dots. I have seen things, smelled things, heard things and things have touched me. After this happening quite a few times in my lifetime and once I really begun to immerse myself in the teachings of the Bible, it finally dawned on me that most every miracle Jesus did had something to do with our senses! Whether he was feeding five thousand, healing a blind or deaf man, healing a paralytic or resurrecting from the dead - all of these were done with the intention of playing on the followers senses.

In Christianity we have three main ways God works mysteriously with us - prophecy, dreams and visions. All are unique and worthy of discussion but I want to talk about visions because unlike a dream, with a vision you are wide awake.

There are two different types of visions - internal and external. An external vision would be seeing something with your eyes wide open and an internal vision would be seeing something within the confines of the mind but your eyes are shut. You could be praying or meditating on something. Now when I use the word meditate, I don't mean like 'ohhhhmmmm'.Lol When I use that word, I'm contemplating, dwelling, studying from different angles in my mind. I do this all the time, whether I am cleaning house, planting flowers or lying down. When I lay down to go to sleep, I never go instantly to sleep - I meditate on God and his ways.

An internal vision is usually just a fleeting glimpse of something. I've only had four over the last few years, three of which were at night as I lay meditating and one upon waking in the morning.

The one that happened in the morning was really cool. I had been studying a teaching of Jesus called the Sermon on the Mount, which is basically a discourse on the end of the age. I was extremely curious about a term that seems to crop up occassionly in the Bible - clouds of glory! In the discourse Jesus gave he said he would return on 'clouds of glory!' I stayed focussed on this term and meditated on it all that day and into the night. I fell asleep and the next morning, my three little yipers (who sleep with me) decided it was time to get up. They were stretching and I had taken off my sleep mask (I know tacky habit) and I suddenly felt heavy. As I went to lift my head from the pillow it felt like someone or something was gently but firmly pushing my head back down. I resisted for a few moments and then decided to go with the flow. It was like a knowing that I was about to be shown something. I submitted, laid my head down on the pillow and closed my eyes. It was as if my eyesight was looking through a telescope lens. Everything I saw was condensed into a circular pattern and at the end I saw the most majestic looking clouds. Huge cumulus looking clouds, of different hues of marmalade.... and it was as if a pathway was cut in the middle of them. I was allowed to see for maybe ten or fifteen seconds and then it was over. It was really pretty - like a painting.

The ones at night were a tad different. It's like suddenly your mind feels excited for lack of a better word and you just know something is about to happen. The most intense one was when he showed me where my daughter is now. As a mother it just doesn't seem natural to bury a child. The way she died was hideous enough and no amount of prayers saved her. I never got angry with him, but I knew it was in his power to answer my questions, which were - where is she and what is it that she is doing? It was as if a real light was suddenly turned on in my mind and it was as if I was standing outside looking up at a bright blue sky. Then the light went off. Then it came back on and this time there were clouds in the sky. Then the light went off. On the third time, beyond the clouds I saw a cube. When I first described what I saw to family members, I told them it looked like a dirty ice cube, but after researching the matter a bit, a more fitting description would be it was the color of Waterford crystal.

A very peaceful sleep came over me and I was back up at 4:30 in the morning to take my son to work. I'm sitting there drinking coffee, watching the sun come up and pondering what I saw when I realized what the cube was. There is a passage in Revelation that describes this city, that is called New Jerusalem - it gives it's dimensions as a perfect cube. It says it is 12,000 miles long, 12,000 miles wide and 12,000 miles high. It says that one day this city will come down to the earth!

He didn't show me what she was doing, but he showed me where she is and that is so comforting.

edit on 19-3-2012 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

I am so sorry for what you have gone through, losing a child... I hope never to go through the same thing. My parents did and never got over it. I am glad also that you have grown so and come to a place of peace... May God bless you richly!

