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Christianity as Psychological Warfare

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

Your wrong about who wrote the books of the bible. The old testament was actually written in Babylon; during the Babylonian Captivity, and was a direct rip off of Sumerian religion, I.e. the Enuma Elish. The oldest recorded book of the new testament was dated to 200 A.D. I personally don't follow stories that have a two hundred year oral tradition. All the bible and religion are, are control mechanism instituted thousands of years ago, whose purpose was to soothe primitive man about subjects beyond their control. You would think with meteorology, astronomy, logic, and deductive reasoning, we shouldn't need to have this conversation in this day and age.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by KwisatzHaderach

I'm sorry, do you know what you're talking about?

That is, do you study the Word of God or do you just have opinions on it?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by harryhaller
do you study the Word of God or do you just have opinions on it?

Got any proof that the bible is actually the Word of God .. and not mostly stuff made up or stolen from other religions by (mostly uneducated) peasant men? If God really wrote the bible .. He did a lousy job of it. All the contradictions and errors ... all the 'borrowed' fables and myths from the Summerians (Adam and Eve, Noahs Ark) .. all those pagan Egyptian prayers that are now called psalms and supposedly written by 'David'.

Got any proof that the bible is actually the Word of God??

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

who couldn't even manage to keep from getting tortured to death.

Why would he do that he basically gave himself up to be put to death. He wasn't trying to get away.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

Those charities are all scams. Every single one of them. I thought everyone already knew that?

That's an awful big claim right there, do you have proof? So when bill gates donates 2 million to a charity for kids, they just keep the money?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:17 AM
I completely agree with the OP, especially the idea of non-resistance imposed by Christianity. I see that many of you here grew up and live in a Christian environment, and might not understand how Christianity had been used as a political tool for colonial powers to make it way into countries with an established set of values that is totally different from theirs.

I myself grew up in a third world country where the values brought to us by Christian missionaries have greatly destroyed our own culture and belief, to the point of which the sense of patriotism had been overwhelmed by the need to sacrifice for God. When France entered Vietnam in the 19th century, together with missionaries sent from the Paris Foreign Mission Society, Western values under the name of God's teachings have been brought to Vietnam to weaken our traditional values and beliefs. We have been an ancestor-worshipping society for thousands of years, until the missionaries showed up with the idea of the Mighty God and his unconditional love. Many people got brainwashed, to the extent of denying our undeniable sovereignty and willingly sacrificed our lands to the Vatican. This was espeacially the case when American came into the picture. After the Genève Accord was signed in 1954, psychological warfare has been deployed by the US to turn Vietnamese people against their government. They used religious teachings to indoctrinate the people that Virgin Maria was in the South. This has resulted in millions of Vietnamese fleeding the North to the South, which was at that time under US's puppet regime. Until now, many Church and Christian organizations in Vietnam are still funded and backed by 'foreign entity' to serve their agenda.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not against Christianity. In fact, I appreaciate their teachings just as all of you do. The problem with Christianity, IMO, is its political influence and requirement in absolute faith in a divine power, which can be abused by tptb for propaganda and cultural assimilation purpose. I alway ask myself : How is it even justifiable that a Pope in Vatican has more power on you than your own countrymen?

Please excuse my English, I'm not a native speaker and my choice of words might not be accurate. I also don't mean to bash your religion. If you feel so, please accept my apology. My opinion might be one-sided and I'm open to any criticism.
edit on 21-2-2012 by Tattaglia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

Thank you for your post! I do see many of the points you state on your first page of Christianity as phsycological warfare. Did you know back in the witchhunt days when men were fighting in honor to spread christianity, the church literally told mad men, muderers and theifs if they killed in the name of God they would be forgiven and enter Heaven. How twisted..I enjoy your first post very much and cant wait to read the rest.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I started researching the relationship between the missionaries and the corporations when my buddy (who is engaged to a lovely former Pentecostal) gave me the lowdown on what goes on in the Amazon. Oil companies donate millions to the Pentecostals, and send them down to convert the indigenous tribes. Get them on a settled Western model. then, they send in the corporate reps to offer land deals.

Anecdotal, and I wasn't ever able to track it down properly. But it would not surprise me. He also mentioned that there are more missionaries in Iraq than there are American troops.

Neo-Pentecostal messages seem to be remarkably compatible withglobal market values. This often leads to a suspicion that neo-Pentecostalism is a part of the expansion strategy of American-basedmultinational corporations. Neo-Pentecostal mission organisations areseen as partners of the corporations, with the task of preparing social-cultural conditions for the global market.

