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Hollow Earth Theory New Evidence.

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 01:29 PM
It's an interesting theory, unfortunately it is no more correct than the theory we have now, and everyone already believes that theory and we live our lives according to that theory, so changing the theory to one that is just as unprovable at this moment would be an inconvenience to everyone. Don't get me wrong, I think accepting a world that the Earth is hollow and there is a condensed star and gasses in the center below the crust made from overgrown rings would change the way we live drastically and probably the technologies, but they are both unprovable and really no more reasonable than one another.

I am confused as to how we have pictures of the Earth from space and there aren't holes on both tops from the rodin coil effect, or how those holes haven't been found by anyone yet...although you could make an argument they are just now finding them with all these new caves in antartica booming with life.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by tpaine1809
reply to post by SplitInfinity

You're missing the point. I am saying that everything we are told about magnetism is wrong. It's why even today you rarely find an expert on magnets.

There are even some serious questions concerning GRAVITY.
Some scientist think gravity might be an external "pushing" force rather than a pulling one.

Contrary to what teachers have told you...Gravity is not a FORCE but rather Space/Time Geometry. Split Infinity

Contrary to what you may think, Gravity is one of the main four forces, although it is the weakest of the four...

The four are; Strong Interaction, Weak Interaction, Electromagnetism and Gravitation (or gravity). The theory that rules gravitation is indeed general relativity, which is the same that rules space time and geometry. But that doesnt mean that gravity is included in space time geometry but rather both are under the same theory and all those are known as the Fundamental Interaction (or something along that anyway)

But hey... I'm graduated in history and archaeology, not a theoretical physicist or an expert on particle physics but still, since history includes everything the human being did, does or will do, I think it is transverse to all disciplines. And according to history, yes, Gravity is a force unless proven otherwise. I know there are models with a fith force... but lets us focus it what we currently know.

EDIT: Oh about the "Hollow Earth" theory; Well... as an Historian myself, I think its possible. Theres too much "out of place" information locked away. In here, right about 30 km from where I live, in the begining of the XX century a man discovered some bones, which (by stratification) dated about 250.000 years. Well he was kinda made a fool by his "main stream buddies" and they talked about soil contamination and how stratification can sometimes lead to wrong conclusions. Example: When you bury someone, you may dig deep enough so it passes years of layers, giving the impression the body is actually older that it is. But when you do this, above the buried corpse you dont have layers, you have ONE. That is the layer you covered the dead body with. That contamination is easy to see since all the ground around will have the correct layers, but over the dead body there isnt, so its pretty easy to identify.

Well since this guy was determined to prove that it wasnt a mistake, he went back there, will a full team, photographs and drawings ready to check for contamination, and dug again, discovering yet more homo sapiens sapiens bones... dating 250.000 years aprox AGAIN. So... well they just stored the bones and kept their mouths shut since they could not place the bones anywhere in their "main stream" doctrine.

Archeology is more worried in fitting the items to their theory, than making the theory fit the items. Thinking like that, we will never advance since there are constant discoveries that go against the main stream history. We got grave robbers entering into sealed places, we got modern human bones discovered when there wasnt any modern human around, we got batteries and electrical appliances done before anyone would even dream of electricity - we got drawings of weird modern electrical light bulbs curiously made in places that light cant reach, with no marks of torches on the ceiling, and where even mirrored light will simply dissipate due to distance from the light source, we got this huge structures built by humans that simply dont fit their technological capabilities and go against the time span that "we" believe they were built, we got whole civilizations disappearing from one day to another, leaving no evidence of anything wrong... they just left behind their stuff while themselves simply vanished with no reason what so ever, we got "enlightened minds" over the centuries way ahead of their time doing stuff that we can only do today - some stuff actually we cant even do today, that curiously enough were ignored or blurred out buy an inferior technology that became main stream. We got all kinds of weird stuff belonging to the past that we simply cant explain beginning with the damn missing link. The missing link in human evolution is the FIRST and single stone in all we know is dependent on. If we manage to figure that one out, it can change our history forever. And its just one thing... one simple thing that can make all we know, collapse from day to night.

Never forget that we dont really have PROOF of anything. We have THEORIES. And they're worth what they're worth... until a better theory comes along and wipes the previous out.

