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U.S. Navy: Iran prepares suicide bomb boats in Gulf

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:49 PM
Dear OP,
I am quite sure the Iranians are not all or even mostly or even a percentage of suicidal.
In fact if you take the number of US troops that have committed suicide in just the past year, I'm sure the real suicidal soldiers will come to the front.
But seriously could you blame the Iranians if they even were?
The US is getting ready to destroy another country at israel's whim.
If the Iranians were worried there is a good reason, we have terminator drones that carry suicide missiles on em.
Rest assured, I'm sure the Iranians love their children too.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni
reply to post by seabag

Oh... dont we love to boast. Well...

Tell all that show off and military prowess to the guys who died in the USS Cole in 2000...

You have a memory leak or something?
edit on 12-2-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

USS Cole happened because our guys wouldn't shoot. It was kind of like, "Should we shoot? What if they're harmless fishermen??" Remember, it was before we were at war. But thanks to their training, our sailors saved many more lives and saved the Cole from sinking. The Navy now uses the exact Cole scenario in its training for damage control and attack scenarios.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:57 PM
Just for the record, before you start churning out racial comments,and attack a religion just because you think they are agressive, at leastget your facts right.

According to Islam, if you die as a martyr in the event of war (with great emphasis on WAR) war from the perspective of being forced to defend your land/faith, then it is believed that you enter paradise because you have been killed by an injust agressor, just like being murdered onthe street.

Last time i checked america have their warships near iran not the other way around, and whos thinking of attacking who? take a wild guess....and Irans rhetoric is simply IF and so will happen in SELF DEFENCE.

Actions speak louder than words, and only threats have come out of iran, to paint a non-bull# picture for you, whereas america and israel have actually murdered on several.....thousand....million occasions.

Second point, islam is not forced on anyone, and no there is no islamic agenda for globalisation , your confusing islam with zionism, you know AIPAC that runs the show? file a complaint there.

Anyways to conlude......Iran will be on the defending side always, their war record speaks for itself, if anyone has a bad record and motif its clearly america and israel because of CLAIMED threats and several other excuses....

the only problem here is eventually a false flag may come up, or some manipulated IAEA reports will probably make iran look like the agressor and than nothing will ever really matter anyways as what happend in iraq/libya and ongoing in afghanistant is bound to end up in iran. but it WONT BE A WALK IN THE PARK, believe that.

its a shame that iran has come far as a nation, and the fact that they are advancing in technology...nanotechnology/manufacturing and possess great wealth in resources as well developing their own military applications, yes iranians are very clever, they are not all stupid kamikazes.....america and israel cannot allow it to continue, they have to maintain globalisation like they are now..

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Thats probably the most WASTEFULL ATTACK TACTIC they could do. LOL why would they literally waste boats like that?

You can't touch an Armed Navy ship, above or below water! They are gonna get their boats handed back to them in shrapnel sunken wrebble.... thats just the truth y'all!

I really dont like war, i just know what would happen.

I hope the Iranian soldiers realize,their leaders would literally just send them their to die. Its not fair, they probably dont tell their troops the real dangers... Your dead once you touch the water....
edit on 13-2-2012 by truthinfact because: (no reason given)

PS. but I must say

Props to the USA because we would NEVER just send out our men somewhere to die like that. Not in these modern wars anyways... we respect our troops
edit on 13-2-2012 by truthinfact because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by RockLobster

Yes, they did. (Iran did something wrong). They do not have exclusive control over the strait, and by internationally recognized maritime law, interfering with traffic through the straight could constitute an act of aggression.

Of course, all of this is just continuous saber rattling, like we've heard from both sides and will no doubt continue to hear for some time to come.... And, this isn't the first time they've tried this particular play from the playbook.

As for the speedboats. After the whole U.S.S. Cole incident, I seriously doubt one is ever going to get too close without being lit up. Same with subs.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Suicide boats are nothing new

Japanese fielded a whold class of suicide boats during WW II, the SHINYO (Ocean Shakers) to attack allied
amphibious shipping

Here is link to WW II historical site giving history of such boats

Other navies had explosive boats which if not truly suicidal, the odds of survival were not good

Italian navy used them to attack Malta during WW II sinking a crusier and tanker

That the Iranians would field such a class of weapon is not new - considering during war with Iraq (1980-1988)
where Iranians would use mass "human wave" assaults regardless of the casulties

Gived the US Navy another thing to think about.........

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

Source please.

You are what I like to consider one of the brainwashed ones. Iran is being sanctioned for doing nothing wrong, isn't it obvious they are going to retaliate? If any country is a threat to the global community it is the USA, not Iran. Please get your facts straight.

Stop using the media information as premises for your ill-formed conclusions.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

It wasn't Iranians who piloted the planes into WTC1,2, and 7...oh wait. No plane hit WTC 7. It just fell at close to free fall speeds in demolition fashion due to debris from WTC1 and 2. Right. Keep believing the media lies my friend.

When SHTF we will not be telling you 'I told ya so'.

