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Australian Mothers Protest Facebook Over The Right To Display Their Breasts.

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox

Originally posted by theubermensch
reply to post by subject x

I just think its obnoxious. And it does make me think of animals. I think it should be private.

Last time humans were classified, we were still mammals. I have no problem taking care of my baby the way nature intended.

So by your admission, barn animals have the right to treat their young better then humans have a right to treat theirs, because you think humans should have to hide it.

The fact that people find that it is ok to feed children chemical strewn, corn syrup laden formula to babies is more acceptable, made by corporate entitites, is even more obnoxious.

What about the weirdo's that keep feeding their kids breast milk until they are like seven? Do you all think thats all beautiful and special?

You are trying to muddy the waters by bringing in another debate and one that is an extreme circumstance at that. Only a handful of people nurse beyond four.

Nice try troll.

your really going to try and pull that card? Animals can do it in public so why can't we? Dogs have sex in public so does that mean I want an orgy on every corner? Nope.

Very bad example...

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

Why is it a problem that people don't want to add undue work for themselves when they don't have too. Its not laziness, it is common sense.

Not to mention the cost of bottles, the energy in having to sterilize them and store them. The cost of forumula, that most people don't even know what is in it. When nature already has that all taken care of?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by A-Dub
I almost want to blame this on religious moral issues.

When on this earth did seeing a human body part that we all have and have all seen many times, become disgusting and offensive to someone is beyond me. Its nature, get over it or dont look.

Since people started wearing clothes...

I guess you can blame this on Eve and Adam then...

Them darn Christians are messing things up again

Fig leaf anyone???
edit on 3-2-2012 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by theubermensch
Im with Facebook on this one.

So these Australian mothers are upset because facebook has been taking down photo's of them that show them breastfeeding.

TextSo far 391 people have been recorded as having had breastfeeding photos removed by Facebook, according to website which was set up to collect all the images Facebook has taken down. Of those, 375 have been temporarily banned from using Facebook - sometimes more than once. Read more:

I think these people should be ashamed of themselves. It is very offensive and disgusting that they would display such a thing on facebook. I am surprised by all the mothers that seem to have no problem with breastfeeding in public.

These people should show some consideration for others.

Why on EARTH Would you want to put Pictures of yourself up on the Net Breastfeeding your Kid???

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
There is a HUGE difference between going to the bathroom in public and breastfeeding a child. Number one difference is that urine and feces are health hazards, unsanitary and full of bacteria.

Number two--breasts are not a sexual organ, so women are not "exposing" themselves by breastfeeding in public.

Yeah... so why do women wear shirt then? Breast are sexual PRIVATE parts...

as far as the comparison... I was talking about the "if you don't like it then don't look" factor...

No difference there... If I pee on your leg yeah it's unsanitary, but if I pee in the street??? why does the street need to be sanitary?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:52 AM
Humans started wearing clothes because the weather dictated it and we were smart enough to figure out how to make things out of animal skins to keep warm, instead of just burying ourselves in leaves. Go visit a tribe in a rain forest and see how much they wear.

If it were 90+ degrees and humid all year long in America, I'd bet we'd have a completely different perspective of the human body today. No one would want to ever wear clothes.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by ototheb85

Thanks droog

It was starting to freak me out

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Yeah... so why do women wear shirt then? Breast are sexual PRIVATE parts...

I don't know. Why do we? Why is it acceptable for men to go shirtless? Good question. If women's breasts are sexual PRIVATE parts, then so are men's breasts. Completely hypocritical, if you ask me.

why does the street need to be sanitary?

Um, do you walk around outside? Yeah, that's why. No different than walking by a street filled with trash. BTW, it's illegal to litter, too.

edit on 3-2-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2012 by CoherentlyConfused because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by wigit

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

So if you didn't see it it didn't happen? Okay so turn your head next time I take a leak in front of you...

See the double standard there...

But you can't just pish anywhere you please. It's a waste product and it stinks. That's why we have toilets, so we can all live together in harmony and not stench.

Feeding a baby is entirely different and you know it.

Can't you see that breast-feeding is being compared to going to the toilet, or even porn. It's being put on a par with the seedier human habits. "Indecent exposure" Good grief!

I've NEVER seen a woman in public bare her breast. But I'm sure I've passed by loads of women quietly feeding their baby. Do you all have shares in powdered milk, I wonder?

And you shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed anywhere you please... That's my opinion. I was using the example of if you don't like it don't look... Geez...

I actually do not think I have ever seen it either but it doesn't mean I don't have an opinion about it...