So all that being said, I dont believe in any theory. I only say if they make sense or not. And the hollow earth theory, as crazy as it sounds, it actually makes sense. So its another theory to think about. I've been studying a lot and trying to find one or two massive flaws that actually could completely destroy the hollow earth theory, I've talk to some colleagues and friends of mine, most of them pretty damn skeptic I might add, and we all come to the same conclusion, while improbable its not impossible since there isnt a single massive flaw or contradiction about this theory. And to be perfectly honest and somewhat shocking, I can place it right beside any "main stream theory" since its worth that much. Like the guy on the video say, although I hate the guy, since he always has this stupid jokes and little sarcastic "want to be funny" expressions, but unfortunately and for my deepest regret, hes right. Nothing is written about the pyramids, and yes the Egyptians did leave everything about their daily lives, from sex to spirituality, from agriculture to petty neighborhood differences and skirmishes, from what they ate and drank to parties and celebrations, everything written in stone. Their deities were the most self-centered, narcissist people on earth, leaving everywhere "John was here and made this" every time they could, and there isnt one, ONE single information about the pyramids and what they were, how they used them and why they built them. And thats pretty weird.

Now... maybe you can find that information deep inside the vatican vaults, from what they stole from the great library of alexandria, but until someone decides to make a freakin army and plan a massive assault only with the purpose of giving everything the vatican has to the public - which I think its more worth of a military operation than these stupid wars with iraq and whatever - we'll never see what they really have in there. I personally believe that the information they have is more than sufficient to prove every damn "weird" thing we stumble into in history and its a basic human right to have access to that information, because it relates to all of us.

But since no one is actually planning anything, all we have left is theories - all of them pretty good, so... yes the hollow earth is possible, atlantis, lemuria, shambala, agartha, hyperborea, camelot, el dorado and even the freakin purgatory. They're all possible according to their own theories.

What bothers me is not if you believe in these theories or not. What bothers me is how quick people are to dismiss those theories not actually thinking that there is a possibility that those theories can be right. What will happen to mainstream history and archeology when some of those places are discovered? Will it die in shame? Or will they take advantage and suddenly, like many discoveries before, the main stream will say "oh yes, it was a theory, and it is right, GREAT - we did again a favor to mankind by discovering this crap" - "but you always dismissed it and put it to ridicule" - "No, there was always a theory, although a low possibility, but we never denied it"...

Oh well... believe what you want, but never dismiss a theory, just makes people look like ignorant since its that same ignorance that prevents us from knowing more about us and actually evolve. Unless its utterly stupid, I can understand and not dismiss a theory.
edit on 12-2-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by L00kingGlass

That's just ignorant, sorry. I mean no disrespect, but that's just ignorant. You must go out and learn some things that have been observed and documented by people from down through the ages before you can formulate your own theories.

I mean no disrespect, but your words are crude and obnoxious. Sorry. You must go out and learn to disagree with someone politely before posting.

Also, I'm not a scientist. What were you expecting? I sure wish ATS had an ignore feature.

it is not ignorant because one cannot ignore something that has no hard evidence to prove it wrong.... why is there a book called hollow planets that even gets reputable scientists thinking outside the box and questioning the norm??? those who discount it out of hand without actually studying the full scope of the subject are the ones ignorant not those who show interest.

harsh words I know but it has to be said

Any one who says the earth is not hollow is simply lying, until one has found hard irrefutable evidence which counters every single variation of this theory, and those who study the subject all know that here are variations and arguments for it that cannot be disporven... so the only real honourable option left for mainstream science is to admit that it doesn't really know the truth one way or another..

edit on 12-2-2012 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by 0ptw0
It's an interesting theory, unfortunately it is no more correct than the theory we have now, and everyone already believes that theory and we live our lives according to that theory, so changing the theory to one that is just as unprovable at this moment would be an inconvenience to everyone. Don't get me wrong, I think accepting a world that the Earth is hollow and there is a condensed star and gasses in the center below the crust made from overgrown rings would change the way we live drastically and probably the technologies, but they are both unprovable and really no more reasonable than one another.

I am confused as to how we have pictures of the Earth from space and there aren't holes on both tops from the rodin coil effect, or how those holes haven't been found by anyone yet...although you could make an argument they are just now finding them with all these new caves in antartica booming with life.

see links in my sig.

