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Rh Negative blood types-were any of you adopted under mysterious/irregular circumstances?

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posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by hidingthistime

I am not aloud to edit for some reason, but just wanted to add about the invisible veins thing, they cant find a vein in my arm to save my life, they end up slicing my finger and it hurts like heck!

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:49 PM
I think anyone interested in the blood types should have a read of this

The RhD system Another important blood group system in transfusion is the RhD system. 85% of people have the D antigen on their red blood cells and are RhD positive. The remaining 15% lack the D antigen and are RhD negative. Your blood group is defined by your ABO group together with your RhD group. For instance, someone who is group A and RhD negative is known as A negative.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:04 PM
My favorite aunt is b negative and she was adopted. No idea about her natural parents. She is fairly smart but uneducated. She must not be human because no human woman would put up with the crap she puts up with from my uncle.
edit on 17-1-2013 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:25 PM
I'm a type B+, born of two type O+ parents (nice trick, eh?), my hubby is O- and my middle child is B-. I will say that the two rh- people in my family are, by far, the most psychic of the bunch, so I find these posts about rh neg blood very interesting to say the least!

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by hadriana

Thanks for your reply-funny thing is,for many years i also would "flog a dead horse" when it came to relationships,i think its because the woman who adopted me and her sons,subjected me to much emotional and mental abuse,so it was to me,just "how people were",that its not an unusual thing,even from one's nearest and dearest.Luckily later as i matured,i began to see its not acceptable,as i found my rightful self-esteem,and realised that it takes acceptable behavior from Both parties,and with the best will in the world,i alone cannot salvage a relationship or friendship that is too one-sided in regards to loyalty,decent treatment of one another,etc.That's when i would let relationships+friendships flounder,or even just walk away completely,when i could see that the other person was'nt interested in meeting me at least half-way on whats acceptable or not,in their relationship with me.I wish your aunt well,she has my sympathy for sure.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by rimjaja

Hey there,yes my son (O Neg) and myself are very telepathic with each other,to a lesser extent my youngest daughter(B Neg) and im an empath,which can really suck,though it has its advantages too.My son has what they used to call "second sight" which he must have gotten from his dad.Im a bit psychic myself,but nothing remarkable,a mild form of it,and i do have a type of sight too,though way milder than the hubby.
My hubby is A+ though,and he is a clairvoyant and psychic,and he's the one in the family who is by far the most gifted when it comes to that type of thing.Ive learned to listen to his assessment of people,because from painful experience,ive had to admit that he's never wrong about that.Its propably an individual thing,though from threads on the neg blood issue,on this site alone,it does seem that a lot of negs do have psychic and other facilities,when you consider what a tiny percentage we form out of the total population.

I want to thank both you and the previous member who posted replies, though,for not posting just to accuse rh neg folks of thinking we are better than others,or think we're "special.


I do believe i speak for the vast majority of us who are rh neg,and may incidentally also happen to have some or other psychic/clairvoyant,whatever "woo-woo" facilities-please just save it,it's really getting old.Do you think i feel "special" knowing that if my kids needed a blood transfusion,or myself, we could pass on because of a shortage of rh neg blood?
More to the point,EVERY ONE has something special in them,even if they themselves dont always see it,changes are,others do see it in you.Thats how i feel,anyway.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 10:28 PM
Im AB- and definitely not adopted. Was the spitting image of my mom as a child and now everyone tells me I look like my dad...

Your story is definitely intriguing though! Not sure the negative Rh factor is relevant, but thank you for sharing this with us! Hopefully you will find the answers youre looking for.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Interesting. I'm RH negative and my mother also told me they heard two heartbeats at around 12 weeks and thought I was a twin. Very distinct heartbeats. Then at her ultrasound later in pregnancy, the other twin wasn't there.

I've also had TONS of supernatural experiences and a few psychic experiences. Hm. Probably a coincidence, but still odd.
edit on 20-1-2013 by tmar11 because: Add

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by ag09g

Thank you,idk if i'll ever get the answers,or even clues to the right questions to ask.My adoptive mother always made a very big deal out of my blood type being so rare,so i was wondering if a Freemason on this site,may one day notice this thread,and offer insight as to whether that may be a factor,to my specific set of circumstances in my infancy and childhood.I always had the feeling there were secrets being kept from me,and my adoptive mother would say things that inferred that i was different from other people-and usually not in a positive way,more that,because of my blood and whatever unspoken things,i was a bit of a freak.Her sisters usually seemed uncomfortable and even a bit nervous around me when i was a small kid,even.I used to think,maybe my bio-father was a murderer,and they knew.She told me,that they always told her that one day i would murder her?! Just weirdness upon strangenesses,my childhood,and i think,if only i could ever find my biological father,i may get a better perspective.I met my bio-mother,but she went into panic attack mode when it came to questions re my paternity.Well,maybe one day,i learn something,eh? :-)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by tmar11

