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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I kept repeating this discrepancy in logic but no one on this thread even would acknowledge it! The frequency /wavelength inversion does not work for the Perfect Fourth unless there is a doubling first -- not just an inversion.

You do repeat many things but never explain anything. You continually ignore the discrepancies in your logic. You condemn western everything while stating tai chi and the yin and yang are literally the P4 and P5 you rail against.

Can you demonstrate the complementary opposites with their ratios?

Can you explain how anyone can arbitrarily assign invalid values to sounds when the sounds are what they are?
Does anyone get what I'm asking?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
The book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" gives the real secret of yin and yang as the 12 notes for alchemical training to the highest level and how to do it. You can download the book for free here

When I try to download it, I get “Server not found.”

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
So you can buy the 12 note music self-healing c.d. here if people want -- but I am not selling this.

On the page you link to, I don’t see anything about 12 note music self-healing.

What is the actual title of the CD?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

In my case, I had no clue what racemization is. I forced myself to look it up in the dictionary, and after I did, the dictionary definitions made his post make sense to me.

It had the opposite effect for me. After reading it as on the right handed technology that refers to the conversion of an optically active substance into an optically inactive mixture of equal amounts of the left handed and right handed forms of molecules I found myself even more confused. Oh well. Perhaps if I got my third eye laser tagged I might be able to see beyond the meaning of words. Then again like you said we do need defined terms to communicate successfully. Did Pythagoras have anything to say about the noncommunicative property of truth?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:07 AM
If we're talking about harmonic overtones then the fourth harmonic is an octave.

Now I pointed out that the harmonic series has the third harmonic as 2:3 creating the Perfect Fifth -- C to G. Then the fourth harmonic creates the perfect fourth as G to C. That's going in the same direction -- with no reversal of the fractions to keep the frequency above the wavelength.

If I am understanding part of what you are saying, you are suggesting that, say in the instance of a string, if we find the fifth going one direction then we should find the fourth going the other? That can not be, because the fourth is lower than the fifth and the string is shorter going the other direction which would be a higher note. Because Pythagoras used a string to illustrate his theory certain string related phenomenon come into play which are great for illustration. A wavelength shortened to the point of being a perfect fifth of the original note is just that, self contained. We shorten it and there is no other side, nothing left over. We drink a third of a cup of water we no long measure the portion in our stomachs, yes?

The beauty of the current accepted tuning (I'm not saying it is better) is that it is an averaging method. We can't start with one note, G for example and build from that using Pythagorean theory and have it work across the board without dissonance. Nothing wrong with dissonance other than the response physically is that of unrest, it is supposed that dissonance was valuable for early man as a way to agitate the masses for battle. However, with the advent of large groups of musicians and the use of different keys, the current form of tuning does indeed fudge the numbers to find the least abrasive combinations. One way it accomplishes this is by starting with each note, not one as the tuning source. If we assume octaves by their nature remain perfect, then we find the fifth of an A, the fifth of a G and so on, tweaking slightly to make them fit as a whole.

If we use a Pythagorean approach, the space between G and B for example, changes if we move from a G starting note to an E, correct?

What I like about using harmonic overtones as in the link you posted is that each note contains elements of related notes. Using your link, the octave, major third and fifth are represented as early, hence stronger harmonics. Using this as the building block for scales is ideal. Why? Because it is contained and proved by nature, no fuzzy math or conspiracies need enter into it. The note contains the formula for related notes, heck the root, major third and fifth spell out the ever popular major chord!

Because nature itself gives us this, anything outside of it would be an invention of man, yes?

If I start with an A of 110hz the 3rd harmonic is 330, a perfect fifth E. Using 330hz now as the starting point I get a B (perfect fifth) of 990hz which is the same B frequency when starting with the A of 110hz. The interval is different of course, but it lines up B for B. There is some variance, especially with some of the other intervals, but it is slight, hence our current adjustment in western music. Still, several major intervals get 'proven' through the harmonic overtones of nature.

Where does this fit in your scheme of things?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong

Those Aristotelean and Euclidean characters of continuity which became the right embedding of the theory of incommensurability credibly did not appear before Eudoxus and probably were fostered by the discovery of incommensurability, and the Quadrivium in its earlier Pythagorean version (if any) did not know any discrete/continuous opposition. In other words when music theory paved the road toward the discovery of incommensurability the idea of geometric magnitude was too clumsy to develop and even to understand such discovery, and it was exactly the possibility of the geometric drawing of a not-existent music interval to foster the development of the Aristotelean continuity.224

224 Luigi Borzacchini, “Music and Incommensurability,” Historia-Matematica, August 18, 1999.

Is this source online?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:34 AM

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:18 AM

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by ThoughtForms
reply to post by rwfresh

lol that was quite amusing, I was going to reply in depth but I realised there's no point..