A planet can house a sun-core without needing to have open holes...they can be covered with ice. Sounds crazy at first sure, understandably, however a sun burns in space (via internal resources) without an atmosphere to feed it. Aether (source energy - zero point) is fine like sound and permeates all matter, when it condenses it forms matter (accretion) the toroidal vortex holes of the sun core absorb aether through the crust. whether the poles are holes covered with ice or no holes at all is irrelevant with this world view.

Personally I feel that there are multiple dimensions and variation s of teh earth (alt timelines if you will) and we can shift in between them via adjusting our perception macro-quantum superposition. In one variation there are polar openings, i.e. Admiral byrd's flight etc. Then there are world views where there are no pole openings but is still an inner world that thrives via aetheric mass accretion and whether cycles which produce a field of dark clouds that rotate in a manner that allows photosynthesis.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by Spiratio

How do you explain a Luna eclipse?

visit the link in the post quoted - its the last topic diagrams as well (its not me explaining either its a citation of a German man's work)
edit on 12-2-2012 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:47 PM
I cannot believe how many people in here actually believe the Earth is hollow. The bad science on display in here is mind boggling. Someone even said "Gravity is the same as magnetism"

Id' probably get banned if i said what you have to be to believe this utter crap, but if you even consider that it COULD be true, you need to a: get out more and b: read more science/physics/geology/chemistry books.

I know its difficult to understand, but there is no, zero, zilch proof of this ridiculous theory being true .And yes, you CAN visit both poles. It costs a fortune but it can be done. A simple google search will give you pages of polar tour operators.

You can show all the youtube videos you want of known physics phenomena, all the videos you want of people drawing irrelevant science onto white boards...that does not make them in the slightest bit relevant to planet formation.

I mean seriously? Are we really asking that if the clothes in a tumble dryer move outwards why wouldn't earths crust? really? This is level of ignorance we have plunged to?

Shocking. I really hope most of the believers are kids/teens who are taken in by the wonder and not fully grown, rational adults.

And FYI. Taking Admiral Byrds word on this when no one since then has confirmed anything he says is idiotic. Is ONE mans word enough nowadays?

edit on 12-2-2012 by 3danimator because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2012 by 3danimator because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2012 by 3danimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by 3danimator
1 A simple google search will give you pages of polar tour operators.
2 You can show all the youtube videos you want of known physics phenomena, all the videos you want of people drawing irrelevant science onto white boards...
3 Taking Admiral Byrds word when no one since confirmed wht he says is idiotic

Disclaimer: deeply provocative and cognisant ideas ensue, not ideal for those who are prone to info overload or whom rely upon a specific world view for psychological sanctity.

1. GPS has been shown to be ineffective for locating the exact poles and so are compasses... and polar openings are not nessesary for a multidimensional aether based hollow earth model

2. the explanation of hollow earth world view does not use bad science, it notions on aspects which science is reluctant to explore, since mainstream science is reluctant to explore it they have no stand on claiming pseudosceiece at these notions... first they have to be disproved and it hasn't been done it has only been argued against.

Within mainstream science there are falsehoods which cannot be falsified and facts which cannot be actualised. This is where the line is drawn between assumptions, Occam razor however (i.e. the principle that the simplest answer is probably correct) is not always correct.

All seismic data can be interpreted to favour the hollow earth world view (HEWV), it is only assumptions bassed on this data which leads contemporary physicists to disagree with the notions of HEWV.

All perspectives and world views have an opposite and an inverse. The moment one views something a particular way they are excluding its vice's. But all things require an opposite and an inverse to exist.

Here's an example:

One could be either an excited person; or they would be a calm person i.e. opposites
However the inverse of an excited person is not a calm person rather it is a person with the same level of energy as an excited person but with the equal and inverse polarisation of the attitude e.g. if the excited person is emotively excited then the inverse would be to be logistically excited with the same amount of enthusiasm i.e. left brain dominance opposed to right brain dominance - the left and right are equal and opposite but the orientation of dominance has one or the other as the hub of directed perception with its ideal modality running the show of the opposite half, just the same as an electrical wire can have its circuit run in one direction or the other, it still uses all the available cable just in a different way.i.e. inversion.
A calm person however has a diferent level of energy all together

This can be understood further in statement analysis:

He is a tall person
He is a short person
He is not a tall person
He is not a short person

Notice the inverse does not necessarily imply an opposite of the subjective matter (tallness), it can be interpreted as "He" is not a tall Personi.e. it leaves the subject matter open ended e.g. the "he" could be referring to a non-person (an animal) that is still tall.

