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Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Teeky

Heck I'm starting to believe that our leaders arent even human.

Now as off the wall as that statement sounds, and that's a statement a few years ago would have landed you in a padded cell with a straight may possibly (notice I said possibly because I don't absolutely know for sure) you may possibly be right.

It almost seems like every square inch of our planet is being reconfigured, re-terraformed.

Again, watch the movie with Charlie Sheen, "The Arrival".

Yep, sounds crazy but than if you had told someone two hundred years ago we could fly from New York to England in about eight hours they would not have believed you.

BP oil gusher (was never a spill), CorExit sprayed on top of the oil (highly toxic), HAARP (and we don't totally know what HAARP is capable of), cutting down all our trees, a plastic island bigger than the state of Texas floating around in the Pacific, CO2 increasing while O2 decreasing (which isn't good), our atmosphere is being compromised daily, and on and on it just keeps getting worse.

Man's stupidity and greed or maybe, just maybe something else????

There was a book out called, "Thanks For The Memories" by Brice Taylor (aka: Susan Ford) where in she states that Bush Sr. told her, he as most leaders now in control of our planet are not human.

Not kidding, read the book - you can get it free here: (press download in the dark blue box to your right)...........tried it a few minutes ago and it works but hurry if you want the book, because free stuff seems to be deleted quickly now.
edit on 12-2-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:42 PM
Thanks for posting, least some of us can read it and spread this information.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 08:42 PM
The house of cards is about is tall as it can be. Get ready for the collapse.
I would fully recommend stocking up on rat traps. Rats will do well out of what's coming, and they'll provide you with a source of food that'll keep you and your loved ones alive.
Be smart. You might not like the idea now, but you'll appreciate it when the crunch comes.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Thanks for the book recommendation. I will check it out for sure.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by aethron

Good idea, rats are plentiful - but I'm a vegetarian

Reminds me of the movie "Demolition Man" really good movie.......when they go underneath into the city below the city and have a rat burger.

It's in Spanish, only one I could find but you get the idea..........fantastico "fantastic"

God, had to laugh at your post, reminded me of this scene. Anyone find it in English post it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Teeky

If just 1% of her book is true we are in really deep doo doo.

Now, Ms. Ford names, names............Prince Charles, Bush Sr., Prince Andrews, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Walt Disney
, Bob Hope, etc

And again, not one of them has taken her to court on slander...........either she is loony as a goon or they figure by ignoring her it a go away.

Now simply ask yourself, odds are odds, seems like sometimes the odds are in your favor - in the case of our planet lately, no the odds seem strangely bent towards endless struggle (for most), war, famine, and possible destruction of life as we now know it.

Very crazy and wild read, you won't be bored.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 07:51 PM
Thank God I live in the Midwestern United States!

Japan along with California will be glowing for centuries to come.


posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 08:12 PM
Although common sense tells me that even 300+ tons of radioactive waste dumped into the Pacific ocean will decay to natural ambient levels over time, people will still think otherwise. The radioactivity is initially concentrated to the point that natural flora and fauna within the Epipelagic & Mesopelagic zones where most aquatic marine life is found will have to die off and adapt to the radioactivity like they have for eons.

The oceans of the world are naturally radioactive and the Pacific will assist with the decay and breakdown of the waste over time. The sparsely dispersed heavy water molecules found in sea water will act to attenuate any harmful radiation from the atmosphere

Just stay away from ANY AND ALL Pacific migratory fish species and you should be good.

* for those who are fear prone it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for the Pacific ocean to be lost. Do you know how much water is in the oceans? If you use a little math and common sense you would know that the oceans regenerate at a much faster rate than us humans could pollute them with our wastes(both natural and man-made), plastics, solvents, fuels and refined radioactive elements combined!

So no...the Pacific is NOT LOST. The natural regenerative cycle of the world's oceans will ensure that!

edit on 14-2-2012 by maestromason because: * addition

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by maestromason
* for those who are fear prone it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for the Pacific ocean to be lost. Do you know how much water is in the oceans? If you use a little math and common sense you would know that the oceans regenerate at a much faster rate than us humans could pollute them with our wastes(both natural and man-made), plastics, solvents, fuels and refined radioactive elements combined!

So no...the Pacific is NOT LOST. The natural regenerative cycle of the world's oceans will ensure that!

Could you then explain why the coral reefs are dying?

Coral reefs face many threats. Some are natural stresses, such as hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, earthquakes, or plagues of coral-eating predators like the crown of thorns starfish, about which we can do little. These stresses usually are very episodic or irregular in both space and time, and really healthy reefs will recover from them over time. In a completely different category are the human caused stresses to reefs. These stresses are persistent and constantly intensifying.

Coral reefs cannot recover from such ever-present, worsening stresses. The end result of this human-impacted stress is that reefs now have trouble recovering from natural stresses (such as hurricanes) which they otherwise would be able to bounce back from. The causes, effects, and solutions to human-caused stresses are all well understood.

Carcinogens found in marine life in island of Vieques in Puerto Rico
Published on Saturday, February 21, 2009
By María Miranda Sierra
Caribbean Net News Puerto Rico Correspondent
Email: [email protected]
VIEQUES, Puerto Rico: After gathering samples from an underwater nuclear bomb target – the USS Killen — since 1999 in the small island of Vieques in Puerto Rico, University of Georgia Ecologist James Porter thought he would find evidence of radioactive material but instead discovered that unexploded munitions in the waters around the island are leaking cancer causing matter. These carcinogenic materials are absorbed by marine life and could very well be transferred to humans when they eat seafood, fished in the area.

ST. LOUIS—Parasites from cat feces are causing deadly brain damage in California sea otters. A combination of toxic chemicals and herpes virus is killing off California sea lions. And toxic algae blooms are contributing to record manatee deaths in Florida. All of these animals live near coastlines, spending a majority of their lives in the same waters people swim and surf in. Their daily cuisines consist of the same foods we serve up in clam shacks and fine seafood restaurants. The difference between humans and these animals, says NOAA spokesperson Paul Sandifer, is that the animals deal with the ocean conditions, good or bad, full time. People can pick and choose when to go into the water and what to eat.

People who have your attitude are naïve. Maybe they are trying to justify the atrocities of mankind to the earth, I don’t know. There are permanent affects to the earth from our misdeeds. Regardless of whether I am right or not, your statement doesn’t give us a carte blanc to destroy mother nature, which unfortunately, many think it does.

edit on 14-2-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 12:07 AM
This is just a catastrophe which unfortunately i believe is far from over. May my prayers and meditations go out to the Japan and the whole west coast!

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