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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

If you practice the small universe as a total skeptic it will still work. The practice does not require belief because the practice is based on the resonance of complementary opposites.

If you believe and are religious then this will help the practice but it is not necessary. So it's just like practicing music -- a lot of parents have their kids take say piano lessons and the kids don't really understand why -- but they practice reluctantly. Most quit after a year. Others practice more years but even then they are not sure why they are practicing - maybe just to be obedient - maybe they just like a sense of accomplishment.

So then as the practice deepens it is suddenly realized that the music is practicing them -- and not the other way around.

So to be an energy master requires submission to the Emptiness more than anyone else - submission to the truth as the source of the I-thought.

So the emptiness it not based on thinking anything -- it is the process of listening so deeply that the person is now being listened to and not the other way around.

Bradford Keeney says -- in his study of the Bushmen shamans and his practice as a Bushmen healer -- he says -- the Bushmen never say God talks to them. No -- they can listen to God but God does not talk to them. haha.

So in order to do the practice first words have to be rejected. It is a practice of nonwestern music. So a person can do the standing active exercises -- a very simple exercise that activates the yin and yang dynamics of the upper and lower body and the right and left hand. So it's like connecting the switch of a battery and then moving the energy through the battery to store the energy as the build up of potential energy in the battery.

So if a person does this practice for 20 minutes a day then they will feel the energy -- no belief is necessary.

edit on 5-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

So Esther Trejo was a skeptic -- her son forced her to take the qigong classes.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

there's a new section to this thread: Esoteric / Exoteric: Ancient Origins of Atomic Theory and Akasha / Nous (The Aetheric Source)

I tend toward the notion that this is the conundrum that comes with using psychedelics...more often than not they stream insights at a rate faster than can be retained in the cognitive centres. Overall it has a liberating effect on the subconscious/intuitive centres all the whilst high, but there are no lasting results yielded.

This then tends to inculcate a belief in people that it is incomprehensible....however that belief is an illusion.
Often people will rely on that belief to kid themselves that there is no reason to aspire to enlightenment via purist means. The Buddha is the example that they refer to, and think they have to give up everything they are familiar with and comforted by, so as to attain permanent enlightenment.
This however is yet another illusion, because they are referring to a threshold of potential which resides in the past.

The Buddha lived in a time when the technological advancement was futile in yielding analogous examples to help others understand what he as the apex of consciousness at that time had comprehended. So he didn't bother with trying and just set a compassionate example of living of which was resonant with those insights; knowing that that way of living was also the way for others to attain those insights as a constant.

I feel that Christ was similar to Buddah however he had the capacity to psychicly embed those insights into the collective heart-consciousness as seeds. Whereas Buddah accessed the seeds from a higher domain out of sync with the threshold of the collective psyche.

We are now living in an era where technology enables the fathomment of the non-linear principles of Akashic space that all the ancient sages understood. They could see it in math via their own higher perceptive comprehension of the non-linear, but they couldn't convey it articulately to the masses due to limited technological examples to serve as analogy.

This means that the same levels of insightful understanding can be learned second hand, without having to become a sage in seclusion who meditates day in day out for 40 odd years before being able integrate it.

Edit: This is why Ego is not something to be transcended but to be transmuted into the divine ego-self. The self which experiences all the joys and pleasures but with total attention to the now it is the now which sustains the infinite-life force. In that state energy and power aren't even concepts all is perpetual.
edit on 5-3-2012 by Spiratio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

force is not the best word to use unless she literally was doing it against her will. No one should ever be forced into spiritual practices.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Spiratio

Yeah her son "forced her" to take the qigong classes -- meaning she felt obligated to trust her son that the classes would help heal her.

That's in contrast to Joseph Kony forcing 30,000 children to be slave soldiers massacring and torturing people in Northern Uganda -- watch the expose here

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Spiratio

Actually there are fewer energy masters than in previous times today precisely due to technology acting as a diversion to real spiritual training.

How many people sit in full lotus in a cave nonstop for a month -- taking next to no water, no food and no sleep?

Sure there's lots of people claiming to be enlightened but that is just brainwashed Western Buddhism that does not require transformation of the body.

So the practice is very simple -- just sit in full lotus. Master Wang Liping had to sit in full lotus for four hours nonstop without moving at all -- just as his first beginning training.

You can take classes with Master Wang Liping also -- sometimes he comes to the U.S.

So the real energy masters are actually quite rare but a good way to tell is how long a person can sit in full lotus without moving in ease.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

For someone so bright, you shouldn't miss the obvious...