This principle leaves a great deal of alternate routes of interpreting data once one is accustomed to the manner in which the data can be inversely viewed (according to assumption)

e.g's. light bends / light is straight.
space curves / space is straight

just as the subjective matter of tallness is rendered untouched by inversion so too is the appearance of all observed phenomena in an inverted orientation of the cosmos.

So, regarding the cosmos.

The opposite of a solid earth is a hollow earth and the inverse of a convex world view is a concave world view. The difference with a concave world view is that it doesn't require any change in the nature of know physics they just become inverse. The opposite of a solid earth however does require that known laws and or scientific data be interpreted in an alternate way.

The conundrum - a concave world view (which has had evidence to support it as possible) begs the question "what's on the outside of the concave surface?" If one is to theorise about this then the only logical conclusion is that an entire cosmos exists inside a planet, how one would conclude this via the notion that there is a Copernican cosmology of stars and planets existing inside the Concave cosmology "Geo-cosmos" therefore the inverse of this is a convex earth on the outside of a concave earth of which exists inside a larger Copernican cosmology which itself exists inside another Geocosmos. Since the inverted world view is a possible perception with evidence to support it, then the assumptions of the solid convex earth are what need inspection. You can read all the text books you like but none of them change a thing about the implications of inversion and that it includes all know phenomena whilst also expanding upon uncertain assumptions. Its easy to exclude things for simplicity but a little knowledge can be a deadly thing.

3. You are underestimating the potential of deception
edit on 12-2-2012 by Spiratio because: content

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I think if the hollow earth theory would more realistically be miles of caverns and caves expanding for miles, rather than actually remotely hollow. I'd willingly believe that there are cavern systems stretching for miles underground, with possibly huge cavities in areas, but even if we did find them there's a good chance they'd be natural. But then again, science can be used to prove anything

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Spiratio

GPS has been shown to be ineffective for locating the exact poles and so are compasses...

No, actually, GPS is the only reliable navigation system that works in the high latitudes of the poles.

You are thinking of Gyro-compasses, which lose there position when you travel over the poles.

Magnetic compasses will still point to magnetic north at the northern axial pole.

Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by Spiratio

GPS has been shown to be ineffective for locating the exact poles and so are compasses...

No, actually, GPS is the only reliable navigation system that works in the high latitudes of the poles.

You are thinking of Gyro-compasses, which lose there position when you travel over the poles.

Magnetic compasses will still point to magnetic north at the northern axial pole.

Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

nope all researched or re-researched...I only take data and then weigh it up with my own experiences and logic if I cvan entertain a world view and feel it to some extent... for instance take concave world view once one actually experiences a deep grounded feeling in that perception then it becomes just as real and valid as convex. I do not choose one over the other as basis of what's "accepted as norm" I go on what makes me feel content and centred.

I picked up the GPS info on the Flat earth society forums, perhaps you ought to go over there and debate it with them... their reasoning (although I cant remember all details atm) at the time when I entertained their discussions seemed plausible, I do recall reading it and thinking ok makes sense (for arguments sake) Im not big on arguing only on collecting all the possible data I can and then looking it all unbiased thats how I draw my conclusions and derive inspiration to builds upon them after I have entertained perspectives and had personal experiences which validate them for myself. It makes things allot more interesting to have multiple world views at your disposal.

This post leads me to assume you didn't bother reading the link I directed you to when you asked about eclipses as if you had you wouldn't have asked such a question regarding me making it up as I go along...lets just say I have thought outside the box allot furth...acctualy I dont have a box.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Avalessa
Because we are so young as a species and know very little, I never completely brush off stuff like hollow earth theory. Though I personally believe the earth is not hollow, I don't disregard it being hollow because we haven't really put much time into finding proof of a hollow earth. Basically, take any theory into consideration as it may or may not be true.

