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U.S. Navy: Iran prepares suicide bomb boats in Gulf

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by theBigToe

Are you sure about that? Want to bet that it will be a lot less free in the next 20 years? 10,000 ATS points?

If Iran gets nuclear weapons, it definitely will be

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Want to bet that it will be a lot less free in the next 20 years? 10,000 ATS points?


Looks like you barely have 10,000 points to spare!!

edit on 12-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by superman2012

Originally posted by superman2012
Jericho. Showed that the US government killed it's own citizens and then destroyed Iran and North Korea after they made them the scapegoat. Is that a good enough example? If not, I will see if I can find another. That was the first one that came to mind.

First off...the challenge wasn't to you.

Second...where's the video

Third...Jerico is fiction for adults and I posted CARTOONS. Please demonstrate how American cartoons advocate death to other countries as the Iranian (and Iraian sponsored) cartoons depict.
edit on 12-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

If you don't want the challenge made public, then U2U each other.
Jericho is all over the web, you want me to rub your shoulders while you Google it too?

I know Jericho is fiction, for adults and young adults, it might even be PG-13. You asked for:

Please provide a single video played on American TV depicting the US military killing Iranians or any other country’s military or even advocating such action.

I gave you one. If you want to keep it to cartoons, then specify that. I will see if I can find any cartoons for you. Those cartoons were Israeli/Palestine conflict cartoons...not already stated.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:21 PM
Guys! How do I get out of debt!? Im -5000 ATS points!

Prepare my limo, Admiral! I ride! To the G8!

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by superman2012

Want to bet that it will be a lot less free in the next 20 years? 10,000 ATS points?


Looks like you barely have 10,000 points to spare!!

edit on 12-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

Hopefully, I'll have enough by then.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by superman2012

OK...for the second time...Please provide video proof that American cartoons advocate death to other countries as the Iranian (and Iranian sponsored) cartoons that I posted depict.

I'll wait...

(edit to add... Against my better judgement, I'll give you a *single* star for your last post. That is my contribution to your ATS points until you say something else I agree with!!
edit on 12-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

You know what they say, when all else fails equip your bomb jackets and run into a crowd screaming allah'u'ahkbar. They automatically go to heaven for suicide bombings, and 70 members of their family are assured a place in heaven too. Only one way to defeat this kind of fanaticism and thats with nukes.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:39 PM
I didnt mean to do that I just needed the link code >

edit on 12-2-2012 by theBigToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by seabag

Hmm...besides propaganda cartoons, I can't find any cartoons that are as graphic as the Palestinian ones you found. For this generation though, we don't have to look any further than video games. Homefront is a great example of fear and killing. I don't prescribe to the notion that TV/Games make people violent though.

Edit: Thanks for the will be your un-doing! Muhaha

edit on 12-2-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I don't know what to say other then, you might want to do a little more research.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by theBigToe
Guys! How do I get out of debt!? Im -5000 ATS points!

Prepare my limo, Admiral! I ride! To the G8!

post some quality threads, maybe?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by theBigToe
reply to post by Ben81

lol The first thing I thought of when I read the article was massing lings on tanks.


I was more thinking of the protoss carriers vs the US carriers
you just add a mothership and its a quick win

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by theBigToe

Originally posted by RockLobster
reply to post by theBigToe

Propaganda , who ever supports this c0ck measuring contest needs to find some respect , Iran has done nothing wrong , if anything ... America needs to be sanctioned by NATO.

If you think a country whose military is governed by religion isnt going to carry out kamikaze attacks at times of war then youre being delusional.

Iran is a threat to the world. It might not be capable of invading other countries right now, but after ten, twenty years, it will try imposing a universal religion by justifying acts of aggression towards secular countries like Israel and the U.S., just like Islam mandates.

Surely you can't actually believe what you type. Seriously??? Iran is going to try to impose a 'universal religion'???

No the only universal religon I see being imposed is the NWO one that seeks to bring Iran into the Empire's sphere of control as it attempts to gobble up another mideastern country, country after country, control their resources, demolish their infrastructure, profit from the rebuilding contracts, take over their banking system and weaken and poison the population physically. It's a very lucrative enterprise, the people pushing for this stand to make out like the bandits they are. The rest of us though are only going to suffer for it.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

lol seabag
this is no different from gi joe on saturday morning
less violent actually
also that's not mickey mouse
it's farfour

Talk is cheap!!

Please provide a single video played on American TV depicting the US military killing Iranians or any other country’s military or even advocating such action.

I’ll wait…

moving the goal posts is even cheaper

this is no different from gi joe on saturday morning
less violent actually
also that's not mickey mouse
it's farfour

nowhere in my post were iranians or military referenced


no you didn't

a single video played on American TV depicting the US military killing Iranians or any other country’s military or even advocating such action.

will a already wounded and unarmed iraqui do?

Marines EXecute Iraqi - Shown On CNN TV News

edit on 12-2-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by theBigToe
And in Islam, the ONLY sure way to be positively accepted into paradise is to die a martyr of Islam.

