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Strange sounds warn us of incoming, and very soon...

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:48 PM
I've been a "casual" member of ATS for a few years now. Just from my occassional visits, I've read numerous threads predicting doom and disaster on both small and large scales.

To the best of anyone's knowledge, has any thread-starter ever come back and apologized for making a false doom or disaster prediction? Or, do they just keep making prediction after prediction without ever admitting that they have a terrible track record? Are there just a handful of these members starting the majority of the threads, or are the doom and disaster threads started by many varied members?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Caidema
This was my theory about the noises, rmblings and birds. As well as multiple satalites failing for no good reason they know of. very weird. its just like the movie Independence Dayy.maybe there are cloaked mothership alien crafts or just really massive ones positioning themselves over multiple areas around the world. or just one or a couple of them moving over towns/cities flying very low for some reason. maybe they are scanning or abducting or gathering information on a mass level of some sort for who knows what reason. I did find it strange that when many psychics around the world gave their 2012 predictions during the holidays, the majority of them saw that this year would be when the ETs would make themselves known with some event. what that is who knows. a lot of these psychics are on record predicting things like 9/11, michael jacksons death, earth quakes, tsunamis, etc. And I think all these flocks of birds that died of blunt force trauma probably hit the UFOs.

I also have a theory that if it is true that this year we will see a massive disaster like earth quakes and what not that will perhaps kill half the earths population or more, that maybe the ETs have been gathering earth's lifeforms and cataloging a historic library of sorts through abductions, experiments (animal and human mutilations), etc. Like Noah's Arc kinda. Who knows. Could wrong of course. Just a guess.

PS: After reading about these sounds and rumblings I was sitting in my apartment the other night when I actually started hearing these weird ass sounds. And people are right it does sound like its coming from the sky. its so #ing weird I cant even explain it. This is the first time Ive mentioned it

Ha. Waking up to bigass ships all over the sky's would be a trip... Just sitting their for hella long nobody knowing what's gonna happen, until WE decide to attack them and then boom were dead. 2012 scenarios are getting better n better. Goodtimes.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Same exact feelings here. I heard the rumbling sound in march or april 2011. It lasted for several minutes and seemed to come from everywhere - wherever you wanted it to be. It sounded just like a idle heavy truck that's muffled and nextdoor. I personally feel it was a weather phenomena that propogates thunder over a long distance. I've never heard it before or since, but this was the explanation given for the florida sound and what I heard sounded exactly like that. It also ended within a half second too.
edit on 6-2-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Tallone

Honestly i wouldn't put anything past those people. They already proved in their debates (especially this campaign season) that they are all willing to lie and change their beliefs and tell the people whatever they think we want to hear to get into office. They stink of lies and deception and desperation, so whatever is going on they could be using it to their own ends. I doubt it not.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Not sure if anyone has considered this theory:
The noises are like a roll call to round up the UFO's that have been hiding deep underground for centuries and it's finally time for them to awaken. These incredibly large UFO ships turning on could be the reason for all the recent seismic activity that has been occurring all over the world over the past few months. I also keep reading about how several nations, including the US, have been digging underground to "build tunnels and deep underground subways". Maybe it has to do with trying to get to these UFO ships. I feel crazy even writing this post, but, who knows....

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:53 PM
I have also been hearing the sound for the last several months. I agree with the post above does sound like the one recorded in FL. I live in far NE TX and the sound seems to always come from the NNW of my house (toward OK Red River-ish). It sounds like a jet in the sky but it doesn't move and there is nothing in the sky. Someone said that maybe its a sound warning us of danger so we will go inside...but whenever I hear it I run outside to listen so that doesn't work. And if it is some sort of false flag then wouldn't the PTB have it all over the MSN? Just seems that if the gov were using it as a distraction then it would be getting better press. My vote is for something natural. I don't know what it is but it has me worried...for the last several weeks I have awoken each morning from an end of the world nightmare. It's never the same dream, aliens, zombies, earthquakes, etc. I wish someone could tell me what it is so I could stop dreaming about the end of the world.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by stringman

Stringman, I think we have a majority here calling prank on the video in my intro. I have to admit I just thought it a good example to get people focused on what seems to be a very real phenomenon and nevermind the pranksters, and there a plenty o them. The 'two dudes' video seemed to nicely encapsulate in a fun way the strangeness of the event and people's reaction to it so I left it there. There are far more convincing and unnerving videos I could have put up there. I would like others to post the videos and the reports they consider to be genuine.