But really, there's only one way to find out. Gentlemen, grab your shovels. We're making science! me a Chauvinist....but I alway's feel bad when I have to contradict the Ladies! LOL! Even though I am a firm believer in equal rights....the SEXES are not equal. I can't carry a child to term and women in general...although I know some very smart and tough Mom being one...and alot of others who are very good at what they is a fact that the Sexes are not equal.

Saying this...I have a hard time blowing a concept that a polite female has posted....if she is rude and makes statements that reek of over compensation...I don't have as much of a problem with it...but call me old fashion...I still adhere to the special exceptons that I give women in general such as opening a door or even when Sparing with a Female Specialist...I can't seem to go all in as they ask me not to hold back as they wish to acess their skills. Avalessa...there is not only one way to find out as there are many Calculations based on Gravitic considerations as well as the obvious general unstability a Hollow Earth would just collapse in on itself as well as the impossibility of Planetary Development and if you like good tan....if Earth was would not have a Magnetic Field to protect us from Solar and Cosmic Radiation so 1 Billion Sunblock would not even help you as your body would be fried to a crisp. Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Spiratio

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by Spiratio

GPS has been shown to be ineffective for locating the exact poles and so are compasses...

No, actually, GPS is the only reliable navigation system that works in the high latitudes of the poles.

You are thinking of Gyro-compasses, which lose there position when you travel over the poles.

Magnetic compasses will still point to magnetic north at the northern axial pole.

Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

nope all researched or re-researched...I only take data and then weigh it up with my own experiences and logic if I cvan entertain a world view and feel it to some extent... for instance take concave world view once one actually experiences a deep grounded feeling in that perception then it becomes just as real and valid as convex. I do not choose one over the other as basis of what's "accepted as norm" I go on what makes me feel content and centred.

So what you saying is that you'll only accept facts that support your views. Any facts which disagree with YOUR view are met with you sticking your fingers in your ears.


I picked up the GPS info on the Flat earth society forums, perhaps you ought to go over there and debate it with them... their reasoning (although I cant remember all details atm) at the time when I entertained their discussions seemed plausible, I do recall reading it and thinking ok makes sense (for arguments sake) Im not big on arguing only on collecting all the possible data I can and then looking it all unbiased thats how I draw my conclusions and derive inspiration to builds upon them after I have entertained perspectives and had personal experiences which validate them for myself. It makes things allot more interesting to have multiple world views at your disposal.

Do you realise that the flat-earthers are a running joke perpetuated by people smarter that yourself?

You might want to have a real good look at the different websites that address the flat-earthers and there modus operandi. The whole flat earth movement is a joke. It is there to see who is dumb enough to believe the crap that gets spewed on the net and to supply laughs to people like me.

Flat-Eathers modus operandi = To sucker in morons and take the pi$$ out of them.

This post leads me to assume you didn't bother reading the link I directed you to when you asked about eclipses as if you had you wouldn't have asked such a question regarding me making it up as I go a4long...lets just say I have thought outside the box allot furth...acctualy I dont have a box.

No, I asked YOU to explain Lunar Eclipses!

YOU seem to think that you have debunked science and are sure that you know more than anyone else.

Go right ahead.

WOW the HET skeptics and prove us wrong.

Oh, thats only accept facts that don't contradict the views held by your fragile ego.

edit on 12/2/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni least you are smart enough to want some proof so I will give it. Yes...I know the titles given....the Strong Force...the Weak Force....etc. Gravity is even listed as a Force and the word Gravitational Force is used by many World Renoun Physicists...but it is not a FORCE.

Every thing that is Matter or Energy is effected by Gravity...Gravit being Space/Time Geometry. Light or Photons are effected by Gravity as Light will curve toward a Warpeture of Space/Time created by a Great enough collection of Mass.

When you drop an apple...what exactly makes it fall? Everything else that is placed into motion is FORCED into Motion by either a Trasfer of Kinetic a Bat hitting a Base Ball....or place a iron ball on a table and you can move it around with a strong enough Magnet under the table or Pick up a Crushed Car with an Electric Charged Disk on a cranes cable. If you shoot a rocket no matter how small or big....the burning of the fuel solid or liquid...pushes against the Rocket and by Kinetic Transfer...the Rocket shoots into the air. But what is happening when you drop the apple?

