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Strange sounds warn us of incoming, and very soon...

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posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:38 AM
I feel like I'm hearing this outside right now. Would this have anything to do with Geo-Engineering and some type of Tesla tech? It's like there is a magnetic resonance off earths magnetic field. I'd blame HAARP but last I heard, Phage said it's not being used.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:49 AM
And if you check the comments in the youtube video I posted of the low sounding hum in Provo, he does describe that very sensation of it affecting his body. I also attest this sensation when I heard it. The two of us lived in the general vicinity of Utah County. He recorded his sound in July and I heard it in September.

I just posted the video because the video in the OP sounded very much like the War of the World's sound that I had seen this debunking video cover.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by JrDavis

Is it windy where you are hearing this?
I thought I heard it one time myself, it ended up being the metal roof exhaust vent on my neighbors house spinning.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by JrDavis

I feel like I'm hearing this outside right now. Would this have anything to do with Geo-Engineering and some type of Tesla tech? It's like there is a magnetic resonance off earths magnetic field. I'd blame HAARP but last I heard, Phage said it's not being used.

Almost anything is possible. To my mind the biggest man-made event going on right now is the ongoing collapse of the global economy, bought on by the total collapse of the capitalist system. Where we are all situated at now, historically speaking, is right in the run-up to world war, think WW1 and WW2. We are in the middle of a massive recession, some might call it a depression, and with ruling elites everywhere ramping up the nationalism and the propaganda.

To my mind, some of these recent big events - particularly environmental disasters and terrorist acts, as well as political actions such as the recent government shutdown in Washington - are staged events to DIVERT us from a very real disaster undermining the economy of our countries and the privileged position of our ruling elites. The TPTB are diverting the 99% from coming together and having one large, and eventually and ultimately, international revolution. Call it another conspiracy theory if you want.

But beyond the economic and financial train wreck that TPTB are attempting to hide from us, there is also something going on with our planet that is fundamentally outside the control of the TPTB. Either we think they control the weather via HAARP-like technology or we think they try to control it. I am sure they do the latter at least. Whatever are the reasons for the environmental disasters impacting on us from the planet and from space it is almost certain these events are real and that they are having some causative effects on TPTB who are already in a state of panic. I am sure there are things the public should be being told right now, but those same elites fear the ultimate outcome of us knowing. So given all of that It's hard to know whether characters like Phage are here to illuminate the terrain we examine or are part of the diversion. There is always an element of truth in these diversions - apart from the really big lie they want us to believe in.

Don't know if that helps but they are just my thoughts on that currently. One other comment I want to make here. Like many OPs have commented on ATS, it is (eventually) noticeable to the OP at least when the paid trolls are hard at work on the thread - when this happens their presence can be taken as indication the subject matter is very real and TPTB would rather you not pay it any attention.

edit on 3-11-2013 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Tallone

Listen to the sound at the beginning. Very similar to the tripod scene in War of the Worlds though the movie is Hollywood and gives it a little drama and rhythm

This one is better and scarier!

Didn’t we always know that it would be Hollywood and particularly a Steven Spielberg flick that would be a portent for things to come?


edit on 3-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Tallone

Just a little hyperbolic humor, I hope. Don't want to scare anybody.
Or maybe the NWO is borrowing from Hollywood
edit on 3-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 07:58 PM
More regularly posting updating strange sounds is the Rumbling sounds thread.

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Tallone

From the Sound Tracker google map HERE made up for reports contained in this thread that fit the parameters discussed; i.e. be felt by the body as a rumble or a loud harmonic noise like the sound made by a Tibetan song bowl, appears to come from the sky,

Here are the spread of flags across the USA.

Here are the spread of flags across the globe.

There seems to be a diagonal pattern corresponding with the strike of light from sun across the Earth's surface when it is winter in the Northern hemisphere. The Northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun. Or maybe that is just me, I will let you decide.

Allowing that the strange sounds constitute a warning to us (albeit caused by natural processes of current change taking place) then this pattern coincides with the period the path of comet ISON passes our planet. Taking that theory a wee bit further suggests, these are the possible areas for meteorite strikes, or for direct damage on the surface from one or more X flare discharges from the sun. Apparently comets do interact with our star and have been observed to cause flares that follow the comet path.

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