Hey there,yes I too had psychic ability,like precognition,and very strong,almost unbearable empathic ability,experienced deja vu so strong it felt like i was turning inside out,past life visions,a very early interest in the voodoo religion and shamanism,and truth be told,in hindsight,many signs+symptoms that pointed to alien abduction***I remember one night,my mother was very sick with the flu,when late that night the FM and his wife pitched up.Luckily this was one of the fairly rare occasions my father was home+he was relieved that the FM knew to arrive just then-(my adoptive parents didnt allow a phone in the house till i was 16 years old) and him+his wife took me to stay over with them that night-where he told me that something was going to come for me in the night,but i should see it as a game*** I experienced many strange phenomena,could sense spirits and entities, interesting bt traumatising childhood.All 3 my kids are Rh negative too,but i made sure they had as normal a childhood as possible,at least:-)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by tmar11
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Interesting. I'm RH negative and my mother also told me they heard two heartbeats at around 12 weeks and thought I was a twin. Very distinct heartbeats. Then at her ultrasound later in pregnancy, the other twin wasn't there.

I've also had TONS of supernatural experiences and a few psychic experiences. Hm. Probably a coincidence, but still odd.
edit on 20-1-2013 by tmar11 because: Add

That is an odd coincidence! Of course, I typically state that I don't believe in those. I don't know if they normally did ultrasounds way back then, so it could have been just heartbeats that were heard.

Interesting.....I have had some rather unusual experiences, and while I would not tend to label some things as "psychic", there are some things that are not common, and hard to explain. I wonder how many people with such things had the same "coincidence" while they were in the womb? I know twins can be "absorbed", but I don't know if anyone has ever looked into any mental effcts from such a thing. Genes can be affected (there was a pretty cool CSI episode on a chimera-type, based on that), but other stuff? Maybe there is a connection.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:24 AM
I have a birth certificate, I was told both parents were / are type O. When I was told I my blood group is A, I questioned this and was told they are / were definitely group O, one of them is still alive and the other had lots of hospitalisation before death, and hence blood group known. I have asked this more than once and always told they are group O.

Two O parents cannot make a type A child. I was told there was no other man involved and seeing as my mum was strictly religious and never socialised back then, it is feasible. I do not look much like either parent.

I grew up in a military and freemason town, lots of freemason and military relatives.

When I was pregnant I was told I was AB then when I questioned that I was told I was A. I did a home test myself recently and I am A+.

When I tried renewing my passport I was interviewed / interrogated for more than hour to the point of tears as they said they didn't believe who I am and called relatives to 'confirm' my identity.

I have lots of UFO and supernatural things happen since a child and I am psychic and have always felt I could be a twin or at least having a soul mate that is spiritually very close.

I am suspicious now even more so.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Thank you for your reply.Yes,a strange feeling that-that one is part of a twin,or that a part,half of you is missing somehow.That there is only half of you here.So good to know there's other people in the world that can relate.It was for me,a loneliness that human words can never describe,i guess what they call "a hole in one's soul".

Having children helped me to an extent-but there's still a kind of vacuum,even with kids and a husband who loves me.We have a saying in my country: "Ek verlang vandag na mense wat ek nie ken nie" literally translating as: "I am pining with longing for someone/people i dont know"That sums it up best.Again,thanks.I add a video that brings me to tears often,though it is a thing of sublime beauty.

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 06:57 AM
Thanks for the reply and the video.

Weirdly U2 is one of my fav bands since a teenager and I have always said the certain guitar sound portrays the 'yearning' or hole in my soul so much, it is like it is putting the feeling to sound, drawing the cover of the U2 Boy album as a teenager also got me into my life and career in art. Listening to U2 today still has the emotional resonance, albeit form a wiser viewpoint.

Thank you also for your story, I empathise in so many ways from the emotional torture to the flogging relationships to the realisation that it takes two to make things work. The world is a tangled web and we are all connected somehow, even for some if it is the emotional experience. Perhaps the answers we search for are within reach, I like to think so.

edit on 28-2-2013 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by hidingthistime
reply to post by hidingthistime

I am not aloud to edit for some reason, but just wanted to add about the invisible veins thing, they cant find a vein in my arm to save my life, they end up slicing my finger and it hurts like heck!