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

I am so sorry for what you have gone through, losing a child... I hope never to go through the same thing. My parents did and never got over it. I am glad also that you have grown so and come to a place of peace... May God bless you richly!
When one of my two daughters was around 13 years old,she was cleaning out the little clothes from her recently deceased baby brothers bureau,who she found not breathing in his crib a week or so earlier when he was 3 months old and she told me that when she put her hands into the top drawer,it closed on her all by itself...

edit on 19-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by blocula

So that would be your baby boy then, I am sorry for your loss also.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

Hi Myrtales Instinct,

I can't imagine the pain you've gone through, losing your daughter. The strength of your faith has sustained you well, and I pray that God continues to bless you and your family every day. I'm sure I speak for many of us on this thread when I say I appreciate you sharing your insight on your Bible studies with us. I do have a question about something you said...

"There are two different types of visions - internal and external. An external vision would be seeing something with your eyes wide open and an internal vision would be seeing something within the confines of the mind but your eyes are shut. You could be praying or meditating on something..."

Several years ago something happened to me that doesn't quite fit these, and I was wondering what your opinion would be; if it was a prophetic vision, or just my imagination playing tricks on me. I was sitting at the table having lunch when the afternoon news cast showed a picture of a man who had been missing for a year. As they described the last time anyone saw him alive, I glanced up from my meal and saw his picture. Suddenly I was bombarded with images, smells and a phrase that came to mind. Each of these hit me as fast as someone would clap their hands several times. Like news clips often do, I saw several brief clips - the forehead and eyes portion of a skull that had been recently unearthed, a section of woods cordoned off by police tape, a wider view that showed the area next to an interstate and two police officers walking slowly, searching the ground. At the same time I smelled fall leaves, pine needles, freshly dug dirt and a moldy smell. The phrase that came to mind was "It was a ruse - she didn't have car trouble." This all took place in my mind's eye, with my eyes wide open as I was chewing a bite of food. I barely swallowed it everything hit me so hard... I almost spit it out. I hesitate to say it was my imagination, because everything was so specific, but I don't know what to do with it either. If I go to the police, they will either A) toss everything in the trash and not follow up on it because they think I'm a nutjob, or 2) follow up on it, actually find his body and make me their number one suspect. I guess it's more important to try and get this out so maybe he can be found, but I have no idea where I was or what I was doing the day he disappeared. I have no defense if they really want to push it. And this has never happened to me before or since, so I don't even know if it's legit or not. I will say that I passed by a section of woods on a certain interstate in the area and got a really weird feeling... I call them red flags... and it usually means there are deer or animals in the road, or a cop with a radar gun is just around the bend. Maybe this time it meant I was in the right place to find him?

I'd appreciate any input you may have on these...

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

Thank you for sharing your stories.
I know it is a great comfort to you that you were shown where your daughter is, and know she is in a great place just waiting for the two of you to be reunited.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

I think your images were psychic flashes. I really don't know what I would do with the info either. Some police use psychics in their detective work, while others think they're loco! You could end up as a suspect, as you said.
Maybe you could try contacting another well-known psychic, and give them the info to see if they pick up anything more, and let them contact the police?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Hi Scribe611 - thank you for your very kind words.

That was definately an internal vision with your eyes wide open, I've just never experienced something like that. I believe every word you say but I honestly don't know the answer. I've had something similar happen and like yourself, besides telling a few family members and I did document it on the after death communication thread - I've done nothing with it for the exact same two reasons you gave. For the longest time I was an avid true crime follower, staying up to date on some of the really high profile cases, especially the Ramsey case. The little girl died in 96 and I followed it for years. My dad also followed it and me and him made a deal that whoever died first would come back and tell the other who the killer was. He passed in his sleep on Thanksgiving 2000. A couple years passed, I was asIeep, when I heard my dad call my name. It sounded like he was a couple rooms and a hallway away. He had a personal nickname for me - Lester and that is the name he used. He said, "Lester! Jim Star..lord have mercy!" Could be nothing or it could be something but like you if I call the BPD I am either going to sound like a loon or be their prime suspect.Lol