ETA: oops removed who that was a reply too... my mistake...
edit on 16-2-2012 by ThoughtForms because: (no reason given)

You are right.. there is no point. If i could delete my message would hahaha. Oh well. Peace!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
It had the opposite effect for me. After reading it as on the right handed technology that refers to the conversion of an optically active substance into an optically inactive mixture of equal amounts of the left handed and right handed forms of molecules I found myself even more confused.

The reason why the dictionary helped me was that the statement about carbon-based life being left-handed molecules seemed to have a connection to objective, scientific data as described in the 3 definitions I posted.

Now I'm wondering about the part about:

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
There is a big push for silica and silicon-based artificial life and some scientists now argue that life actually formed from right-handed silica:

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:38 AM
'top' predators rely on vision
visual bias is 'helpful' to navigate and discover 'fresh pasture', specially
if/when your lifestyle isn't really sustainable and exploitative, when your
'demographucks' are(, when you want them, and you think they deserve, to be) incontinently transcontinental, your ethical mores minimized .. to maximize 'occupational' hazard* profits etcetera.

* - we gamble they don't have the secret weapon we accuse them of having and given they would have prudent to put up such a defense we are justified to punish them for not living up to our death wish turned inside out, they die, we live. A bet kept safe can't be lost.

So we have left brain dominance to blame for tearing into context with more and more ProTection necessitating savvy and not leaving Agbogbloshie any. The root of this devilish bait and switch deception is to, instead of prizing the dust carved out of rock, discard it in favour of (directing effort and attention to) the evacuated space .. then 'pry(ascry)ing' loose to portabilitate even the mere shape of it.

I'll go over that again, a little more slowly:
admiring said markings and turning that appreciation of emptied /
abstracted volume into a mirror flattened / arbitrary / sterile meaning and,
yet further down that same trajectory, into a source of professionalism,
arguing over letter shapes, sound and unsound signatures to assign meanings
and convolute codes in order to sort the hi-rise substitution and
machination of stature, all in the name of accuracy and entitlement (a
superstitious hope to achieve and maintain the perfect incontrovertable
command via magic formulaicism .. the devil playing god).

All this dickytrickyness disregards the photosynthetically and vitally meaningful sounds set in motion by the original expression of the impression*: dust. THAT music matters (on a par with teeth in an apple) and if handled right, can echo and hold up for millenia (compost, soil familytreehouse settlements in rotations of
thousands of years, some started and (parts of it) finished on every block any given day.

* - a church, temple or headstone construction produces 'waste' and a space
to express a little faith .. and one wonders if it'll speed, expedite and inspire
the impression of yet further rock. No-one stops to wonder if this type of
'growth' factor can possibly impress the yet unredeemed not yet converted
rock (f((l))avorably .....

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong

Those Aristotelean and Euclidean characters of continuity which became the right embedding of the theory of incommensurability credibly did not appear before Eudoxus and probably were fostered by the discovery of incommensurability, and the Quadrivium in its earlier Pythagorean version (if any) did not know any discrete/continuous opposition. In other words when music theory paved the road toward the discovery of incommensurability the idea of geometric magnitude was too clumsy to develop and even to understand such discovery, and it was exactly the possibility of the geometric drawing of a not-existent music interval to foster the development of the Aristotelean continuity.224

224 Luigi Borzacchini, “Music and Incommensurability,” Historia-Matematica, August 18, 1999.

Is this source online?

yeah just cut and paste the ref. source and you get the forum thread
edit on 16-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by Mary Rose

I have asked him before to define frequency as he uses the term. This was in the response.

O.K. so what I am really doing is writing from music but music is right-brain dominant. Musicians are actually more left-brain dominant when they listen to music since they have the school training but music itself is a right-brain dominant perception and this is what I am communicating. It's not about literal word definitions -- words are a left-brain dominant perception.

O.K. so again the time-frequency uncertainty principle relies on the noncommutative property.

This means the frequency causes superliminal backwards time as exposed by De Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

O.K. so in relativity as the frequency of energy increases time slows down! This is also the same paradox that I have exposed about the noncommutative relation of frequency to wavelength as complementary opposites.

Since C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 this means that the only way C to F is 3:4 is if it is the backwards time or reverse time subharmonic of C to G as 2:3.