I'm B pos but also have invisible veins. I've got one good stick spot, other than that, everything is too deep and they are going on a fishing expedition. They usually have to call in someone from anesthesia to get a stick on me. Ugh! When I was in the hospital pregnant with my last child, they gave me magnesium iv and had to check by serum levels every 2 hrs. They had to use the veins on my feet. Talk about agony!!!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

O neg adoptee here who's adopted father was 32 degree mason. My A parents adopted me when they were pretty old. I filed to get my records unsealed and only got unidentified information. My birth father said to be an only adopted son in a political family. BM blond with blue eyes like me. I tried to find out info on them. MY adopted parents would never talk to me about it and told me a few conflicting lies. I search for a year & only came to dead ends. No such address of where my BM was living at the time. When I finally got a birth certificate to go overseas I thought I'd have some info. But that hospital conviently burned down before i was born along with all the records. Hum. Does anyone know of a registry for adoptees and families that are specifically O negative blood types?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by rimjaja

Hi rimjaja-my sympathy,that has to be SORE! I'm lucky in that my veins are close to the surface,so that makes drawing blood easy.I had to have a drip few years ago for something or other,bad bronchitis if i remember correctly,and got a nurse whom i know(small town) Very nice woman,but inserting needles of any kind is Not her strong point,no pun intended :-), she was agologising away+i did'nt want her to feel bad(she's really a good nurse except for that)so i was gritting my teeth+hissing:"Ohh don't worry,i hardly feel it!" Your feet though-owww.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by rimjaja

edit on 8-4-2013 by Raxoxane because: double post

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by vanaon

Thank you for your reply vanaon.Interesting.I know how deeply frustrating it is to know little or nothing about one's true origins.That's something people growing up with at least one biological parent take for granted like oxygen.Even after i finally traced my adoptive mother,it was like she was shying away from physically meeting with me-and she did'nt want to discuss her own biological family,except to say her own mother died when she was 10.I got the idea she was'nt close with any of her own-and she almost had a panic attack when i asked her about my biological father.

I just could'nt push the issue.She was a nice old lady,though very guarded,nervous.She did tell me that she had a hard life too-a husband who often beat her up,she hated occasionally having to go to work with a blue eye/bruises,etc,till her other daughter told a teacher one day+that got the ball rolling,for her to escape from that situation.I feel blessed that i Did get to meet her at least,but it provided me with no answers.The reason she gave for me being adopted was-as i suspected-being alone and hardly being able to support herself,leave alone a child.Ironically,i ended up alone too,with a child to support,at just a few years older than she was-but there was no way in HELL i was going to give up my flesh+blood-not after the people i ended up with,being adopted by.And i made out,somehow,and things worked out okay.Still i don't blame her,times were different then,especially in my country,and she had no way of knowing the people i'd end up with.

Have you tried the Rh Negative-registry site? Maybe they could point you in a direction,to find out more about tracing your biological mother.Sorry i cannot be of help with that.Thank you again for sharing your story.

I loved the wife of the mason very much,she was the one who told me,when i was a small child-that i should read the newspaper every day,i should always know what is going on in the world.And i followed her advice-to this day,the moment my eyes open-i'm on ATS-before that,other news sites,or the news on TV at least.I always used to wish she was my mother.

edit on 8-4-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

It's real. Don't even bother to waste your time for a few moments pretending there is no connection or that your circumstances are coincidental. They aren't.

The worst part is these women go into adopting and want to love a child so bad but it's like living through a mini exorcist sort of thing, they have an aversion sometimes they just can't help, a lot of them end up sick from the stress reaction... that's how I knew your story was the real deal... Your mothers words.

There were a lot of us in my neighborhood that's how I figured it out, 4 within one block radius. I don't have all the answers but in my case we were specifically adopted into Jewish families... to Jewish women who suffered multi generational genetic damage via Nazi experiments... I'm not talking about the holocaust... pre holocaust some were given toxins long before the round ups came so the ones who got out would carry the damage with them. Adoptive Grandmother various cancers, Adoptive Mother, low birth weight babies lost one before I was adopted, Sister one child survived for Adoptive mother.... unable to reproduce at all... There was obvious intent in regards to these women "getting miracle access" to this blood type and appearance... even at the time good luck adopting a child of certain "features" in america...

The experiments never stopped

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