Yours is mind blowing and there is no mistake about what you saw. Maybe petition God to give you a nudge to go in one direction or the other. In a way, the answer is obvious because you are the one who this happened to and it happened to you for a reason. You somehow made a connection to the case and became sensitive to it. Could be a test from God to see what you will do with the knowledge he gave you. There is much to consider from various angles. Sometimes it helps to have more than one person petition God, so over the next few days I will keep this at the top of my thoughts and prayers and maybe you will get a sign to help nudge you in one direction or the other.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:51 PM
I'm trying hard to play catch up here, so I can be on topic with you all.

Schizophrenia - I don't know anyone who is schizophrenic and just by looking at the wiki entry for it, there seems to be a problem with the breaking down of thought processes. Symptoms would be hallucinations (mostly auditory), delusions (ofthen bizarre and/or persecutory), and disorganized thinking and speech. Then there is just so much that goes along with it from keeping basic hygiene to an extreme subtype where one can go mute or become catatonic. That just would be horrible for anyone that has to go through something like that.

Personally I think schizophrenia and the paranormal are two completely different phenomena. Take the auditory hallucination of the schizophrinic. Most likely they are hearing the voice/s they hear during waking hours. Compare that to the hypnagogic state where many people report paranormal things happening. How many of you have experienced doors shutting or slamming as your falling asleep? Or the sound of a heavy gate creaking and clanging shut? Or my own personal favorite - the knocking?Lol

I believe that it's in the hypnagogic state that God first reaches out to us. Not quite asleep, yet not fully awake seems to be a really good opportunity for God to try to get our attention. One may ask, 'Well why would He want to get our attention?', an the answer is simple it is because he loves us and wants us to know him. But he is spirit and there has to be a beginning point to learn to be able to perceive him.

I don't know if any of you here are familiar with the teachings of Jesus. Most of his true teachings have been lost in translation over the course of many many years. What most do not realize is that we are supposed to be in a state of experiencing and the fact is not enough people are taking advantage of his first coming. There are what is called the seven "I am" statements he made in the Gospel of John. They are:

I am the bread of life.
I am the light of the world.
I am the gate.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
I am the true vine.

Now God doesn't have to prove anything but for those who want to know him he made a way. In fact, every one of those I am statements are connected to a paranormal event. I listed all seven but really just want to direct your attention to the third one down - I am the gate. The creaking, clanging gate in the hypnagogic state is God in a sense teasing the senses. Also, not one of the "I am" statements but another very familiar statement Jesus makes in the last book of the Bible (appropriately title 'The Revelation' of Jesus Christ) - "I stand at the door and knock! If any man hears my voice, I will come in and sup with him and him with me." Again, the knocking countless people hear in the hypnagogic state is God.

His ways are not like our ways but he has been trying to get a lot of peoples attention for the longest time.

How many of you have experienced sleep paralysis? Because this is where the true teachings begin.

edit on 20-3-2012 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct
When someone talks to god its called praying,when god talks to them its called schizophrenia...

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by sled735

What shocked me was the discovery that the world at large was oblivious to the paranormal world that comprised most of my life. In essence experiencing both extremes are equally as harsh. One that doesn't believe or see and the other that is utterly terrifying, utterly glorious and/or inexplicable. Neither are easy to handle.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by sled735

What shocked me was the discovery that the world at large was oblivious to the paranormal world that comprised most of my life. In essence experiencing both extremes are equally as harsh. One that doesn't believe or see and the other that is utterly terrifying, utterly glorious and/or inexplicable. Neither are easy to handle.
Fear is the unknown and fear is us not knowing who or what these paranormal phenomena really are that so many people are experiencing all the time all over this world...
edit on 20-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by sled735

What shocked me was the discovery that the world at large was oblivious to the paranormal world that comprised most of my life. In essence experiencing both extremes are equally as harsh. One that doesn't believe or see and the other that is utterly terrifying, utterly glorious and/or inexplicable. Neither are easy to handle.