And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!

Nessun Dorma

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by Americanist

This should be in the poetry section.

I'm just realizing there is a poetry section after 4 years!

edit on 5-3-2012 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

So the emptiness it not based on thinking anything -- it is the process of listening so deeply that the person is now being listened to and not the other way around.

You know, with an orchestra you'll find a director...

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Americanist

That's Western tuning -- and the Western mentality.

edit on 5-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Or a solid spine and even better posture!

Speaking of solid:

This means that the same levels of insightful understanding can be learned second hand, without having to become a sage in seclusion who meditates day in day out for 40 odd years before being able integrate it.

Edit: This is why Ego is not something to be transcended but to be transmuted into the divine ego-self. The self which experiences all the joys and pleasures but with total attention to the now it is the now which sustains the infinite-life force. In that state energy and power aren't even concepts all is perpetual.

edit on 5-3-2012 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I'm starting to sense you've bypassed a crucial detail...

The Universe is our construct, and we're embed as objects.
edit on 5-3-2012 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

"If you practice the small universe as a total skeptic it will still work. The practice does not require belief because the practice is based on the resonance of complementary opposites. "

I disagree. And it's easily demonstrated. It would be ridiculous to demonstrate that Truth can be rejected but harder to accept that this is exactly what is happening whether you are practicing or not. Non-reality is completely ridiculous. Manifesting material non-reality into non-existence through denial is ridiculous but here we are.

You cannot demonstrate/communicate a person becoming enlightened against their will. It is not possible. If it were possible i would love to meet the person that had the ability to do this to me. The problem is, it wouldn't be against my will since i am asking for it and truly desire liberation from delusion. I am the very denial of it as well.

I am not saying that my practice of small universe will not give me the experience you are suggesting. Not at all. In fact i know it will. More accurately i am acknowledging that future knowing. I have faith in it.

Again, it doesn't make the benefit or purpose of it any clearer in the context of Truth. Why do i want that experience again? Honestly.. what is the benefit? Or are we acknowledging that some get played that way and some don't?

Listening - i would suggest that the only Real wholeness you can hear Truth with is the wholeness of you that is Truth. And that Truth absolutely speaks directly to you as Truth. It wholly, truthfully and with 100% honesty identifies itself as Truth. So an experience of Reality is not like tuning yourself into it. Denial as a context cannot understand or acknowledge Truth no matter how obvious and direct it is. But if you/I were 100% honest, Truth would identify itself with complete eternal honesty.

I think you are on to something when you say "Music practices you". You are right. It's just hard to accept that our song is delusion even while being played as such.

I ask what the benefit is.. but if i am honest about it i know there is no answer. Truth is the answer and the method you are suggesting is listening! Truth itself is wholly satisfied in and by itself eternally. Anything else is a lie/delusion.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Americanist

edit on 5-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

"Sure there's lots of people claiming to be enlightened but that is just brainwashed Western Buddhism that does not require transformation of the body. "

The body is not True so any experience of Truth through it or by it is delusional. Bodies rot. People have limbs cutoff, spines crushed. Look at the body.. there is nothing there. Truth is not dependent on any of it. The body itself is a materialized denial of Reality.

Not to take away anything from the amazing feats and experiences, true knowledge ANY "master" has achieved in any time. I have admired them my entire life. But none of it is Real in the context of Reality/Truth. The most anyone practicing can hope for is the experience of this Truth. That the body they associate self with is not Real.

Imagine a person spending 100 or even 1000 years in full lotus. What is the benefit?

Science is immature.. but the practice of qigong, yoga and associated meditations WERE also immature at communicating the process. There is no doubt that there is very applicable practice to achieve particular experiences/non-experiences.

The real aspiration of science, and this is my opinion, is to develop an invasive technology that "forces" "enlightenment".

And i would suggest that other practices were all initially developed with this aspiration. People want to end "suffering". In themselves and then in others. But we are all "living" proof of their failure. I am not suggesting that in Reality they even existed to fail at anything of substance. History is not real. Like matter, the deeper you look the more you realize there is nothing there. The aspiration itself is based on denying the Reality that there is nothing to end. But nonetheless, unfolding/evolvement in delusional time appears to be happening.

If i sit in a room and scream at God for 30 years or sit in full lotus for 30 years the result, in the context of Reality, is the same. non-existent, fantasy, delusion. No benefit, addition, subtraction to what is True.