Thats not propaganda. Thats written in black and white.

Read the Quran before you start spouting more racism OP

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by superman2012

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by superman2012

Originally posted by superman2012
Jericho. Showed that the US government killed it's own citizens and then destroyed Iran and North Korea after they made them the scapegoat. Is that a good enough example? If not, I will see if I can find another. That was the first one that came to mind.

First off...the challenge wasn't to you.

Second...where's the video

Third...Jerico is fiction for adults and I posted CARTOONS. Please demonstrate how American cartoons advocate death to other countries as the Iranian (and Iraian sponsored) cartoons depict.
edit on 12-2-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

If you don't want the challenge made public, then U2U each other.
Jericho is all over the web, you want me to rub your shoulders while you Google it too?

I know Jericho is fiction, for adults and young adults, it might even be PG-13. You asked for:

Please provide a single video played on American TV depicting the US military killing Iranians or any other country’s military or even advocating such action.

I gave you one. If you want to keep it to cartoons, then specify that. I will see if I can find any cartoons for you. Those cartoons were Israeli/Palestine conflict cartoons...not already stated.

I know! I know! Video games. Battlefield 3. Most of the game takes place in Iran.

Also, multi-player is Usa vs Russia.
edit on 12-2-2012 by oniraug because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I don't know what to say other then, you might want to do a little more research.

I do all the research i want in my Quran and hadiths.
edit on 12-2-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by posthuman

Originally posted by theBigToe
And in Islam, the ONLY sure way to be positively accepted into paradise is to die a martyr of Islam.

Thats not propaganda. Thats written in black and white.

Read the Quran before you start spouting more racism OP

First of all, Islam is not a race. Islam is a religion, and if you ask the Sikhs and Hindus what they think of Islam, they will agree with me. Are they racists too? Why dont you invest in a dictionary and stop abusing that word more then you already have? Thanks.

Secondly, you need to read the Quran for yourself and do your own research before you tell other people that they dont know what theyre talking about. If you think Islam is a religion of peace, then youve never read the Quran, or youre making a conscious decision to ignore the passages you want to ignore.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). The use of the word "persecution" by some Muslim translators is thus disingenuous (the actual Muslim words for persecution - "idtihad" - and oppression - a variation of "z-l-m" - do not appear in the verse). The actual Arabic comes from "fitna" which can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. Taken as a whole, the context makes clear that violence is being authorized until "religion is for Allah" - ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah').

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward." The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle, as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. Here is the theological basis for today's suicide bombers.

Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-" This passage criticizes "peaceful" Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah's eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that "Jihad" doesn't mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is the Arabic word used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man's protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad and this is reflected in other translations of the verse).

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:32 PM
From the Hadith:

Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Bukhari (52:256) - The Prophet... was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy. This provides justification for the many Islamic terror bombings.

Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror'

Abu Dawud (14:2526) - The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, "There is no god but Allah" and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits, and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action; and jihad will be performed continuously since the day Allah sent me as a prophet until the day the last member of my community will fight with the Dajjal (Antichrist)

Abu Dawud (14:2527) - The Prophet said: Striving in the path of Allah (jihad) is incumbent on you along with every ruler, whether he is pious or impious

Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

Bukhari (8:387) - Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'. And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally."

Muslim (1:30) - "The Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah."

Muslim (1:149) - "Abu Dharr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah, which of the deeds is the best? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause..."

Muslim (20:4645) - "...He (the Messenger of Allah) did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. He (Abu Sa'id) said: What is that act? He replied: Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!"

Muslim (20:4696) - "the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: 'One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihid died the death of a hypocrite.'"

Muslim (19:4321-4323) - Three separate hadith in which Muhammad shrugs over the news that innocent children were killed in a raid by his men against unbelievers. His response: "They are of them (meaning the enemy)."

Muslim (19:4294) - "When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him... He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war... When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them... If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them.

Tabari 7:97 The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, "Kill any Jew who falls under your power." Ashraf was a poet, killed by Muhammad's men because he insulted Islam. Here, Muhammad widens the scope of his orders to kill. An innocent Jewish businessman was then slain by his Muslim partner, merely for being non-Muslim.

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us" The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam.

Tabari 17:187 "'By God, our religion (din) from which we have departed is better and more correct than that which these people follow. Their religion does not stop them from shedding blood, terrifying the roads, and seizing properties.' And they returned to their former religion." The words of a group of Christians who had converted to Islam, but realized their error after being shocked by the violence and looting committed in the name of Allah. The price of their decision to return to a religion of peace was that the men were beheaded and the woman and children enslaved by the caliph Ali.
edit on 12-2-2012 by theBigToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by aorAki

Originally posted by reaxi0n
reply to post by Dachende

Does New Zealand have hot chicks?

Your country sounds bad ass

Sure does.
Most of the guys are into sheep, so it leaves the other three of us to fight over the hot chick!

edit on 2-12-12 by reaxi0n because: (no reason given)

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