There is not mesurable force of any kind making it fall. There is no Kinetic Transfer....unless you throw it with your arm...there is no Magnetic attraction or Deflecton....there is no chemical propellent...or any other particle involved and NO ONE HAS EVER FOND A GRAVITON OR HIGGS BOSON. The apple falls. Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

And the computed mass of the objects is based on the assumption that they are solid and not hollow, like I said. The theory would not make much sense and the measurements would be off if the objects were 1/10th the mass they are assumed to be.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:44 AM
I am sorry if I am repeating....I will admit I didnt make it all the way thru the post yet. I am not a scientist, just very curious and self taught.

ll the talk about gravity had me thinking about a theory I heard about.

Now Lisa Randall of Princeton University, New Jersey, and Raman Sundrum of Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, have proposed a bold resolution to the hierarchy problem. They suggest that space-time is not four-dimensional, as in Einstein's theory, but has an extra dimension. This in itself is not so revolutionary – physicists routinely posit extra dimensions in unification theories. They suppose that the extra dimensions are tightly curled up so as to be invisible at any length scales we can probe, just as, at a distance, a hosepipe is indistinguishable from a one-dimensional line. But the extra dimension of Randall and Sundrum is special, because it is here, they say, that gravity truly resides – in the form of 'gravitons', the particles that are hypothesized to mediate gravitational attraction just as photons (particles of light) act as the 'carrier' of the electromagnetic force. The problem, they say, is not that the energy scale appropriate to gravitons is really so huge, but that they barely penetrate into our four dimensions. In five-dimensional reality, the difference between the energy scales of gravitational and electroweak unification is just a factor of ten.

I still am trying to see a connection to the problem of gravity being so weak , extra dimensions, string theory and hollow earth. maybe after reading this someone has a lightbulb go,off....Nobel prize anyone?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by timetothink
I am sorry if I am repeating....I will admit I didnt make it all the way thru the post yet. I am not a scientist, just very curious and self taught.

ll the talk about gravity had me thinking about a theory I heard about.

Now Lisa Randall of Princeton University, New Jersey, and Raman Sundrum of Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, have proposed a bold resolution to the hierarchy problem. They suggest that space-time is not four-dimensional, as in Einstein's theory, but has an extra dimension. This in itself is not so revolutionary – physicists routinely posit extra dimensions in unification theories. They suppose that the extra dimensions are tightly curled up so as to be invisible at any length scales we can probe, just as, at a distance, a hosepipe is indistinguishable from a one-dimensional line. But the extra dimension of Randall and Sundrum is special, because it is here, they say, that gravity truly resides – in the form of 'gravitons', the particles that are hypothesized to mediate gravitational attraction just as photons (particles of light) act as the 'carrier' of the electromagnetic force. The problem, they say, is not that the energy scale appropriate to gravitons is really so huge, but that they barely penetrate into our four dimensions. In five-dimensional reality, the difference between the energy scales of gravitational and electroweak unification is just a factor of ten.

I still am trying to see a connection to the problem of gravity being so weak , extra dimensions, string theory and hollow earth. maybe after reading this someone has a lightbulb go,off....Nobel prize anyone?


This got me thinking.

On a conventional tack.....Say, for arguments sake.....Gravity transcends space-time in a special-relativity context.

Maybe the unaccountable dark matter of the Universe is in fact super-mega-heavy elements that have been formed in ancient galaxies that we can't observe optically in real time due to the distances involved. If gravitational influence was 'faster than the speed of light' then, we could detect the mass of such galaxies despite being unable to account for them optically nor with radio telescopes.

The formation of super-mega-heavy elements may be an answer to what happens inside a super-massive star that is close to collapsing into a black hole and to where all the unaccountable mass is in the Universe.

Food for thought.

edit on 13/2/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Well gee whiz...thank you.

It really is mind bending....the documentary I saw on this was really interesting.

This physicist believes our gravity may just be leftover from somewhere else....therefore the weakness. Where ever it is coming from has the strong that what you were thinking? And what if one of these dimensions cuts thru the middle of the earth? Could that be where the stories of hollow earth came from? That still wouldn't explain the weakness though....unless there is a "doorway " in middle earth...not actually the other dimension, but an opening that gravity leaks thru?