Hi, Egyptia
Thanks for posting on my thread.

I think more and more people are opening their minds now... they just about have to unless they are deaf, blind, and dumb! The "veil" is being lifted right NOW, and will be completely lifted on Dec. 21st, of this year, according to everything I have read. I think this year is going to be an interesting one, in terms of what we all witness!

The oblivious people are in for quite a shock, I fear! Some may interpret it as glorious, while others interpret it as terrifying. We'll soon find out.

edit on 3/21/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

edit on 3/21/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Tsurugi

I have 191 stars! Why does it say I only have 19 at the top of my thread, being as this is my one and only?
Anyhow............ THANKS, EVERYONE!

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by Tsurugi

I have 191 stars! Why does it say I only have 19 at the top of my thread, being as this is my one and only?
Anyhow............ THANKS, EVERYONE!

I think people need to go to the first page and put stars and flags on the opening post. People are putting stars on your follow-up posts, but your opening post needs some stars to change that total from 19.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:14 AM
i REALLY dont wanna share this experience but im gonna to anyway
i received red sores on my arms for no known reason whatsoever
i received them on my arms and on the forehead above the nose
it justy seemed like small open wounds
at one point it seemed like light was coming from them,actually just the one on my nose
i t lasted a couple months and then just simply vanioshed
i told a close friend and he soesnt believe in god or anything
then he started to receive similar marks
ill tell u he freaked
he was like wat the hell is this i never had anything like it and im healthy,wtf?
whn i asked him a few months after he said nuthingh like this happend to him and wa denieng the whole thing
i also experienced VERY severe pains through all my body
i started looking up if anyone else had them
it happend quite a few times throuh out history but very rarely to people who dont belief
i personally do believe quite strongly but not per se this or that i think belief is quite personal
if anyone has experienced anything like it please share
there were also a few other weirsd phenomen going on at the time but its pretty much impossible to say it all in one rep or ever thread
u dont have to belief me actually i had rather that u dont

edit on 21-3-2012 by thebestnr1 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by thebestnr1
Sounds to me like you and your friend were almost beginning to experience self induced,self inflicted spontaneous human combustion,or it could have been poltergeist or demonic activity,or even a form of stigmata and the light you saw might have been your psychic "inner light" or some kind of "divine spark" shining out from within your soul,did anyone else see that light? and did you,or were you playing with a ouija board or holding seances before that started happening?

edit on 21-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by blocula

i personally believe it was stigmata
i tried summening ghost when i was around ten years old
what happened is a storie on its own that i might share later
but i do believe we summoned somthing then and i just feel like i opened myself up to somtehing i shouldn have
im 28 know and would never ever try to sommon ghost ever again
and only i saw this light, it came from the top of my nose it wasnt much but it was weird
it wasnt emitting light but the wound itself apeared to light up a silvery kinda light
i started looking into stigmata and there was alot of info that was VERY similar as to what i experienced
what i found interisting is that,if it was stigmata the wound would indicate the crown of thorns and the nails hit threw the arms
the marks on my arms werent on the wrist they were on the inside of where your elbow is
they reinacted the crusifiction of jesus and came to the conclusion its imposible to hang someone on his wrists
so wat would the next best place be? yes the elbows
i think the other guy who started receiveing them got them also on his legs near the knee,but also on his arms
u should look up stigmata its quite interistin imo
and i forgot but the place on my nose where the light was seemed to come from,ive had a scar there in the form of a cross since i was ten years old
a kid accidently hit me there with a stick I bled like a pig lol
i always thought it had some kind of meaning or somthing
i also find it interisting because is pretty much in the same spot as the third eye is suppose to be
edit on 21-3-2012 by thebestnr1 because: (no reason given)

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