One of them is on page 3, it goes back to March 2011.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:55 PM
I heard a sound similar to what people are describing having heard on here, as well as the videos that are "real". This was about a week ago in Airway Heights/Spokane. I was just leaving for work, keys in my door, and it started. I live right near an USAF base as well as an international airport, so loud engine like sounds overhead are a norm. This, however, was completely different and caught me off guard. Now, as a skeptic and a conscious human being, I began questioning what this was from an audio viewpoint. I have of course read these forums and seen a few videos on YouTube, but remained skeptical. I am a degree holding audio engineer and have been working in the field for years. Noise and how it relates to my ear is my life's work. That being said, this sound was so loud, and so near, that I was startled. It was unlike any plane or jet I've heard. The frequency was also so consistent that it negated motion. A touch freaked out, but thinking nothing of it, I drove the 2 miles to my work, got out of my car and the sound was still present, and EXACTLY the same as it had been at my home. I'm not laying my hat in any corner as too a cause, but I can vouch for the sounds validity. Sorry for the ramble.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by carewemust
I've been a "casual" member of ATS for a few years now. Just from my occassional visits, I've read numerous threads predicting doom and disaster on both small and large scales.

To the best of anyone's knowledge, has any thread-starter ever come back and apologized for making a false doom or disaster prediction? Or, do they just keep making prediction after prediction without ever admitting that they have a terrible track record? Are there just a handful of these members starting the majority of the threads, or are the doom and disaster threads started by many varied members?

It's a metaphor for the way people live their lives and the opinion they wish the world would fit. Everyone will try to predict the end of the world because, well... everyone dies eventually. Just not all at once.

This forum will teach you more about the psychology of internet culture than it will about science or truth.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:12 AM
I would be more apt to call it all a hoax had I not heard it for myself. The few times I did hear it, I credited it to a nearby military base (MCAS Miramar)..however we ended up driving around one evening trying to pinpoint the sound and ended up wayyyyy away from the base and down by the beach. There were a few people down there in the late evening and some of them were questioning the noise. I only have a digital camera and did try to record it but unfortunately it was more background noise of cars and people chatting. It seemed to actually be coming from along the coast or very close off-shore. Since that time, which was mid- October, I have heard it a few times. It happens almost always when it is cloudy/overcast and usually there is an odd muffled stillness. I have only heard it at night..the most recent time being three Wednesdays ago. My husband is a teacher at a local college for evening courses. He came in at 10:20 pm and was talking about hearing the noise again. He had heard it near his work as well when he had left to come home, from the school parking lot and said it was the same intensity. The school is 12 miles away.
I would love to get a nice recorder that would pick up these lower frequency sounds. I have noticed my animals acting very stressed each time we witnessed it..yowling, rip-racing, and defecating.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:24 AM
If anyone has Acess to recording software and or possible software to digitize the sounds you might be surprised at what you find. The harmonics suggest multiple levels of data.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:27 AM
Just to add to the topic

Remember how the book of revelation was created by a guy left on an island to rot and how he had visions? Maybe this oddballs dreams are metaphoric for something lets just go with my theory: I'll keep it short

the book of revelation had the 7 letters to the churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7bowls
almost many religious text and groups consider numbers like 11, 7 and string of play on numbers like 12-21-12, 11-11-11 as being of significance in the mystical/religious community. Many of them sense the changes are coming.

But i will focus mainly on the metaphoric 7 seals and 7 trumpets.

in the SEALS talks about various changes in our way of life physically , environmentally, politically and war which this post has touched upon now here is where things get ugly.

What if these ANGEL HORN sound are from the SOLAR FLARES ACTIVITY
these solar flares release huge amounts of energy that has the power to create flashing lights and mess with our electro-magnetic systems and even mess with mother nature. This wave of energy can move metric-tons of atoms to create sound which can travel for miles. Now what i do know is that if a solar flare becomes too volatile this could create drastic weather changes which could effect us and our ecosystem this could possibly create that whole y2k 2012 post apocalyptic scenario that is scary as the book of revelation. All people need to see is a huge flash of light, high temps, and fire everywhere! In the book of revelation the trumpet sounds are bad very bad. WE ALL TOOK ASTRONOMY CLASS sooo we know somethings up.

so the government has stopped working, created war, created massive debt, plans to create a NWO, dropped NASA flights but in its place has drastically increased funding for military by 80% and has resourcefully kept the public blind ...... THEY KNOW SOMETHING and they ain't telling us. You know and i know something is up with those solar flares and the weather has been off lately really off !!!

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:29 AM
i just know that i have heard this noise about 20 times, and i have lived in mostly mid-populated rural and urban areas. it's just that when ive heard it, it has been faint, though pervasive, and usually in the middle of the night. i have tried to record it with cell phones and laptops and tape recorders, but many times the sound is accompanied by wind, making it tougher to hear with my crude equipment. plus the human ear/brain connection is much more privy to vibrational response than typical local microphones, therefore making most observance of this phenomenon known rather than documented. therefore i cannot prove to what i heard in a recording, but i know i heard it. something's going on. s&f

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by meancookie89

Maybe people are just hearing noises and just happen to be members or viewers of this forum and tie it all together. Without a valid recording, it's hard to debunk what people hear or compare it.

