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Rh Negative blood types-were any of you adopted under mysterious/irregular circumstances?

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:07 PM
Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-.

Actually a 1 in 4 chance if both parents are heterozygous Rh+. That's a rather high probability of still being Rh- even when your parents are hetero Rh+. Then again Rh- allele s very prevalent in humans, its just that its recessive
so the actual factor is masked in most individuals - but passed on.

So two parents who are Rh+ can still produce Rh- offspring.

The traits persons who are Rh- tend to exhibit are indeed less simian, to me

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:18 PM
Another thread of people who think that the existence of people with a blood adaptation to ticks is some sign.

I love you guys. I wonder if the people with half of the malaria sickle cell adaptation think they are mysterious too?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
I am AB neagative and I think I am human

I knew it....AB neg here too.....


posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Another thread of people who think that the existence of people with a blood adaptation to ticks is some sign.

I love you guys. I wonder if the people with half of the malaria sickle cell adaptation think they are mysterious too?

I never implied I was "mysterious" or "special"

I have said the events in my life were just strange, and I'd never spoken of them before as I'd just put it off as having an unfortunate life, but it was uncanny for me to see those with similar experiences, not just on this website but all across the web and even meeting a girl with a similar story.

It just seems even stranger to me that there are similar stories in existence.

But, I love you guys too
You keep everything interesting

Also @BiggerPicture:

I am not quite sure what my parents blood type is myself. I have never asked them, I am only aware of my own.
edit on 9-3-2012 by GreenEyedVixen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

Hey GreenEyed Vixen,my apologies for only replying now-im so sorry to hear about the hardships you,too,had to know,ive found what i believe to be the closest thing im ever gonna get to an "answer".I think you should read on the site,the section called the Matrix Articles..specialy the section about emotional handling of attacks. Also,the site In 2 Worlds,by Carissa Conti.You will it most interesting,im sure.She also wrote a book, "Chasing Phantoms". To me,considering the life i had,its the only thing ive found that makes perfect sense.Well,for me personaly.I have'nt even related 10% of all thats happened to me, in this thread,so im not gonna take notice of people who tell me im a loony,I am the one who's had to deal,you know..Its good to meet some one here and there,who understands,and dont automaticaly make one out to be an egotistical attention-seeking delusional idiot..but i dont blame or even automaticaly dislike those who do-if you had a normal life,it must be quite impossible to understand.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Nope,i dont think im at all mysterious,in fact im a rather blunt,boringly down-to-earth person.BUT the circumstances surrounding my adoption and early years are mysterious and irregular.There's a difference.My blood type,and the fact that i was adopted,by very strange people under very irregular circumstances is the only thing that i see as being different from a lot of other people.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:05 PM
I have a tail bone
and abduction scars

round here they pick your parents ahead of time
but everyone gets a different set of obstacles re prep for the long term plan

Then again
waddoo I know

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:11 PM
A neg and not adopted. My entire immediate family is rh neg. Well except my little son, who is A pos, because of his father.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane
Your story sounds like you read my mail. I am O Negative adopted in 1950 by 2 Freemasons. Mother was Eastern Star. I don't know any other way why my adoptive father would have been allowed to adopt except through his Masonic connections. He was an unstable alcoholic with a schizophrenic and controlling personality. Neither of them were RH Negative so that was the second reason why I never felt like I fit in there. I never met my real mom and dad, but there was a believable back story provided. I never sought to find them because I really never cared. I would like to know the real story behind my adoption so I won't keep thinking that I am a hybrid from an alien abduction.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

I wish you happiness! I hope that things will work out! A Mother never stops loving their child no matter what the distance is between them! Go after youre dreams and make them happen! Best Wishes! Amy in NC

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Raxoxane, I read what some said about you will not find answers here, well, here is my own adoption conspiracy. I am A neg myself.
I will not go into the whole story, but here is the gist of it. I had to have 3 blood transfusions before I could live when born, the last was a direct transfer from my Father. There was a lot of strangeness in the room, this was all told me by my two aged Twin Aunts in 2001. Everyone, my Mom, Father, and Aunts were warned not to discuss what they saw that day.

I was "adopted" when I was 7 years old, I remember it quite well, even the talk I had with the Judge in Chambers. The Judge is long dead, and for some reason the adoption records are sealed for 99 years, beginning in 1959.

There are no hospital records, not one document, and the County Health Department had but one record, a copy of a certificate of live birth, listing my Step Father's name as "Father of child", and dated 9 days after I was born. Remember, I was adopted in 1959, not 1954, the date of the document.

I grew up in the 50s and 60s, got a driver's license, SS card, all that, but if it came right down to it, I could not even prove beyond doubt that I was born on this world.

I know people say there is nothing different about having Negative RH factor blood, but I beg to differ. I myself am different from every human being I have ever met. I know maybe 10 people that think enough like me to converse with, most people cannot even talk to me, or, look me in the eyes either. There has been three times so far that Telekinesis has manifested in me, and I have always been psychic, and aware of the dead. I have been contacted by, and conversed with ET Beings from another planet. I have abilities that I never practised, or even learned.