O.K. that's what I mean by the "bait and switch" -- De Broglie confronts this paradox in relativity because it goes against the Law of Pythagoras -- it's not just an inversion but also a change in the direction of time.

So as frequency increases time slows down but according to the Law of Pythagoras and the inversion of frequency and wavelength as the frequency increases the wavelength gets smaller which means time speeds up.

So De Broglie figured out the only way this is possible for relativity to be real is if on the quantum level of frequency there is a backwards time or superliminal signal.

that backwards time or superliminal signal is consciousness.

So time is really not defined spatially -- it is defined as the resonance of complementary opposites -- so that when there are overtones there are at the same time undertones but they are in the opposite phase or reverse time.

This reverse time then changes the amplitude since the longer wavelength has a bigger amplitude even though the frequency is getting higher and sound, according to classical science says that the amplitude gets smaller as the frequency goes higher at the square of the distance.

So frequency in sound is really quantum and noncommutative -- not defined by logarithims and the commutative property.

In line with the Freemasonic Solar Dynasty conspiracy lineage, CalTech math professor Eric Temple Bell wrote that infinity can be contained in Platonic geometry and that the best example is the Great Pyramid of Egypt! NeoDarwinist Richard Dawkins utilizes Freemasonic Platonic geometry in the nanoengineering attempt to convert left-hand spiraled carbon-based ecology into right-hand spiraled silica-based (Freemasonic geometric desert) synthetic ecology. Professor Michael J. B. Allen in his recent essay “Marsilio Ficino: Daemonic Mathematics and the Hypotenuse of the Spirit” published in the M.I.T. Press book “Natural Particulars” (1999) gives great detail about the structural essence of Platonic Freemasonic math and its ritual power as modern science. Allen states, “In exercising these geometrical powers, the geometer-magus would be drawing on the computational and manipulative skills that Ficino and the later Platonic tradition he inherited [John Scotus Erigena] had already assigned to the daemons.” Allen notes that Ficino, funded by the Freemasonic Medici Dynasty, unified music theory, optics and astrology by utilizing the resonance power of Pythagorean ratios. “Ficino clearly rejoiced in some at least of the figural extensions (with the puns this terms implied) of the Pythagorean mathematics that Timaeus is propounding here. For his own Timeaus commentary explores the implications and arrives at an interpretation that identified the Soul itself as the examplary triangle, its triple powers corresponding to the three angles and three sides of the archetypal geometric figure.” Allen emphasizes the structural nature of this Freemasonic control: “the notion of roots and powers—that is, of self-divison and self-multiplication—suggests that daemonic agency is ever present in the realm of mathematics.” Allen concludes: “An awareness of this mathematical Platonism (dominated by geometrical ratios) is surely called for if we are ever to establish with confidence the valencies governing early modern science, its artful exploration of Browne’s ‘things artificial.’” The latest cosmological Freemasonic science postulates that dark energy and dark matter dominate the galaxies which, through Einstein’s theory of relativity, violate the value for the Imperial Solar Dynasty “pi” math.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
This means the frequency causes superliminal backwards time as exposed by De Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

Does this have anything to do with time travel?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by Mary Rose

The newest experiments are verifying that the universe exists in a higher dimension of space curled up within the normal three spatial dimensions. Einstein’s theory of relativity determines that gravity waves can be sinusoidal—like the matrifocal yin-yang symbol or the Pythagorean Ouroborus snake eating its tail—but the sinusoidal gravity waves would be massless as the foundation for the macroquantum chaos dark energy. Eddington could not believe Einstein and called these sinusoidal (or scalar) waves “the speed of thought.” Even Einstein could not believe in the sinusoidal, massless gravity waves but it turns out that these “yin-yang” waves are now confirming the truth of Pythagorean matrifocal shamanism and are called “axion waves” by current science models.

Only these axion waves, described in detail in Professor Lawrence Krauss’ book “Quintessence” (2000), enable a correction to macroquantum chaos cosmology but the Pythagorean-Einsteinian sinusoidal waves will change the value of all Freemasonic mathematics. In fact cosmological unified field theories are based on the concept that the sacred “constants” of mathematics, like the Freemasonic Solar calendar “pi,” change based on the view point of the observer. The highest level Freemasonic math, “commutative geometry,” developed by Alain Connes who promotes music as the formal language of quantum computing in his 2001 book ‘Triangle of Thoughts,” even acknowledges that one plus one does not equal two—again because of the resonating fourth dimension of space! Physicists are already transmitting coherent signals in quantum electronics that were supposedly not allowed under classical physics—called “spooky action at a distance” by Einstein. Science is already manipulating superliminal information not limited by space and in fact the information bends time! The latest quantum computing experiments are considered to be the equivalent of the “yin-yang” symbol first used by Niels Bohr because two particles share the same complimentary space by having the opposite spins. The Freemasonic science think tanks (i.e. The Santa Fe Institute and Los Alamos Labs described in Freemasonic terms by science and anti-conspiracy writer George Johnson)utilize “macroquantum chaos” (a variant of the Freemasonic “Order out of Chaos” motto) as the cutting edge of science.