The weakness of gravity is easy to see when compared to magnetism....and that turns everything we learned about the cause of gravity on it's ear so to speak.
edit on 13-2-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by timetothink

I was looking at it from a standard solid earth scenario.

Currently modern physics still only accepts that things can't go beyond the speed of light. I am merely postulating possibility that if gravity were capable of travelling faster than the speed of light that it could open up a possible explanation for what has been labelled as dark matter.

As an example.....In the currently accepted model......If the sun suddenly vanished(Just say a reptilian teenager wants to punk us). The Earth would maintain an orbit for about eight and a half minutes before the effect was felt(or in this case ....not felt). After approximately eight and a half minutes, the suns light would vanish and with it, its gravitational influence.

What I'm postulating is that if gravity could travel faster than light then we(on Earth) would feel the effects of the lack of gravitational influence before the light of the sun went out.

Until some smart dude/dudette in a lab somewhere nails a way to observe gravity in its raw form(graviton
), then one can only speculate.

edit on 13/2/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by tpaine1809
reply to post by newcovenant

Thanks for the video haven't seen that. This is a very plausible scenario.

No. It really isnt.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin

Originally posted by Spiratio

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
reply to post by Spiratio

GPS has been shown to be ineffective for locating the exact poles and so are compasses...

No, actually, GPS is the only reliable navigation system that works in the high latitudes of the poles.

You are thinking of Gyro-compasses, which lose there position when you travel over the poles.

Magnetic compasses will still point to magnetic north at the northern axial pole.

Do you make this stuff up as you go along?

nope all researched or re-researched...I only take data and then weigh it up with my own experiences and logic if I cvan entertain a world view and feel it to some extent... for instance take concave world view once one actually experiences a deep grounded feeling in that perception then it becomes just as real and valid as convex. I do not choose one over the other as basis of what's "accepted as norm" I go on what makes me feel content and centred.

So what you saying is that you'll only accept facts that support your views. Any facts which disagree with YOUR view are met with you sticking your fingers in your ears.


I picked up the GPS info on the Flat earth society forums, perhaps you ought to go over there and debate it with them... their reasoning (although I cant remember all details atm) at the time when I entertained their discussions seemed plausible, I do recall reading it and thinking ok makes sense (for arguments sake) Im not big on arguing only on collecting all the possible data I can and then looking it all unbiased thats how I draw my conclusions and derive inspiration to builds upon them after I have entertained perspectives and had personal experiences which validate them for myself. It makes things allot more interesting to have multiple world views at your disposal.

Do you realise that the flat-earthers are a running joke perpetuated by people smarter that yourself?

You might want to have a real good look at the different websites that address the flat-earthers and there modus operandi. The whole flat earth movement is a joke. It is there to see who is dumb enough to believe the crap that gets spewed on the net and to supply laughs to people like me.

Flat-Eathers modus operandi = To sucker in morons and take the pi$$ out of them.

This post leads me to assume you didn't bother reading the link I directed you to when you asked about eclipses as if you had you wouldn't have asked such a question regarding me making it up as I go a4long...lets just say I have thought outside the box allot furth...acctualy I dont have a box.

No, I asked YOU to explain Lunar Eclipses!

YOU seem to think that you have debunked science and are sure that you know more than anyone else.

Go right ahead.

WOW the HET skeptics and prove us wrong.

Oh, thats only accept facts that don't contradict the views held by your fragile ego.

edit on 12/2/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

first ^^^ the bolding... I look at all the facts ... go back and look at all my posts in this thread. If you cant argue again the original data then your not worth my time. If I didn't I wouldn't say a word and I would keep these ideas and personal experiences to myself.........................

Why am I gong to explain something that is allready explained by some one else in a post I made myself?...your ignoring the mathematical evidence that go hand in explaining what you asked. But because I didn't think of it originaly you wont even look...Wow thats very ignorant (this is the kind of behaviour as the TFES). Im pretty sure all your belifes about the interior of the earth were what you read from someone else's ideas... Grow up man this is a weak excuse for burying your head in the sand.

Im aware that the FES is mostly a joke but there are some serious believers there and they provide very thought provoking answers.

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