Crap, there's more material, but I have to run. anyway, awesome discussion topic, OP.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by imherejusttoread

That's very dishonest. There are letters/literature written far before the Council of Nicea that mention most of the books used in modern Christian canon; and the Catholic canon is actually quite different than the East or Protestant Bibles.

I disagree completely. Are you saying that the Canonical Bible predates the Council of Nicaea? If so history says you are wrong. Letters/literature that mention most of the books is no proof at all. Do you have some real proof of this?

Also since the Eastern Orthodox were represented at the Councils any change in their Bibles has come since that time.

Finally, Protestant Bible versions have the same books in them as the Catholic Bible. Since there were no Protestants before the Councils, any Protestant interpretation would have been made from the Catholic Canonical Bible, therefore any changes or inaccuracies would have not been corrected, unless of course you would like to claim divine intervention, and would be still present in the Bible, whichever version you prefer.

You can't argue with a timeline.

edit on 21-2-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is an emotive and divisive issue, i'm sorry, i get carried away too
An old adage says: nobody is ever fanatical that the sun will rise tomorrow ... we only argue over what is in doubt.

Many have tried to subvert the bible, first i wonder where they succeeded, but i also wonder why they tried? There is a great spiritual battle going on, that we mortals can only glimpse at times, almost all of it a complete unknown. But clearly some men are good, and others bad, and in biblical parlance, some are of the light, and others do their deeds in darkness. Our job is to figure out which is which, or, who or what to trust.

You either believe that every word in the bible is directly inspired by God, or you believe that the bible is a falsehood. It is by it's own instructions not to be taken in parts. Iy you believe in the Word, then you'll accept that what is commonly called the Textus Receptus is in fact divinely inspired, and also protected. Either you believe in an omnipotent God, or you don't. I've spent my life looking for holes in the "theory", but personally i cannot. It makes perfect sense, if taken in the whole.

If you believe that men have fiddled the bible, and watered it down, then you really can't trust any of it, unless you have specifics of who changed what when, and why. And if you can't trust it, you can hardly quote it at people. Fortunately, the bible also shows us who the "enemy" is, the enemy of the "true" biblical doctrines if you will. And what those doctrines in fact are, and how for us to apply those in a meaningful way.

We all want to be "good", right? Or not ...

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

Many have tried to subvert the bible, first i wonder where they succeeded, but i also wonder why they tried?

But more importantly what parts of the teachings of Jesus where left out. Was his focus changed for him? We will leave the whole Magdalen argument out of it today but irregardless are any of the Christian religions what Jesus, and God intended? Killing free thinkers in Europe, wiping out of opposing views of Christianity, helping NAZI war criminals escape Europe even after it was known what was done in the Concentration Camps, could any of these ever be considered the work of Jesus' true surrogate here on Earth?

If Christ and his mother and father were all Essenes - according to most historical accounts - why were they eliminated from the picture?

Do we even have the whole picture? I do not think we do. And if there is that doubt, then do we have enough data to trust those that cast that doubt and follow them and their descendants? Aren't we trying to make decisions on faulty and missing data? And should religion ask us to believe by shutting off our rational thought processes completely?

What I have learned in my years of study of religions, mystery schools, magic (well it is in the Bible so...) and philosophy is that Jesus was down here to show us the way, not to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. The latter just makes no sense whatsoever.

Amen (And where did that word come from? None of the Nuns or Priests I ever asked had any answer at all.)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

I've been forced to study it my entire life, my condescending friend. Maybe it is you who needs to re-read the book, along with other religious texts. The Judeo-Islamic god is a mass of contradiction's and baseless fear. It is a collection of fairy tales and hokum, meant to scare young children. I know of no other institution which tells young children that they are sinful and condemned to hell. That's a very effective deterent for a five year old.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

I've been forced to study it my entire life, my condescending friend. Maybe it is you who needs to re-read the book, along with other religious texts. The Judeo-Islamic god is a mass of contradiction's and baseless fear. It is a collection of fairy tales and hokum, meant to scare young children. I know of no other institution which tells young children that they are sinful and condemned to hell. That's a very effective deterent for a five year old.
Whoops double post
edit on 21-2-2012 by KwisatzHaderach because: Double post

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by KwisatzHaderach

Whoops double post

Welcome to ATS

I got you a double star for your double post. The first one deserved two anyway.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Ittabena

Thank you I am merely trying to deny ignorance, and to bring the light of truth in these troubling times.
2nd line

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by KwisatzHaderach

If you say so

Read the adage i posted, you give yourself away.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by andreoutlaw

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by andreoutlaw

You have stated more than once you are not an Atheist. Your target is Christianity and the Western World it would seem.

