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Originally posted by SimontheMagus
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:26 NIV
Ever read "Faust" by Goethe? It's really about Simon the Magus, the greatest man (and second-most slandered, after Judas) who ever lived:
Originally posted by harryhaller
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple." - Luke 14:26 NIV
Ever read "Faust" by Goethe? It's really about Simon the Magus, the greatest man (and second-most slandered, after Judas) who ever lived:
Hmmm, can't say i've noticed that one before. But it makes sense.
Originally posted by harryhaller
Jesus is a 100% God. 100% of Him, and 100% of you. Of course if you want to hide behind relatives you'd be welcome to, but you are saved by your own testimony, not that of your fathers, or anyone else.
Only pantheists believe in less than 100%, heck you could give each 10% and they'd be happy. Not my kinda gods thanks. They're just easy, like temple whores. Curious how pantheists HATE the Living Lord God, and His jealousy.
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Only a Bible apologist can make "sense" out of that.
Nick Rockefeller bragged to Aaron Russo that one day the world would wake up and find out that they were lied to about EVERYTHING.
A true religion that suits the needs of humanity must be one that grows and evolves with it, instead of Bronze-Age myths cast in stone in the Middle Eastern desert, about Yahweh, a local tribal desert god of the Canaanites:
Simon Magus's religion - Illumination - was a religion designed for those who wanted to find God in their own way, but even Illumination was a product of its time and used a vocabulary alien to modern ears.
The Holy Grail can be attained by anyone, but never via dogmatism and the ancient, dead texts of false prophets.
Originally posted by harryhaller
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Only a Bible apologist can make "sense" out of that.
Name calling is childish.
Originally posted by harryhaller
Simon was only perpetuating his own education, which was occult, and opposed to the Creator.
Originally posted by andreoutlaw
It really is a horrible thing, this whole situation of spreading the "faith" across the whole planet, exterminating cultures and societies and sucking them into the slave system of economics.
Luke 12:51
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
All three main major religions worship the same deity.
Not true. Muslims worship Allah. Christians worship Jesus as God incarnate, as well as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. These are not even remotely the same. Not even close.
You don't have any, just theories
Originally posted by CB328
You don't have any, just theories
Yeah, a specific action of a specific person on a specific year is "just a theory", while we're supposed to believe boatloads of religious platitudes just on "faith". Any you wonder why people think religious people are dumb?
Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. I know that not all affiliated scatter people away from obedience to God. I'd like to point out that just because a person claims to believe certain things, it doesn't mean that they actually do believe them, nowhere have I noticed that more profoundly than with the Christians. Such is akin to saying that America is the best country in the world.
Originally posted by taccj9903
Originally posted by Wonders
reply to post by taccj9903
I disagree. I am what is called "Native American", meaning Alaska didn't become a state until my dad was a small the scheme of things, isn't very long ago. The way "our people" got assimilated into the American culture is by "missionaries" coming and taking my GRANDMOTHER away from her parents, into a boarding school where she was corporally punished just for speaking in a language other than English. Of course that isn't the full extent of indoctrination but it's a start, a testimony of the convoluted ways of the pharisees and saduccees of this age. For the record, my parents were also corporally punished for speaking in our "Native" tongue. I myself have not bothered to learn the ways of those who willingly gave up their heritage, those who have not bothered to teach me to communicate in their language, in my opinion, their way has already been dead these many years as I am grateful to be able to communicate with today's people, to learn what I can about the past, present and future.
I'm sorry that your grandmother was treated that way. Please do not misunderstand what I was trying to convey. I only have met missionaries in my day and I wasn't trying to defend the bad actions of them all. I was merely stating that from what I have witnessed they aren't all bad people with an agenda. There are good Christians just like there are just as many that are hypocrites and call themselves Christians. Just a side note my wife is a Native American and she is a Christian, and believe me, I am subjected to all the preaching and could definitely do without that religion.
Originally posted by SimontheMagus
"Bible apologist" is name calling?
"Occult" means nothing more than "hidden", just like your Creator is hidden, until you choose to look within. Let me know when he pops his head in out of sky and intervenes in human affairs, ok?
Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by taccj9903
If "saving" someone means forcing them against their will to accept Jesus, I would rather have no part of that. People have tried to do this to me countless times. Jehovah's Witnesses have harassed me countless times.
I am convinced that Christianity and all other forms of religion are all mind control devices.
They placate entire populations.