Maybe you're really good at math, but waste your time trying to add numbers that helps no one solve anything. That is not how the Bible was intended to be used, and you will not find any answers that way.

Source: Jeremiah 23:16

Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Hear-
ken not unto the words of the prophets
that prophesy unto you; they make you
vain: they speak a vision of their own
heart, and not out of the mouth of the
edit on 7-2-2012 by badconduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by SmoKeyHaZe

Out of all the (plausible) theories surrounding the "rumbling" phenomenon..

reply to post by football6

Everything is energy! And just as a tuning fork has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies known as Schumann resonances. These frequencies directly correlate to the constant fluxuation within the levels of electromagnetic radiation. Our Universe is constantly pulsating with energy. As our solar system comes in alignment with the galactic equator (12-21-2012) increases our resonance exponentially - initially measured by NASA at 7.5 Hz (several decades ago) the S. resonance is now recorded at more than 11.2 Hz. Thus, the closer we align with the galactic plane, the higher the frequency of vibration. It's just a theory, however, it makes more sense than barking wolves, trumpets or Godzilla's return.

Well, I am no physicist but to me for an Earth 'natural frequency' to be the cause requires an explanation why it is only heard in particular locals and not others. Two reports I know of in the Southern Hemisphere, and I found neither of the videos the reports contained convincing. So that leaves the Northern Hemisphere as the area with the overwhelming largest number of reports. Now why would that be if it was the planet producing the frequencies?

Occams Razor says cut to the simplest answer, which to me would have to be (Z) - my own postulate. These are warnings aimed at particular areas, the places the sound is being heard (excluding hoaxes). Look for the patterns, similarities in geography in particular such as the closeness to sea or to mountains. Where places reports are coming from most often sit in relation to Sea and to the nearest mountain or range of mountains. I think you will find patterns can be found.

Allow me to clarify here people. That point of mine…its Z. Postulate Z. These sounds, the genuine ones are warning the people who can hear them. They are geographically specific.
edit on 7-2-2012 by Tallone because: That's my point Z (not (e) - which while I think is a possibility is not the cause)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:04 AM
My own theory, lets call it (Z).

reply to post by chr0naut

What is the point of a warning which no-one can understand?

If someone wanted to warn us, and had the tech to generate loud audio in the air, why wouldn't they just do so in multiple languages and repeatedly?

The noise may be real and fascinating (at least in some cases) but the inference that it is a warning is tenuous, at best.

As a warning? IMHO, fail.

Lets modify Z slightly to account for your valid criticism. There is no intention here. The sound warns those in the areas most likely threatened without any intention behind them at all, in the way thunder warns of an approaching storm.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Tallone
My own theory, lets call it (Z).

reply to post by chr0naut

What is the point of a warning which no-one can understand?

If someone wanted to warn us, and had the tech to generate loud audio in the air, why wouldn't they just do so in multiple languages and repeatedly?

The noise may be real and fascinating (at least in some cases) but the inference that it is a warning is tenuous, at best.

As a warning? IMHO, fail.

Lets modify Z slightly to account for your valid criticism. There is no intention here. The sound warns those in the areas most likely threatened without any intention behind them at all, in the way thunder warns of an approaching storm.

If there is a drought, Thunder is not a warning but a blessing.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

The OP's video is authentic. Amarillo is my stomping grounds, and I heard the exact same sounds that night. I just didn't realize a local DJ managed to actually record the event!!! I had goose bumps. I thought the sounds were just a hoax, until I heard them myself. It may sound just like the Kiev event becaause it may be the same "thing" happening whatever "it" is, but that is definitely what it sounded like, in Amarillo, and on the night in question.

Amarillo has lots of trains, and a fairly busy airport. I know what a midnight coal train, and a landing jet sound like, and this was not any of those. I was VERY skeptical of the "sounds" reports, but I am an absolute believer now. Creeped the bejezus out of me. Still does.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Chance321

I've heard this rumble? too, here in Central NY, lasts about twenty minutes to half an hour and seemed to be in a north westerly direction. To be honest, don't really have a clue what it is, I'm leaning towards the thought that it's something possibly brushing our atmosphere. Has anyone compared the sound to the suns activity?

Add Central NY to the list of locations the 'strange sound' is being heard.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:23 AM

i'm agree with you but i will do the devil's advocate you are maybe in africa or any other country you are walking and a man come to you and tell you on his own language don't go in that direction there is a danger, they guy tell it to you many time, you start to wonder but you don't understand, the man still shouting and telling you don't go that way, but you still don't understand so you keep going and in the road you meet a group of lion...end of story
reply to post by pitchdragon

Or in this case perhaps even more applicable if it is a 'group of lion growls'. You know, the warning before the arrival of teeth and claws.

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