Shares in powered milk? Really? That's the best you got? :down:

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by wigit

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

So if you didn't see it it didn't happen? Okay so turn your head next time I take a leak in front of you...

See the double standard there...

But you can't just pish anywhere you please. It's a waste product and it stinks. That's why we have toilets, so we can all live together in harmony and not stench.

Feeding a baby is entirely different and you know it.

Can't you see that breast-feeding is being compared to going to the toilet, or even porn. It's being put on a par with the seedier human habits. "Indecent exposure" Good grief!

I've NEVER seen a woman in public bare her breast. But I'm sure I've passed by loads of women quietly feeding their baby. Do you all have shares in powdered milk, I wonder?

And you shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed anywhere you please... That's my opinion. I was using the example of if you don't like it don't look... Geez...

I actually do not think I have ever seen it either but it doesn't mean I don't have an opinion about it...

Shares in powered milk? Really? That's the best you got?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Osiris1953

So enlighten me on exactly what i missed then...

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by A-Dub
I almost want to blame this on religious moral issues.

When on this earth did seeing a human body part that we all have and have all seen many times, become disgusting and offensive to someone is beyond me. Its nature, get over it or dont look.

Perhaps everyone conveniently forgot Baby Jesus would have hung off his ma's boobies too...

Never saw that bit in the bible where the three wise men got shoo'd out of the stable by Joseph though.

"Thanks for the gold, frankincense and myrrh and all that, but sod off now, you aren't looking at Mary's nork's!!!"

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Nature intended for me to defecate, urinate, and wank off. Clearly I should be allowed to do so in public, even post pictures on facebook. Even ATS?

Some people think breastfeeding is "beautiful" and I get it.. some of us just think it's a woman pulling her tits out in public for no reason. But hey, just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:59 AM


posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

ha ha ha you're such a prude ....

I'm a pig, and I for one would love to see more bare breasted women ...

Hey at least I'm honest and in touch with myself.

Edit: they show bare naked breast of women on TV commercials in Europe - a least that's what I've heard. Oh and don't forget nude beaches. What's wrong with nudity again?
edit on 3-2-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Obscure Perception

wow... you just said that I could pee in front of you and it would not offend you...

"Oh I'm sorry sir. I did not see you peeing on the stone there. My apologies..."

"No problem. I'm almost done. Got a smoke?"

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

Nah, I'm not much for feeding trolls, so I think I'll leave it at that.

If you can't properly decipher a simple sentence or two, how the hell would I be able to help you now?

Cocky and clueless isn't a very appealing trait, you might want to work on that.

I'm done with this thread, goad someone else into your pointless rants.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by theubermensch

You can post that pic all you like and I still don't find it offensive or odd.
The woman is obviously somewhere like India and is making do with what she has to raise both her child and her families future food. Or did you suddenly forget how poor most of those people are?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

Last time humans were classified, we were still mammals. I have no problem taking care of my baby the way nature intended.

So by your admission, barn animals have the right to treat their young better then humans have a right to treat theirs, because you think humans should have to hide it
The fact that people find that it is ok to feed children chemical strewn, corn syrup laden formula to babies is more acceptable, made by corporate entitites, is even more obnoxious..

your really going to try and pull that card? Animals can do it in public so why can't we? Dogs have sex in public so does that mean I want an orgy on every corner? Nope.

Very bad example...

Oh did I strike a nerve with the wannabe troll? The fact that you try to claim it as a bad example and give a very weak counter arguement just goes to show that I am right and you don't have an answer.

I haven't seen dogs fornicate in public but when they do, people throw water on them.

You are trying to counterargue with the "well its natural too" argument but there are differences between what is natural.

First off, no animals fornicate under age till they are sexually mature. Which is why we have to hide sex, so children who are not sexually mature don't witness it,or the more sickening thought, get involved.Which is why most animals don't fornicate again till the young are out of the nest.
Unlike eating, which every living thing on the planet does from the moment it is born, and is very routine.

if you can't seperate your natural actions, such as the difference between eating and fornicating, again, you can count yourself among the confused and bitter.

There are other natural things we don't do, like eating in bathrooms(you shouldn't anyways). or incest (sex is natural, right?why stop at those barriers?)
And there are plenty of things that are natural that we do do in public. Walking, swimming, talking, playing, and sports, that is not defined by age.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Garfee
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

What's the difference between a man shirtless and a woman shirtless? Why only offended by one?

To start with the woman has private parts above the waist and the man does not... Do you tell your wife/daughter to run around town without a top? Of course not... but we aren't talking about the exposure of women.

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BREASTFEEDING IN PUBLIC... Get on point or find a new thread...

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