posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 04:25 AM
I think i should inquire about this,after i talked to a young woman i met recently on an American-based site.I mentioned that i was adopted under
highly irregular circumstances,and this adoption was facilitated by a Freemason,a lifelong friend of the woman who adopted me..NOT automaticaly
assuming the Freemason had any sinister intentions or agenda,but i do think it should be mentioned in light of what im about to say:Now,i live in
South Africa,and this young lady in Texas,America and we are:1) both rh negative 2)she also told me that her adoption was apparently
facilitated by Freemason involvement 3)we were both adopted by people who would not,under the normaly stringent requirements and
investigation into prospective adoptive parents,under any circumstances be allowed to adopt.In both of our cases,extremely ignorant,impressionable
people,btw(my adoptive mother was awestruck,for instance,by the Rothschild family,and for all her ignorance bout most other earthly matters,seemed to
have extensive knowledge of them,and the British and European Royal houses) 4)both of us met our biological mothers later in
life,and both were unconfortable discussing our biological fathers-in my case,my biological mother almost had an anxiety attack when i asked her about
my bio-father-she seemed almost afraid..She managed to munble:Ohh that was so long ago,i cannot remember,i think his name was Peter" before i felt
too sorry for her and decided to let it slide,and changed the subject,thus letting her off the hook 5)When hearing this,my
American friend almost flipped-HER biological mother spoke of a one-night-stand with a mysterious young man she met on an army base in those days-and
his name,Peter..
Just a thing i find strange,this,and the fact that as a kid,i was once scratching thru her things out of boredom,i was about 7/8 at this
time..and came across a notebook of hers,which were actualy a LOG/DIARY cataloguing my eating habits,general health(also concern for a heart
condition,tho i was NEVER treated for a heart condition at any stage of my life.Stuff like:"She seems to love animals and interacts well with
them,she seems to have no trouble interacting with other children",etc..and then this entry:"I am so afraid for her,she must NEVER,Never find out"
What i was not allowed to find out was not documented,and it was not the fact that i was adopted in the first place-I once overheard her sister asking
her if she "told me the truth yet?" upon which i walked right into the kitchen and asked "What truth?"..She then told me with no apparent anxiety
that my birth mother could not look after me,as she was young,unemployed and without help from her relatives-She also said she tried to tell me this
from the age of 4/5,so it would not be a shock when telling me could not be put off anymore,but that i got upset,so she decided to postpone telling
me..So the adoption was not the matter documented in her log..
I did not at the time ask her,because i learned early in life that asking grown-ups anything is completely pointless,and she may have beaten me for
going thru her stuff,anyway.This woman was mentaly disturbed,and her husband was not even in South Africa,apparently,when the adoption went through-i
know cus she told me in later years,that her husband was furious with her for adopting me,when he came back in-country.
Upon asking her about this "Log" when i was a teenager,she flat-out denied its existence.When i asked her why she adopted me in the first
place,seeing as she often told me from earliest memory i was nothing but a curse and an unbearable burden to her-she replied:"No one would have
wanted you,you looked like a little rat+i always thought it would be nice to have a little girl,so i did both you and Uncle ...... (the Freemason)a
When i was about 3/4,one Saturday afternoon,a car stopped outside our house..I heard my adoptive mother conversing with two women,and i could hear
they were all upset..these two well-dressed women in their 40's,then came into the room i was,my adoptive mother was bawling her eyes out by this
time-and one of them asked me:"Sweetie,would you like to come with us?"..Well,i was very small(but my memory goes very far back) and i remember
standing there,holding onto the bed,and just looking at them,and shaking my head..I dont remember being fearful at this,but i was,nt about to go
anywgere with folks i did,nt know from a bar of soap.When i was grown-up,i never even bothered to ask my adoptive mother about this,what would have
been the point? she had no recollection,after all,of getting me addicted to schedule 5 tranquilisers when i was 13,so she could not in all fairness,
be expected to remember that far back.
So,does any other rh negative blood types who know they were adopted,have strange circumstances surrounding their adoption and early childhood?