It's hard to admit this and experience it. Because we are so sure what we are doing is benefiting something. has meaning. It's veiled self importance, lack. And this is not Truth because Truth is wholly fulfilled in and by itself.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Here’s how Buddhist Master Nan, Huai-chin describes the different levels of consciousness:

The sixth and seventh consciousness are easy to transform. Once thoughts are empty, and past, present, and future are emptied out, the sixth consciousness is transformed into a pure illuminated realm of immediate awareness. If your meditation work advanced further, the seventh consciousness can also be emptied out. That is easy: it is a transformation at the level of the causal basis… Transformation at the level of effect is difficult. The first five consciousnesses associated with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, encompass this physical body. The eighth consciousness, the alaya consciousness, encompasses not only the physical body, but the whole material world. The first five and the eighth consciousnesses can be transformed only when the level of effect is complete,

Here’s what Master Nan, Huai-chin says about full lotus yoga position:

When you have genuinely entered Samadhi, the breath [electromagnetic chi] is definitely full. In a person filled with breath, no matter how old, all parts of the body are soft and supple, and the person becomes as supple as a baby… What is most important is correcting our minds. Any posture will do: when your meditation succeeds, your legs will become supple and you will naturally be able to sit cross-legged [full-lotus] steadily…. If the breath [electromagnetic chi] is not cultivated until it circulates freely, and the network of energy channels is not transformed, then you will not be able to attain Samadhi.497

497 Master Nan, Huai-chin, Working Toward Enlightenment: The cultivation of practice (Red
Wheel/Weiser, 1993), pp. 128, 175

Here’s how Master Nan, Huai-chin describes the process of entering meditation through mindbody transformation: There are many people who cultivate practice until they are very pure, but their bodies are all sick…. When they really get to the brink of death, they cannot completely empty out that one moment of thought, and so they sink down into oblivion following it. So the moment of purity that they attained, frankly speaking, is something material, something that is linked to their physical health. Can something like this be relied upon? It cannot.499

499 Master Nan, Huai-chin, Working Toward Enlightenment: The cultivation of practice (Red
Wheel/Weiser, 1993), p. 204.
edit on 5-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Spiratio

I can understand everything you are saying. But what is the benefit of unfolding, realizing.. becoming enlightened? Should i as ego really waste a single second of this malleable fantasy on the impossible mission of making fantasy Reality? I mean.. if the benefit of practice, listening etc is to have more control over the fantasy that is one thing.. But there is this implied potential of fantasy becoming Reality.. not saying you are promoting this.. but that sell is out there. Anything less then absolute Truth is delusion.. and 100% delusion is what i have without trying.

In Reality time is an illusion. Right? I'm not the first person to say this and personally i can allow myself to know this is true. Therefore any perceived history or future is also completely without substance.

I (ego, a delusion bubble) look out into eternal Truth and i experience time, i see a history and foresee a future. I see those before me and maybe contemplate myself and those after me. None of it is Real. There is no Buddha, There is no Jesus "the man". Just assuredly as there is no "me". The more we look with honesty the more we find nothing, a blank canvas to paint our past, our present and the future. All illusory. Don't get me wrong. In the context of delusion the entire spiritual history of mankind is as real as anything else.

In general, as i write this message i am experiencing a ridiculous story. A projection of self. How can i be sure that anything or anyone outside of what i directly experience is not completely without substance? I'm sure of the opposite but i cannot allow myself to admit it out of fear.

I know some of these ideas can be caste off as juvenile or immature. But.. who with honesty can admit the Truth of them? The few that may have come close are well documented, most misunderstand, loved, hated and obsessed over.

There is no hope in the future because the future is an illusion. But for the sake of the story.. yes there is some interesting unfolding taking place. Some real potential for truth in the future

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Pic or it didn't happen!
So how old does this person look?

Google Images

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Imagine that it were possible to move from delusion/denial into Absolute Truth and Eternity. What would be left in denial? Who is occupying these bodies of these ascended Masters? Writing books, giving instruction? Your projection or theirs?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Imagine that it were possible to move from delusion/denial into Absolute Truth and Eternity. What would be left in denial? Who is occupying these bodies of these ascended Masters? Writing books, giving instruction? Your projection or theirs?

You'd have to get a phone healing from Chunyi Lin to know what the instruction is. haha.

This is experiential learning -- again like practicing music. So you just practice the music.

Sit in full lotus. or Practice the small universe. Or do the standing tai-chi.

The energy flows as complementary opposites eternally -- the energy is always transforming.

That process of transformation does not change and so that process is consciousness.

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