I suppose you believe this as well:

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:58 PM
I couldn't get past the first page of the thread without being disgusted with people blaming the US for everything. Especially those that benefit from our military and also financially from us.

I would love to have the US pull out of the straits, and let Iran close it off.

I would expect then there would be post after post of "Where is the US?" "Why are they letting Iran do this?"

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by RockLobster

Originally posted by theBigToe

Originally posted by RockLobster
reply to post by theBigToe

Propaganda , who ever supports this c0ck measuring contest needs to find some respect , Iran has done nothing wrong , if anything ... America needs to be sanctioned by NATO.

If you think a country whose military is governed by religion isnt going to carry out kamikaze attacks at times of war then youre being delusional.

Iran is a threat to the world. It might not be capable of invading other countries right now, but after ten, twenty years, it will try imposing a universal religion by justifying acts of aggression towards secular countries like Israel and the U.S., just like Islam mandates.

" If you think a country whose military is governed by religion... " and America is not guilty of religious extremism ? christianity is the core of American society ..... "god bless america "..."in god we trust"..."one nation under god" ....what about that pathetic crucifix at ground zero ? there was no melting steel but that thing melted together ? lol....... you do realise that your country is fighting muslims because they dont beleive in your god right ?

And the second part of your post just stinks of hypocricy ................. Iran is not a threat , lets get that straight , they want nuclear weapons .......... so what ..... theyre surrounded by nuclear countries , Israel being the closest "unhinged" extremists , and this tripe -> " but after ten, twenty years, it will try imposing a universal religion by justifying acts of aggression towards secular countries like Israel and the U.S., just like Islam mandates " ........... like i said , you do realise that your country is fighting muslims because they dont beleive in your god right ? America is imposing a universal religion , they want a global currency , a global government , WAKE THE FCUK UP.

Absolutely on the button, as such.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

Do you still think the Iranians arent suicidal?

Never thought that, you do realize that this is coming from the USA saying this stuff. That should tell you right there.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by theBigToe

Do you still think the Iranians arent suicidal?

Never thought that, you do realize that this is coming from the USA saying this stuff. That should tell you right there.

You are just as foolish to believe that everything out of an Americans mouth is a lie then you are to believe that everything out of an Americans mouth is the truth.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:44 PM

I couldn't get past the first page of the thread without being disgusted with people blaming the US for everything. Especially those that benefit from our military and also financially from us.

I would love to have the US pull out of the straits, and let Iran close it off.

I would expect then there would be post after post of "Where is the US?" "Why are they letting Iran do this?"

Maybe if we tapped some of our own oil resources, instead of depending on foreign oil, that may be an option.

In fact, if we did so, then released a ton of barrels to the foreign markets for sale, it'd be pretty funny. Who knows, that may even be the plan for the future...

Of course, realistically, do you know what this would do to oil prices, thus gas prices, thus EVERYTHING's prices?

That's why the US and other nations can't allow the strait to be held captive. The US though, is the only one with the military assets in the region that can thwart it, but you can bank that most major nations dependent on foreign oil will certainly do everything they can to greenlight US action if Iran tries to halt traffic through the strait.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

LOL, I'll believe when I see it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:03 PM
Those who just attack US big boat by a some RPGs are called suicide boats.


I suicide much


to all of you Zionists , you will not succeed.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I couldn't get past the first page of the thread without being disgusted with people blaming the US for everything. Especially those that benefit from our military and also financially from us.

I would love to have the US pull out of the straits, and let Iran close it off.

I would expect then there would be post after post of "Where is the US?" "Why are they letting Iran do this?"

Maybe if we tapped some of our own oil resources, instead of depending on foreign oil, that may be an option.

In fact, if we did so, then released a ton of barrels to the foreign markets for sale, it'd be pretty funny. Who knows, that may even be the plan for the future...

Of course, realistically, do you know what this would do to oil prices, thus gas prices, thus EVERYTHING's prices?

That's why the US and other nations can't allow the strait to be held captive. The US though, is the only one with the military assets in the region that can thwart it, but you can bank that most major nations dependent on foreign oil will certainly do everything they can to greenlight US action if Iran tries to halt traffic through the strait.

US is just like a parasite pumping blood of other nations.

How can a parasite give up acting parasitically ?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

Maaaan.. Iran's military has been run by religion since before you were born.. In fact Iran is one of the very few countries in the middle east that does not go to war.. They have always had the policy of being the "Switzerland" of the middle east so to speak as their policy has been to just not get involved (save for when Iraq attacked them directly)..

Iran never has been a threat and no amount of fear mongering and propaganda is going to change that.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:38 PM
The ignorance in this thread has spilleth over.

Time to go find another thread with healthy discussion before the pro-war pro-america patriots take over and start name calling again.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by theBigToe

so basily there like kalamanzie bombers from world war 2

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by seabag

yeh you know why they use kids for that ? because if theyre wrong the kids will go to heaven as stated in "our" bible (not trying to be a racist or judge cultures or offend anyone, if i did, im sorry), let the children come to me (something like that, im dutch so i only know a direct translation of the words

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