Yeah, I think RH negatives are different.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by autowrench

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Hey Autowrench,thanks for your input.Jeez i hate it when i post a reply and it bloody-well vanishes.A waste of mb's.Anyway,yes your birth circumstances are very strange indeed.Its not regular practice to seal adoption records for 99 years,im sure? And your folks being told to not talk about what they saw.Well,i know what you mean by not being able to really talk to many people.Ive had precious few people in my lifetime,too,that understood me,and me them.I only have one friend in the "real world" i can be myself with,and talk,and 2/3 online.Some people just tend to "spook the herd" you know.Earlier in life,i had to make the effort,because of circumstances, (usually did'nt work out well though) to get along with people and socialise.I luckily don't have to,anymore.My life is pretty reclusive compared to that of most people,im a loner at heart,though,so its peaceful and i would'nt have it any other way.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Apollo7

Thank you for your kind words.My life is very peaceful now,i am at peace with who i am too,after many,many years of turmoil.Best wishes to you too.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by archb1shop

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by archb1shop

Hey archb1shop,yes i can relate.In my case,it was one of the 2 sons of the woman who adopted me,who was the violent mentally unstable alcoholic.He was in his senior year when she adopted me,and must have gone straight downhill from there,because from earliest memory (for me,2-3 years old) i remember him shouting,throwing things around in a drunken rage,even firing shots through the roof with his gun.He got away with that because we lived in a remote part of town.He stayed in her house till he was well into his 30's,too which made it worse,the older he got the worse it got.She never did anything about it,and her husband who might have intervened,was almost never home.I ran outside to hide when he got like that,when i was small.But at least it desensitised me to weird and violent people,so later in life it was not intimidating for me,when i ran into people like that.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 03:03 AM
Well as far as I know I am not adopted, though I am RH- and had kind of a weird birth. I was born I think 2 weeks premature and had some type of infection, though my mother cant remember what. According to what little she remembered I was put into an incubator and had needles injected into my head.

So, I thought it was just a infection complicating the birth, but the thing is a few years ago I decided to look it into more detail, and for the life of my I can't find a description of a case in which needles had to be injected into a newborns head.

Then after leaving the military they mailed me a copy of all my medical records. They had everything in there all the way back to grade 5, but nothing before. I thought that was weird, and when wondering if I should contact the original hospital, but apparently it was shut down for some reason. Another oddity is that the city mentioned on my birth certificate according to my mother is the wrong city. So ya kind of weird, but not as weird as the other posters.

As far as I know I have never head a paranormal experience or any weird powers. The only really different thing about me is some type of mental condition, its hard to explain but it seems related to something of the class of autistic spectrum disorder or some similar disorder, but I don't really trust psychologists so I dont go to get it sorted out.

Since others are bring up masonry intervention scenario, I haven't had any incident with masons as far as I know, but I did have a weird incident with some random guy. Once when eating late at a public food court in a mall all alone, a guy I did not know, sat down beside me and causally asked ,"Do you want to know why the triangle is so revered in voodoo?". I told him sure, and so he went, and explained to me the secrets of voodoo. (Sorry I wont share them, will bring it with me to my grave.)

It was ironic that it was related to why I was in that city in the first place (Which had nothing to do with Voodoo at all), but I will not share any details because it might ruin my anonymity.

I also had several incidents in which people I did not know came up to me and told me I had an "Old Soul." I bring this up because others in this thread mentioned related incidents.

But ya... nothing no where near as dramatic as others in this thread.
edit on 23-4-2012 by halfmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by halfmask

Hey there.Ouch,needles in a little baby's head! My oldest daughter was born at 28 weeks into my pregnancy,and on one occasion they could not find a vein for the drip,and so they had to use the head vein.But luckily,just that once,it set my teeth on edge to see that.Well it is unusual that your medical records only start at 5years,its supposed to show from birth,not so.Come to think of it,my adoptive mother never let me have any medical procedures till i was 10 or 11.Which meant that i had to walk around with a vampire-looking chipped front tooth from the age of 7 till then (a permanent tooth,unfortunately).As well as a birthmark on my face she could have had removed when i was 2/3,but chose not to.For childhood illnesses she did take me to the family GP,thank goodness.Thanks for sharing.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Another thread of people who think that the existence of people with a blood adaptation to ticks is some sign.

I love you guys. I wonder if the people with half of the malaria sickle cell adaptation think they are mysterious too?

Everyone is unique and special in some way or another.
I believe that RH- is a direct relation to the fallen watchers.

Since the days of the first Adam and Eve, human DNA has been manipulated by non-humans.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Rapha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 06:55 AM
Yes even being called a rat, and ugly my whole life (apparently according to outsiders I am the opposite of ugly) I was told I was a skinny disgusting thing no one would want etc...

I saw the pictures, I was a beautiful baby.

My real mother died when I was 6 unfortunately, but I did meet one out of 2 siblings whom were both also adopted out by the same mother.

My family whom adopted me are at the near top of the "elite" scale...

Abuse of every type etc.......

that's all I can think of for now.

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