It might be easier to discuss knowing where you are coming from. You are "not an atheist" correct? That means you do believe in God, correct? Do you belong to a religion and which one?

I don't see how the content of the OP can be made "easier to discuss" based on information about me personally. It seems like what you are getting at is that I would be easier to attack personally if more information about my personal life was given, as you are having difficulty dealing with the content of the post itself. As I don't really have any desire to discuss my personal life here in this thread, I think we should focus instead on the ideas that I am presenting.

That is not why I asked. I asked because you brought it up twice. You thought it was important we know you are not an Atheist for some reason pertinent to what you are saying. You only speak out against Christians and no other Religion. So yes it does matter to the discussion.

I'm not the least afraid to say I'm a Christian and try to follow the teachings of Christ. Why are you not discussing proselytization in general if Christians are not the target here?

Your general tone is one of not caring for Christians or the Western world in general.

Being Christian has only two requirements that few can manage. Love God and Love your fellow human beings. That's it. Everything else is not a product of Christianity, but of men. So are you speaking to real Christians doing as they should or people falsely claiming to be Christian while committing non-Christian acts. The problem lies in that most who speak out against Christians are actually speaking against things that have nothing to do with being Christian.

Whether or not you choose to share the mindset you are coming from is your choice. You should have expected the question to follow your own statements. It does matter in that both culture and religious beliefs define us and why we think the way we do. For instance why do you label all of Christianity as Psychological Warfare, rather than condemning those specific people who are doing something you disapprove of? That screams its all of Christianity you are opposed to, does it not? If that is the case and you are not an Atheist, then it follows you belong to a religious mindset that considers Christianity false and themselves as not false.

If you wish to keep your beliefs privately held while condemning others Faiths based on actions from a few, that's up to you. Your title was clearly a call to arms for all Christian haters on ATS. They tend to be Atheists though, so my question of you makes perfect sense. You might be surprised at how I would have responded to and answer. I hate no group based on the actions of some of their members. That would make me a definitive bigot, which goes contrary to my own Faith.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Ittabena
Are you saying that the Canonical Bible predates the Council of Nicaea?

Yes. The books used in modern canon were recognized long before they were officially sanctioned by any of the Councils. Many of the early Church Fathers referenced certain books they thought to be inspired in letters/literature, and eventually a common canon grew organically. The Councils may have shifted certain books around or combined them (i.e. different divisions, like the Hebrew Bible's divisions of the Old Testament are different than the Catholic's Bible divisions, or the inclusion of certain books in the Syriac Bible that aren't present in the West's, etc.,), but beyond that, they merely repeated what was already known amongst the early practitioners.
edit on 21-2-2012 by imherejusttoread because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by andreoutlaw

Christianity as Psychological Warfare

Christianity is but one page of the human condition. Fear of concept... fear of belief is not new but it has become more mainstream as time has passed because we have lost our ability to think for ourselves.

Speaking for myself alone, I believe in Christ... though not in the way mainstream religion offers it and Him.

Sitting back, you might come to a spot one day when you realize that we are not what one would call 'natural' creatures. The bears, the birds, the chipmunks... they all have a spot on this beautiful blue sphere. But us? No, we don't. That's why we have had to work our buns off through what may well be tens of thousands of years and numerous attempts at civilization, to get to this failing point we are now at today.

But it is fear... that most ancient of all natural emotions that is being played upon us and we... we happily accept every drop.

Please, don't fear me or my faith. Don't fear Mohammed, Moses, Krishna Buddha or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Find your questions and then your answers without fear... knowing that we aren't here simply to live in that fear. We are here to learn, to expand and grow in this spiritual journey inside of our biological robot... alongside the firmware that came with it.

Fear kills... but ONLY those who allow it to exist within.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by harryhaller

Really lol, I'm pretty sure I could point out 12-13 discrepancy's in the bible of the top of my head. There may or may not be a god, but that is not what I am saying. I am merely pointing out that the Judeo-Islamic god is utter fallacy. What kind of God is omnipotent and loving; but if you question his beliefs, you are condemned to burning and suffering for all eternity. That truly sounds like a loving and caring father figure to me. The Morning Star was thrown out of heaven for trying to be his own person and better himself. If the Christian god and Lucifer where real; I would most definitely join Satan, just because of the fact that he's not a hypocrite and knows where he stands.
edit on 21-2-2012 by KwisatzHaderach because: (no reason given)

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