Macroquantum chaos science also relies on the fourth dimension of space—called the Klein Bottle—and, just as Einstein’s sinusoidal gravity waves, it too is represented as the yin-yang symbol or the ouroboros—the snaking eating its own tail. In fact the fourth dimension of space can never be conceptualized as a structure by the Freemasonic scientists—this is the focus of Mary Daly’s latest radical ecofeminist book called also, like professor Krauss’ book, called “Quintessence”—the name for the matrifocal nonlocal Golden Womb consciousness. Because Freemasonic science is driven by the Solar dynasty alchemical greed, Mother Earth is striking back as the torque of the water-moon cycles resonate a new balance with the sinusoidal gravity waves that have macroquantum chaos coherence (i.e. Hurricane Katrina).

The military Freemasonic think tanks are relying on nanoengineering to save both the water and oil crisis. Nanoengineering manipulates atoms (or Adams) by using macroquantum algorithms so there is a self-assembling of nonlinear molecules. New water filters will not have to rely on ionic conduction—a much slower and energy intensive process—because the nanowater filters have such a vastly increased surface area and the structure of water is being made more like a crystal. Sandia Labs, owned by Lockheed Martin Marietta—in turn owned by the Freemasonic Carlyle Group—is creating a new nanoengineered solar water transducer to produce hydrogen fuel. The Freemasonic scientists are relying on these two new “macroquantum chaos” crystal-water devices to control the masses. The aura of alchemical science is an electrochemical change that works by quantum diffraction gradients. Small wave changes in light enable a superliminal reading of chemical changes so signals of biowarfare terrorism can be detected and monitored by satellite, as described in the recent book “Nanotechnology and Homeland Security.” These silica-DNA quantum nanodots will be embedded or implanted into the human bloodstream and integrated globally so there will be protection from terrorists.

This is Lawrence Krauss -- of the axion waves.
edit on 16-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Please clarify the source of your outside material quote, and who you're responding to - me or DenyObfuscation. What question or comment are you answering?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
This means the frequency causes superliminal backwards time as exposed by De Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

Does this have anything to do with time travel?

Yes! It enables precognition through consciousness.

The infamous logician Kurt Gödel was asked by Rudy Rucker how time travel was possible considering the Grandfather Paradox – that a person might travel back in time, kill their grandfather, thereby preventing their own birth in the future. Gödel responded that a timetraveler would not desire to change their past, thereby preventing their future. In other words in order to time travel you have to transcend and transform your lower electrochemical emotional energy – your desires. In qigong it is taught that first the kidney energy is built up and then it builds up the liver energy and finally it builds up the heart energy. Once the love-heart break is transcended then the energy opens up the center of the brain and through this third eye energy is the soul expressed for true time travel.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Please clarify the source of your outside material quote, and who you're responding to - me or DenyObfuscation. What question or comment are you answering?

both/and -- it's also for anyone else reading the thread. haha. I'm responding to DenyObfuscation's response to you -- so my response is about racemization and time reversal -- which I also included in my response to you.

The original source of the quote is my post in this thread -- but it's part of an earlier book, etc.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:43 PM

So as frequency increases time slows down but according to the Law of Pythagoras and the inversion of frequency and wavelength as the frequency increases the wavelength gets smaller which means time speeds up.

Umm, how do you figure this out? If I take a tone at 100hz, play it for 5 seconds while at the same time play a tone at 1000hz for that same 5 seconds, what occurs? If the lower tone drops by 50hz while the higher rises by 500hz over that span, what happens? Time stays the same, yes?

I get that you might be using all manner of quantum this and that but really, the experience of a given frequency by definition is so many vibrations per second. We can argue what a second means but isn't that a bit over the top? A second is an accepted amount of time, frequency is measured within that time frame. Again, seems like measuring centimeters with a tire air pressure gauge.

Which brings me to a related point. People in long ago times only had so much to work with when measuring something like frequencies. Without the aid of electronics how could you accurately measure 500hz?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
I have asked him before to define frequency as he uses the term.

Can you just give us a definition in your own words - no outside material quote - and do it in a similar way that one would find in a dictionary?

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