posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 09:17 AM
There are people that should never have children. There are also people that should never own dogs. I get the impression that these people probably
shouldn't have had either, hence the results that occurred. I mean, seriously, too many people own dogs, yet don't understand the proper ways to
take care of and train the fellows.
You know how many times I walk by people's houses, and see their dogs flipping # by the fences? I never see those people walking their dogs. Those
kinds of people make me wonder if all they wanted a dog for was to sit around the house, and be cuddly. Sure, within the family they may be, but if
they're not socialized, they'll hate anyone else.
Dogs don't quite think like us. They have a pack mentality. So because of that, they need a pack leader. It's up to the owner to not only show
them that they're pack leader, but make sure they keep that spot, especially with bigger dogs. I don't mean kick their asses or anything, but train
them. Make them do tricks. Even simple ones, like sitting in one spot until you tell them to move. If they get up and move, grab them, walk them
back, and make them sit. Show them that you are the pack leader.
Also, the bigger the dog, more often than not the more they need to be exercised. Lots of people don't even take their dogs for walks, and wonder
why they're so full of energy. I know a family with Great Danes who don't get all the exercise they need, so if you try playing with them, it shows
that they've got energy up the ying-yang. Some dogs need more than just walks, too, they need lots of exercise, and mental stimulation.
When I hear stories of pit bulls doing bad things, I really do believe it's the owners. The masters either never really showed that they were pack
leaders, never really trained them, never really exercised them, either/or or all of the above. I know this, because I know people who own pit bulls.
Good pit bulls. I even read one put up a facebook comment about how a lady pet his dog, and told him that he was such a well trained doggy. So he
told her she pet a pit bull, and she almost flipped #. Because immediately after hearing the breed, the fear kicked in. But, he helped prove her
fears wrong, and she admitted that. He was very proud.
I also know a guy in the town I grew up in with 2 pit bulls. Sweetest dogs ever. They're great with children. The guy has three. They even lived
across the street from an elementary school. One of the dogs, Bob, loved children. I was told one time their 2nd child(4 at the time) opened the
gate of the front yard, and walked into the street. Well, Bob went over there, and nudged the kid back into the yard, then barked at the front door
until someone came out, and walked over to the gate to show them it needed closed again. Very friendly dogs.
But like most things, people will believe what they want. They'll see statistics, and say it's the breed, no more, no less. No different than the
people who see kids do bad things, and say it's the video games, or movies they watch. Nobody ever wants to blame the owners/parents. Owner
doesn't understand the responsibilities of raising a certain breed, dog does bad things, well, it's the breed that did it, not the owner.
I always wanted a husky. Ever since I was a child. But I will never own one. Why? Because I could not give it the exercise, and attention it would
need to be a normal dog. I know this, because I researched it. If only other people would do the same.