They allow for the destruction of cultures and disruption of peace between peoples.
They extract resources like a giant vacuum, sucking up anything in sight because they believe that man was given dominion over the Earth by God.
I could go on and on.
Religions, especially Christianity, deserve plenty of scrutiny.Catholic, Christian or Protestant, that isn't the point.
Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
All three main major religions worship the same deity.
Not true. Muslims worship Allah. Christians worship Jesus as God incarnate, as well as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. These are not even remotely the same. Not even close.
No. You're wrong on all accounts. All three main major religions warship a central supreme deity that can be traced back to Jewish teachings worshiping such deity referred to as Yahweh.
Jesus being the Supreme deity is a uniquely South Eastern American fundamentalist idea of Protestant denominations that spun off from the Church of England. A church that after being separated from the Holy Roman Catholic Church went back to human god beliefs based in druidism not Judaism. A presto magic Merlin the magician type of deity belief. They believe the Earth is 11,000 years old and the Bible is all literal, and does not contain any metaphors nor allegorical stories teaching morals. You can call them Christian if you like, but considering Christians as a world wide belief system South Eastern American fundamentalist are a very small minority sect of a much larger religion.
I was raised Lutheran. Lutherans believe in the Trinity. That is Jesus's spirit is part of Yahweh's, which together is the Holy Spirit, sitting at the right hand of Yahweh not a separate deity which has taken Yahweh's thrown. The "Jesus is Yahweh" concept is based in British Islands paganism that King Henry the 8th wanted to resurrect, and did to a certain extent. "Jesus is God" "My God is a carpenter" bumper stickers attest to King Henry's efforts still existing in the minds of South Eastern American fundamentalist to this very day, but please understand they are a minority of Christianity. They believe Wall Street and K Street are manifestations of the Holy Spirit, uh "Jesus," after all in their "ridding the back of the beast."
Hey, thanks. I do have some negative feelings about my heritage. Believe me, there is a better way to live than this "take back what they stole" lifestyle I see here. When I was in highschool, as a requirement to graduate, we were taught up to 100 Yupik words with absolutely no knowledge of how to string sentences together, it was during that time that I was taking a free English 101 class. This system of dominance, is about Christianity being a tool for "the elite", it's the preferred method of changing a society to a "less primative" more controlled state. Christianity today teaches parts of the bible whilst ignoring and being ashamed of other parts. I've seen people go to church for years without any heart change for the better, that tells me that this doctrine of accusing the bretheren "There is none righteous" bull crap, is just about coping with the destruction it inflicts. When I was a kid my classmates used to tell me that I was going to hell because I wasn't a Catholic, not once did I believe them, they were mean and racist as children (I am the same race as them). I didn't know that it happened everywhere but it doesn't surprise me, the government is obviously in cahoots.
Originally posted by andreoutlaw
Originally posted by Wonders
reply to post by taccj9903
I disagree. I am what is called "Native American", meaning Alaska didn't become a state until my dad was a small the scheme of things, isn't very long ago. The way "our people" got assimilated into the American culture is by "missionaries" coming and taking my GRANDMOTHER away from her parents, into a boarding school where she was corporally punished just for speaking in a language other than English. Of course that isn't the full extent of indoctrination but it's a start, a testimony of the convoluted ways of the pharisees and saduccees of this age. For the record, my parents were also corporally punished for speaking in our "Native" tongue. I myself have not bothered to learn the ways of those who willingly gave up their heritage, those who have not bothered to teach me to communicate in their language, in my opinion, their way has already been dead these many years as I am grateful to be able to communicate with today's people, to learn what I can about the past, present and future.
Yes, this is what they did to literally everyone in the world. They were very insistent on getting a hold of the Children. It is what they are still doing in the Philippines. They tell the parents not to bother, that they are interested in their children, because they "have things to teach them" in their brainwashing centers (schools).
I am sorry your people lost their heritage, but this is something that has happened to literally all of us, save the few "primitive" people that still exist on the planet. It seems as though you are somewhat upset with your ancestors, which I guess I can understand, but this is a technique that these Christians use which they have worked out over such a long period of time that it is now scientific, in that it will work on the majority of the people all the time. I would hope that you, being able to see what has happened, would have a desire to get back what your people had stolen from them by this Christian system of dominance. It isn't their fault, and it is only now that we have the capacity to see all of this for what it is, and make the decision to stand against it.
I would like to help any way I can.